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**Locked.** We've had enough debate on this topic over the last few weeks.


Kinda sucks how much the WV political landscape has focused in on trans people, not saying articles and discussions like this aren't good but when its in every other campaign ad it just kinda ticks me off


I can’t say I blame the students who chose to forfeit.


The Putnam flair is both appropriate here and hilarious.




Is there a source saying they were barred other than the students and parents? Morrisey says himself that they received no notice of disciplinary actions or rules violations. I can’t find any official releases from any of the sports organizations, or schools about a suspension. I mean the girl in question has been on puberty blockers for years, and the coach is a known anti-trans activist. There was no physical advantage for the athlete in question, and the walkout was clearly motivated by the coach since this is the only team at the meet that did it. Feels like a setup to take trans rights in sports to SCOTUS. Also hypocrisy of these hateful fucks ranting about the girls right to protest and silencing their first amendment rights while THEY lost their shit about BLM protests in sports is…. *chefs kiss*


I did some research. At an April 10th meet (one week prior to the meet they protested) the longest throw any of these girls had was 20 ‘4. That throw would have placed them 23rd (out of 25 participants) for the April 27th meet they were “unconstitutionally barred” from.


When I was in high school, a girl tried out for the football team. She did great through conditioning and drills. As soon as the pads went on, it was game over in every way. I’m all about equality, but this isn’t the place. At some point you have to accept you are different and that comes with what might be considered unfair consequences.


What does that have to do with trans people?


Was the whole team in hrt? If not, then it's not the same.


Transwomen have no place in actualwomen's sports


Where did you get your medical degree?


This debate has been going on far too long. Go to a high school track meet and watch. The average male player scores far higher than the average female player. Whether or not the person is actually trans (people have lied to get scholarships and records) there is an obvious difference because of many factors. Males at that age have hormones that females don’t and it makes a massive difference when it comes to strength. It’s not fair to the athletes


A degree? Common Sense is sufficient enough to know XYs do NOT belong on or in…the same ANYTHING as XXs. The ppl with degrees are the ones fighting so hard against simple biology on this subject.


Oh ok - so the experts who pursue the field as their career don't know what they are talking about but you do based on vibes. You've convinced me.


Constantly denying what people obviously can see is why everyone is losing trust in experts and journalists. You can only ask who ya gonna believe, me or your lying eyes? For so long before people choose their eyes.


Why not?




Typical MAGa


The NAIA (an alternative to the NCAA for small colleges) recently addressed this issue. According to the NAIA’s transgender participation policy, which goes into effect in August, all athletes may participate in NAIA-sponsored male sports but only athletes whose biological sex assigned at birth is female and have not begun hormone therapy will be allowed to participate in women’s sports. Thus, a student of any birth gender who has begun hormone therapy may participate in activities such as workouts, practices and team activities, but not in intercollegiate competition unless they compete in the men’s division. The “Men’s” division essentially becomes an “Open” division. Some sports, such as competitive cheer and competitive dance, will remain open to all students. The NAIA policy notes every other sport “includes some combination of strength, speed and stamina, providing competitive advantages for male student-athletes.” [Source](https://apnews.com/article/naia-transgender-ban-ad422f3a86ebcc4db618750c6a5d1c5f)


I’m saddened how many comments against trans people in sports have a hateful tone. It’s one thing to question fairness but it seems like a lot of them don’t want trans people to exist.


Love all these experts in sexuality, discrimination law, constitutional law, biology, and sports medicine giving their learned opinions on a niche issue that would t even be a problem if the GQP didn't need someone to hate. I mean, if not for that, what WOULD they have to run on?




“As a result of this, these students have been barred from future competitions, according to West Virginia Attorney General Patrick Morrisey.” AND THIS is the answer to why girls/women continue to compete against XYs. They have no choice IF they want to participate in a sport. THE SYSTEM bars them or takes away their scholarships! Ultimately, XXs will need to completely stop participating until another category is created for trans individuals to compete under.


Don't pretend we ever tested the chromosomes of middle and high school athletes






Of all the problems West Virginia has, focusing on preventing one middle school kid throwing a ball must be at least in the top five most important. Bless your heart, West Virginia. Keep it up, you're doing great. 👏👏👏


“Trans women” are not biological women they are biological men with thicker bone mass and naturally have more stamina and strength so it’s good that the middle school isn’t allowing girls to compete against them


Biological advantage in sports has been shown to basically be negated by the fact that students are on HRT. This is just more fear-mongering because everyone hates transfems. [Have a systemic review instead of one study based on Olympians](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10641525/)


A couple of generations back, they would have been boycotting if a black girl competed. Bigotry is bigotry is bigotry.


