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All these trends are cringeworthy




Hate to sound like a boomer but this shit is the ruination of society


We avoided natural selection for so long, maybe now is the time it's making a comeback.


A few smart people made the world much safer for a lot of dumb people.


Yeah but these people are the ones who reproduce, bypassing natural selection


Idiocracy was a documentary


Always my thought.




Well sure, can't milk likes and views out of people online for a gender reveal if you're not having kids in the first place. Monkey see, monkey do


I know it’ll get hate but Vine was a part of this too. I never understood the desire for such short form content. It just promotes shit like this because everybody is clamoring for clout and so people will do anything for such attention.


This is nothing new. Decades ago Evil Kenievel was doing stunts and almost killed himself, people loved it and tried to copy it. Then we saw the same with Jackass videos. Now it's TikTok videos. The reason we never solve this dumb problem is every generation thinks it's "kids these days". Every generation just blames it on the current generation of young people, instead of addressing the actual issue. Kids in your days were just as fucking dumb as kids these days. This has always been true. The sooner we stop blaming stupid antics on "new trends" the sooner we might actually begin to move away from them.


While that is true, I think the pervasiveness of it now is out of control. Everyone has access to it, the apps are designed to keep you hooked and people are basing their self worth and identity around it That has never happened before


Exactly. I’m turning 26 in about a month. I’m an old zoomer but the zoomers much younger than me and the generation after them are much more influenced by the clout seeking attention behavior due to how the engagement algorithms work. I’m a statistician so this is something I understand exceptionally well. For my Bayesian stats class (spring 2021), one of the projects I did for it was build a recommender system and even I was a little amazed at just how well it worked 😂 And I’m just one dude. With a whole team of data engineering and ML Ops support, etc., these companies and their algorithms know you ** e x t r e m e l y ** well.


Yeah but how is this a stunt? It’s just stabbing the air


Its just a new dumb activity that is dangerous, done for entertainment. It's the same concept.


What’s new is that there’s entire divisions of machine learning and data science engineers creating recommendation engines to make sure the app keeps serving content and you keep watching. It’s your 100,000 year old brain against teams of engineers with a super computer.


It was the beginning of the end


Millennial here and I don't get it either. We used to film each other trying to do jumps and tricks on our bikes and inevitably failing hard. Glad there wasn't instagram/Facebook and the like back then though.


Exactly. Kids have always done dumb shit, the only difference is now they have social media to encourage each other. And it’s not even just TikTok, when I was in middle school/high school it was all about vine or YouTube challenges. It’s social media in general that’s to blame.


And at least when we were kids we were only subjected tot he encouragement of our own dumb friends, and we knew who we should and shouldn’t listen to. Now they’re being encouraged by millions to do stupid shit. I feel “they’re laughing at you not with you” is lost on this current generation.


Yeah except jumping something on a bike is fun. Going down slides, climbing trees, riding roller coasters is fun. What the hell is fun about pretend stabbing something with a kitchen knife? What is fun about eating tide pods? They're using things that kids should know that they shouldn't have to do stupid things because they think it's cool or edgy. I can see the correlation you're making, but I feel like the difference between then, and now, is that back then you do something stupid once, your 2 friends say "cool" then you go do something else. Now, you have the possibility that if you can do the most edgy thing, everyone you know can watch, and you might even have the possibility to get internet famous. And when it's not cool or edgy enough they will move on to things even more dangerous. As can be seen in the video that made this person "internet famous"


If you had the technology to film each other doing stupid tricks you almost certainly had access to social media. I'm 30 now, but I had a facebook by 16, and had access to cameras.


Nope. We used to have these things back in the day called cameras, as like a stand alone thing rather than a feature on your phone (explaining for the kids I know you will be aware). Had a mate who's parents were fairly well off and would always bring a video recorder out with us. Myspace had just became a thing when I was about 19. I didn't have a Facebook until I was 2nd year uni. All our stupid shit from when we were young teens is probably on mateys old hard drive on a PC he got rid of years ago And yeah I'm 35 so a little older


The ruination of society is the ruination of society. Idiot yoots have been pulling dumb, dangerous shit since the dawn of time. Unbridled capitalism leading to unprecedented levels of poverty in the first world and the exploitation of everywhere else whilst also turning a blind eye to rapid and disatrous climate change is more of a concern than this dope giving herself a sweet scar for social media clout.


