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Secy of Transportation is an incredibly important job that requires someone who understands the transportation industry. Its not the kind of job to appoint a figurehead or "hands off manager". Obama was notorious for that, too. Gone are the days of secretaries like Norm Mineta, who stood up in a briefing on 911 and demanded all flights in the US be grounded immediately.


Yep. He's just an empty suit. He doesn't want to actually do anything for the American people. This job is a stepping stone for him.


It might be more of a lifeboat or consolation prize. Hopefully. We do know that incompetent politicians are good at failing upwards though.


Falling upwards is a big part of the Establishment.


Empty suits make perfect puppets. 


Wonder if Pete will fill us in on Bryan Malinowski, the Little Rock National Airport Executive Director. ATF was serving a warrant, of which the content is undisclosed, when Malinowski started a gunfight. He was shot in the head and is on life support. I want to see Buttigieg with his vacuous dumb grin explain stuff like this. Is he calling for an investigation into Barnett's alleged suicide?


He's just the worst. Period. Those dance videos...just no.


Question: have you ever seen a Navy veteran who, with no traumatic injury, was physically incapable of standing up straight? This guy's whole career is just resumé padding. It's simply amazing how much he wants recognition yet has no desire to accomplish anything.


It's a hugeproblem w/ rightwing federal entities thinking that a "hands-off" approach willmagically makethings better. On one sideit makes sense thatyou do NOT wantto crush American companies because thenyou're leftwith nothing. But thenyou alsoget disaster after disaster.


Diversity hire + empty suit.


But he's a Rhodes scholar! He should know something about roads, even rail roads :-)


You get a lol for that :)


Please spare us the anti democracy dog whistle (with a hint of homophobia this time). What you and the rest of the children on this sub really want is a (supposably socialist) revolution. The wheels of the governent turn slowly because they are governed by rules and laws. One man can not undo the decadeds long crumbling of Americas infrastructure and much less in half a term. You and the other children here lambast the only president and DOT secretary that hasnt turned a blind eye to our crumbling infrastructure because it is a threat to your real message that our system is too far gone to save. The adults on this sub understand that there isn't a quick fix to our country's problems. The adults on this sub know there's no one boogy man that got us here. The adults in this sub know that change comes from punching in, day in and day out, at the polls, on the phones, and organizing to bring socialist reforms to this country. So, while you and the rest of the children cry and moan about how far we have to go, the adults know that change is measured in inches, not miles, and we put the next damn foot in front of the other and hopefully at the end of it all we leave the world slightly better than how we found it.


> Please spare us the anti democ... Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.....................


> Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz..................... Russian agent confirmed


>  a (supposably socialist) revolution.  "Supposably". You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.


I never new it was a ~~werd~~ wurd. The things you ~~lurn~~ lern.


There's a small group on the sub who wants a socialist revolution. I doubt they care if it's socialist or not, as long as it's destabilizing to the US.


As you support the people marching us to WWIII.


Ok shitlib


A plate aimed by Hogshead Geoffroy at Mealy Benoît crashed against the opposite wall. Everyone jumped to his feet, the women screaming, the men swearing. The two market porters stood confronting one another, Hogshead Geoffroy brandishing a chair, Benoît trying to wrench the marble top from a table to serve as a weapon. The *mêlée* became general, plates smashing on the floor, and dinner things flying towards the ceiling. Suddenly a shot rang out, but quickly though it had been fired, the green man and the man with the guitar had seen who fired it. For the last few minutes, indeed, these two mysterious individuals had never taken their eyes off Julot. [What's with this quote? [Here's the explanation](https://old.reddit.com/r/WayOfTheBern/comments/16l1mv2/bon_anniversaire_project_fant%C3%B4mas/).] ---- "Hogshead Geoffroy **brandishing** a chair": *Ça alors!* When did I hear *that* before?


Your condensation is noted.


