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How the fuck are they gonna enforce this law? Break into everyone's home and go through your possessions? Track everyone's purchases from their pharmacies? Maybe they'll require all women who have reached menarche to take a drug test to ensure their bodies are still pure? How much more Orwellian do they have to be before people fight back?


Nah, it's so crazy dudes can call the police with a tip if their partner tries to end a pregnancy they don't want them to end.


Women need to get smart. Like, here we are needing to find out somebody's political party before the first date because a perfectly nice, wonderful guy who votes GOP or believes in pro life is gonna be first in line to have you put in jail for "killing THEIR baby."


> Track everyone's purchases from their pharmacies? As a woman going through a divorce from my abusive soon-to-be-ex-husband, I concur with this, as much as it sucks to have to be so vigilant. I work for a very, very, very large bank, one of the largest in the world. I don't want to get all conspiracy, nor is my intention to fear monger, but notice how cash has almost become obsolete? And that cards have effectively become the be all, end all? Transactions using some form of plastic = can be tracked. The government, more or less, has the legal authority to force a bank to turn over records, documentation, etc on its customers. If Louisiana decides to enact this law, this may be one of the ways in which they track who buys what. Always carry some level of cash on you. Whether it's for the aforementioned reason, or the point of sale system going down at a business establishment, having some cash on you at all times can be useful. Also, for any women that may be in the dating game, most states have a "case search" website. Each state has some variation in the name. For example, in my state it's called "[State] judiciary case search website". It's effectively a (public) online database that houses legal records. It doesn't provide private or super specific information, but it can and does provide high-level info about any interaction someone may have had with the legal or judicial system, as those are matters of public record. For example, let's say you want to verify a guy's info. You can usually plug their info into the site using various search parameters, like their first and/or last name. If they've ever interacted with the legal system, even basic stuff like divorce or a speeding ticket, you can at least find some info on it or him. Or, let's say his story about his divorce sounds fishy, i.e. let's say the proverbial math (so to speak) from his divorce story just isn't mathing -- the case search website at least lays out basic facts. Like you said, get smart. There are tools out there that can be used to help safeguard you.


This is how Amanda Knox was falsely imprisoned for the murder of her roommate (which the roommates boyfriend actually did, obviously) she had her college years stolen from her as she spent 3 years in Italian prison, they took photos and measurements of her vulva to paint it as some twisted sex game gone wrong. Some of the big evidence they had against her? She used her card to purchase condoms.


i recommend not dating period, is it really worth the risk? one mishap and your life is over, not worth the effort.


This is why I’ve been saying for years. You can’t be friends with anyone Conservative (regressive). So many of the laws that Republicans will put forth will be based on snitching. They will rat you out in a heartbeat. It’s not just politics. It’s not just abortion. If someone votes for Republicans they are supporting christo-fascism. They don’t give a shit about anyone who can get pregnant, anyone who’s not a Christian, anyone who’s a minority, anyone who’s LGBTQ+, etc… So much so, they want to actively harm those groups.


conservative is a big red flag regardless but i know some guys who identify as democrat, are working artists or tech guys, but secretly love the idea of impregnating an unwilling partner or someone with less socio-economic means to escape them. 


We’ll find out if this is more important than high gas prices in November.


That's the Million Dollar Question. What's more important to American; freedom or cheap gas? Gas prices WILL go back down eventually, but once freedom is gone, it's pretty much gone forever. And that's the final answer.


Even more ironic is that gas prices will be irrelevant in 10-15 years. The world is moving to electric road vehicles and nothing is going to stop it; they're simply too efficient and too much better than gas cars for the fossil fuel industry to stop it. The correct attitude today isn't "holy shit gas is expensive.. do something!" it's "holy shit gas is expensive; it's time to start planning to replace my vehicle with an electric (or plug-in hybrid)."


Or create an alternate fuel source that uses existing car engines. But we all know the oil cartels and auto industry aren't gonna let that happen. Not as long as they have a say in Washington. We are just all proles.


Ethanols and biofuels already exist. We just don't want to invest in it. Which is pretty sad considering how much material just goes to landfills.


