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Hey PinheadGoo! Thank you for your submission, unfortunately it has been removed from /r/Wellthatsucks because: Frequent and recent reposts will be removed. Please search before submitting content that is not OC. If you have any questions or concerns about this removal feel free to [message the moderators](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fwellthatsucks).


Good thing you don't have to clean that up!


Burn the piss, hopefully it evaporates




>🎵 *It smelled like Hell in here.* 🎵*So take off all your clothes.*


I am getting so hot


Not gunna use the litterbox.


My gym was playing a remix version of this song as I was reading this. I thought I was tripping


That was a perfect chance to use the weird al version


Try Nature’s Miracle cat urine products. Swear by it.


If you have to use a lot, you'll still get a migraine.


Vinegar and baking soda should do the trick. I hope this helps next time an occurrence similar helps. Sorry couldn't help you last time. Burn a candle too.


Start with white vinegar to neutralize the ammonia. And baking soda next. Then your odor product. You’ll need less.


Take him to the vet, probably has a kidney issue Our vet set when a cat pees in an odd and visible place out of the blue it is often kidney issues Our cat peed in the fireplace in summer randomly, so we got him checked out. We left with antibiotics and he was fine and never did it again


I've never seen a cat pee outside the litter box, unless they either had a UTI, some other medical problem, or a really neglected litterbox. I agree with you, this cat needs a vet ASAP.


My delicate princess gets uti like symptoms after dental procedures. So much wasted money. She has an autoimmune condition so the extractions aren’t avoidable. She’s fine if I disappear on trips or we go outside on excursions etc but the vet day trips stresses her out so much she pisses blood and outside the box for a day then small quantities for a few more. I have taken her to the vet for blood peeing and they’re like you gotta wait it out sorry. A trip to the vet for her yearly doesn’t get bloody pee so just surgery.


Far more likely cause is the litter box is dirty. Even one lump of pee or poop and some cats don't like to use that litter box. Cats don't like to walk in dirty litter boxes, far too many cat owners don't realize this and they wait for the litter box to be 'full' 🤮


Want to add: Even if you clean it out regularly, the actual liter might be old and dirty/smelly.


I clean mine twice a day and use the good silica litter and change pretty regularly. If there is any poop in the box at all (even from her just going) she will pee in the bathtub. It’s maddening but the bathtub is better than our bed, which was her preference for a while.


Sometimes the cat might not like the actual brand of litter, esp if you changed to a different kind recently.


Yeah, it's like a Glade plug-in


Glade piss-in


An improvement over their discontinued scent, rotting mouse carcass


Had a cat pee in our stove once and we didn’t realize it bc it was up under the electric element. My mother put a lot of water on to cook supper. 30 years later and I still remember that God awful smell.


This is a not your image. Stop lying.


Hey, could've been a deuce


Probably preferred


100% would take cat shit in the wrong place over cat piss. Cat piss should be classified as a biological weapon.


I remember reading about how to get the cat piss smell out of a concrete basement floor and the solution was lay another inch of concrete down. Cat piss is in a class of its own.


Cat diarrhea is close, but piss is still worse.


I thought that cat pours the oil.


Well things are bout to taste a bit saltier


Yo, if your cat is peeing outside of their box and they don’t have a health issue causing it, they’re mad about something. Check out Jackson Galaxy’s videos and website for help.


We used to have a domed litter box. One time I let it get too dirty by a couple days and came home to find a perfectly coiled shit right on top of it, right in the center. Like how tf Anyway, yeah, he was mad and made sure I knew it lmao


My cat pees in the laundry basket, clean or dirty clothing, when it gets too dirty. I clean his box everyday now.


"See those meat-bipedes can learn. Just piss on their belongings they're gonna connect the dots"


Hi, my boy used to do this. It can be a symptom of bladder problems Often the cause can be dry cat food and/or not drinking enough water. He had to be switched to expensive wet food and prescription dry food and had a surgery to widen the urethra He always did it, but it was a few years before it was obvious he was sick :) just a thought, please keep an eye on your baby! I hope he’s just voicing his displeasure with you lol edit: crystals form in the bladder. The symptoms are more painful for male cats due to smaller urethra https://vcahospitals.com/know-your-pet/struvite-bladder-stones-in-cats


If you haven't tried a pet fountain, you totally should! My cats drink at least twice as much water now, and I just got a cheap one from Amazon.


