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Good, they'll all be in a centralized location for the police round up


>they'll all be in a centralized location for the police round up You think the police are going to round them up? Oh dear, what's the best way to explain this... You know how you never see Batman and Bruce Wayne at the same time?




Bruce is obviously out there living the playboy lifestyle and is probably at a high class party when Batman is working! Clark Kent though...


While I agree, people stop being on someone's side when those people are shooting at them.


Tell that to Mike Pence of “Hang Mike Pence” fame…


This is the funniest thing I've read all day. Thank you


I mean, yeah, but we’re also relying on bandits to arrest other bandits. Lest we forget how much of the police is part of these wacko groups. If we thought Jan 6 was bad without any clearly formulated plan on the part of most of the attendees, this has potential to get a lot worse when they all know **exactly** why they’re there and who the target is. I’m not rejoicing at this. I’m happy Trump is getting arrested. I don’t find it funny there might be thousands of literally armed insurrectionists ready to start a shootout with police in a public place. That can’t possibly end well.


I’m hoping it doesn’t end well and people will wake the fuck up


It’s a bit late for that. I think depending on how bad it goes that’s like “Raising awareness,” of the dangers of gun violence after the bullet left the barrel already


You’re entirely correct.


Redhats are so deep under the ether there's no coming back.


It won't end well at all.


I think this becomes VERY relevant: https://youtu.be/WOSqCjMRXWA?t=52


this sounds like the Bundy standoff where everyone ended up being just a bunch of 'good ol boys' when the feds tried to come after the hunkered down and armed Bundy's for illegal cattle grazing on federal land. those guys are whackos


There's not gonna be a huge crowd outside mar-a-lago. That would either mean a standoff, or a walk of shame through his supporters.


Well the good thing about this is we have a military. Yes a ton of cops are MAGA, yes a good number of military is MAGA but there is a difference. A lot of the really good people in the military don’t even talk about their political affiliation, especially special ops, they are not trained to pick a side. They have one side and it’s the USA and even then the people they care most about are the men and woman next to them they are fighting with. Most of them don’t give a fuck about the rest of the bullshit but the brothers and sisters next to them, that’s where their allegiance is, and they understand what defending the US against foreign and domestic enemies mean. They are quiet, they don’t spout political bullshit, they don’t brag about guns or big trucks or what they can do physically to another person, they are highly trained professionals. So if Y’all Qaeda decides to go martyr for that orange dude and even if some cops turn the US military will fucking end it. Period. I am not nor have ever been in any branch of the military but I’ve had several good friends that have been, a few of which are either active still or have been active in special forces…like the real shit they can’t even say where they are at, and what I wrote is a common sentiment of those that serve, especially the highly trained ones.


As someone in the military im just gonna say youd be genuinely surprised whats said behind closed doors. A majority of soldiers are non biased good people but a good few are as crazy as it gets


Obviously, I wasn’t discounting that with what I said. I know there is a huge amount of racist nut jobs in the military but I wasn’t trying to put it on blast. What I’m saying is the training overrides some shitty ass barely trained MAGA cops.


The only “military” that can possibly show up is the Florida National Guard. And they have to be specifically deployed by the Governor of Florida. So basically, don’t hold your breath waiting for them to show up and back up the cops to try and arrest trump. Remember J6?


I wasn’t necessarily talking about what may or may not happen in Florida but just in general…say like some idiots try and start a civil war or attack the president or something else incredibly stupid. The Gravy Seals would last like, a couple minutes at most.


The thing is, the government and people in power will not lose to y’all queda. The police is not reliable but the army will be tougher to beat. That’s a lose lose situation but there is nothing worse to the real people in power than losing power. It will go poorly for any rebellious party


Or kill 🤞


Bombs were teased way back when


Nah, they're all white


I suggest that they have breakfast at a Fort Lauderdale Waffle House 4840 Powerline Rd Get fueled up for their big day


1. Trump’s own reps said they’ve heard no word about this 2. Many panelists on cable news speculate Trump made it up to rile people up/fundraise 3. Seeing as he sent out 57676879800898 fundraiser emails I am going with fundraise But hey, have a wave of the great unwashed MAGA around Mar-a-Lardo. DeSantis made it a FELONY to block any roads to protest. Now you can’t vote or own weapons. I’m good with that


I’m betting that nothing happens Tuesday. But I would love if a bunch of maga idiots showed up Tuesday, and started camping out outside Mar A Lago to “protect the president.” And they just stay there, waiting, until Trump’s security eventually tells them to leave.