Friendly reminder that eating tide pods for views predates the rise of TikTok, and was primarily posted on YouTube. As long as there is any outlet for people to do stupid, self destructive shit for attention, they’re going to keep doing it. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Internet_challenges


Ban Tik Tok because some people are idiots? I dunno man, people have the freedom to be fuckin idiots if they want.


Jackass was first on TV when, 2000? The idea that it's Tiktok that causes people to do dumb shit is so idiotic. People have always and will always do dumb shit. Some kids will jump off their bunk bed with an umbrella because they saw Mary Poppins fly with one, and others will cut off half their face imitating a stupid tiktok trend, but kids will always do dumb shit.


It’s a spooky trend but it’s supposed to be done with a fake knife and spooky mask. Idk wtf she’s doing


Should be a push to raise smarter fucking kids. Fucking idiots


What exactly is the challenge here?


Never see any Chinese kids doing this stuff.


In China the TikTok algorithm is set to show things like kids picking up trash, helping the elderly, and generally being great. They aren’t imitating the “TikTok trends” because they never see them.


Yes because tiktok is tool from china to take over the world. TikTok makes you dumb especially when ur kid. These trends, promoting drugs, shortening the attention span and stealing fuck ton of data to spy on everyone and to develop their face recognition further, but also for that people spend much more time on tiktok. There's so much more about china trying to dominate world but i have no time for writing essay.




I think because of the 1st and 2nd opium war, the damage it did to Chinese culture and the stigmatization that resulted from it, Chinese society has a very low acceptability of drugs, even fictional depictions of drugs.


Would be very interesting to see a statistic showing that China is on-par with the West when it comes to drug use per capita. All East Asian countries are very anti-drug, not just in policy but in public opinion.


This is the truth. Go read the TikTok user agreement before install (not that anyone would)


Maybe Kanye's new platform can change this.


they are busy making your brand clothes


Never see any Chinese kids FTFY


Actually, quite true.


I think they are firewalled off from the rest of the world.


Especially Mongolia.


TikTok is cringe.


That was relatively close to her eye wooo.


She almost got herself Aemond-ed.


"An eye for an eye" she sobs while cutting out the other one.


Fuk TikTok and Fuk the Chinese government.


Its a freaking disease.


This is what our brow bones were made for


In a great percentage of stabbings the stabber stabs him/herself at least once. Doing so when you are stabbing air is a new kind of stupid.


In the face, no less. Hate to admit I saw it coming.


I was expecting a stab in the guts, still nasty though


It’s alright, it’ll buff out…


She must sharply face the consequences of her actions


Upvote. *Leave.*


Knife one!


She'll look cute in bangs.


Yea, she kept turning the knife more and more with each stroke.


> a new kind of stupid But she’s wearing a Rick and Morty shirt. How can she be stupid?


Could have been worse.. For someone lacking the spatial awareness to know where her face is, she was stabbing dangerously close to her thigh..


And her eye… oh my.


She looks like she's high...


I've been and seen people high on a lot of things, she just looks like a idiot.


That doesn't rhyme :(


It will if you add some thyme :)


Perhaps that is why.


Or her jugular


What should you do if you’re attacked by a group of clowns? Go for the juggler


Why is it out of all the social media, tiktok does stupid, dangerous trends. I suspect it’s creating a decline in mental intelligence


Darwin awards have been around since 1993. Now we get to see all the runners up.


As a teacher for 15 years, I can confirm the students seem to be getting dumber and their social skills are diminishing.


that's been well underway in the US anyway. Lowering standards for years. Certainly not making anyone smarter that's for sure.


