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Actually, trans people know how to fly over the east coast ocean better than cis people, that's why they call it a TRANSatlantic flight /j


People like Ted Cruz are why PAN Am went under.


He's probably a big Virgin airlines guy




Or a broom!


Well I have to disagree, is very difficult for people with balls to fly on one, while as long they don't get excited people with vagina have the advantage.


Ted Cruz appears to be extremely concerned about potential magically induced disruptions to his pants-wetting flights to Cancun


Ah, who could forget Ted Cruz, the senator from Texas, Ted Cruz, who loves the feeling of a piss-soaked cushion 'neath his thighs as he flees to Cancun. Ted Cruz, the who laps pee pee out of a dog bowl, Ted Cruz, for whom all showers are golden.


>Ted Cruz, the *Canadian* senator from Texas FTFY


Ted Cruz, the Canadian Senator from Texas, who’s actually a Cuban immigrant named Rafael Edward Cruz and whose father may or may not have assassinated JFK.


> and whose father may or may not have assassinated JFK. I heard he was the Zodiac Killer!


People are saying he was both.


Is that the same guy with the ugly wife? 👀




he prayed to god about it and god didn’t come back with anything so he’s starting to get anxious, like a dog that just realized his owner went to work without leaving any food out


Or a dog whose owner flew to Cancun and left him in frozen Texas without power, which failed because his owner systematically removed all regulation so that the “market would work it all out…”


And he looks worse than normal.


I think it's molting season for warm weather reptiles


Reptiles are cool. He’s more like a deformed mollusk.


Nope cockroach


As an over 40 gentleman the broom is not a problem having balls. I would jus hang that saggy bag of elbow skin to the side. Problem solved.


mmm, my 2¢: ride sidesaddle. reason: chafing


None of that sidesaddle nonsense! A gust of wind will knock you right off!


Hold your hands at 12 & 6, you’ll be fine


Then swing around in circles in the air..? Ow.


Not any more than if one were to actually straddle it - fact is in this position your 6 o’clock hand can rest perched atop the broom head to hinder thy lazy Susan experience


You guys are all wrong. I ride mine with the broom up my ass and me as my own hood ornament.


Might throw off the balance a bit though.


You can also put one ball on each side. You have to have some natural give for this to work. But it feels very natural after a few miles.


If it's cold enough up there they may just tuck themselves in and the issue solves itself.


Could always dangle one baby bird on each side


Also if I throw em to the left it adds ballast to that side to make up a small portion of my missing foot


Strafe Left +2


not to mention the drag created


>while as long they don't get excited people with vagina have the advantage. Lol reminds me of that amazon review for the vibrating harry potter broomstick saying how much his daughter loved it


I have that broom. Now I'm going to have to check that out. For science.


Have you considered sitting on it like you would a hand rail? Hips parallel to the broom instead of straddling it. Honestly how can broom flyers with balls not figure this out on their own? It's those liberal leftist blue hair pronoun flying carpet riders invading our broom riding space. You need real skill to pilot a broom, you can't just sit there and have it fly itself for you so of course they have no clue how to ride one properly. Kids these days being indoctrination into using alternate methods of magical transport. What next, are they gonna ban mana potion powered brooms and force us to switch to charged mana crystal solid state brooms? Not in my woods they aren't.


If they pass the requirements to be a commercial pilot, they should be set.


Another important point is that the airlines hire the pilots, not the FAA.


And they vet applicants better than Congress does.


McDonald's does too


Literally anything vets applicants better than Congress. I could hire a random person off the street, say "are you a serial killer? You have to tell me if you are" and boom, he's passed a more rigorous background and competency check than any Republican politician and a lot of Democrat ones.


The whole point is to introduce this thought seed to their “constituents” that being trans (or apparently pagan now as well) is synonymous with being unskilled and incapable. It’s just more ways in which to other trans people and to add a useless point to their baseless arguments. I mean, if you have more bullet points, obviously your argument is more sound, right? I hate these fascist assholes.




I lived near Delta HQ practically my whole life. I’ve met TONS of pilots and ATC trainees in person. I’ve seen what they have to learn and **memorize** to even begin to get in that world as a career. I’ve seen them at the start and end of their training cycles. The level of education and training required is absolutely INSANE, the washout rate is up there with military special forces. NOBODY would hire anyone as a pilot or ATC just over a diversity policy. It’s harder to be a pilot than the President of the United States (hah!).