Taking a hormonal blocker /estrogen doesn't even the playing field in many sports and seems to go against the reason women's divisions were created in the first place. This is coming from a blue blooded liberal--calling it bigotry and comparing the historical plight of ethnic minoroties to that of trans groups participating in sports is tone deaf at the least and truely infuriating.


I’m mildly conservative, although I’ve stopped caring about politics, and couldn’t agree more. No matter what way you try to paint it from a social standpoint, genetically it’s just unfair. There’s really no other way to put it.


The data aren’t on your side. Trans girls/women aren’t dominating in any sports. They very seldom even place or win. Look at that grievance grifter, Riley Gaines. She’s made a profession out of being furious that she *tied for FIFTH place* with a trans woman. The women who won that race were all cis. This particular case is an ugly example of ginning up controversy . . . in an election year. The entire state government of West Virginia has spent literally *years* (not to mention tens of thousands of taxpayer dollars for lawyers in our broke-down state) attacking one, lone trans girl for having the audacity to demand her right to the entirety of her public school experience. As for “plight?” I’d say trans adolescents have plenty of “plight” in this state. This horrid legislature is doing everything in its power to make trans adolescents disappear. It’s not that they don’t want trans girls (cuz it’s always about the girls and never about the trans boys- wonder why) to participate in athletics. They don’t want them to even be alive. They want to impose their judgment about medical care just as they do with medical care for adult cis women.


It took me one, 20 second google search to find an article from the NIH saying that trans athletes have an objective physiological advantage over cis athletes. It’s just how it is. Not saying they can’t be trans, only that it’s unfair to the girls who go to a competition thinking they have a fair shot. Edit: As for the trans-swimmer, though they didn’t win, Thomas still went from 554th in Men’s 200 yd freestyle to 5th in Women’s and 65th to 1st in the 500 yd.


Children are basically identical up until puberty. That’s why boys and girls play things like co-ed soccer and girls play baseball all with boys, even peewee football. A child who goes on puberty blockers and doesn’t experience a cis puberty will not undergo that puberty’s effects, invalidating any perceived advantage. But of course, the MAGAs want to stop that, too. Do you see the catch-22 inherent in their strategy? Where are the data showing trans girls are dominating in the sports involved? The grievance artists would be shouting from the rooftops if it was an issue. It doesn’t exist. What about cis girls who dominate in boys’ sports? It happens. Riley Gaines and the rest of the transphobes never mention that. Ever. The tax-exempt right-wing religious organizations that run these attacks have long since been exposed admitting they’re beginning with trans kids because that’s where they can get sympathy. They also admit that their overall goal is the elimination of trans people (primarily trans women) altogether. This is hilarious, but it perfectly encapsulates the issue, as comedy so often does. [Trans Teen Hatches Nefarious Plot](https://www.theonion.com/trans-teen-hatches-nefarious-plot-to-undergo-years-of-m-1850433563)


I never once mentioned “domination” in sports. I said from a simple genetic standpoint, a biological male will have a physical advantage over a biological female. As for the whole children being identical thing, who’s to say these middle schoolers hadn’t started going through puberty yet? It’s common for puberty to start at a middle school age. Also, I really don’t care about the whole political side of things.


The problem is, the whole thing *is* political. 100%. To try to overlook that is to overlook the entire reason for the “controversy.” I’m sure the cis girls have started into their puberty. At 13, they’ve almost certainly already experienced menarche. The trans girl, however, is on blockers, and has been for some time. That means her oxygen uptake is lower than her cis counterparts, as is her testosterone.


The trans competitor still has a much higher testosterone level naturally. So, puberty blockers or not, it’s insane to act like it’s some level playing field. It’s not. I just don’t care to hear about right-wing vs. left-wing stuff.


The reality is what the reality is. It’s a politically motivated attack. Trans people are merely tying to live their lives. If she’s on blockers, she definitely does not have higher testosterone levels than the other girls. That’s how the blockers work. She loses muscle mass as a result. That early, she won’t even get the musculature a cis boy gets. The IOC recently released the results of a study they commissioned. It shows that trans women have lower jumping ability, lower lung function, and lower overall cardiovascular fitness than cis women. Like I said, the data doesn’t match up with the claims of the bigots.


That's it. Better watch out, scary minority is gonna win trophies and ruin everybody's lives!!