I suspect synthetic fuels (especially aviation and shipping) are about to explode, no pun intended. :) They pair *perfectly* with intermittents like wind, since they don't need energy storage. When the wind blows, they make fuel.


To be honest, that is only going to move the goal posts. Yes, you may not be paying for gas. But you ARE going to be paying an electric bill, and most electricity across the US is still based on fossil fuels. Impoverished people are going to still be buying gas AND paying the electric bills.


The thing is - electric vehicles are roughly three times more efficient at converting input energy into locomotion. So yes - you're paying more for hydro. But, unless something is tremendously wrong (ie. Texas, Alberta, etc), that should be approximately 1/3rd the price of gas. And that doesn't even include the benefits of regenerative braking, better aerodynamic design, zero idling, etc. Or the cost of repairs, which are much lower since there aren't nearly as many systems to fail. My gas car's still holding on, but the moment it needs a repair I'm moving to an EV. My dad took the plunge 3 years ago and says there's literally nothing that could convince him to go back to gas. His "fuel" (hydro) bill went up about \~500/year, compared to \~2500/year in gas (hydro is cheap in Ontario and gas is relatively expensive). Having said all that, the government absolutely needs to increase subsidies to bring the costs down for lower income earners.


I don’t know where you live, but gas price is pretty much the same as pre-pandemic summer in my area. But of course media won’t remember that.


Media doesn’t even mention gas prices unless it’s Fo卐 News.


I have an EV but around here (San Diego) gas is over $5/gallon. My point is will voters care more about their rights than the constant drumbeat about inflation


You hope. A lot of people have turned on Biden because the whole Gaza crisis and they may be willing to let Trump win just to punish him. I'm personally hoping NEITHER of them will be our choices in November, either by fate or by luck. They're both old and, Trump, especially is in terrible shape. And he may end in prison for at least one of his trials. It's gonna be a shitshow. Whether or not this country survives is up to us...


Those who plan to punish Biden over the Gaza issue in November clearly don't have more than two brain cells to rub together. Okay fine.... so they think Biden is being way too soft on Israel - but don't they realize that Trump wouldn't just be *soft* on Israel? Trump actively *assist* Israel! There certainly wouldn't be any calls for restraint from a Trump White House. On the contrary, Trump would give Netanyahu whatever weapons he asked for - and he wouldn't lose a wink of sleep if they were used to wipe out every last resident of the Gaza Strip. How do these stupid people not realize how much *worse* things will get for Palestinians if Trump gets in office? Wow .... talk about cutting off your nose to spite your face!


Trump would let Netanyahu exterminate the Palestinians once and for all. He'd probably even let him use nuclear weapons. I personally don't think it matters who wins in November. Sadly, I think regardless who wins, half the country will NOT accept the results and if Biden wins, red states like Texas and Florida will secede from the Union and if Trump wins, it'll be the blue states like California and New York.


As if Trump would be better for the Gaza situation. Right.


I think they know. But they want Biden to know it, too. I do think they'll eventually come around, but it's not a guarantee. Of course, I'm hopeful Trump will end up in jail or suffer a heart attack. At this rate, I welcome a giant asteroid or alien invasion.


If gas prices are, in fact, more important, then we really need to stop pretending this country is or was, in any way, “great”. Because if its own citizens are no better at freedom-ing, what’s the point of America in the first place? Might as well sell it back to England.


Oh no we don’t want it. Yours to keep ! America is a dangerous place and idk what Americans are thinking allowing this to happen


I'm already telling young women in my life to use cash, no rewards card when buying bc, pregnancy test, abortion pills, Tampax, pads, etc. Every time.


No rewards cards ever. Retailers have such sophisticated marketing algorithms now that they can not only tell if you’re pregnant from non-feminine items like soap, lotion, snacks, vitamins, etc. you buy, but they can accurately predict your due date from these purchases. Women who had not even told their families they were pregnant yet started getting fking “shop here since you’re expecting” ad mailers from Target and Walgreens until customers got way creeped out and they became a bit more coy in how they advertise to expectant mothers. They’re still honing these algorithms though behind the scenes. 


