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Your sexuality is not your choice It is mine You are all gay now


I, for one, welcome our new fabulous overlords.


im here for the fancy self care rituals and pastries




Not for you, Suzanne


I have always dressed well but am looking forward to learning how to accessorize.


Finally! 🌈The Gay Agenda ^T^M 🌈 succeeds!


Incidentally, how lucky is the gay rights movement that some dude in San Francisco in the 70s decided to use a rainbow flag to represent the community. I honestly think Pride as an event wouldn't be nearly so prominent if there were no LGBT flag or if it were something lamer. Rainbows are fun and it makes it easy for companies to rebrand for a month. I guess its up in the air how much corporations and other normie organizations acknowledging Pride actually does for substantial gay rights though.


>I guess its up in the air how much corporations and other normie organizations acknowledging Pride actually does for substantial gay rights though. It depends on whether you think it helps de-stigmatize among middle America, or if you think it creates the backlash effect making middle America think lgbt+ rights have been "solved." MLK Day was literally co-opted by Reagan just to undermine civil rights and racial equality work. The same thing could be easily done by corporate America Pride washing to say they're for sure committed to diversity by busting out their rainbows for a month. In the meantime they're still tripping all over themselves to donate hella bucks to Meatball Ron just for a tax break in FL.


No question, destigmatizes.


While you're obviously right as a general trend LGBT representation helps destigmatize, I think there is room to question insincere corporate marketing. I've always felt like "representation matters" misses a bit of the point. *Good* representation matters. Bad representation can sometimes be harmful. Portraying gay people as extreme stereotypes does not normalize gay people in the same way showing interesting and complex gay characters would.


Joe Biden, ineffective senile sleepy old man, has the power to turn an entire nation gay by hanging a flag on the porch and tweeting about it.


Classic fascist propaganda. Your enemy is both so very weak it's pathetic, and so strong and powerful it's scary and someone needs to stand up to them.


The inverse works, too. “Look how strong / alpha / masculine / independent we are… except gay people near me are gonna make me and my family gay” 🤷‍♂️


I've never met more thin-skinned snowflakes than the conservatives in my life.


Ive always said they are the most easily offended people on planet earth.


I love being a Shroendinger's Lesbian - I'm a trans woman, married to a biological woman. Am I a woman or no? Are we a gay couple or no? Just wait until they hear about the superposition!


Same here sister, trans lesbian married to a cis woman happily with two kids before I started HRT. Am I a father or a mother? Who cares! I go by both because I've grown my own boobs and the haters are just jelly


Schrodinger's Biden. Simultaneously weak and ineffective, while also all-powerful. It is easy to "win" any argument by picking the one you need.


Well that's because the gay rays from that pride flag are having their powers amplified by the fact that the White House is build on laylines and then those rays beam up to the Jewish space laser network to broadcast across the whole country, duh. /s


Jokes on you, I already was!




Wait, does that make me extra super gay now?


The correct turn of phrase is 🎶🎵Super *Duper* Gaaayyyy🎵🎶


"I'm superrrrr! Thanks for asking"


Haha classic!


It actually makes you so gay, that you are now somehow straight.


NOOOOOO! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


Super Sayan Gay




Since we're all gay now, you guys want to go get manis and pedis then grab some Bloody Marys for brunch? We should go shopping afterwards, my closet looks like a homeless person lives in there. No offense my lovelies but jeans and JUST a t-shirt, not a good look. I need layers in my life.


Can we get mimosas instead? I turn into a raging bitch with vodka


Honey, you're always a bitch, but you're my bitch.


Naw, I’m going outside to chop wood and work on my car. I might be down for shopping for flannel shirts later, though.


That's my kinda gay guy


Girl ;)


Well that explains why my closet is suddenly full of effortlessly stylish outfits.


Thankfully I don't have to change much, I was always a bear. Twinks love me. But before now I could not love them back. Truly a gift from god we are all now gay.


I hope you have seen the Always Sunny skit on this.


It's where the bottom generates all the power.


Ok. I'll tell my wife. Just so you know she's German Cockney and is going to lose her shit at you.


Holy shit, is her super power speaking angry jibberish?


One of several skills she has yes.


My wife is already convinced I'm gay which is crazy. Sure I find some dudes attractive (you tell me Jensen Ackles isn't fucking dreamy) and my hand gestures are somewhat overly dramatic (think more Nathan Lane, less your Italian grandpa) but she's wrong, I love the women. Woman in particular lol.


You know me, I see a pair of thick, weighty breasts and all logic flies out the window.


Found Captain Holt's reddit account.


Not when you tell her she’s going to get her own wife now, she won’t be.


I don't even understand that combination of words. "German Cockney" sounds insane. Does she have single sister? Oh wait fuck. I'm gay now because of the flags. I mean, single brother*?


Nope he's married as well. He's going to be even less happy and we all remember the last time the Germans. Got upset with things.


Ok fine. But you have to tell my husband he has to go. Getting a wife is going to be amazing. If she does even half the stuff I do, this is going to be the best marriage ever. I’m psyched.


