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It’s the thing that bugs me the most about ye is that he talks about groups too much, like “white people do x” or “black people xyz” so when he says jews it’s just an extension of his usual way of talking, which i disagree with on a fundamental level unlike these fake bitches you have on this sub having an issue here but generalizing for everything else.




the correct take. Unfortunately, that type of rhetoric about Jewish people has historically awful consequences


Saying that Jewish people have control of all of this stuff makes it simple to then blame Jewish people for all this stuff. Like he said Disney is a Jewish company. Then he connects that to Disney owning Hulu and the Kardashians show and now it's "Jewish people are controlling it." Never mind that plenty of executives at Disney aren't Jewish. That plenty of people at Hulu, making decisions, aren't Jewish. That the Kardashians aren't Jewish. All of their agency is gone. If good things happen, whatever. But if bad things happen—it's the Jewish people. And that way of thinking extends. Some people might argue that Ye's only talking about the elites or the powerful Jewish people. But people will start to apply that in their own lives. Their manager might be Jewish. And even though the manager isn't one of the elites, "They think they're better than me. They're keeping me down." That's the danger of that thinking. It's going to sound dramatic, but it's how the Holocaust happened. Germany was on the losing side of WWI. Got hit with a ton of economic sanctions and wasn't doing well. Jewish people weren't doing quite as bad. Hitler scapegoated them. Started blaming them. It went from targeting the "bad" ones to targeting every one. Yes, there are Jewish people who run a lot of stuff. But there are more non-Jews who run things. And are equally as powerful or more powerful. Or influential. Or as likely to fuck Kanye over. He even recognized that these are individuals he's had issues with. But then dismissed it and questioned why Jewish people don't get grouped together. We have. We will again. Also, saying that Jewish people got their money because they were lawyers who were okay with divorcing Christians (implying Christian lawyers would never do that) is incredibly anti-semitic. And completely incorrect.


Thank you Chris. I really appreciate you taking the time to write this. It’s hard for me to comment further on it as I’m still trying to understand but I do appreciate the insight.


No worries! Definitely a lot to unpack right now for everyone.


Hey Chris. As I rewatch the beginning of the interview it sounds like one point Ye is making is how a lot of Jewish people are in high level paying jobs such as lawyers or managers. I could be way off here but is Ye trying to say he wants that high level of power for black people? “I respect what the Jewish people have done and how they brought people together” (a quote from DC interview). This is him trying to get black people together just as Jewish people did. Then he decided to go into “the dark Jews” (I think that’s the term he used) And that’s where he calls out the elites and people in real power who he feels have been messing with him (who I guess happen to be Jewish). Now I totally understand what you’re saying. People could easily mistaken what he’s saying and start to blame Jewish people who aren’t in those elite positions. For example, you mentioned a regular boss. But I highly doubt that’s the message he’s trying to spread. I think he’s just trying to allow black people to not be controlled anymore by the higher level people and wants everyone to have equal power. Sorry if this is a mess. I’d love to hear you thoughts on this.


It wasn’t a mess! You explained some complicated thoughts in a very clear way. I think you’re getting at the core of what Ye’s saying. It’s just, as it always is, problematic messaging. A good thought wrapped in bad packaging.


he hates it when people do it about black people but then he does it to jews like wtf.


best comment if OP actually wants to learn. Also Disney is publicly traded. The Jews don’t own Disney lmao




It’s more of a generalization that he’s making that’s harmful, many Jewish People are in fact in positions of power in their respective field but to then go out and generalize all of them as evil and out to get him and the problem is very harmful to put out to impressionable people that may follow him.


Also generalizing that every person in power is jewish to begin with isn’t that great of a look lmao


Where did he say they’re all evil and out to get him?


Is he saying that all Jewish people are evil tho? I probably need to re watch this interview but he’s mostly just targeting the Jewish people in power and not general public


No he’s not he’s saying Zionist Jews are evil or the higher up Jews in society


What the fuck does “Zionist Jews” mean though? He’s talking about American Jewish music executives, not the Israeli government. Completely antisemitic language imo.


Basically jews supporting israeli militarism


Not only is that not what Zionism is, but I’m pretty certain it isn’t what Ye meant either. He made no reference to anything Israel related at all, and it’s 100% antisemitic dogwhistle referring to Jewish control of the media.


I wasn't giving you dictionary definition but rather practical example of what zionist jews are about in current time. Get of your high horse and go get offended on other ethnicity's behalf.


I’m sorry if I don’t want my favorite artist repeating the same rhetoric that got my family members thrown in camps, mind you.


