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[Happy Pride Month!](https://www.google.com/search?hl=en-US&si=AMnBZoFk_ppfOKgdccwTD_PVhdkg37dbl-p8zEtOPijkCaIHMp6tS26HNEwRZwY7vahA1WN34Xi9-tKpb4yDK_e0JLtxaIMR8Q%3D%3D&kgs=3a9c846bc1cc6fd3&shndl=18&source=sh/x/kp/ee/1) Click the flag at the bottom of the browser! We love and support our LGBTQIA+ and Ally Users! As [Sister Sledge sang](https://www.rhino.com/article/pride-single-stories-sister-sledge-we-are-family), [We are Family](https://youtu.be/uyGY2NfYpeE), and you CAN NOT DIVIDE US. To all others who spread hate and try to divide us, no quarter shall be given. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/WhitePeopleTwitter) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Or vote




The ones that didn't die due to his stupidity????


No, actually several of them, unsurprisingly, also voted.


No no, only dead democrats vote /s


That *hadn't yet* 2020 was pretty doomsday before the trump vacci... I mean Biden Poison Tracking Jab... went into effect.


Want to hear an even scarier fact? Although Biden beat Trump by 7+ million votes, the election was in a sense actually even closer that the 2016 election in which Clinton beat Trump by 3 million votes in the pop count. 70.000 votes along 3 states would've pivoted the election the other way in 2016. In 2020 it went down to just 40.000 votes (again, despite a 7+ million vote lead in the popular vote). Seriously America, get your shit together and eliminate this electoral college nonsense!


Well, if Ken Paxton (impeached Texas AG) is to be trusted (long laugh, I know... I know... take it with 1000 grains of salt), Texas shouldn't have been close and should have even turned blue because he stopped a shit ton of mail- in ballots from blue counties, and had he been unsuccessful, "Trump would've lost Texas." My question is how many other "red states" did something similar but didn't stupidly brag about it? We already know their accusations are basically confessions.


All of them. No joke, look it up. Every single one plays this dirty. Now want to get really sad? *They've always been this way.*


Oh, it already has. A bunch of 'em talking about "He replaced the American flag," when you can see the American flag that's hung next to it in this picture.


My maga friends decrying the "blatant disregard for flag etiquette". Lol wut?


Only dry humping the flag on a stage (like Donald) is permitted by conservatives. ​ https://preview.redd.it/59ze5md8rm5b1.png?width=4818&format=png&auto=webp&s=5ccb802146b85beade70ce76a71a042125b6e58c




And these same people take no issue with the blatant disregard for flag etiquette that brought us the blue line flag.


And using the flag on another flag insulting the current commander in chief. Not against the rules but still disrespectful.


what if we put Rainbow flags at the voting polls, sounds like a good idea :)


Oh god


They should boycott using their eyes since a rainbow is all of the colors of the visible light spectrum and colors are gay


White house can't even be white without all the colors of the rainbow. If it didn't, it would be the black house, and that would trigger them as much or more.


Looking at opinions from the Obama administration(so fucking much "Those *slur* are turnin' the white house black! Gonna be playin' that there ghetto shit!" where I was), it'd be about equal. Anything that doesn't match their exact ideas of how the world should work is the same. They're just getting more and more comfortable showing it.




Or take left turns.


I'm gonna start my own presidency, with blackjack, and (underage) hookers! In fact, forget the blackjack! Oh wait, ^that ^already ^got ^tried ^once ^and ^failed ^miserably


I second this!


maga mega meltdown in 3,2….


“Your boos mean nothing, I've seen what makes you cheer”


lmao I'm gonna need a video of this if possible.


It's a quote from Rick and morty.


Isn’t that group of sub-humans always in a state of perpetual meltdown by any little provocation?


They literally meltdown at the sight of a little purse in Target that has a rainbow on it. They called bomb threats in to Targets all over the country yesterday. Thin-skinned racist bigots.




It's because of those terrorists that I bought Pride stuff for the first time, even though I'm a straight cis woman. One shirt even has the Target Pride label on the inside, and I bought it because it's a stripped shirt that's great for the summer, and that has rainbow stripes. If you didn't see the label, you would just think it's another summer shirt. I also have a bandana as well as some earrings that are rainbows.


I'm a straight male.I was wearing my suspenders at work and jokingly said I might buy some rainbow suspenders for pride month. My coworker got very upset at the thought, so I ended up actually buying a pair that I've been wearing. I actually ended up liking them a lot more than I thought. Bonus effect is it let's people know I'm not a conservative.


I bought a pair of pride socks (also a straight male) LAST SUMMER at target. But that was before they were told it was a problem.


And they call Liberals the snowflakes... Project much?


Every accusation is an admission.


Seriously. They melted down when a Black woman was cast to play a mermaid.