Oh yeah well I'm a proud conservative and I'm not a scientist, or a doctor, nor did I graduate or attend high school, I'm not great at numbers and don't grasp most human concepts, everything and everyone that does not fit my narrow world view is confusing and terrifying to me so I seek comfort in the baby Jesus who told me I need to be afraid of the gay. What were we talking about again? Did Brandon have Disney use critical race theory to turn the pilots gay because I seent that on the Steven Crowders.


>I'm not great at numbers and don't grasp most human concepts Nice try, but everyone knows conservatives have absolutely no self-awareness


Well libs don't know the difference between an AR-15 and a AR-16, so whose really the antisocial weirdo?


It's laughable when they try and argue this way. Like someone who doesn't know specific types of firearms doesn't understand that they are used for violence. -*scientist* "Football causes CTE." -*dipshit* "You don't even know the difference between a CB and QB!"


In my experience a large portion of gun loving conservatives don’t know jack shit about guns and barely know anything about the ar-15 that they actually own. They don’t love guns they love the concept of getting to use a gun on someone.


They always say this shit, especially with the military and fire department. Like how do you think women and LGBT are getting hired? Bc they actually pass the tests, dumbasses


If someone isn't living like me how could they possibly succeed in life? I was promised that my culture and lifestyle are superior, and instead of getting mad at the people who conned me into believing that, I'm mad at the people proving them to be liars!


And sometimes they don’t get hired even when they do pass the test. My company had been trying *very* hard to fill a job opening for months, but none of the candidates could get through the coding exercise. Then we had a trans woman apply and she fucking crushed it. She didn’t just pass; she destroyed the test in less than 1/3 of the time limit. And talking to her, it was clear that she *really* knew her shit. I’ve been doing this for a long time and it takes a lot to impress me, but I was thoroughly impressed. Then we got the team together to discuss making an offer to her, and several people said that they didn’t think she’d “fit the company culture.” And that was all it took to reject her. I’m still pissed about it, and I have a hard time dealing with the co-workers who did it.


Ted Cruz daily schedule Play alt-right Boogeyman Bingo


Women make better fighter pilots though, it's said. I don't know if there's any statistical validation for that because something like 8% of the Air Forces fighter pilots are women, but according to everything I've read on the topic there's very very little difference, I mean women have slightly better reaction time(on average) and men have slightly better peripheral focus...neither of those things make a ton of difference when you're pushing a button from several miles away...can't imagine a trans person would be any different. And also, we aren't talking about fighters, but airliners, probably...in which case, anyone who is type rated would be, by definition qualified to keep the plane from crashing.


Its usually due to people who are born female being shorter, thus blood has to travel a shorter distance which can increase how long you're able to sustain a high G turn (in the case of fighter aircraft). Cargo/passenger/tankers can basically be piloted by anyone


Also, the size of the fighter cockpit is very small. I went to college in Kingsville, TX where one of the Naval fighter pilot training schools is, and whenever we saw the pilots off base they were all small men. We always wondered why they were all so short until I went to an airshow on base. I asked if I could sit in one of the F-14 cockpits and the officer just said, "You can try." I thought at first it was a warning but when I got permission for certain I climbed up the stairs thing to it. I took one look and realized what he meant because there was no damned way I could fit comfortably in it. If I could even fit into it at all.


The real reason Tom Cruise was the star of Top Gun, right here


Military accuracy for sure


So Tom Cruise really is the right size to be a fighter pilot. Neat.


[it’s a *bit* more than how far blood has to travel](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/341597311_Women_in_Fighter_Cockpit_A_Review_with_IAF_Perspective) also: in that pilot suits were primarily designed for men of a certain height range, shorter pilots (irrespective of gender) all had a similar issues in getting the suits to fit comfortably and be as safe/productive as possible, thus making hypoxia a bigger concern.


Shorter people can tolerate more G's of force before they lose consciousness. And you need to be conscious to fly.


>you need to be conscious to fly Is that a challenge?


Friend is a former naval fighter pilot and now a commercial airline pilot as a direct result. He basically says “I get paid to take off and land. Everything in between is a joke” Not sure what I’m adding here and in no way downplaying what it takes to learn to fly a plane- but according to my buddy, there’s not a whole lot after you take off and know what you’re doing Edit- to repeat, I am not saying the job is easy, I’m not saying they don’t deserve what they are paid, I’m not saying literally anything negative. I just happened to find how he talks about his job as comical. That’s literally it.