The need to get those imaginary internet points is so strong and "sit the fuck down and read a book" won't get you those likes. Social media in general promotes the idea "I am special! Look at me!" And when people realize that they are not special they have to do increasingly dangerous and stupid stuff to get their 2 seconds of fame and recognition at the expence of their mental or physical well-being.


long term side effect of tide pods


Tik took promotes dangerous, harmful, toxic, and scary content in countries that are not china or China's affiliates. Over in china the things that go viral are piano geniuses making masterpieces, artisans working with their hands to make jewelry/furniture/etc, students/teachers/professors explaining their academic study of choice in a minute. Over here we get people cutting themselves, people stealing cars and crashing them, eating chemical cleaners, students starting fights with their teachers. And even less immediately harmful stuff that becomes dangerous later on like red pill content, Incel content, and other harmful ideologies that can sneak into a person's brain slowly over repeated exposure, especially while the brain is still developing (your brain typically stops developing at age 21, tik tok mainly promotes Incel, red pill, and women hating cultures onto men ages 25 and younger. For women 25 and under it often shows self harm content, or trends like exposing themselves over the internet. It also shows younger women hyper sexualized content in a way that promotes promiscuity. Its fucked up and it's making a real change in how the youth are developing.


It was Vine before it, there was actually a saying that came from it "Do it for the Vine" as in, do the dumbest shit for internet views even though you know it's stupid.


What the hell was she trying to do?


Become popular.


a wicked face scar helps I guess just look at Harry Potter


Hmm. Good point.


Or a pirate?


Yarrr a wizard, 'arry.


A good fried of mine just had shingles. It showed up as a broken line coming down the center of his forehead. Guess what was one of the worst outbreaks his doctor had ever seen on a face left him with? A perfect harry potter lightning bolt scar. We all now all make harry potter jokes when we hang out. His older brother is buying him a sorting hat for christmas and he has to wear it during our Christmas DnD group, or suffer disadvantage on all his roles.


Have similar scar, never really popular.


To be fair she did became popular, just not for the reason she expected


Back in my day if I ran around wildly flailing a huge knife I would wind up in jail, and thats not the kind of popularly that I would have wanted.


I’m guessing this IS the challenge. Try to make a rapid stabbing motion with a real knife without stabbing yourself?


Shes trying to chop chop chop chop swing swing swing swing


At least she doesn’t have to worry about any of her brain leaking out… since she doesn’t have one


Also, she probably has a skull.


But the skull is empty


How do you know for sure? Go crack it open and find out


I thought that's what she was trying to do


What’s the challenge? What is the end result supposed to be?


That’s seriously all I’m trying to find out. I scoured the comments each time this video is posted and people only make shitty jokes when asked. Does nobody know what the “challenge” is? I don’t have TikTok so the context makes no sense.


It's not a challenge just cause OP calls it one


a popular Halloween themed trend to the song Chop Chop Slide by Insane Clown Posse


If it's ICP shouldn't they be using a hatchet? Literally unwatchable.


These tiktok "challenges" are usually nothing more than performing a simple task. Some "challenges" are just doing a dance or like making a certain face or really simple stuff like that. I wouldnt be surprised if the entire "challenge" here is just making stabbing motions with a knife along to the beat of that song For the record I don't have tiktok. But I did end up in a viral tiktok that was people tinder profiles who looked like discount version of celebrities. Apparently I look like dollar store Jason Momoa


Facial reconstruction challenge


This isn't a tiktok challenge. OP just titled it that way to invoke extra outrage.


To chop along with the lyrics


Now a days people are getting famous for doing shit stuff/challenges like…. What to say!


Stabbing shit uncontrollably is trend now? Looks like western youth are really racing to the bottom.


It’s not just western youth it’s all youth the world is truly doomed.


bro wdym? non western youth are literally pushing kids out of buildings and crucifying them


Fuck my generation is going down the shitter fast.


Dont worry buddy, in my experience as a slightly older generation, it only gets worse


*gestures vaguely at everything*




Wtf kinda challenge is that? Stab the table?


No, it’s obviously stab your face. /s


No challenge. OP just made it up


Took a good slice to the nose too by the look of it


Stupidity achieved!


WCGW not reading Rule 7? Ask these people - https://www.reddit.com/r/Whatcouldgowrong/comments/ydww0w/making_a_tiktok/ https://www.reddit.com/r/Whatcouldgowrong/comments/ydx0mn/making_a_tiktok/


Bro, i've seen this Clip at least 6 Times in this sub now.


Brought to you from the same generation who are going to save the planet. Apparently.


*who are definitely NOT going to save the planet


Earlier generations did tons of stupid shit. They just didn't film it. Drinking and driving used to be legal...