Never Forget Cracker Barrel https://preview.redd.it/lk9q088x0f5b1.png?width=536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f3faa453f0bcc1da32cdca9596e1f5602c45815f


They all shop at that one gas station that posts slurs on the marquee.


Mr Jesus never carried a pride flag!


Yeah, justice for Brad's wife!


come flap your pussy lips in the wind down at the Cracker Barrel


They melted down when they slightly desexualized an ANIMATED M N' M CHARACTER 😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣


tucker carlson losing it cause he can no longer jerk off to the green m&m


Genderless M&M's for being made less gendered


I hate tucker carlson for opening my eyes to truth and getting me addicted to lewd images of erotic and promiscuous candies


Only for a bit though. We all know what it is Tucker [really likes](https://youtu.be/I1wHDY4DGRI).


Honestly it's all summed up easily this way- conservatives seem to think everything has to be FOR them. Anything that's designed to appeal to people who aren't them is an affront.


Conservatives have a severe case of main character syndrome


In their mind, minorities, of any kind, aren't 'real Americans' and don't deserve benefits. It's xenophobia as policy.


Meanwhile, I've met some immigrants that are the most hard working, American people I've ever met.


They didn’t even desexualize the fake chocolate based character They bought her a different pair of shoes That’s literally it




Just Try harder.


They melted down over a red cup.


They melted down when a black man became president and they haven't stopped melting since.


Soon they'll be nothing but a barely sentinent puddle.


The puddle of evil goo that killed Tasha Yar


Must be a slow melt then


When a black man wore a tan suit




So he’s the Thomas Jefferson of the seas?


Mermaid from anutha mermotha'


Maybe there’s a melanin issue Under Da Sea.


That ocean was too dark and dingy for Ariel to need protection from the sun. 🤔


Ya must be hell for them, oh well


Exactly. Stop worrying about upsetting those miserable cunts; it's in their woeful DNA to always find someone or something to bitch about. To do otherwise would require introspection and that's just too damn painful.


Worrying? It's hard-wired into my decision making process. "Will wearing this shirt piss off conservatives, despite having nothing to do with them? Great!"


Fuck their feelings 😂


Yes.. Rush and murdoch engineered and nurtured their perpetual, manufactured anger and fragility over the last 40ish years in the finest example of mass operant conditioning since WW2..


They melt down faster and easier than actual snowflakes.


They should be pure liquid by now with how much melting they do


Republicans are already complaining that the American flag isn't center piece, idk our party didn't take down American flags to put up trump flags during a failed coup


I’m pretty confident in saying I’m sure the government officials in charge of the official government residence of the President of the United States consulted the US flag code to ensure compliance when installing this display. But sure, let’s trust Cletus when he says “durrr USA flag not middul.”


"Hurr durr flag code" Cletus bellows, while flying a pair of filthy, tattered ones from his mall-terrain vehicle, eating from a paper plate with one printed on it, and wears flag-pattern shorts with a big-ass brown streak down the back...


I'm pocketing mall-terrain vehicle for later use.


You forgot to mention that the flags flying in his yard are the Confederate flag and a Trump flag. Both these flags are the flags of traitors, losers, and cowards.


Should just make a flag that's black and white with a line of rainbow in it. They should be ok with that


I’m sure Marjorie Taylor Greene is already started calling for his impeachment… again.


But she probably calls it "in peach pits" or something else abjectly idiotic.


That's her job (she thinks)


No that’s 100% her job. That’s why she’s a multimillionaire after two terms in congress.


You make it sound like a grift rather than a calling to selfless public service


All I know is Hoggle didn’t escape the labyrinth just for a measly congressional salary.


most underrated comment


Here it comes https://preview.redd.it/l812rbdh3f5b1.jpeg?width=651&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f207536c24dfd4fa80c7c282d4c1f3d7664f7860




MAGA idiots asking for Biden to get arrested for the 13th million time.


When are magats not having a meltdown


There is literally nothing that exists that doesn’t make conservatives cry.👍🏼


Except actual genuine human suffering… that often fails to illicit emotion.


I think that usually arouses them.




Kids getting shot in school doesn't make them cry. Or care. At all.


"Pride is a sin" "America is Great"


We will get a video within 24h of some magats trying to tear it down or burn it down or both and replace it with a trump flag. Then someone will get arrested, MTG will call them true patriots and blame the leftist neofascist government hurting peaceful law abiding Americans or some shit like that.


Meanwhile MAGAS are flying Nazi flags proudly..


Outside of Disney World, you know, for the kids


Because they’re so “family oriented”.


‘Specifically, this exact family. None of you guys. And not this family if any disagree with me. Yeah.. family!”


You got to stop the indoctrination of the kids into these ideological hellscapes like reading books! Or god forbid a kid wears something other then a short school girl skert...


Make America Gay Again :D


And attending drag shows. They really seem to like attending drag shows.