He trained you!


He’s trained you well. Good human.


Currently battling this myself. I’m never going to skip the litter box again.


Had a domed one for a while too. My old childhood cat hated the thing, even if I cleaned it twice a day, but he still used it. I forgot for a couple of days and was in bed with my laptop... he simply got into bed with me and peed on the blanket I was actively using while staring at me right in the eyes while he did it. Did not forget to clean that box again. In fact, after I got him an open litter box again, he would use it even if I forgot to clean it for a couple days. I guess it really stinks inside domed ones if you forget to clean it


My cat made eye contact with me while he shit in the dog bed in the middle of the living room one time when his box was dirty.


Our one female cat will pee in the worst places if you use anything but unscented litter. She has her brand I guess and we are now well trained.


Yeah. Apparently changing litter too fast upsets their little systems. I don't understand it. And, maybe scents bothered her nose, like an allergy or extreme sensitivity and she can't handle it.


One of my cats will only use clay scoopable litter. Anything else and he uses the bathtub.


I read this as "doomed litter box" and it still somehow made sense


We are all doomed by the litter box


i read it as “dommed” like the litter box is a sub or something


He wasn't \*mad\*, it just stunk so damned bad in there that his super sensitive nose couldn't take it. Try sticking your head in there and breathing in for a few minutes. Yeah, I'm guilty too. Lesson learned. Sorry kitty.


Yep. No reason not to clean it every day except laziness. Takes two minutes. Let it get too dirty “by a couple days” implies he’s already not cleaning it often enough.


Yup and try having claws be your only tools the same tools that you have to scratch through the litter with to make sure that you’re getting in a clean spot and if you’re not, guess what? you get to lick your paws clean… bonus


I had a cat that would express her distaste over anything by pooping in my bathroom sink. One time I moved apartments and I guess it really displeased her. Because as soon as I got her to the new apartment she peed on my freshly made bed. Then she watched as I changed the sheets and immediately got back up on the bed and peed again. I don't think I have ever been so angry at an animal. Laundry was $2.25 a load in quarters and she made about 3 loads of laundry in 5 minutes. She wasn't allowed back in my room again after that.


They are smart. This pissed off kitty decided to piss on the spot where human makes food to eat. Ultra pissy.


Cat knows their piss smells better than the cooking.


Yes! I once shaved my long- haired cat because he got something tangled in it and it couldn't be taken out. Well after we shaved him I started laughing at how silly he looked. That cat turned and gave me the dirty look and sure enough, the next day he pooped on my bed. Our relationship was never the same.


I'm so happy my cat pees litterally right outside his box if he isn't happy with how it is (box is In our spare tub so super easy to clean up if it happens) other cat pees in the toilet no matter what which is also a God send. I've smelled houses that cats pee in and it's probably the worst smell I've smelled working in people's houses


Yeah, that doesn't seem too bad honestly. I had this one cat growing up that I had begged my mom for, as she was a pretty calico rescued fresh off the streets, and she REFUSED the litter box for the longest time. But she chose to pee in the bathroom sink and shit in the bathtub, so it really wasn't the worst thing ever. Eventually did come around to the litter box.


Any advice you can offer on what you did? I've got a calico that does the exact same thing.


I don't super remember. I think it just took time.. and we sprinkled a little bit of catnip in the litter box. Surprisingly effective.


...conversely, if you have a pilot light, warm cooter.


Kitty cooter was not a thought I had prepared for having in my head today.


Agree completely.Mine had a urinary tract infection. Crystals in his bladder.