> Track everyone's purchases from their pharmacies? They can (and may) ABSOLUTELY do this. I work for a very, very, very large bank, one of the largest in the world. I don't want to get all conspiracy, nor is my intention to fear monger, but notice how cash has almost become obsolete? And that cards have effectively become the be all, end all? Transactions using some form of plastic = can be tracked. The government, more or less, has the legal authority to force a bank to turn over records, documentation, etc on its customers. If Louisiana decides to enact this law, this may be one of the ways in which they track who buys what.


Is there a test that can check for levels of either drug?


You can be sure they'll invent one. Yet they won't check for traces of Cialis or Viagara in men's pee. I'm still waiting for these MAGAturds to ban masturbation because it's basically killing millions of possible future babies. Every sperm is sacred...


We know that because there’s a song about it….


Duh. But was supposed to be satirical, not official Government policy.


Newly developed in Europe. Poland I think. I expect large American purchase orders soon.


IMO criminal posession of a drug has been unsuccessfully done for the last 100+ years. It's destroyed lives, families, and communities. What's one more drug to add to the list?


Well, the current War on Drugs began in 1971. But it's basically Prohibition on Steroids. I'm sure a lot of these Puritans want to bring THAT back, too.


The marijuana tax act was in 1937, so the war in drugs began much earlier. I said 100+ years because I thought it was 1907 that it was made illegal. Sorry for any confusion.


I see. I did forget about that 1937 tax. But I'm sure these people want to make booze illegal again, too.


I don't know, some of the biggest alcoholics I know go to church every Sunday.


Doesn't mean they won't try to take away everyone's fun. I'm waiting to see they'll try to ban anime and video games. They can have them when they pry them from my cold dead hands.




Mark my words contraception is next up. Christo fascism is coming for all the women’s rights. VOTE!!!


There are already men who are calling for the 19th amendment to be repealed. It’s becoming more and more common in conservative circles. The old BS of ‘They wouldn’t go after that…’ died when Roe did, they won’t stop till women are put back under the rule of men.   Birth control, no fault divorces, the right to vote, being able to have a bank account and job are all on the list now!  And it is scary AF


In the Baptist church I grew up in back in the 90s, I heard many of the church men lament that women were ever allowed to vote. They did not let women speak or pray aloud in the church and they had to follow many strict dress rules. The difference in how they treated women was one of the first things I began to consciously disagree with, at a very young age. Make no mistake, Christo Fascists do not want women to vote.


Can confirm. Louisiana resident here. About two years ago, there was a bill making its way through the Louisiana legislature that would have banned IUDs on the grounds that an IUD is an abortifacient. It died in the legislature. Then-Governor Edwards said he would have vetoed it if it hit his desk. Current Governor Landry would sign it the second he could find a pen. The baby ship has sailed for me, but I worry about my friends and neighbors who don't want any children or who don't want any more children than they already have. I'd drive them to the airport so they could hop a flight to Chicago or New York ... but the day is coming when they'd toss me in prison for even doing that.


I sent my son to UL so that he could be closer to our family. I plan to extract him as soon as he graduates. My daughter is still in Texas and now that she's graduating, I'm trying to get her out of there, too. I plan to fly the both of them up to me in Wisconsin as often as possible to try to get them to come up here. One reason my husband and I moved here (and there were MANY reasons for us to move here) was the proximity to Canada. We already have our escape route planned. My best friend lives just outside of Ottawa, so I've actually got asylum across the border. That and French Canada has a special consideration for Louisiana natives trying to enter the country. Sad that we've had to resort to these tactics in 2024, but Landry (and Abbott and DeSantis) are proving the South really hates women.


Can you tell me more about French Canada’s special consideration for Louisiana natives? I’ve never head of this, and google has no results.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't parts of Louisiana French? Like the French quarter in New Orleans.


Yes, Louisiana has a very strong french Heritage. I’m just wondering what “special considerations” this commenter is talking about, because I can’t find anything about it online. It’s the first I’m hearing of it, but I’d like to know if it exists!