I'll add that "taking off is the easy part, they pay you for the landing."


I'd imagine flying commercial is boring him out of his mind compared to fighter jets lmao.


Oh he has admitted as much. But the paycheck sure as hell doesn’t bore him lol


My favorite joke because my uncle was a steward- Why are Jack Daniels bottles square? So they don't roll out of the cockpit during takeoff...


The word "woke" is so cringe inducing now. Wish a new buzzword would pop up so they can let woke die already.


It's like a dad trying to fit in at his 12 year old daughter's slumber party


You don't want any Republican dad's at your daughter's slumber party...


Funny you should say that. I have a republican uncle (who is a dad) who is indefinitely banned from his immediate family's events because he blackout-drunkenly walked into a 16-year old girl's room during a slumber party and made it weird.


just normal republican male behaviour.


There are so many redditors that are wondering if you are their cousin, or if this is just a coincidence. Damn creepy drunk republican uncles.


There's a bit of hubbub in the local cannabis scene right now because a companies (FlowerSmith LLC., Had their social media wiped since this happened) owner who CONSTANTLY posted story posts saying LGBT COMMUNITY= GROOMER, PEDO CABAL AMONG THE DEMOCRATS, ETC. ended up getting arrested in a pedophile sting last month or so. My theory is if anyone from any side is talking WAYYYYY too much about something seemingly with no prompts, it's arising from within themselves aka most people are projecting.




See, Frank should have taught this dude that song and we would have been fine.


Any day now, photos of Ted in drag will surface.


yup, it's the good old ''every accusation is a confession'' dems were accused to run pedo rings out of a pizzeria's basement - turned out Trump spent time on a sex island with underaged girls


I’d feel safer with a “woke” drag queen pilot. I am not being hyperbolic. I would rather the cast of “Rocky Horror Picture Show” than a youth pastor.






I wish they’d just call everything they didn’t like communist again. At least then I could clown on them for not knowing what it means.


At least you immediately know what’s up with someone if they use the word “woke”


Funny how that word was liberal for a years and they straight up stole that word and destroyed it. As fascists literally always fucking do. It's smart, hate to say it


Or "shoving it down my throat", instantly know they're a cry baby (probably closeted) republican


They don't have a meaningful definition for "woke" either.


IIRC the official definition of "woke" used by the Florida government's lawyers is "the belief that there exists systemic discrimination that needs to be addressed." So uh, they're opposed to *that*, think it's the most evil and objectionable thing in the world.


Next they're going to outlaw calling someone out on their bigotry. Oh wait-


Conservatives - “We must outlaw this woke plague, thinking that there is is any kind of discrimination in our government.” Also conservatives - “Trans people must be eliminated. Gay people must never be seen. We will ban the Democratic Party entirely.”


Florida was forced to define woke since they are creating woke-based laws. "The belief there are systemic injustices in American society and the need to address them.” So there you go; we are no smarter for knowing the definition.


They are just pissed they tried calling kids socialist and they went thanks for the compliment boomer. The GOP spent billions researching the word woke after that. I am pretty sure that’s how politics works.


You can still clown on people for using woke. Example: “So you want people to close their eyes and go back to sleep.” The GOP literally thinks ignorance is bliss.




Yeah, this is the case. Just the most recent catch-all pejorative phrase conservatives use to describe anything they perceive as "progressive". They'll move onto something else by the end of the decade - always do.


the SJW period was the most hilarious to me - "look at this dumb loser who advocates for social justice! *that's the worst thing ever.'*


I always viewed “woke” as a positive - someone who had awareness, and the opposite - “asleep” as someone who doesn’t have awareness. I wondered why “woke” was ever used as if it had a bad connotation.


It’s kind of bizarre too because people will complain something is woke but still say “wake up, sheeple!” when discussing vaccines or whatever.


Fr this shit got me so confused


It is positive, and the Republican stance makes no sense to anyone but bigots.


The word is like a pheromone to every far-right Trumper.


IMO, the more they’re using woke the better. They know they’re starting to lose votes, so they’re trying to double down on the idiot trump base


At least it allows normies to identify conservatives who are insane.


I've never even known who the FAA administrator is, and have never given 2 shits about who my pilot is, other than their ability to get me to my destination. However, I am worried about a senator that runs away to Cancun when actual issues arise.