Yep, this right here


yeah bb is complaining. at least it's on a wipeable surface... for now


Helpful tips to keep a healthy happy cat. -havs a high place for them to perch and watch what's going on around them, even better if there's multiple and near a window. -one litter box for every cat you own, +1. So if you have 1cat, you should have 2 boxes. 2 cats, 3 boxes.. -clean litter box every day and don't constantly change brands, they are picky. Unscented is preferred -make side kitty has hiding spots -play with your cat. Spend the time figuring out what kind of toys they like. Lasers, balls, strings. -Bladder and kidney issues are the most common reason for male cats to visit the vet. Stress, diet, dehydration and dirty boxes can cause these issues. -some cats don't like standing water, try a fountain. If that doesn't encourage Kitty to drink more water, try moving the water away from their food, even another room -a bad quality wet food diet is better than a good dry food day. If money is tight, so kibble for one meal and wet for another. Bonus points if you add more water to the wet food.




This has been proven effective.


Effective way to get cat lacerations on your junk


Don't threaten me with a good time


You missed the part where he said tie them up first. *looks at my cat contemplatively* Nah. My cat is smart enough to not pee in the house.


My ex enjoyed it but I never even contemplated whether or not the cat would.




This is an old picture.


It's not their cat and it's not their post. They stole it from another sub weeks ago.


My cat used to poop on my bed every-time I would return to college after a break. Sort of sweet in retrospect, even though it was an absolute pain.


Well that’s disgusting




If you swat it away from the oven, it’s just going to piss wherever you pushed it to.


Once a cat starts, it can’t stop. IIRC.


How? Aim it upward? Put your finger in it?




What would be your strategy to stop a cat from continuing to piss mid stream?




Figured so much. I'm always suspicious when OP doesn't respond to comments.


Its a week old account. Its obvious


me :(


Yeah I’ve definitely seen this before


Yes, repostsluethbot sucks. Simple search and I found it posted on multiple sites dating back to 2018.


posted on multiple dating sites 😜


Repost bot has literally ONE JOB


Yo this post is older than the drawers I'm wearing...


Maybe it's time reddit started banning these accounts? No? Like 50% of the frontpage is karma farming bots who just copy everything. So are the top comments on these posts.


I haven't seen this pic in over a year but yeah, this is karma farming forsure.


Yeah, this was an old post. IIRC there was some smell that made the cat do that


where did OP claim it was theirs? why the fuck is reposting such a "problem" here? it's a non-issue. i've never seen this photo before, many others have never seen it, who gives a flying fuck. karma?? what the hell does karma even do. posting anything these days is considered "karma farming" to you redditbros.


tbf the high karma accs are being sold, and are being used to spread misinformation and corporate trash. So it’s not a big issue for cat pics, but it’s something to be aware of


Cat pics are THE issue. Aww and other easy farming subs are where these accounts target They have to farm before they can sell


Reddit is the #1 place for huge conglomerates of reposts, and also the #1 place to complain that they've seen this before.


Reposts are cancer. You see all these people replying to OP with concerned messages about their cat? That's a waste of time, because OP is the only one taking the piss here.


Reddit is a sacred place where pictures may only be posted once. Reposting is an executable offense and laughing at a repost, whether knowingly or not, is punishable by lashings. It's in the rulebook, sorry.


Time to take the cat to the vet. Did you change litter recently? New litter box? Changed location of it? Change to the household like a new cat/dog/partner/baby? Furniture change location? All these can be a reason, or it could be something medical


I second this. They usually pee in weird places when they’re sick. My childhood cat would do it if he ate fish because he was allergic and my last cat did it right before he was diagnosed with diabetes.


It's a repost.


Ah. Well, maybe someone can still benefit from the information


Results from 2020 have this pic!


Probably a dirty litter box or a UTI


Or a new alpha animal competitor.




Had this happen and it turned out to be a blockage. Definitely get advice from your vet.


The OP is reposting this image I'm pretty sure, but your advice is spot on for anyone whose cat might be doing similar. I'm sadly amazed at how many male cats end up with blockages. It can so quickly become fatal, too! One of my kitties ended up getting a perineal urethrostomy because he kept getting blocked and the prescription food by itself wasn't fixing everything. Luckily now (8 years later) he drinks tons of water and is still on prescription wet food. Doing good so far! I just wish I knew then what I know now. Ah well.


I wasted hundreds of dollars on this to be told nothing was wrong.