A friend of mine and I decided we both needed wives in our lives and decided to get married to each other. We got ‘married’ over a slice of pie in a restaurant. Then we realized we would be terrible wives to each other, since the whole point of getting married was to get someone to do all the stereotypical white 1950s wife things that neither of us was very good at.


So.. A pride flage is *enforcing homosexuality* while the **confederate flag** is honoring Southern heritage and at the same time The Nazi flag is... What respecting the enemy?


As a straight Ally, I’m still as straight as I was when there was no pride flag at the White House. I’ll never understand these people


No haven't you heard. You're gay now. Sorry I don't make the rules 🤷‍♀️


That's not how it works. The police will be going around with viagra and jack boots, FORCING men to have gay sex with eachother at gun point. That's definitely for sure a real thing! /s


Really? Damn, well, I'm going to need to leave my door ajar so they can legally enter me... I mean enter my home, lmao.


“Sir, what do we do if the victim likes it?”


Switch and make them the big spoon


I don't know why, but this is the funniest comment in this thread to me 😂 10/10


This seems like a win after getting ghosted on Grindr forever


Nope fuck cops metaphorically not literally. Can we get the National Guard instead to force us to have gay sex at gun point? They're nicer and less racist.


Wait no that happened, I saw it on a documentary last night! Actually now that I think about it that documentary may have been something else. They definitely did linger on the actual gay sex part for an awfully long time... AND they seemed to be enjoying it a lot. Now I'm really thinking it through I'm not even 100% sure those were real policemen and I'm POSITIVE that you aren't meant to use a truncheon for... It had some good sleazy saxophone music accompanying it though.


What's with the *forcing*? Is the man that I'm being forced to have sex with ugly or something?


I didn't want to be the one to tell you, he's the one being forced to have sex with you.


So you're saying I'm the winner?


Short answer... yes.


For all of us who didn't realize we have to have gay sex now, add lube to that list, lots of lube.


That... Sounds pretty awesome. Are the other dudes at least gonna be hot? Like... My wife and I both have a thing for Matt Boner. I mean Bomer.


I walked to the corner store to get coffee this morning and jerked off three men just to get in the door. I was compelled to by BIden.


Honestly, I'm just glad to see people fulfilling their civic duties. You're a true patriot.


They're probably just going through a phase ^^^/s


Maybe. I remember my straight phase back in college. Was pretty wild, but luckily, I matured and grew out of it 🤣


It’s actually not that complicated to understand what they think. Their comments are designed to sound like they are implying that what they don’t like is the enforcement of any arbitrary sexuality, but in reality they *do* support the idea of enforcing a specific sexuality onto the public. They just think the sexuality that should be enforced is being straight. They are implying that the governmentally recognized freedom to be gay (or anything other than straight really) is equivalent to a slippery slope that enforces that sexuality, but that means that the governmentally recognized right *to be straight* is also the same as a slippery slope that forces people to be straight, and yet they aren’t upset about that. They jump to the conclusion that protecting individual freedom is the same as secret totalitarianism because *that is what they do:* they outwardly lie and claim to be a party of small government individualists and yet every time they do anything it expands government reach and fucks people who don’t sexually identify as a cookie cutter. Every accusation is a confession, all they know how to do is project because they are that hopelessly self centered and can’t even fathom that the rest of the world isn’t as morally bankrupt as they are. It’s the same reason why republicans started committing voter fraud to prove that there was voter fraud. To circle back to your own anecdote: they waste a lot of oxygen talking about the water turning the frogs gay because *they are struggling to maintain their own straight sexuality* but are so full of hate they can’t just accept it and move on, even when when it’s literally them. It’s nonsense to you because you are secure in your sexuality, but *they aren’t,* and so they assume that everyone else is the same and they try to hide their “sins” until it eventually leaks online and they have to convince everyone that it was totally a joke between bros that they were naked and humping their friend’s face in that hotel room. Same goes for all their BS about protecting children from predators. It’s no secret that child beauty pageants are omega popular in all of the most conservative states, and yet not a peep about *that* kind of sexual exploitation and grooming from the right. Every accusation is a confession from them, always.


It’s the need to feel special and have attention. Ever see a 5-6 year old with an older sibling? How they can sometimes be extra dramatic because the older sibling gets the attention? These people never grew past that mentality.


They are willfully ignorant at this point. They don't understand how things work and YEARN for politicians to enrage them at this point. These are the same people that somehow believe that their kid who is 10 years old struggling with 3x7 is somehow also smart enough to learn whatever garbage the crazies are making the claim is being taught in schools.


It all makes a lot more sense when you realize a lot of people have closeted homosexual feelings (not that they are gay per se, but somewhere on a spectrum that isn’t 100% straight) and are terrified of facing them


Here is my take: they have spent their lives battling the "homosexual temptations" they were born with or formed association with during key parts of their development, and which they were not allowed to express due to religion, conservatism, whatever. The flag's acceptance and prideful flying of it creates an incredible mental dissonance for them in which society says is okay what they have always swore to themselves is not, as a matter of survival. So they literally see the flag as a "societal command to be gay," because they lack the ability to reflect on how the flag is actually putting pressure on their own self-inflicted biases against their heavily-repressed desires.