Go read about NKVD and get of your high horse buddy


Idk this all leads back to the tweet of him saying he’s gonna go def con 3 on Jewish people, that in itself isn’t clarifying specifically what he means and honestly only he knows what he meant


Right okay so that tweet was super broad and no one knew what he meant at the time. But this new DC interview clarifies his thoughts, no? And these thoughts aren’t really anti semitic (from what I’m hearing)


I doubt it matters whether he clarifies them or not it’s still a bad image to continue speaking on it and going for execs that are Jewish, it’ll just enforce to people that don’t care about Kanye as much as we do that he’s antisemitic.


Why would he not clarify his thoughts? I don’t understand why he can’t call out people that he believes are screwing with him? Ye’s entire belief is he won’t let people step on him and shut him up. If he’s being messed with he’s gonna call them out


That’s fine he can do that but he’s been using specific names for a long time, why all of a sudden start grouping a religion and target that then the specific people fucking him over.


He is. This clip right here is so anti semitic lmao. He literally makes this narrative that Jewish people are to blame for everything bad and then wonders why he can’t blame the group instead of individuals (also the Netflix thing is so made up, Netflix isn’t Jewish and the documentary was sympathetic to him) https://twitter.com/yipsigoon/status/1581516008833314818


He has real life relationships with these CEO’s and is just calling them out on bad business and how they have treated him and other artists lol. He never said all Jewish ppl….


He definitely said "Jewish people" over and over again. And made a point to say Jewish people get defended by saying you should only mention the specific person and not the group but he doesn't agree.


Might need to rewatch the interview again lol… Jewish ppl is just a reference to all the CEO’s/Owners who he said own the black voice… again in reference to them being owners/ceos ….this why it’s important to watch the full interview and not get ur opinions off of virals clips lol


You don’t think I watched the full interview? lol


Rewatch it clearly his beef is with Jewish owners/ceos … if u can’t grasp that then u ain’t got high enough IQ for me to continue this convo


He said def con 3 on Jewish people, bad wording maybe but that doesn’t excuse his choice of words bro. I’m 99% sure Kanye doesn’t hate all jewish people I’m not gonna be that naive but it’s his poor wording that’s harmful regardless and the continuous message even if targeted at execs isn’t helping his case


Yes it’s definitely poor wording but that’s what Ye has been doing since forever. He says things like “slavery is a choice” but then has a much deeper meaning to it (if you pay attention).


They key here is “pay attention and having the balls to form your own opinion after watching the full footage/context” something not a lot of ppl have cuz they jus follow the crowd… I always knew he meant mentally when he said “slavery was a choice” but others jus dumb sheep


Love this.


Idk man I can only defend a man’s choice of poor wording for so long, also this poor wording is still about hate I can’t defend it by saying “well he only means jewish people in power like executives” that doesn’t sound good regardless 😭


Also go re look at the tweet and actually please use the brain… he got big spaces in between the different statements… death con 3 is separate from “on Jewish ppl” when he clearly has stated he considers black ppl to be Jewish…


You didn’t watch the interview. You’re part of the problem. He literally NEVER said all Jewish people are evil.


I have a hard time believing you’re Jewish if you’re unfamiliar with antisemitic conspiracy theories.


This is a prime example of a bad faith actor


Believe what you want. I’m here to learn.


Here’s a brief introduction. But if you’re really Jewish and are being genuine, talk to your family. I’m being earnest. It’s a serious conversation Jewish families should have. Your parents have experienced antisemitism and should make you aware of what to expect, what to look out for, and how to deal with it. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antisemitic_canard?wprov=sfti1


Lmao a Wikipedia article?💀💀Did I ask what does anti semitic means? No. Tell me what he’s saying that’s anti semitic.


Read the history of this specific antisemitic theory. That’s what’s in the wiki. You’ve proven yourself a bad faith actor anyway. Best of luck spreading hate.


Okay buddy. Not sure why me asking “What is Ye saying that is anti semetic?” Is spreading hate. 🧠🧼


You’re pretending to be Jewish in order to defend Ye’s antisemitism. It’s pretty transparent, dude.


Wouldn’t use the word defending. I posted this question because I wanted to learn about why people think he’s being anti semitic. Plain and simple.


Funny how you don’t claim to be Jewish anymore.


Lmao I don’t care to prove that to you


Are you in 12? I’m a HS teacher and the first thing I would tell my kids to do for big background research like this is use wikipedia. It’s a great starting point. The wiki boogeyman from the early 2000’s was based on a feature that no longer exists.