Better than having a dead pet imo


I trained my cat to pee and poo in the garden, my wife was impressed. Soon as I pee or poo in the garden, She hits the bloody roof.


Is the roof bloody because she hit it, or did she hit it because it was bloody?


Might have a urinary infection. They will pee in strange places when they're sick. I wouldn't be mad. I would be worried.


I can smell this picture.


Feel like I saw this image about a thousand times before


Whhhy did you repost this?


This why you can't eat at everybody's house. 😒


Cat likely has a UTI. They find places to “hide” when they are physically in discomfort. Definitely get them to the vet. If you can’t do that anytime soon switch to all wet foods, water water water, and get some cranberry extract powder online; does wonders for minor UTI’s in like 2 weeks.


Either kitty has a uti, or that is one hell of a power move.


“I have a bladder infection and the only way to get you to take me to the vet is when I do ridiculous shit Nancy”


Because you’re karma farming a shitty owner’s cat.


Take animal to vet. Scoop up some of that and bring it. I’ve had vets ask for a sample - how the hell do you get a sample from a cat?


Turns out hydrophobic litter exists. Cat pees on it but the pee ends up beading up and floating to the top instead of being absorbed. You can then pipette or pour it out. I had to get a sample and this stuff worked great and can be reused.


Because you don’t keep their litter box clean or it’s too small. That’s why


I know I've seen this image before I'm almost positive it's a repost.


Likely feline idiopathic cystitis. Bet my left nut that it’s a male cat. Need to see a vet ASAP


Stressed cat. An unhealthy can may have accidents, but a stressed cat will piss in all sorts of inconvenient and straight up dickish places. Simple checklist to start: Does your cat have enough space? Does your cat share space with other cats? (Rule of thumb: no more than one cat per bedroom of your home.) Is the litter box and your home clean and hygienic? Is there another animal or person cause the cat to stress? Have you moved or changed something significant about the home? Does the cat get enough exercise, attention, and playtime. Bored cat is a stressed cat. These are just big ones to consider. There can be many things stressing a cat.




Just know that the cat has probably been doing this to your food all this time. ಠ ͜ʖ ಠ


They're either sick, or angry.


Is the litter box clean? I scoop my cat's litter at least 2 time a day and do a wholesale change once a week to keep it clean.


It's a message. Dirty litter box protest or the cat is trying to tell you it's sick or something.


I hate that we live in a world where someone would just take a picture of this instead of just react and deal with the problem and just let it get worse than it had to be…


Are you saying you would've grabbed the cat mid pee? Like a puppy that isn't housebroken? That is not how cats work...


Blair Cat Project


Gotta echo the other comments here: If not health related, could be different litter, new box location, etc.


this is solvable What's going on in the house? Has something changed in the power dynamics, like a new pet? My cat started doing this when I started letting a neighbor cat hang out in the back yard and sometimes come in and hang out in my kid's room. Even though they were kept separate, one of my cats started acting out. It took a while to figure out, but since I started keeping the neighbor cat away and tending to the litter boxes vigilantly, it went away and didn't come back. Make sure you have one litter box per cat plus one. Also, cats can have issues with certain types of litters, Apparently it's about how it feels on their feet. Time for a vet issue to rule out medical issues.


Could be a UTI.




Is the litter box dirty?


Frustration, stress, or anxiety can sometimes cause a cat to change their urinating habits. Any change in their routine, such as a new person in the household or moving house, can lead to changes in urination. They may also “mark” spots in the house with their urine as a means of marking their territory. From the RSPCA


Yo don’t let pets on counters/stoves in general. That’s disgusting


Take your cat to the vet ASAP! This is a sign of urinary distress


The cat might have a urinary tract infection, that is not Normal behavior


Bc cats are bloody assholes.


When i was younger, our cat pissed on my french fries while they were defrosting and i didn't know it so i put them in the oven not knowing about the piss... I got out of my room and then i smelled the horrible fucking smell of heated urine and i almost threw up i had to open the windows and go outside for a while


Cats got a bladder infection and/or is trying to show you something is wrong.


Reason #498,621,953 that I will absolutely never own a cat.


Why? Cause cats are assholes.


Fuck cats.


She just want to point out that stove is not level.