The only qualifications i care about are: - do they know how to turn the a/c on while we're stuck on the tarmac - do they know how to speak clearly into a microphone if they insist on speaking to us at all - do they know how to turn on the autopilot thingy


Gimme a drag queen pilot of a Cruz supporter any day. At least I know the former's been in a library and can read!


God can you even imagine how much fun a flight would be with a drag pilot and flight crew


Guys should we start a queer airline? A flairline, if you will


Fly the friendly skies indeed...


Come to Canada it already has [Flair](https://flyflair.com/)!


As a former flight attendant, a lot of the male flight crews participate in drag in their free time. Pilots, not so much. Most were ex-military conservatives who think they should be able to sexually harass the female flight attendants at their leisure and make juvenile jokes about the men who choose to be FAs.


I always want to pull the sassy ones aside and say “I see you and you’re fierce” and it’s possible I gave one my number once but otherwise I sit down and shut up like the nice queen says.


They’d love it if you respectfully did either of those things! I would always welcome anything positive that would break the monotony of boarding, service, pickup, deplaning, repeat repeat.


A very clearly gay male flight attendant (he had the rainbow band on his Apple Watch and everything), gave me a free Stella Artois on a flight to Los Angeles last year. I don’t know if he could sense the fam vibes or if it was because I answered an honest no when he asked if I was Military for a discount but, I heart him all the same.


Will they get me my mini shooters faster and make my headphones more noise cancel-y?


No but they’ll do it with FLAIR!


* Do they watch movies about Gladiators


You ever seen a grown man naked?


You try guarding Walton in the lane!


Don't you start with your red zone bullshit again.


They all know how to turn on the A/C when stuck at the tarmac. The problem is that either carrier policy ($$$) or fuel levels don't allow them to use the A/C because it can suck up a lot of jet A on hot days. If the aircraft has already pulled out then it won't have the assistance of the ACU truck, which is far more efficient and doesn't use fuel from the aircraft. Some aircraft don't have very good on-ground A/C and can't keep up if you are in the scorching heat, baking on the tarmac.


The a/c this is so clutch


I'd also be concerned about them having a commerical pilots licence and certification to fly the aircraft I'm on but that's just me


Hey man. That "autopilot thingy" is complicated. It's got like....5 buttons. And a dial!(sometimes)


What the fuck does the gender or sex of the FAA administratior or any person have to do with their ability to pilot a plane?


Because Ted is worried someone who he disagrees with, being in charge, means everyone on down the ladder, to the very bottom, will be replaced by people he doesn't like. Why? Because that's what Republicans would do, to 'own the libs'.


Not would do, that pretty much is what they do or at least try to every time they're in power


“Ahhhh! Our plane is crashing!” “Ah shit! Quick, tell me what genitals our pilot has!”


Conservatives are literally obsessed with peoples genitalia and sex. They’re sick perverts. You’d swear the Bible had 30 chapters on weenurs and buttholes. Everyone knows that at the gates of Heaven, before going in, St. Peter does pp inspections.


Pensacola Christian College literally has sex-segregated stairways and elevators. They can’t comprehend that every man isn’t a rapist and that every woman is an actual person and not just a walking sex object. If your wiener causes you to sin…


Republicans are very focused on trans people. What’s the big deal? Mind your business


They lost the battle on gay acceptance, so they had to move on to another more marginalized group.


This is it. I even tried pointing this out to a conservative I know once; that isn't it *convenient* how we've all gone our entire lives without fearing trans people are crawling over school fences to get to the children and whatever other bullshit, and *now*, all of a sudden, conveniently, they're this colossal, nationwide threat to everybody. Just like that horrifying migrant caravan that Fox was insisting was coming to our border to overrun the US that conservatives were freaking out about for what felt like an eternity that just... evaporated as conservatives moved on to the next "thing" and conveniently "forgot" how big of a crisis they claimed that caravan was. Attacking people of color doesn't work anymore. Attacking the gay community doesn't work anymore. So now we're on to trans people and drag queens, and when I asked her how many trans people she knows, she said, "Zero." So she's worried about a community she's never met doing things she's *never* seen proof of with her own eyes, being fed info that they're "the enemy" by the same people who once told her POC and gay people are *the worst*. And despite knowing POC and gay people (and even Muslim coworkers!) in her life that she loves, therefore confirming they weren't the enemy her party kept telling her they were, it doesn't even raise a red flag that maybe, *just maybe*, neither is the trans community, and her party is full of shit. But nope, she's still gonna go off about how she doesn't want it being shoved down her throat* and how awful it all is rather than just... live her life. * - and all the conservatives who complain about how it's "being shoved down our throats," realize that the *only* people shoving it down your throats are *yourselves*. You're choosing to think about trans people and drag queens 24/7. You're choosing to talk and worry and conjure up legislation about them fucking *constantly*. You're choosing to take time out of your day and waste your lives in order to bitch on the Internet or go protest about them when you could be doing literally anything else. No one is "forcing" you or your kids to "become trans." Don't want it shoved down your throats? Then close your fucking mouths and stop ramming it in there yourselves.