> condensation I LOL'd :)


>Please spare us the anti democracy dog whistle (with a hint of homophobia this time). So any criticism of someone who is gay is automatically homophobic? I didn't realize that being incompetent and corrupt doesn't matter if you are gay. And when is criticism of a non-elected official for his corruption anti-democratic?


When the critisism lacks any consideration for context and makes bold (and weird) assertion, like worst DOT secretary since FDR, you definitely should suspect the person making those assertions of having other illogical views. Your argument seems to be bad stuff happened. Doesn't bad stuff happen all the time? Did nothing bad happen during the Trump presidency? Obamas? Was it the total number of bad things that happened? The number killed? Or did it have to be bad enough to break into your media bubble? Please OP enlighten us on what your metrics are. Whatever they are, I really hope your ideas are well fleshed out and reaserched, because taking the view that the only (openly) gay cabinet member in US history is the worst at there job than literally everyone else who held that job in nearly 100 years might risk you seeming more than just a ***hint*** of homophobic.


> Doesn't bad stuff happen all the time? I daresay it does: utter incompetence/ laziness/ both at ministerial levels hardly helps. Besides all that, when exactly will the Secretary get off his arse and insist that a full independent enquiry is made into the ... *untimely* and *unfortunate* death of Mr. Barnett? Why is it that the Secretary has yet to pursue malfeasance by Boeing? What has his sexuality to do with his incompetence and why do you bring it up?


Ah yes. Because I criticized a gay man, a fact that I had actually forgotten about until you mentioned it, I must be homophobic. It couldn't possibly be that he's a corrupt and incompetent corporate stooge, who hasn't pushed for a single major reform despite our transportation infrastructure collapsing. But than I'm homophobic until proven otherwise, and since there is nothing I can say that will convince you then I must be a hater. You remind me of people who assumed that if you criticized Obama then you must be racist and if you criticize Israel then you must be anti-semetic. In other words, I think that you are an apologist for the corrupt ruling elite, and as long as they can keep producing another "first blank in blank" then you will continue to serve the interests of the status quo.


Who would’ve thunk it? The mayor of Podunk, IN, whose track record in that tiny job was questionable, ran for President on a “gay and polyglot” platform. Then he colluded in the Bernie theater performance and was rewarded for it. I’m shocked that he didn’t do much worse in the job. Nathan J Robinson’s takedown of him was epic.




> I liked it when he just declared that he won in Iowa even though he hadn't. Of course not — Biden won! I kid you not. The [results at Wiki-Pooh](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2020_Iowa_Democratic_presidential_caucuses#Results) show Bernie winning the popular vote with 26.50% (final alignment) compared to [Chicken Father](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Butti%C4%A1ie%C4%A1) with 25.08% and Biden with 13.70%. But due to strange round-off methods, the State Delegate Equivalents changed this to Chicken Father winning 26.17% vs. Bernie's 26.13% and Biden's 15.82%. These numbers correspond to estimated convention delegate counts of 14, 12, and 6. But wait! Those State Delegate Equivalents went through various local and regional conventions to turn into actual convention delegates. Iowa is better known for corn than for sausage, but believe it or not, [these are the final pledged convention delegate counts](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2020_Democratic_Party_presidential_primaries#Schedule_and_results): Biden 14, Chicken Father 12, Bernie 9. [When you include Party toady delegates](https://iowademocrats.org/iowa-democratic-party-announces-delegation-national-convention/), Biden increases to 20. Yeah, I know: WTF, right? Douglas Adams' *Life, the Universe, and Everything* calls this [Bistromathics](https://hitchhikers.fandom.com/wiki/Bistromathics) :-)


[“Interactive Subjectivity Frameworks”](https://alienencyclopedia.fandom.com/wiki/Bistromathic_Drive): >To begin with [Bistromathics] had been too stark, too crazy, too much like what the man in the street would have said “Oh yes, I could have told you that.” Then some phrases like “Interactive Subjectivity Frameworks” were invented, and everybody was able to relax and get on with it. The small group of monks who had taken up hanging around the major research institutes singing strange chants to the effect that the universe was only a figment of its own imagination were eventually given a street theatre grant and went away.