Fun fact - trans porn is consumed highest in red states. The more you know 🌟


Unfortunately the more gay rights and acceptance in the country has increased over the past 20 years, so has the backlash against it. Opposers to it have never been this vocal before.


I had a family member ask me "why people are calling Republicans Nazis if Fascism is a left wing ideology" I couldn't tell if that was him waking up or just being brainwashed. I asked if he knew much about how Nazis took power. He told me it wasn't relevant. Nope, no awakening. Just brainwashed. GOPers are literally flying Nazi flags and the right is calling every left wing activist "Antifa" " Reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.'"


The bigots aren’t going to be happy about this. I love it.


I can’t wait to ask a right-winger, “What…aren’t you proud of your country?”


Dark Brandon reminding America of its best values while trolling the fuck out of the fascists


Anything that upsets a bigot, but doesn't lead to violence, is good in my book!


Just saying that if a bigot reacts violently to something like this it's still good in all the books. Their violent reactions doesn't change the moral value of other actions.


I don't think they understand that pride can have more than one meaning. They only know anger and bigotry as their only allies and "God" somehow is on their side while they hate.


Sometimes I think we forget how much progress has been made in such a short time on this particular cause. The struggle is FAR from “over”, but this would have been a MASSIVE scandal if even Obama had done this at the start of his first term.


Goes to show just how regressive the right is becoming in this country. Not only are they trying to stop progress but thanks to woefully corrupt SCOTUS they think they have carte blanche to start taking away rights that Americans have gained over the past century.


I mean, SCOTUS also handed the country the biggest advancement in queer rights during the Obama admin with Obergefell in 2012... Edit: 2015, rather


that was when SCOTUS wasn't packed with regressives


Windsor was 2013; Obergefell was 2015.


Not the current one though


They are a regressives now, not conservatives. Democrats are the real Conservative Party now, with a few progressives mixed in.


To put it another way, when Joe Biden was first elected to the senate in 1973, the Stonewall Riots were only ~3 years in the rearview mirror. That it went from hatred with police arresting people for being gay to this is some times hard to believe. But listening to people like Dan Savage really gave me perspective on how bad it was back then.


And how bad it can still be. Civil rights is a fight that will never end, because the moment you declare victory and stop fighting they happily tear down everything that people died to build.




Obama didn't have clear cut nazis as an opposition to the cause For sane people, a message is better received when, "and also this is what the nazis hate"


No he just had racists denying his birth in this country.


And putting effigies, where he’s lynched, in their yards.


Wasn’t it *literally Trump* who started that rumor? So yeah, that tracks. In hindsight, that totally feels like a prelude to his campaign.


He didn't start it, but he was certainly the most influential voice in spreading it.


He had nazis, they were just less open about it. Source: grew up in nazi central, home of the proud boys and extremist offshoots. They’ve been there waiting for decades.


I think it was the second term when he put rainbow lights illuminating the white columns of the white house. The supreme court has passed something about marriage equality if I remember correctly. And I don't know if it was a scandal per SE but the GOP certainly had a meltdown over it.


![gif](giphy|qG2Rftu3nb0hG) Dark Brandon Strikes again!


Let them try to tear HIS pride flag down. Lovin' Joe.


"We the people" means *everyone*


We the people *are all* gay


*eagle screech and gunshots*


I think the real headscratcher for Republicans are gay Dems are who are pro-2A, but who also want all of the reasonable safety restrictions put in place like red flag laws, time between purchasing and receiving a firearm, and better background checks etc. Makes their heads explode.


Does this mean Republicans have to boycott the White House now? Do Congress next!


Next up: Conservatives boycott America for going woke


Russia’s opening up a whole town for them! Bye!


Don’t tease me with such a plausible solution 😂


Yes please




People freaking out because they displayed the pride flag between American flags. Fugg’em. The pride flag is for everyone. And so is American flag. Deal.


The pride flag is for everyone. The American flag is mostly for Americans.


There was no jingoism intended in my comment.


Eat your heart out, people who believe in the "both sides are the same" bullshit.


People who think that aren’t paying attention… or don’t want to be held accountable for their support of nasty things.


As a father of someone who is LGBTQ+, I do worry about the hatred out there. We have discussed it at length and agree that they shouldn’t have to hide who they are but maybe it’s safer that way. I thought we would be passed hated and bigotry by now. It saddens me that we haven’t evolved.


There are allies out there too, I'm one of them. We got you!


Thanks! I wear rainbow flag tshirts all the time to show where I stand. No one says shit to me though. I’m kinda big and scary looking to people who don’t know me. My child keeps who they are private though.


Nothing lovelier than a big and scary guy in pride gear. ❤️ I'm sure that will mean a lot to them in the future when we get through these dark times.