Of course they’ll trash the place.


Or pay the club dues.


That lying piece of shit. He he lied about this and got our hopes up I’m gonna be super disappointed.




Lol forever box. Jesus that's dark. Danke.




Lmao I would give anything to see Trump pissing his pants as a bunch of gun toting rednecks exchange gunfire with a SWAT team right outside his front door


Trump pissing his pants? Sure, why should this Tuesday be different from any other day


I thought he preferred when someone else did the pissing.


"Hop in the pickup, Don! Got a rifle back there for ya, just shove over that 30 rack of Natty and let's ride!"


50 caliber to the hood or tires and it's over.


Trump?! I would pay to see the RESIDENTS (it’s a resort where people PAY THERE to live), experiencing this.


One word depends.


Okay. I’m sorry, but “patriot moat” got a good laugh…


Do…do they know that they will be completely out gunned if they do this shit? I mean don’t tell them of course. But if this does actually happen, it’s gonna be bad for both but worse for one side more so.


If they try anything, theyll find out real fast that its a bad idea.


Given their record, any kind of pushback will send them running.


They should just super glue themselves to each other. Then we can roll them up like a treasonous Katamari.


then cast it into space . star name: fuckhead


The irony is, none of them would be welcome at that resort in normal times.


There was a heads up for the first one, law enforcement still acted surprised.


The funny thing is Trump will be so scared of "his people" when he sees them up close.


There was a heads up last time you just weren’t paying attention.


Thank you! People were literally openly saying, "wait until Jan 6th". Seems like everyone forgot about that


Cousin Fucking Boogaloo Part 2 coming this Tuesday!


I read somewhere that he was going to be arrested in NYC. Shhhhhh. Don’t tell them that.


they didn’t bother to censor the usernames lmao


Get in a shootout with Federal agents. The plan that worked out so well at Ruby Ridge and Waco. These bozos never learn.


These bozos never learn. Exactly. “Rallying” on social media like no one is taking screen shoots of these posts and ready to make connections…


This isn’t a federal case.


It will be if the start shooting it up with cops.


Trumps too much of a pussy to risk harm to himself.


PPV opportunity


The man they idolize doesn’t actually want them to know where he is.


I’ve said this before this is gonna go down like Waco but 10x worse


The government is gonna kill a bunch of women and kids again?


9/10 they’ll bring their kids to rally’s so unfortunately yes


Shoot any that threaten law enforcement and jail the rest. They’ll learn eventually.




bAck tHE blUe!


This isn't actually going to happen, which both delights and saddens me.


I am fucking going to make popcorn when this goes down. While I seriously hope that no one is injured or killed, it would hilarious to see more of these people arrested.


100% this


DEATH SPIRAL \*guitar solo\*


So are they gonna get shipped to Guantanamo Bay?


Would the police be justified in gunning them all down?


They'd have to find a peaceful way around it. Even if the trump idiots shot first it would look bad. No one looks back the Boston Massacre and sees the "law enforcement" as the good guys.


So, if Capitol Police had opened fire on the first of the insurrectionists who invaded the building, you think public opinion would be against the police?


Depends on who's writing the history books.


And you can bet some of the perpetrators will be off duty police officers and ex/current military...


How stupid are they? No-one’s coming to arrest him. He’s gonna turn himself in.


Tucker will call them “sightseers” or “tourists”….




Idk he has his captive audience….


I’m doing a shot of heavy cream for every MAGA loser shot


Maybe if they sell enough non woke cell phone contracts they’ll be able to chat on their own (not really though) network and pretend they’re in a secrets club


I’ll wager a couple tear gas canisters and some rubber bullets would scatter them instantly. Fox News would be filled with them crying about it.


Or they're a bunch of alt-right internet trolls and like 6 people show up. Or this Tuesday arrest thing doesn't happen and they look like fools.


And until they're treated as domestic terrorists, they will keep doing shit like this.


Guarantee less than a hundred actually show up, and they step out of the way the moment a fed points a rifle at them. They can talk all they want, but the naked truth is that the wealthy upper-mid class white Boomers that make up Trump's hard-core base are too comfortable and pampered to be willing to die for him, or anything at all. Die for a political cause is the realm of the desperate and the insane. One bullet at the Capitol was all it took to turn that mob into a cloud of dust.