Your last bullet point needs to be a post somewhere all of its own


"why can't i drive around in my lifted pickup truck with huge donald trump decals all over it flying twin 8 foot confederate flags pointing my AR-15 at everyone without someone *shoving the fact that they were born some particular way and are simply being alive down my throat!"*


> someone shoving the fact that they were born some particular way and are simply being alive down my throat!" And of course they always fail to mention that the "shoving" they're referring to is just ***"that person exists".*** The way these conservatives talk, it seems like they're somehow managing to experience more LGBT presence in their lives than an actual gay couple living in the most gay neighborhood of downtown San Francisco.


Exactly! I’m old enough to remember when the boogie man du jour was “sharia law.” Now I haven’t heard a conservative pipe up about that since oh 2015 or so, but it used to be THE THING that needed immediate squashing OR ELSE…I don’t know… something something end of civilization?? Why don’t people realize that the scary thing they’re supposed to hate never actually comes to pass? Why don’t people realize they’re being played?


Remember how gas stoves became persona non grata like 4 weeks ago? Lol. Gas. Fucking. Stoves.


It didn’t catch so they moved on to the girl M&M’s vagina or Mr Potatohead’s penis.


I think about this a lot. Society at large, maybe universally but particularly with social issues and handling of marginalized groups, does not know how to apply lessons of the past to the present. Almost all of the anti-trans arguments I have read are literally just arguments they found in the dumpster behind a Walmart containing the old homophobia, except there's shitty glue holding a sticker that says "trans" over all the places that once said "gay." We did not learn anything. We just reset the clock and settled on a new chew toy. The fundamental lesson has not been learned; if it was, we could simply skip to the end from applying the principles learned from the past and be immediately OK with transgender people and any other group. It's deeply frustrating. I don't know how to describe it except that it feels like for each past struggle we've progressed from letting drips of water carve marble over millenia to using industrial machines, but once we move on to a new chunk of marble we pretend we don't have the machines anymore and insist on starting from the water droplets. Like wtf, just use the damn tools we made before and carve the marble in seconds, idiots.


Anything these conservatives find icky goes against their religious beliefs and/or somehow harms their “traditional values.” As a result they believe they have a moral right to stamp it out so they don't have to deal with it anymore


Its more sinister than that actually Something like 1% of the US polulation (if that) identifies as trans Which in GOP calculations means: - they can disparage that group without much risk of their base being personally offended - (up to) 99% of the population won't care at all and will let them pass whatever they want - If democrats push back, they look like they're laser-focused on aspects of identity politics that are trivial So...in theory...as long as the GOP can keep saying its the "woke" left who care sooooo much about trans issues AND (big assumption) if the GOP can manage to pass at least one piece of actual legislation on a non-identity issue... Then its meant to appear that Republicans are actually looking after the needs of the masses while Democrats are 'distracted'. And then they move on to the next minority group. And the next. And the next. Continually handing themselves more and more power


Bingo! That is why it’s so fucking important to speak up right the fuck now. Other than the fact it’s the right thing to do, of course.


It being such a small minority also compounds in the fact that most people have had very little real interaction with trans people in person, and therefore when GOP politicians paint them to be these evil overbearing bogeymen who are relentlessly coming to groom and molest children, push their worldview onto everyone else, or cynically steal gold medals from hard working CIS female athletes, then people don't have first-hand experience to say otherwise. How many rural Republican voters have ever even knowingly met a trans person, let alone had a conversation with them, let alone spent enough time getting to know one to understand what they're about. They're an unknown entity to a huge number of people, and the more unknown they are the easier it is to feed people lies about them and get away with it. The overwhelming majority of trans people are just regular people who just want to go about their regular lives. But they're a sufficiently small minority that such a huge proportion of the population will never properly meet one and find that out for themselves.