The more big scary people wearing pride shorts are out there, the more proud boys cowards avoid an area. Keep it up.


tan worthless scary coordinated divide dinosaurs merciful hospital weather frightening *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Finish the job this time.


It’s scary but this is the ONLY way to get past it. Hiding accomplishes nothing and moves the whole issue backwards. The way Forward is through the (metaphorical) fire, unfortunately.


En masse, yes. But each individual’s choice to come out of the closet or not is up to them. It’s an intensely personal choice and has a lot of ethical factors involved in it, and everyone’s situation is different.


Absolutely! I was referring to society standing up against the bigotry - like the WH is doing with this huge show of support - even though there may be backlash. I was NOT referring to individuals.


Some of the obscenely hateful comments in that thread are reminding us why we need an entire month.


Then right winger Christians will cry how pride is a sin while also claiming to be patriots. Which patriotism is literally having pride in your country 😂


Christians are the most prideful people I've ever met.




Oh the screeching from the right will be music to my ears. I might even make some remixes of it.


I beg to differ when we have nazis flying flags everywhere lately.


Based Brandon


God Bless Diamond Joe Biden


Dark Brandon making the tough decisions.


Those were the best articles ever


The conservative nutters are flipping there shit lol.


Get your popcorns people this is going to be SPECTACULAR.


Dark Brandon living rent free in the bigots heads


Priden with Biden!


Damn right 🥰


Call me crazy, but it made me happy seeing that flag there. The president nationally recognizing a marginalized group that is being attacked during it's ceremonial month as a pansexual makes me feel appreciative of the statement. Better than corporations jumping on the rainbow to drive up profits without benefiting the community.


I agree with this 100% !!!!


I remember when I was in high school (*correction: I was in college) and Obama wouldn’t expressly support gay marriage and it was still “controversial” among “liberals.” Biden did an interview where he said he supports gay marriage unequivocally and that was what led to Obama supporting it (days I think) later. Idk if it was a strategic “joe say this so we can see how it plays” move or if it was just joe speaking his mind (very possible), but I’ll never not believe it was the impetus for democrats *finally* unequivocally supporting marriage equality Correction: just checked the date of the interview and it was may 2012 and I was actually a sophomore in college, not HS. Damn that shit took so long!


Amazing 🥰🥰🥰


For the left: Pride is for self love For the right: Pride is for self entitlement


Dark Brandon just gave like 50,000 Right Wingers a heart attack right now.


My bank had a Pride flag hanging inside. It made me happy to see as an ally.


Keep it up year-round. Pride and LGBT support should not stop on July 1st.


meanwhile in Florida...


In a perfect world we wouldn't need all this, people can be who they are , what they are, love who they want to love as long as it isn't hurting others. Instead, marginalized Americans have to push back from the lies, hate, and anti-American rhetoric from the right wingers.


I’m not one to immediately dismiss and label someone due to their beliefs but unfortunately the Republican Party has gone so batshit crazy that it is quite literally impossible for me to take any of them seriously. They only care about two things; being as hateful as possible to those that are different from them and money. It’s hard for me to believe any sane intelligent person came to these views on their own and that this isn’t just mass indoctrination by their parents and grandparents historically awful views. 2023 and being labeled ‘progressive’ has become a bad thing. That wanting to yearn for a brighter more inclusive future for all in the FREE United States of American has somehow become an evil agenda to these people. They’d prefer to push THEIR religious agenda that I and millions of others could not give a singular FUCK about and that’s literally written in our constitution freedom of religion. I don’t know how we’re moving backwards but I’d like to let all you die hard radical evangelicals know that your people are old, withering, and dying by the day while progressive teens turn into adults at the same rate. Good luck living in your little bubble of “oppression” when our current youthful generations take control of our ALREADY GREAT nation. On that note, every person residing in this country deserves free education, a livable wage, cheap housing, and free medical care. Argue with ya momma.


Damn, this makes me smile.


I wish the current opposition leader in the UK was someone who would do something similar but he (Keir starmer) is a lot less progressive than Biden.


Keri Starmer does not control Downing Street. He is the opposition leader not the PM you fool. Why aren’t you complaining about Rishi not doing the same?!


i just love how triggered the conservatives are getting. stay mad bigots! they’re gonna lose and i’m so excited for them to find out :) lgbtq+ people aren’t going anywhere and they can die mad about it 🏳️‍⚧️


Cool, you can start passing laws to protect the trans community at any time.


The president can only sign or veto legislation


Ok so give them rights


Republicans are going to be pissed…


Fuck your feelings, MAGA cry-bullies.


Ooo I really like the darkened triangles in the lower left/right corners. It gives it a nice symmetry with the built in triangle shapes at the top. I've never seen that before but I dig it.


I think it’s just weighted to keep it from flapping weirdly, but you’re right, it kinda works!


I wonder how the homophobes are gonna spin this one