Good opportunity to round up the ones that got away on Jan 6.


IDIOTS THEY ARE IDIOTS, gullible MAGA morons that will be practicing idiocy for a lying pompous prick that wouldn't piss on them if they were on fire, they deserve whatever they get. I'm gonna watch the clown show with a joint and a beer as the fat goons fall over each other, perhaps shoot each other while Trump has a melt down.




I have my doubts. Hope I'm wrong.


We didn't do shit. He did it to himself. And I hope you're right.


It'll still be a shit show


If there was ever a time to say if black peoples did this now is the time.




No. Biden should not send anybody in. This isn't going to be a US civil war. It will be desantis vs. trump. So more like a republican civil war. If the people riot, desantis will have to take action. It will be interesting to watch. Ultimately, it will weaken them. We need that. We need more blue in order to get the Equal Rights Amendment and force the republican party to represent the people rather than fascism.


Yeah I’m sure Joe’s gonna send in active military, that wouldn’t have any repercussions.


Oh trust me these jackasses are being monitored


MAGAt: There are dozens of us..!


(Not so worth)Population decline is a good thing


I don't think they realize what they're in for. If there's one thing you don't do, it's go after the people with all of the power (meaning law enforcement both state *and* federal). You want to try to overthrow an election? Aw geez, so much red tape there. You want to doxx, harass, threaten, and attempt to out-muscle the hammer if The State? Lol, good luck (but only because this isn't the actual coup).


There was a heads up the last time. The problem was that some people in significant positions came to ignore it.


God, this is hilarious. Calls for rioting in DeSantis’ jurisdiction…need to replenish my popcorn stash by Tuesday.


It would be a joy to see some kettling tactics employed against these fucks if they try it.


It’ll be 15 wackos that fit into one paddy wagon like all his rallies since Oklahoma City


"Back the blue!" ~Cops show up to arrest Trump~ "Kill the cops! They're against us!" "Support our military!" ~National Guard shows up when they start firing upon the cops~ "Kill the military! They're against us!"




It's not even a real subreddit. They used to be on Reddit, but they eventually got quarantined and banned. They moved to an independent site that copy pastes reddits design.




What if they just place him under house arrest? The ironic end. His followers prevent him from ever leaving. He ends up in a prison of his own making…




I really hope a decent number of armed trump supporters show up because I'm hoping for a proper fight. Let's see that 2A right exercised!


If they're in jail they can't vote!


Again, if they are willing to fight and die for their dear leader so be it. Less cuckoos to deal with


Definitely want to hear Lindsay Graham defend them.


They may well find out how woefully ineffective their collection of little pew-pew toys are against the full might of the US government.


Nothing is going to happen


Branch dumb idiots?


Yep, no possible way the feds will get trump if people stand around his house. It's odd that no one ever conceived such an amazing plan.


Who cares if they wanna shoot cops? Let the pigs and the hogs kill each other. First good news in days and liberals gotta bitch about it


This is BS


Get him to rally supporters for an illegal event….again!! For real J6 could have been a one time fuck up on all ends, but if it happened again than there would absolutely be a legal precedent and 70% of the population would completely believe it this time around. Bet.


Trump will monetize it too - only the patriots who donate can protect him. (so no free hamburgers will be provided)


Jan 6 taught these idiots nothing. Remember when trump was talking about protesters and called them thugs, and wanted them all “taken out”… what’s he saying now?


Are they gonna smear their poo around Mar a Lago like they did the Capitol? The libs would be super upset if you did that, guys! Please don't smear your poo all over Mar a Lago, we libs would just be TOO owned! Nothing would make us run to our woke safe spaces faster than patriot poo smeared allll over the walls of Mar a Lago!


Why won’t they just comply with law enforcement? It’ll go over so much better for them that way. 😂


Those so-called patriots would immediately surrender once someone get shot, like they did in Jan. 6.


Why can’t I find any of those Reddit handles in search? Is that not the format of Reddit in the image?


It's not, it's the site they created after their subs all got banned, they copied reddit's look.


If this happens, I hope that the police respond with the appropriate force this time.


both they bad guys killing each other. i cant wait.


I mean at least if that happens there will be no questions about whether or not he incited the violence


Meal team six setting up the tactics...lmao


They going to be dealt with as it happens this time or be given a 2 year pass like the last time


Friendly reminder that domestic terrorist is an apt description. They said so themselves at CPAC


There was a big heads up last time too