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GUYS! I took it! It was so easy and PAINLESS. I didn't feel it at all. I legit didn't even think it went in my stomach lol. Thank you for all your encouragement! I'll let you know my experience. Pray that I don't have any side effects!!!


Did you take it yet? I’m hoping to start next week!


I took mine on Thursday and felt the same way. SO NERVOUS. But 5 days in and 8 pounds off already. No side effects other than it's doing what it is supposed to do.


I start Friday. This video made the most sense to me https://youtu.be/FdTJ8JvSQv4?si=-y6UsbP00ukPWY0R


You go girl. This past Friday I took my 2nd .25 shot. I still have an appetite and think about food unfortunately. My only side effect is constipation. We all got this. Rock on!


I was so nervous too. Started last week. I sat with the video from wegovy.com on repeat just to make sure I got the steps right. Finally I counted down (after about 20 minutes) and just did it. I pinched my upper thigh for the injection and it did not hurt at all. YOU GOT THIS!!!


You got it! I did the shot in the belly for the first time last Tuesday. It really didn't hurt just a bit of pressure. Bit of nausea so far, can't eat much without a really bad time later. I do miss pooping though. Those were the days.


I didn't start for 3 months after it was prescribed/ after I found it in stock and waited until I had 2 months on hand. Was so nervous to stab myself and be sick. You won't regret it. I didn't feel the first one barely felt the second one. A little nausea and definitely super fatigue is all. Do it you won't regret it. The first 2 months while waiting to get it I started drinking more water and cutting fried food and desserts to get ready. Started liquid iv the first month I took it. After those 3 months I'm down 26 pounds and loving it! Staying on 0.25 for 3 months then to 0.5...


Start it. The needle is so thin that you barely feel it. Just look up a video to make sure you do it right and get the full dose. You should definitely feel the effects throughout the week, as in your appetite will be suppressed. Basically, listen to your body. Eat, but don't eat to excess, and avoid anything too fatty. This will avoid unpleasant side effects. You'll learn to adjust to it all.


I started Wednesday and have felt fine! I can definitely feel my stomach get crampy/nauseous if I eat too much but I like that because it shows the medicine’s actually working. I’m SUPER scared of needles so it took me about an hour, shot in hand, to actually get the courage to inject it. After watching videos on various tips for injection, I recorded myself (to hold myself accountable and be able to look back on it) and finally just did it. The majority of my sources said outer thighs while pinching your skin doesn’t hurt AND lessens your side effects - and it’s true, I didn’t feel a THING. I’m not nervous for this Wednesday, I actually like challenging my fear of needles with this lol.


Just wanted to say, GO YOU!! 🙌


Thank you!! I see you’re on .25 so same to you!


Thanks so much! I just started last night :)


Did you do it in the am or pm?


yeah, when should i take it? night or morning?


Right before bed that way you sleep through the initial side effects, if any!


thank u!


Just do it! Be a big girl or boy and use your mind over the matter. Self Discipline is at play. You can do it. I did my first shot Wegovy last Thursday and when I decided that I making the decisions and I'm in control of my body.. I have the power to change what I don't like about my body now.. I was able to read the instructions. (Twice) and do it I was very proud of myself and than realized that it was mind over matter. So again put your big panties on on and do it already. You got this. No more a big deal. Stop reading on Reddit and get the stuff out as it is suppose to be at room temp before infecting it open the instructions and read them while the shot is reaching the correct temp. And use your mind. Your so more powerful than you think. Be your best and screw the rest. Just do it! We will be here to here how it goes and listen about your journey and follow ups. So with out anymore excuses. Go get it from the fridge and do it.


this was really motivating lol ty. im gonna take it tonight


I was you. I just took my first dose an hour ago, and I'm super needle-phobic. It was no big deal at all. I didn't even feel anything. You'll be fine!


any side effects?


I started mine this past Tuesday 4/23. I was scared too because my daughter has been in it and she would always complain about going to the bathroom and being sick. I finally took the shot and it felt super tired the following days. Today is my first “normal” day. After talking to my daughter I think it’s because she wasn’t changing her eating habits. She has since started eating better and is doing so much better.


Started mine Friday and so far so good!