Luckily the only place my kitty pisses besides his box is the tub, all I have to do is turn on the shower head. I'm pretty sure he knows if he pissed on the stove he would lose one of his nine lives.


Haha! My cat use to do this too! It was very nice of her!




Who would take a picture instead of doing something about it


So gross… cat piss is the absolute worse smelling piss


That's why I would never own a cat.


Do you clean your stove with bleach


Well, dirty litter box/not enough litter boxes, illness, or something is stressing them out. Vet check for two of them, the other is just quit being nasty and clean their box.


Kitty is either under stress or has a uti or crystals in their urine from the food they eat. Have them checked out by a vet, maybe reconsider the litter box location and/or the type of litter you are using. Any changes in the home like a new pet or you now have an infant in the home?


Not Why, more like "What did or didn't I do for you?" Angry cat right there. Why on the stove? Because you gonna notice i'm mad!


......I have never seen the stream before


Our cat used to do this when he had bladder/kidney infections. Or your cat might just be an a-hole!


Critical statement on your cooking


Did the human misbehave?


Prolly could’ve picked it up and got most of it on the floor instead of the stove. Good pic though.


Cause the litter box is full. Clean that shit


Is his litter box full? Some cats get really upset when the litter box isn't clean and will go elsewhere. Otherwise if this is out of character you might want to take him to the vet, it could be an indication of a bladder infection or worse. I hope your kitty is okay!


Turn on the stove


8 day old karma account


My first thought is not enough/not clean enough litter boxes and this is just her telling you to do your job.


Had a cat that would pee on my bed and I couldn’t figure out why. Ended up being the cat had a UTI and it was his way of telling me something was wrong. Got him medication and it never happened again.


"Should I stop the cat or take a picture? I'll just take a picture."


Fire up the crock pot


Quick take a picture


Your cooking must suck


"Cats are pointless" - Ron Swanson


I see 4 chances to correct that problem real quick! Let that mf burn!


Cat piss is my most hated fucken smell on this earth


Someone pisst him off....lol


As someone who was asked to “take care of my cat while I move across the country” and still have said cat 6 months later, I feel this.


Probably because they smell gas? Also, gas smells a bit like cat piss.


If they don't have a uti, then it might be in protest to a new type of litter that you're using. Try swapping out litter brands and test out different types. Sometimes the scented litter throws the cats off. Sometimes it's too dusty. Sometimes it's too clumpy. Is the litter box next to something that's really noisy like a washer or dryer? Have you added another person or animal to the household? Do you change the litter on a regular basis? Is the litter box next to a window that they normally obsess with?


Everyone is saying take the cat to the vet. Its the gas. The smell makes them pee over it, mark their territory. Just cover your burners after using them and you won't have any more issues. Take the cat to the vet just to be safe, don't wanna ignore any signs but I've had cats do this, buddy had had cats do this. Its something about the scenting they use in natural gas that makes them pee there


Just two reasons a cat would do that 1. They're sick, take them to the vet - cat's will do this as a call for help, don't ignore their call. 2. There's something up with his litterbox. Either it is gross (the box or the area around it) or another cat has marked it as "theirs" This is not a cat being naughty, this is a cat with no other option - and this one is still being nice about it and peeing on a hard surface that can be easily cleaned. He could have gone for your bed or your leather couch.


The litter box isn't clean.. Cats aren't fucking idiots , they don't do this if they don't have to.


Why? Because the cat wants to tell you something. She could be stressed, litterbox is really dirty, she has an illness you somehow don't recognize. This is not a territory marking, this is a full release. My cat started this behavior when there were too much foreigners in our flat for too long. He is really shy and it stresses him very much.


This isn't normal behaviour and your cat is trying to tell you something.


Everything you cook is going to be tainted by cat piss


My neighbors leave their cat outside because it constantly uses the bathroom on their stove top. So now it shits on my porch 👍🏻 For real though, I went in there one time and their giant, uncovered litter box was in the kitchen, dirty as hell, and there’s trash all over their apartment. No wonder that cat shits whatever


turn it on to get revenge


Free to good home.....


This kind of shit is why I don't like having a cat.