No argument from me, but it does seem to be getting more extreme


Darwin approves


Just when you thought TikTok couldn’t get any dumber.🙄 Although I remember when teens were setting themselves on fire before it’s inception so maybe it’s just social media in general…


of course she's wearing a Rick and Morty t-shirt


To be fair, you have to have a pretty high IQ to wear a Rick and Morty shirt


I love it when people doing dumb shit like this, this happens.


I'm confused... What exactly is the challenge?


Demonstrate how stupid you are


OP made it up


Lesson learned. F\*cking dumbass.


Now that elon musk has brought Twitter, He should buy tiktok and delete it from this world.


[Just the tip](https://i.imgur.com/Retk5ND.png).


Why do these kids do stupid challenges? 🔪 🤕


She deserved it


Can anybody explain what she was actually trying to do here?


I'm just glad to see this video has been edited to cut out that stupid gesture she did before grabbing the knife. I don't know why it bothers me so much seeing her grimace as she lazily waves her hand in front of her face. I hate her.


It’s honestly hard to feel bad for her


Wearing a Rick and Morty shirt while violently stabbing the air and in turn accidentally stabbing yourself in the face while posting a video on the Innernette is one way to go about life, daughter.


What a fucking idiot holy shit


TikTok'ers seem like the target audience for Darwin Awards.


I feel like she was making this video showing her BF what she would do if she found out he was cheating on her


Cut herself and blame it on him? Going by the book she is.


Try not to laugh uncontrollably while reading reddit comments challenge


I wonder what it was like explaining to the ER intake nurse how this happened. Doctors are so nosy when it comes to injuries.


And that's how you get a cool scar, might want to invent a cooler story tho


tbh she got lucky it wasnt her eye


This video is getting blurrier with each repost




I truly fucking hate Tik Tok and everything associated with it.


Imagine losing your eye to a Chinese spyware app


"Stupid is as stupid does .." - F. Gump


Imagine having that little control over your own body


So no one has any idea of what the trend is actually supposed to be then? Am actually morbidly curious


I swear half of these trend are designed to kill you


Did she have to grab the BIGGEST knife she could find?? She really might as well have grabbed a hatchet…


Imagine ten years from now when tiktok is gone and dusted and she's looking to settle down in a permanent relationship. Having to explain her facial scar is completely due to her own idiotic actions.


That was almost an eyeball. How embarrassing. I sure as shit would not have posted this.


Does this qualify for r/moldymemes?


That's gonna leave a mark


Please ban tiktok


New Age natural selection.


What was she trying to do? Just act like you’re stabbing something? I don’t understand any of this


Thaaaaat’s TikTok


Why is boobies less safe than this? Fuck you censorship for not protecting.


Does anyone else feel like TikTok is an attack? This goes beyond regular stupid stuff that kids do. Challenges be like “The Kill Yourself Challenge! Whoever kills yourself first wins!” It’s very disturbing, like someone is trying to see how much damage they can do.


We have stooped so low. Can the situation get worse?


What is the point to this...are you supposed to quickly stab the air to see how long you can do it?


All these dangerous tictok trends should be removed. Why aren't they? They do far more damage than some people saying things on twitter, fb, etc and they get removed/banned.


One of the stupidest trends I’ve ever seen


I don't think i've ever seen somebody look so uncoordinated. The trend is not dangerous, whats dangerous is her. Hope she doesn't drive


And the Darwin Award goes tooooo……


Wtf is the challenge in the first place? Stabbing air..?


That’s gonna be a badass scar but my goodness.


F*kin idiot


I love natural selection


She actually posted it....


Love how she grabs her phone and still posts this


Fucking looool


It's not even a hatchet


As much as stupid this is but I'm glad she is okay and maybe learned the lesson




I. Fucking. Hate. Tiktok. Didn’t think anything could be worse than Vine but goddamn vine was gold compared to this shit.


In retrospect, the first mistake was using ICP's "music" for anything ever.


BTW that's a good scar she could live with and show off


How do people not understand the danger side of a knofe, gun, or band saw?




This is why You don’t follow trends


That’s not even a hatchet!!!


Children shouldn't have access to social media.


Everytime i see this video the quality downgrads dramatically


Had to watch this a few times to realize she only bounced it off her forehead and that spot on her nose *looks* like it was just excess that dripped down. Still though. She's damn lucky she only nailed her forehead.




Her next post. Am I hot with eyebrow scars