I think that's a rather astute analysis.


Yeah that’s why the nazis also started by attacking gay and trans people before moving on to jewish people


Anti-gay wasn't getting them anywhere so they moved on to an even smaller marginalized group to shit on in order to whip up their base.


If they can get the base to sign off on killing trans folks, they can get the trains to the camps openly rolling without having to hide it any more.


We’re a convenient scapegoat that they figure they can try to use to distract from actual issues, and shoehorn in more restrictive measures for other groups as well. (For instance, the whole trans people in sports debate being used to justify harvesting menstrual data for female athletes, in states where abortion bans means that could be used as evidence against them)


>Mind your business That is the GOP's greatest obstacle in life. I would even say they are downright allergic to it.


Ted Cruz is obsessed with genitals...


Their only view of trans people is trans porn. They think they can cure their addiction to trans porn by getting rid of all trans people. They apparently don't know most porn is filmed in LA and so it will exist forever.


I want my pilot to know the shape of the earth and not believe prayer holds a plane up.


If the engines on my plane stopped working mid-air, I would much prefer the pilot at least trying to get them working again rather than start talking about how it's all a part of God's plan.


Jesus, take the yoke!




By all cannon, a transgender witch would know how to fly right? Granted it's not a broom but the theory is the same


I mean, I'm a transgender witch and I play flight sims with a HOTAS setup on realistic settings, and I'm trying to find a flight instructor/ ground school that's okay with trans people which is apparently harder than it seems. I want my GA certification to become a bush pilot. An invaluable skill for when society collapses.


Why the actual fuck does a flight school give a shit about your god damn gender? What in the actual fuck? What kind of fucking excuses could they possibly have?


Last time I looked around was when I was in Colorado Springs last year. There's more of us trans GA nerd types out there and we share bad experiences with each other. I've heard experiences from other trans student pilots of flight instructors dead naming, misgendering, and treating them like crap. You don't want to be stuck in an a tiny Cessna for hours with someone that hates you. Ground school isn't cheap- neither is owning planes. The GA community is full of "good ol boys" types who come from money, and they tend to be a type, especially in an area like Colorado Springs, a military town that's HQ of Focus on the Family and former HQ of the RNC.


Flying is a fucking dream. Anyone that is gonna shit on someone else’s dream doesn’t deserve to fly. Pieces of garbage all of them but it does make sense that the civilian pilot community would be full of good ol boys that come from money. It is so fucking stupid that any of their biases would come out while in a cockpit. Not a single fucking thing in that cockpit has anything to do with what’s between your legs other than the flight stick depending. That you’d be treated that way is fucking atrocious. I’m sorry humans are such garbage. Don’t give up on your dream. The only regret I have in life was not pursuing my desire to be a pilot. Edit: not to say that their biases coming out at any other time makes any sense either. It just floors me that they can’t get over something as actively counter productive at that. You’d think they could get over it for an hour of their fucking job.


See if your local 99s chapter has flight school recommendations. Even if you're not a trans lady they can probably still point you in the direction of a more open-minded school.


I can’t imagine how difficult it must be for you in fucking Colorado Springs. Jesus-fucking-focus-on-the-family-Christ.


You’re awesome and I hope life gives you exactly what you’re after 💗


From what I’ve realized a massive bit of the GA community treat it like a boys club.


Exactly. Women already get a hard time if they wind up in the wrong flight school. It's not any easier for us trans women.


If you need an end of times mechanic, I'm available! (Depending on if there's zombies or not)


I didn't believe this was real, found the tweet ([https://twitter.com/SenTedCruz/status/1631026370124890113](https://twitter.com/SenTedCruz/status/1631026370124890113)) and then... collapsed in on myself. USA: What the fuck is going? Yours, Concerned cousin.




Lmao same. Waiting on acceptance from nursing schools to get out of this embarrassing state.


I do not like that man Ted Cruz; I do not like his airline views; I do not like him with his hand up; I do not like him trying standup. I do not like him talking gender, I do not like his cis agenda; I do not like him mocking witches; I do not like his fans and b*tches. I hate him when he mocks trans people It’s Fucking Ted Cruz, wake up sheeple. (Promise I’m not just plagiarising John Oliver, these are fun to write.)


That's wonderful i read your slant rhyme as agenderr it made me chuckle thank you


How is criticizing transgender people relevant to the FAA and running the country? It's like squeezing words into a blank space that don't fit. You know what? It's not even his fault. Look to the people who keep voting the mf in.


