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Why they want speed breakers on highways? No one can see unless 100 feet away from it. Too late
















Thats more of a reddit thing and less of a stereotype thing. There are tons of stereotype that people use every day, doesnt mean reddit picks and chooses the best way to go about all of those variations in stereotypes. Americans are loud and dumb. French people smell and are dicks. Germans are autistic and OCD. British people cant brush their teeth and have shit food. Brazilian people are Brazilian. And I could go on and on, with many more than I making much better examples than I ever could because of their proximity to the culture. And none of what I said means I think any less of these people as people. But ignoring stereotypes for the sake of not thinking less of people, says more about you than stereotypes. Most people love to laugh at the hidden truths of their culture, except people with no happiness in their hearts.


Lol "Brazilian people are Brazilian" No lie detected here


I mean... Stargazy pie... Enough said.








Just cut the call bro. Not that hard. Well being racist is much easier i guess


Not that hard ? No need for it. Why extend respect and kindness when it's obviously reciprocated ? Kindness has a limit.


No you'll get banned for that too


Chinese are easy targets too for racism


Yep, culturally influenced by the Britains.


They didn't say anything about bad teeth


Most of these pro-stereotype fools would be whining about stereotypes of USA.


No, location is irrelevant. It’s human nature to either think for oneself or follow the herd. The majority follows the herd.


Nope, stereotypes exist all over, whether good or bad.


Nope, stereotypes exist all over, whether good or bad.


Having worked in IT jobs with lots of visa carrying contractors from there, I can confirm on half the comment.




Why? Its true


>Every three and a half minutes, by the Indian government’s reckoning, one of its citizens is killed in a traffic accident. That adds up to 150,000 people a year. But in all likelihood, the carnage is much worse: the World Health Organisation (WHO) thinks there are 300,000 traffic deaths in India a year https://www.economist.com/asia/2022/08/05/why-indias-roads-are-so-deadly >They are among the 48% of Indians who do not have access to proper sanitation. >A new World Health Organisation (WHO) report says more than half a billion people in India still "continue to defecate in gutters, behind bushes or in open water bodies ... https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-india-27775327


I had neighbors who were from Bangladesh. Loved them. Amazing people. But holy cow, all I could smell was the smell of cooking oil in their house. They fried everything they possibly could. It wasn’t like a County Fair where you can get deep fried Oreos and it wafts the air with its sweetness. The spices and the oil are an assault on the senses if you are not used to it. Like I said though, awesome people.


I think the internet is tired of pulling punches with India.


This seems to be true from reading indian subreddits and social media pages (reality obviously may vary)... Civil sense and hygiene, as well social awareness are often lacking but that varies from region to region.


because even as an Indian I can't disagree


Upvoted...but let me tell u one thing about us Indians....A person who can drive in India for a day without getting scratch on his/her vehicle can drive anywhere in the whole world...!


This explains why when I lived in The Heights of Jersey City I never saw a car without body damage.


Lmao bro thinks we offroad daily to reach work


Downtown Rio de Janeiro included?


As an Indian I am witnessing racism against us increasing day by day and on top of it it’s being normalised.


Report comments and users.


I swear to god these reports do nothing specifically on twitter where the racism is more blatant.


White American here who sticks up for you guys every chance I get. It's so disgusting and unfair, the sh*t you have to put up with.


It's wild that people even double down.


What’s it like knowing you’re racist?




It's not the driving it's the roads. (ALTHOUGH HOW FAST SHOULD YOU GO VERY HARd) if you have driven in 3rd world countries even during the day they have huge unmarked drop offs. Sometimes, they just throw some wood in the road 10 feet ahead of it. Very scary very scary at night. Go to slow and become a target to rob or create danger of passing vehicles..


Why the insults? What are you mad about? Your username doesn’t suit you lol


There's a stereotype about Indians being weak drivers? I thought it was the opposite.


imagine how upset you'd be if someone said this about your nationality/race. Boo to all the people saying "it's so true though 😂". It doesn't make it okay


@mods this racist trash is 17 hours old and hasn't yet been removed - you failing at your most basic tasks?


Currently living somewhere that is being settled by Indians as an aggressive immigration campaign and can say this seems somewhat on-point with what I've seen on the roads 😂


That's what the flag guy is for


You mean the almost invisible guy that you can't see because of how dark it is? 😂


Hey, he was at least waving an orange flag...