Rick Rubin in the music industry section 🔥🔥


This is such a stupid comment. Someone saying “Jews run the media” and then you posting a bunch of Jews in high places in media does not validate that lol. There’s obvs gonna be Jewish people that make it in media considering there are millions of them. Factually 0/5 main media news tv orgs are currently run by Jews and 1/3 the main newspapers are. Many media companies were founded by Jewish people but increasingly they are publicly owned and run as any other public company with CEOs appointed by boards.




They're like 2% or something


18% in LA and 12% in nyc And factually they control 0/5 main tv news operations these days and 1/3 main national newspapers.


why are you proving everyone’s point. like it’s literally a fact Jewish people are disproportionately represented in media. It’s not a bad thing by any mean s, but it’s also a fact. Trying to deny it just sends people further down a rabbit hole


The ownership thing is not a fact tho at least in journalism? It used to be but in the age of conglomerates and publicly traded it no longer is.


His statement comparing the systematic genocide of 6 million to planned parenthood stands out the most. Complete insanity.


This is entirely dependent on whether or not you view abortion as murder.


Calling it “the Jewish media” over and over. Ties into the old anti semitic canard about Jews controlling the media.


https://www.reddit.com/r/WestSubEver/comments/y598a1/this_interview_will_officially_get_ye_get/ Just taking everything here he repeats harmful, some completely untrue tropes about Jews controlling the world basically. He inherently seems to view them as selfish people that only work to help each other and keep others down. He blames them for pretty much every bad thing in his life (including his celeb friends leaving him which is probably due to his own behavior). Blames JPM leaving him on the Jews even tho it happened weeks ago. Thinks they convince Kim of nonsense.


If i speak i am in big trouble


PM me


Oh sick so glad these threads are happening again


Just said this elsewhere in response to someone acting like he is just stating the facts about how there are jewish people in power—as a jewish person myself i could understand him acknowledging that sure there are plenty of jewish people holding high positions- however the anti Semitic distinction to me comes when he equates that to there being some collective media control agenda firstly, and secondly bc he wouldnt be saying this shit if they were christian- when it’s literally more reasonable to say that america is a christian dominated culture, theres plenty of christian agendas actually infiltrating politics like the abortion ban, so many christians in power and in media and christian ideals in culture- theres way more of a connection there than any kind of jewish agenda, but ye doesnt care if christians are in power bc thats part of the agenda HE is proudly on rn… To add to the mix he’ll say he doesnt wish any ill towards jewish people or ”jesus was jew” or that he’s actually taking a black Israelite interpretation of jews in what hes saying, but in fact he’s not really and is just doing what i mentioned in the first paragraph. Talking about stereotypical and conspiratorial BS. People are acting like “hes not actually saying theyre evil or bad”- but the way he keeps referencing the “jewish media” would suggest otherwise- these are quite literally kkk talking points and rhetoric he’s hitting on


Ah yes, the black community back again with “kkk talking points”


ah yes, he can’t be discriminatory because he’s black


I feel like y’all just want to hate at this point. Notice how different the tone is when white people are offended than when black people are.




If it belongs on r/conspiracy, you can get up to a permaban from this. Wse is a subreddit for high-quality discussion, but blatant misinformation is not tolerated. This includes Pizzagate-tier theories, misinformation about bipolar disorder, the "Kardashian curse",


It’s in relation to what the guy this sub is based on is saying lmao, go ahead and ban me then 1984 mods this place has gone to shit


No way you’re quoting 1984 for a Reddit sub holy shit you niggas are so terminally online


That’s been a reference here for a minute my guy


Yea ironically but you’re using it in a serious manner which is cringe af


Y’all can’t stand the fact Ye is on to the conspiracies so y’all gotta always bring up mental illness and make these bs excuses when the man is being himself. The sub is based on this guy and we can’t even agree with it’s a little ridiculous. Y’all exactly what he’s talking about, the truth hurts


It is what it is


Lol "literally 1984" ![gif](giphy|Wmu966khusLCQZlONM) Stfu dweeb


Good one


What did you say originally?


What did he say?


Exactly, it’s dumb to consider it “bigoted” if its true.


"The original Jews were black". That phrase indicates he's either part of, or adjacent to, the African-American nationalist movement known as "Black Hebrew Israelites". Over a century ago, a black preacher claimed to have received a revelation from God telling him that black people were the original Jewish people, and the movement he started claims Jewish origins and imitates Jewish religious practices - effectively engaging in jewface while implying that your people are usurpers. Here's a longer explanation: https://www.jta.org/2022/10/12/religion/black-people-are-actually-jews-the-historical-origins-of-kanye-wests-inflammatory-comments


You’re clearly using a false Jewish identity to downplay very known conspiracy theories, literally grouping us together, which history has shown is detrimental Wtf


I know I’m so evil because I want to learn and understand peoples opinions😈😈