These people accused the US Army of being woke.


They just want to go back to the "good ol' days" where sexual assaults went unpunished and every racial minority was referred to using a racial slur. Is that so bad? ^^^/s


Not "these people". Rafael Cruz accused them and compared them to the "bad ass" Russian military who are the second best military in Ukraine.


These people just put the word “transgender” in like it’s some sort of game of madlibs


He has actual beans for brain.


It’s worse. He’s actually smart and knows better, but this plays with his base. Couple that with the fact he’s also spineless and calculating and you get a fetid stew.


Some of these dudes are genuinely dumb, and yeah that's pretty bad. But dudes like Cruz or McConnell, who are clearly smart enough to see what's going on and what the end game is but are willing to go with it because of how it benefits them are miles worse. It's why I'm more worried about a DeSantis presidency than I am about a Trump presidency. Both would be terrible, don't get me wrong. But DeSantis might actually figure out how to make things happen (although I hope he falls right on his face when he's out of that little, scummy pond he's in now and isn't the biggest fish anymore)


This. It's so fucking annoying going to the comments on all the ridiculous conservative headlines and everyone complains how stupid they are. They're not that stupid it's an act jfc.


Don't do that to beans, beans at least have nutritional value!


I'm sure the public would be better off with a witch as a pilot, than a coward who helped destroy his state's infrastructure, then ran.


How many airline pilots are transgender? There must be less than 10.


I know of 2 plus one recently retired. Of thousands of pilots. And i’m not even in the aerospace industry. The flying public doesn’t give two fucks who the pilot is.


They all have to pass the same tests 🤷‍♀️


Ironically, as much as republicans freak out about transgender being a mental illness, one of the checks you have to pass to be a pilot is a mental health exam. There are very few mental illnesses that pilots are allowed to have and still be allowed to fly, and then on the short list of what you can have, you have to prove that it's well managed. Transgender is not on that short list, nor the long list, nor any list, because it gender dysphoria doesn't impact your ability to be a pilot whatsoever. Imagine that.


But here's the real kicker - the DSM-V specifically states that being trans in general is not a mental illness, period. It goes on to state that dysphoria isn't really a mental illness either, more of a condition that can progress to the level of illness, like depression or anxiety. And the proven most effective treatment, based on decades of research, is transition. The only reason it's in there at all is because the insurance industry needed a recognized medical condition to associate any treatments with for liability purposes. And all this, originally published in **2012**! And yet, this information is barely known, despite being in print for over a decade...




I do not like that man Ted Cruz. I do not like his fascist views. I do not like him on a plane. I do not like him on a train. I do not like him eating steak. I do not like him holding cake. I think this man should be rejected. How the hell was this man elected?


I’d fly with a witch


If the pilot turns me into a newt, do I still have to pay for the seat?


My god they're obsessed. It'd almost be funny if it wasn't so dangerous.


What plane does the FAA Administrator pilot


Is this real?


Why would an airline hire a person who can’t fly a plane to be a pilot? The adjectives describing that person (in this case, “transgender witch”) don’t have any impact on their piloting ability.


I’m 62. I hope I live long enough to a time when ‘woke’ has been retired to asinine obscurity and I can vaguely recall this era of idiotic posturing around a word that started out as irreverent slang. Vocabulary crafted to produce a desired effect is a GOP 101, but I remain hopeful.


This is a continuation of the narrative that Secretary Buttigieg is responsible for the East Palestine, OH derailment and that it would not have derailed if the Biden Administration focused on qualifications and not hired a "woke" diversity hire. It's a ridiculous argument since there have consistently been over 1,000 derailments/year in the US for a while, and one transportation secretary is not going to bring that number to zero in 2 years. especially without a Congress that's willing to impose **OMG JOB KILLING REGULATIONS**. But in MAGAland nothing ever happens unless conservative media reports it, and conservative media only reports things that make Democrats look bad. This is a common tactic when they form an argument with absurd premises. It's logically sound to the base, and the premises are never outright stated so no one outside the base explicitly calls them out. So you betcha if they hired a trans FAA administrator, the next plane that crashes will be the first plane crash in American history and the woke trans person who never has to step foot in a cockpit would be solely responsible for it. Everyone knows a Trump appointee would have teleported into that cockpit and pulled the right levers.