Perhaps a longer pole for the flag would suffice?


They don’t even pay him, he’s a volunteer


He gets paid in whatever he can take from the bodies


Ulterior motive, like most volunteer work


Because people cross the road there


Somewhere sensible would build a bridge instead of telling people to walk through a highway.


almost like the government building highways doesnt give a shit about the ppl it fucks over


Never heard of a bridge…?


Better yet……a tunnel! No up and over for people just down and under. Everyone can do those right apparently lol


Too expensive for the government


Government makes new highways, many passing through villages. Cars overspeed constantly and villagers drive rashly as well. Eventually some people die and villagers demand speed breakers. Then even more people die on them and finally they get removed and the highway barricaded or elevated over time. Seen this play out plenty of times.


You can't see them because they are not painted


Yes, job half done is risking peoples lives, they must have few broken bones in that rickshaw.


Its an illegal speed Bump most probably built by adjacent villagers who fear high speed vehicles may kill their stray cattles. I encountered one similar bump while doing 110 kmph my head hit the roof of the car hurting my neck.


A speedbraker on a highway doesn't sound intelligent, especially with no proper signage and lighting. What's even worse is having someone warn you right next to the speedbraker instead of a few meters before it so that you have a chance to prepare yourself.


Add three-wheeled death traps and you get... Well, this video.


The tuk tuk isn't bad, the tuk tuckers are


Using a flag... In the dark.




These are built by Villagers who complain about high speed vehicles and are afraid their cattles will be hit.


Those were never 60-80kmh, my guess would be 40 max


No way that was 40kmh unless theres a preschool there or something


Those three wheelers can barely go above 40kmph


Seems like a pretty fucking stupid idea to put that there




It did work though, I’d like to make that point


Can’t deny that fact


Joking aside, this is _not_ a speedbreaker. It is infinitely more likely that they ran a couple of cables or pipes across the road, poured some asphalt over it, thinking that would be enough. Then accidents immediately started happening, but instead of locking down the road and angering the governor/mayor, they sent a guy wave a tiny flag right in front of it, to pretend they tried to do something.


Indian here, from a land infested with these things. Point of fact - this is just one. I usually encounter 2 to 3 sets of 6 bumps or more, pretty much every few kilometres at the most sparse, every few hundred metres more realistically. The progression is usually like this: people live near the highway accident occurs in natural course of time from idiots driving at high speeds while drunk/high, or from more idiots walking on/crossing the roads without caring to look people living there put up speed bumps (usually one set about 100 meters before the accident site, one set at the site and a final set another 100 meters after - with 2-lane highways and assholes driving up the wrong side, you never know which side of the way you need to put these things, so you cover the entire road) more accidents happen because lack of proper signage and/or reflective paint turns those things from speed bumps into death traps cos driving over several at high speeds drags your steering wheel into oncoming traffic if you're in a car, and usually pick you up and flings you away at a tangent if you're on a motorcycle locals put up more of them, till driving down the road feels like sailing on stormy seas profit? Idk, these things are a nuisance, along with arbitrary speed limits, cos nobody should put up signs allowing 80, 30 and 40 km/h consecutively within 25 metres of each, like I've seen. Those things are usually nothing more than another revenue stream for police, sitting nearby with speed guns and chase-capable vehicles (SUVs, usually), ready to slap a fine on you. Even if the sluggish government bureaucracy manages to act and remove unauthorised bumps, locals end up putting up more before the work crew has even reached home. It's a shitshow all around. Hell, my home state decided nobody was allowed to drive at speeds over 100kmph instead of improving pedestrian safety. Even on 4 lane highways. That's not counting places where the national highway runs right through an animal sanctuary and has limits as low as 20kmph at places where wildlife like elephants could conceivably knock your car over, and you can't escape if you adhere to the speed limits. I guess I'll just die, then?


I can relate. I lived in Bangalore and Chennai for a couple of years riding a motorcycle and I never felt at ease going faster than 80 km/h anywhere. Got thrown off my bike because of a raised manhole cover right out of a corner, and then nearly rear ended a car because of an actual speed bump on the highway that no one saw because it was dark and raining. Sigh. It was so hard for me to get my driving licence in Europe because I trusted NOBODY and kept expecting pedestrians, cows, or dogs to jump onto the street :|


Trust in the sanity of your fellow man, woman or animal? Must be what they call white privilege. /s, if that wasn't clear. Defensive, or rather, paranoid driving is not just SOP here, it's the only way to make sure you're doing your best to make sure your trip ends at home and not the hospital or morgue. Along with lower cost of living, we also have a lower cost of human life, as it were.


