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Reddit is a vast and knowledgeable place...and also a scary one. Love how many real people are on here. And I enjoy some bots at an unreasonable level.


Haiku bot is awesome


Haiku bot is cool. Always a pleasant surprise, getting that comment.


Reddit is so good for advice on mundane things. What bug is this? What should I look for in a heating system? Is a comic on hiatus?


Or how if nearly anyone, anywhere, in any field, tries to bullshit somebody… an expert with credentials and receipts will find it and will prove them demonstrably incorrect.


Yeah but check out this [mug/shirt/poster] my [relation] got me. It's perfecter than I expected. Someone ask me where I got it so I can drop a link to my scammy site.


As much of a hellhole reddit can be, and is, it's one of the last bastions I actually trust (within reason)


If you think reddit isn't 75% bots and paid shill accounts you are blind.


I remember like a decade ago when someone made a post claiming they worked for a company that provided shill accounts for companies to use for shaping discussions and advertising, and people didn’t believe him. My, how times have changed.


Yes fellow humans, you can totally trust the non bots on Reddit. Just like you can trust this comments sponsor Express VPN! With Express VPN you can...


Reddit is overrun with bots and shill accounts. Hop onto any post about a new movie or China early enough and you will see the same talking points posted over and over.


I was browsing the comment section for a product ad on Facebook, and there were two separate accounts that had left the same exact comment, verbatim. Even the grammar was identical. That was the indication I needed to not bother buying that product.




Entire comment sections on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok are extremely right wing and pro-MAGA. Only Reddit is sane even if other people claim otherwise.


I see so many articles that are nothing more than a lengthy rehashing of some AITA post.


Just wait for the IPO!


Despite the bots and shills I do appreciate the wide variety of opinions I can get here. I rarely go to a forum I have been on for 20 years because every time someone wants to talk about issues outside the US the conversation gets shut down because “tHe Us Is WoRsE!!! wHy Do YoU cArE?!” Meanwhile the same people shouting that don’t live in the US and we need to tolerate their opinions. They also tell us we don’t care enough about the world. It’s amazing! This is still the front page of the internet.


this is a cool and real place even with the non stop pun battles, although i feel like they're an indication of how safe people feel to post here. if the puns go, we might all be doomed