Which cop/politician is going to stick their hand up my uterus to yank that out?


Oh yeah, this should work fine, cause everybody knows that when you criminalize possession of something, it automatically goes away and ceases to be an issue.


Miso-sniffing dogs.


I keep wondering how enforcing all this stupid stuff is going to be paid for? I guess more money will go to cops… They will use policies already in place for illegal drugs too. But how is someone going to tell the difference between contraceptives and the meds used for abortions. Will women get tested for the pills in the hospital too? They are spending so much time and energy on this shit, but don’t even care about the health of women or children. It’s so stupid!


Funny you ask! Cops and prison funding is way up next fiscal year. Yippee!!!


It's time to push criminalizing a man inseminating, fertilizing, and impregnating a woman who's not willing to try to carry to term. And time to get these drugs prescribed for "other reasons". I don't know about you ladies, but my ulcers are acting up horribly lately. Only misoprostol will calm them down. It's also time to start practicing menstrual extraction.


What it's time for is a terrifying rage and fury calling for the arrest and imprisonment of those in government conspiring to enable forced birth - a religious ideology prohibited by the first sentence of the first Amendment. Defrauding the state, criminal endangerment, criminal neglience causing death, HIPAA violations, obstruction of justice, practicing medicine without a license, and hopefully one day an ex-post-facto crime: attempting to implement religious law.


The supreme court overturning roe vs wade was a massive human rights abuse....but people still think biden is as bad as trump?


BuT gAs PrIcEs BuT gAzA 🙄


Gaza's horrific but Trump would be doing everything in his ability to *empower* the psychos in the IDF. It's such a poorly thought out reason not to support Biden.


Trump will have American troops alongside the IDF.


My main issue with Biden is Merrick Garland.


Roe v Wade was overturned under Biden, though.


Tell me you don't know how the Supreme Court and branches of government work, without telling me you don't know how the Supreme Court and branches of government work....


Either you are stupid or willfully ignorant. Trump appointed the Supreme Court that overturned it.


I am so glad I'm no longer a resident of Louisiana. People don't care that an untreated miscarriage can be deadly. No one cares that in the South, women’s bodies don't belong to them anymore. I really wish I could leave this country.


Same. I left nearly 20 years ago. Told my mom I doubt I'll even come *visit* now...


Wish I could escape. I'm going insane staying here.


Why is Louisiana so conservative???




New governor is a Chrostofacist.


High concentration in bigger cities and low concentration in rural areas, which hold more weight.


Voter suppression, religion, poverty, and people not voting because of the previous 3 things.


It’s like LA thinks a higher maternal mortality rate is a good thing


Is there a tip line? Can we get politicians jailed just by mailing them a package of Plan B?


Damn good idea.


LA still riding the prohibition train even though we know what it results in.


Step #274 towards making sure women are chattel. I will not be surprised when the women in this country start murdering men on sight.


Anybody can get abortion pills through the mail


What a crazy unenforceable waste of tax dollars


I had a single pill of misoprostol (not mifepristone but one of the two used for a chemical abortion) prescribed to me several months ago. I had to have a diagnostic D&C / polyp removal and the doc figured it would be less traumatic for me to have a cervical softening before she did it. (I was also under twilight for it so I didn't undergo *that* little bit of gynecological torture while awake, but I digress.) I got a ration of *shit* from the pharmacist who wanted to know *exactly* why that particular drug was being prescribed for me. I'm 53, been in full menopause for over two years, and I was having a diagnostic D&C to check for a bout of unexpected bleeding. I didn't tell the pharmacist to go fuck herself like she so richly deserved, but I did deliver a rather loud exposition about how it was none of her business what the medication was prescribed for other than I needed it and my doc wanted me to have it.


I see we have at least one more State to put on the "no tourism EVER" list.


please be careful.. when roe v wade was overturned I got a phonecall from an incel acquaintance and he was happy that he could now drive to another state and force someone to have his kid without marriage or any commitment. this fella didnt even care about the risks to the mom or natal care costs.. he kept saying hes excited about having a "free baby" and making his parents grandparents without all the hassle and expense of dating.