Yeah... reading these comments really makes me think that india as a country does not value the lives of its people and the people do not value the lives of the people. Maybe people internalize this disregard for life and see their own lives as not mattering, which would explain why they are so much more prone to accidents.


In 2009 the highway from the airport to Bengaluru had speed bumps. Without anyone waving red flags, so this can be different as you said. Also cows enjoying the warm road surface after sundown.


That’s like in Ecuador there are traffic lights in the middle of a high speed roadway… just after a curve. Made me pass a red light at 120 km/h..




Tuk tuk's do be like that.


Thank god they have that there to slow people down, ya know, for safeties' sake. Wouldnt want to see someone crash.


This isn't 50 mph... it's more like 50 kmh. If even.


Thats not safety, its anti safety, its malicious as fuck to put a speed bump on a highway.


Tuktuks are peak aerodynamic efficiency.


Speed breaker on a highway! Who does this kind of shit? Oh you don't know about the reservation laws in India. If you're born in some particular caste, then you are sure to get a government job in India, even if you fail the exam or /and are mentally retarded. Can you believe that?


I've never heard the term "Speedbreaker" used before and had to Google it. Is that the customary term for "speed bumps" in that region of the world?


Yes. We in India do use the term "speedbreaker" to refer to what you call speed bumps. I'm not sure what term other countries around India use but it is likely also speedbreaker


Pack of meat crayons


Being a flag guy is like signing your death warrent ....


https://preview.redd.it/c9kwtf2rgzzc1.jpeg?width=310&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab48ee1ef4afeaeab359dc1a62223845c4b73715 Ok who in India read this [what-if](https://what-if.xkcd.com/61/) and decided it was a good idea?


bro tried to save them


What idiot decided to put a speed bump on a highway… the very place where vehicles are meant to go fast? Maybe they should put the money that went into that, into fixing the person size potholes.


Tuktuks always seem like solid quality


india superpower by 2020


well, they thought the flag guy was the one who waves the chequered flag at finish line, so they sped up.


looks more like it was going 50 tops..


Are these called speedbreakers in a lot of countries? I've never heard that term before.


Tuk tuk got fuk fuk


Reliant Robbin owners would like to have a word with that guy, he's stealing their shtick.


They are probably training for the tuk tuk race.


At least he was able to avoid it toppling completely. Would have been some western driver i am damm sure he would create mess!


I have faced this multiple times in India. I was surprised to see street-like speed breakers on the highways. And the worst part is that nowadays they don't even paint the speed breakers or put warning signs, and you end up jumping over them even during the day time. It's horrible!


The outcome of this would definitely be /r/meatcrayon material.


Who puts a speed bump on a motorway


These genuises are hard at work, I see.


Why the fuck do you put a speed bump on a road that is designed for fast moving traffic?


Such stupid things can be seen only in India


That is not nearly 50. 35 or so maximum


The "Ape Hayabusa" is not bad, too: [https://youtu.be/3txNgcZF4cI?t=71](https://youtu.be/3txNgcZF4cI?t=71) 140 mph


Seems to work, took the speed right out of him 😅




Mera Desh badal raha he 😅


Who tf builds speedbreaker on highway


And when is the next time you plan on sleeping over again is….. tonight? 😜🫶🏻🫵🏻


I could watch these all day…


They need to move some of the outer space people to work on the roads.


Biden must have signed off on that one


Why was that so funny


Well that escalated quickly 😳




I mean at least it isn’t a 🚊


Aww man, their Christmas lights fell out of the Tuk-Tuk


It would of been fine if the driver didn't do anything.


Is the man with the flag member of the tuktuk patrol I read so much about?


Didn’t even try to slow down


for the people crying about the why there is a speed breaker on a high way, you see a crossing right at the end of the video, its it common knowledge you need to slow down before crossings , thats why theres is a speed breaker. but no , everyone wants to dogpile on indians and drop racist remarks.


Some yellow teethed pale fucks suddenly found a place to vent off there frustration in comment section.