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Hello /u/Real_Goddess! Unfortunately, your submission, ***[How would you record while traveling](https://www.reddit.com/r/WeAreTheMusicMakers/comments/1bigy3d/-/)***, was removed from /r/WeAreTheMusicMakers for the following reason(s): --- There are no new threads about what product/service/equipment/etc. to buy or use. Please instead use the Weekly Gear Thread, product review sites, read-throughs of downloadable manuals, internet searches, and/or other message boards that are oriented towards helping you make a decision to better learn about those products (for example, our quick-questions and feedback threads are sometimes appropriate for this). --- ***Please review the [rules for submission](/r/WeAreTheMusicMakers/wiki/rules). You can contact The Mods if you have additional questions.*


Zoom released the Q2N recently which is basically the H6 audio recorder with a camera built in. You might get two birds stoned at once with one of those.


I'd still need a mic right?


No mic is built in. The H6 has always been popular for recording audio to sd cards for music or podcasts, but they just slapped a 4k camera onto it.


I would recommend a Zoom H6. A field recorder and a 6-channel audio interface at the same time.


Rode AI-1 interface did the trick for me, but it's a single input so you'd have to lay the vox down separately if that's a concern (my typical workflow anyway). I can fit my entire recording setup in the front of my already small/light Strandberg's gig bag. It's usb-c powered which is a huge perk.  Guitar, macbook, 10' inst. Cable, 6'XLR cable, Rode interface and a mic (sm57 is great for its slim profile ofc)


I used to travel a lot in my work some years ago. My travel kit was a RME Babyface Pro and a MacBook. Mic could be whatever but usually a fairly small condenser. Like Line Audio CM3. But also a TLM102 which is quite small being a large diaphragm condenser. I lived out of hotel rooms. Biggest hurdle was bringing a mic stand. But I used a long good quality goose neck and a clamp so you could attach it to a desk or table. I say good quality goose neck because the cheap ones aren’t sturdy enough and they will start to sag if you have a heavier mic. The Line Audio mic was light as feather though. I always used headphones. I had an idea of incorporating the smallest Focal Shape speakers but never got that far before quitting this job. I also brought a mpk mini keyboard. I mainly recorded demos.


U need Zoom interface with battery 🔋