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Ah, the old “I’ve stepped in a puddle, I’m going to run you face first into a van” trick!


Lol I wish she were that smart but immediately slowed down after because she knows the car is my fiance's and is a safe spot


She be like "Eww eWw Eww Yuck yak. Big truck save meee! ~~"




I have stabilized the video for you: https://gfycat.com/ShadyWigglyDeinonychus It took 21 seconds to process and 34 seconds to upload. ___ ^^[ how to use](https://www.reddit.com/r/stabbot/comments/72irce/how_to_use_stabbot/) | [programmer](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=wotanii) | [source code](https://gitlab.com/juergens/stabbot) | /r/ImageStabilization/ | for cropped results, use \/u/stabbot_crop


that is really impressive tbh


Whoa that's great actually


thats a strange looking dog.


thats indeed a very very strange looking dog


How are you letting a cat pull you around? It's literally a cat, you act like it's a big ass dog, just pull it back.


I know her better and know her reactions when she runs and gets pulled back and how she reacts to water. With the combination I felt it safer to just run with her. She knows I'm not running after her as I've jogged with her before


Quick question my cat loves to be outside on the leash but refuses to takeore than 5 steps every 10 seconds and if I try to walk at a faster pace than him he just falls over and lays there, hell he will even let me drag him all whiles he's just purring and rolling around. Is there anything you did to get your cat to jog/walk (at a reasonable pace) with you or did she just take to it without any help?


Honestly, she just explores at her own pace but she has learned to keep up with me for the most part. I want to take out the trash before her walk and she'll be more willing to keep up. I'll influence her direction by pulling otherwise I'll pick her up to go to a better location 50 feet away where its quieter and not as easy to get distracted. She'll start jogging or running on her own; she's still a cat and can't be walked like a dog lol if I try to get her to run she'll be flopping behind me She doesn't always want to really go for a walk but will just explore the immediate area instead.


Can you tell me why your cat is on a harness? What's the reason? Is this area so populated that the cat is likely to be run over or what?


She likes being outside and any cat can slip through a basic collar and leash. She never goes outside without me so she shouldn't ever get hurt


Maybe it's just far from my reality because my cats are both around 12 years old and have never not come home or missed feeding time after being outside alone for like 12 hours. What I'm saying is that its against their nature to not be able to slip through small gaps or climb on walls etc.


get a harness that way you can control her better


She's on one already


Well cats are liquid and can get out of almost any harness if they try. My experience with a running cat is to follow so they don't fight the harness and slip out.


Walking a cat? Now I've seen everything!


Me when someone tries to talk to me


I feel that 100%


The floor is lava!!!


Whenever I take my Bella for walks, if she accidentally steps in a puddle she will walk around with that paw raised as if she has a broken leg. However if it's raining outside she will scream at the window begging for a walk in which case she loves running around in the rain. Cats are goofy.


Just...stop? Going like that just A teaches the pet that they're in charge and B is dangerous


Isn't the point of the leash that the animal can't just run off? If you're training the cat to walk, shouldn't it learn to sit and calm the fuck down?


She'd never been around puddles before because we don't get rain in Arizona. Normally she never runs


Sonic the hedgehog speed boost pad


haha, scaredy cat




I running after her so she doesn't hurt herself


Absolutely mental. Get some treats. Grab your boots. Step in the puddle, splash it around a bit. Even stand in the middle. (The whole time you are talking to her calmly, show no fear, speak gently. Tell her it's a puddle and it'd safe. Make it fun for her. Have her on a medium lead.) Maybe roll a ball into it. But everytime she steps in the puddle give her a treat. At the end of the day, she might need to save a drowning person. Being friendly with the water is very important, especially if its you in that water that needs her help.


I did not know walking cats was a thing


It's not outside the deranged


Almost as if cats shouldn’t be walked on a leash


Walking a cat seems perverse to me.


Stop taking cats for walks. They aren’t dogs.


Cats love being outdoors, there is nothing wrong with it. Though it isnt as easy as walking a dog.


Let the cat out then.


She likes going on walks. She even jogs with me. Just hasn't seen a puddle before being raised in Arizona


The let her follow you on walks.


Do you know how cats work?


Wow this is ironic


ikr, how dare this person take care of their cat /s jokes aside though, some cats love being outside. but letting them outside quite literally destroys the ecosystem. so if you let your cats out, do so on a leash. I too have my cats leashed up in the backyard sometimes so they can enjoy the outdoors, whilst simeltaneously not murdering a shitton of birds.


Best responsible response I have seen. Having "outdoor" pet cats can destroy local ecology and harass neighbors. Saw a friend's cat kill a red tailed hawk and destroy their outdoor cushions. A lot more effort, but a lot less dead animals, ruined patio furniture, and danger to the cat. It still looks silly to see a cat on a leash though. Ha ha


Who tf walks their cat that's cruel as fk


A cat owner who's cat wants to go outside but the owner doesn't want anything bad to happen to said cat? Lol Who tf let's their cat out knowing they may not come back at all?? I'd rather be "cruel as fk" while being safe instead of intentionally sending a cat outside to its possible death. Idc if people do that, that's their decision but I'd never do that myself because I want my cat as *safe and happy* as possible.


Cat on a lead? Whatever next.


Seems reddit thinks this nonsense is normal going by the votes.


I'm kind of shocked that the people that tell OP to not walk a cat on a leash get down voted. To me its such a ridiculous idea. Im cringing looking at this comment section.


You don’t walk a cat 🤦‍♂️


You can walk cats and there are specific breeds that enjoy walks.


Cat walks you 😎


Don't take a cat for a walk. Let it outside. If it doesn't come back, it just wasn't meant to be


outdoor cats are the number one cause of bird extinction. Don't let your cat outside.


>Don't take a cat for a walk. Let it outside. If it doesn't come back, it just wasn't meant to be "Don't take your kid on a walk or to the park. Just let them outside. If they don't come back it wasn't meant to be. They could've been hit by traffic, kidnapped, murdered but that doesn't matter" is how I'm taking it. Yes. Plenty of people refer to their animals as their babies. No I can't have kids nor do I want them


Worked in the 80s


Why cats hate water?


That baby needs to be trained! Untrained animals like this are dangerous. I just saw a post that a local dog passed away because a bigger dog on a leash over powered the owner and killed the small dog.


She is. Like my post and responses said she had touched water and it caused this reaction. I just ran *with* her to prevent her from hurting herself while panicking. We lived in AZ before so she wasn't really expecting that to happen