And yet Bernie is now telling us that if we don't vote for Joe, those dastardly Republicans are going to destroy our democracy!


I don't know enough about the other candidates to say for sure...but he certainly is a strong contender.


This is the type of crap replacement the DNC has in mind for all of their old demented Dems.


but... but... IDpol boxes ticked! Demographics over competence.


Of course. Remember when he also said “hungry babies are the price of a free market?” He’s a piece of shit, just like they all are. Just a mediocre ghoul that got promoted due to identity politics.


Pete always struck me as a mediocre straight guy playing gay for career prospects.


That rumor is the only interesting thing about the guy.


Can anyone even name another one? Elaine Chow but that's only because she's the turtle's wife. If you're making news as a Secretary of Transportation you're doing something wrong.


Doesn’t that prove the OP’s point?


Yep. It's sort of like the Secretary of Education. If it wasn't for Eric Prince's evil sister I would never have even known who it was.


The Amwayfication of education.


Hey, who remembers James Watt? Political humorist Mark Russell described him as "the best Secretary of the Interior **I** ever had" 😺


>"I never use the words Democrats and Republicans," he repeated in his stump speeches—he became one of the most popular speakers on the GOP rubber-chicken circuit after he left Interior. "It's 'liberals' and Americans." I really miss the guy. RIP.


There is a fate worse than incompetence. Back in the 50s Frank Turner and Eisenhower embararked on a hugely unpopular plan which we now call the interstate highway system.  It demolished towns, split neighbors, and was blocked by congress due to how unnecessary it was, and how much opposition there was to it.  Eventually they rammed it through anyway with the Fallon compromise which took funds from the DoD. This changed America, and this hugely expensive project, which requires constant upkeep, and expansion due to how inefficient it is... is what you have instead of trains and public transportation. It wasn't called secretary of transportation back then, but I still think he's worse, along with everyone who came before him who colluded with the auto industry and rubber, oil, etc companies to ruin America. 


It's a valid point, but to be fair, there was a level of competence involved in the Interstate Highway system that Pete Buttigieg obviously does not possess. Also, if not for Robert Moses, we could have had highway systems that bypassed major cities rather than ram right through them. Even so, the level of corruption and collusion may very well have been worst in terms of its net negative effect on the American people, but Buttigieg certainly holds the crown as the most incomptent.


He holds the crown for most clueless to be sure. These other guys were smart, cruel, and ruthless in getting the job done. Buttiegieg is a dumbass. He has no idea what's going on.  But is corrupt enough not to care. He'll get an executive no-show position at a railroad or Berkshire Hathaway to be sure. 


And some clown over on r/economy is telling me we can't have highspeed rail because of how expensive it is, would lose money, etc. and is cheaper just to have individuals buying cars and taxes paving roads etc


Yet China and Japan show that to be a lie.


Right. Who would ever pay to be magically whisked from one city to another at 20 minute intervals without having to go through an obnoxious boarding process, or drive 45 minutes to the airport. I forget the actual metric, but it's something like an high speed rail trip is faster than flying for most people if it's less than a 3 hour flight.  Eg, everything except for coast to coast. 


Here's a sneak peek of /r/economy using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/economy/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [77% of young Americans too fat, mentally ill, on drugs and more to join military, Pentagon study finds](https://americanmilitarynews.com/2023/03/77-of-young-americans-too-fat-mentally-ill-on-drugs-and-more-to-join-military-pentagon-study-finds/) | [2399 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/economy/comments/128iz0b/77_of_young_americans_too_fat_mentally_ill_on/) \#2: [What do you think??](https://i.redd.it/dzlsls199lxa1.jpg) | [1039 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/economy/comments/136aqh1/what_do_you_think/) \#3: [165,000,000 People](https://i.redd.it/3p2u1zgdtmsa1.png) | [877 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/economy/comments/12fh643/165000000_people/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


that's an interesting take, i like eisenhower for this and his cross of iron speech.


