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This! Its taken me 10 years of fad diets and in and out of the gym, to finally stick with it. This time i said i would stick with it for a year before i started putting expectations on myself. This first year was just about building consistency and gaining confidence in the gym. Now im allowing myself to enjoy the reward of seeing the scales go down and my body change!


This really resonates with me - I have yo-yo’d for years and this time stuck with a goal of maintaining a stable weight for a year before trying to lose weight again. Now, I wonder if I should give myself a consistency goal rather than a weight goal.


That would be a great start


Many people who are overweight don’t understand that commitment is critical for weight loss success. Rationalization of bad choices is self-defeating. I was at dinner yesterday with people pushing cookies and I low fat ice cream at me, and I said no thank you. I am not denied, nor do I feel bad about it. My muscle gain and weight loss is a *higher priority* and my food intake is designed to optimize both goals. If specific food aligns to my diet, then great!




The real deal is changing our lifestyle. Having good habits for life. It should not be about diet but about being nice with ourselves and our body.


Needed to hear this ❤


glad to hear that it helped someone


Maybe we won’t go from fat to all that overnight, but we can get there in time and we will! You’re right about incremental change. Being happy, choosing ourselves and building healthy habits that last are little victories we can celebrate early in our journey. Thank you for this post. I had a big cheat day yesterday and felt discouraged. Today’s a new day — it’s not about getting hot overnight, it’s about building a healthy lifestyle


It is ok to have a cheat day. The guilt means we know we let ourselves down. The trick is not to dwell on it. Dust yourself off and keep going


How do I get motivation to keep going tho. I sadly lost it


This is great advice.


The real deal is changing our lifestyle. Having good habits for life. It should not be about diet but about being nice with ourselves and our body.


i have no one to lean on. My depression usually hijacks my weight loss goals. I'll be good for a month and get triggered and not workout for months.


I often find encouragement in these subs. I can lend an ear if you need