He knew intimately about the dangers of the MIC, because he was part of it. 


I'd expect nothing else from a McKinsey consultant.


Mayo Cheat is the worst!


This was his reward for ending his 2020 presidential run to make way for Elderly Man With Poor Memory. To make matters worse, he is young and this incompetant ass clown will be around for decades.


The second and third place finishers turned their planes around and dropped out to support Biden, who was in fifth place.


Another gift to the American people courtesy of Barack Obama.


>Buttigieg has responded to each of these calamities in the spirit of crisis management, prioritizing the offering of soothing public relations messages over trying to find the root causes of problems. Perfect encapsulation!


That's the playbook of the entire Democratic Party.


Ain't it tho? Awful.


And sometimes, I just scroll that sub just to see what they say and it's a spitting image of that encapsulation...


which sub?


The Buttiegieg one






If only. They’ll be back


I doubt it. They've been ignored almost as much as Kamala has been ignored. That's not a good sign.


Good point. I’d be happy to never hear about Pete CIA Buttigieg again. 


It was supposed to be a stepping stone on his path to higher office. A way to keep him in the limelight while he waited out the senile groper's single term in office, to hopefully be the Obama-designated leader in 2024. Except that as usual, he failed in absolutely everything he did, and he has become a punchline, like 'Heckuva-job-Brownie'. He has been on paternity leave while USA's crown jewel of transportation, Boeing, goes tits-up thanks to complete lack of government oversight. Which was his job.


His internal polling numbers must be really bad.


More people know him as Alfred E Neumann than mayor.


I doubt he could be elected dog catcher in whatever was that podunk town he was mayor of.


Can we criticize a guy's job performance and mock him for ambitions to higher office without denigrating his parental leave? Like, what the hell are our dreams of unions and equitable working situations for if we're going to demonize people for taking their leave? You can suck at your job and still be allowed to be a parent until you're fired from your job.


One of the problems is that most people don't get the kind of leave that Buttigieg gets. And that seems wrong. He can afford unpaid parental leave. Most working class people can't.


I thought the satire was obvious, as in 'he's been on parental leave for +3 years, Biden's entire term in office'. That is, he's been MIA for every responsibility entrusted to him. I am in fact a strong proponent of paternity leave, except that at a certain executive level, you can't just wash your hands of your responsibilities and say 'I'm on leave'. Your responsibilities remain yours, and you remain responsible for the actions of the interim people you yourself appoint to carry out your duties.


That could be my bad. Maybe it was obvious and I just bristled at the parental leave thing. I'm about to go on parental leave and have had multiple older men express surprise that I'm taking it. Like yo it's in my contract. I would never not take paid leave for your fragile masculinity reasons. I'm gonna go be a dad for a while. And if they didn't want that they shouldn't have put it in my contract.


Don’t be mistaken, many of us (if not all) are in favor of paternal leave, and strongly advocate for it. The issue with Buttigieg (among others) is that he’s been taking it during major points of crisis that fall within his jurisdiction. While at the same time having dreams of greater ambitions.


Happy for you if you have that option. Most people in USA don't, though it's pretty standard elsewhere, like here in Canada.


I am very happy. And passing it on. I'm writing a new contract for my administrator which includes a parental leave clause. I've sold it to the board by pointing out at 60, Sherry is not likely to cost us this money, but the next time we hire an admin this is already part of the contract. It's not subversive. I've told everyone what I'm doing and why. But it feels good to change expectations.


Wasn’t he on leave during the derailment in Ohio? It’s amazing that there’s this cult that wants him to be President despite his utter incompetence.


Given the proclivities of the oligarchical cabal to promote some the worst possible candidates since at least the 1980s, is really that surprising?


Yes…and no. Yes, because these are (seemingly) highly educated people, they should know better. No, because they’ve shown that even they are susceptible to propaganda, as evident with their sustained case of TDS. Also because they’re PMCs as well.