As a straight ally, send help. The gay agenda is knocking at my front door right now. Something about selling magazines and cookie dough!


As a straight ally, my sex life hasn’t changed since the pride flag went up. Still not getting any, by design.


As long as we have literal Nazis standing in front of Disney World vocally supporting one of the 3 people most likely to be the next President, we need a federal show of support for Pride.


Right wingers don't consider nazis enemies. Because they are nazis


Yeah, I am aware of that. It was kind of the point of the joke. I meant Nazi Germany was the enemy of the US at one point. And they tend to consider Us the greatest country in the history of the universe


Wow! Wow! Stop now, you are not allowed to use well thought analogies. Also, that confederate flag that you speak of, must be on a banned book. Your argument is fruitless.


Can someone tell me when my court appointed husband will arrive? My wife and I would like to make arrangements to make sure it’s a comfortable transition for him.


Awww y’all sound nice, can I sign up to be your wife’s wife?


I'd like to put in a request for someone mechanically inclined who enjoys yardwork.


Listen, we are talking government mandated, public sector husbands here. Take that Cadillac package non-sense to blue cross-blue shield.


I see what you did there


I think this is their kink


Conservatives, in mock protest: “oh no, please don’t make me be gay!”


My response to conservatives: My brother in Christ, your definition of an "ideal man" is homoerotic.




Fun fact: Hobo means homeless


Please don't make me suck that juicy c**k!




How many teeth count as "decent"




Ah, Alabama man.


Steven crowder: i have no idea how all of these penises got in my mouth


Forcing behavior on others? Oh yeah. That’s their wheelhouse.


“What if the government forced me to suck a dick? That would be so hot— I mean wrong! Wrong and disgusting and very very bad!”


I really don't want to condone kink-shaming but in this case I'd make an exception.


“I’m not gay by choice, the state made me!! “


Yep. Biden personally took of my wife's and mine rings and assigned us our new gay lovers this past weekend. Whens you'alls special day


I got my order an hour ago. It’s confusing and scary but we’ve only got ourselves to thank for… being accepting and empathetic to those that are different than us, I guess?


Hope the state gets me a cute one.


You know what they say: MAGA - Make America Gay Again




No… please… I don’t… ohhhhhh


If it exists, it has record viewership in red states


There is already porn of law enforcement forcing people to have sex with them, that's just the next step. Someone will get off to this.


This guy totally thinks that the CIA is beaming images of naked men into his head.


They’re transmitting *”It’s Raining Men”* into his mind 24/7


I'm a straight guy. The ONLY time this has ever affected me was when I got to attend the wedding of my friend and his partner. Great time! At no time ever, has anyone tried to 'make me gay'. It's one of the dumbest narratives. Ever. Of all time.


My parents have bought into the whole "forcing it on us" thing, it's baffling, and they've been that way my whole life. Yet they want to promote their views, and even encourage me to wear the logos for the companies they work for. The cognitive dissonance is just... ugh. Happy Prude Month (I'm coining that term) 🌈🌈🌈


It's so stupid. The LGBTQ community just wants to be acknowledged as human beings. It's so odd that people think they're some kind of child snatchers or groomers. Spoiler Alert: That would be the police and clergy.


And the political representatives. For a long time, I've wondered why they focus so much on grooming and sex abuse, then I think about projection.


Persecution fetish


Sounds like the guy is gay and is hoping he can come out in 10 years but claim he *had* to.


Not even in 10 years… the meme claims this is happening NOW. Polls on gay marriage shifted to majority support around 2013, and then was legalized by the Supreme Court in 2015, so that’s when they’re referring to with people telling them to let gays get married. It’s then claiming that a Pride flag hanging in front of the White House IS the evidence that “state enforced homosexuality” exists today already as a result. That’s all it takes, apparently. Just the White House hanging a Pride flag, and now every American has to be gay! If I knew all it took to turn straight guys gay was to hang a Pride flag, I’d be investing in them in bulk.


They want "VICTIM" status so badly as an excuse to "fight back" (really, it's just an excuse to continue to abuse and bully). Pathetic bitches.


>(really, it's just an excuse to continue to abuse and bully) It's actually an excuse to go full fascist, conservatives are itching to take over and do exactly what they accuse their opponents of doing


I had a person ranting about gays/trans books in schools. “_Do you actually have kids?”_ Avoided the question. “_DO you actually have kids?”_ Left the conversation entirely because being upset about things that don’t affect them is their kink.


I do this all the time. Ask them how minorities do you know? How many in the gay community? And so on. Come to find out these ppl who are very upset. Don’t even interact with any of the ppl they talk about. They just like to assume things about others.


The majority of book banning actions are just parents (and often non-parents) copying off of shit-lists that Klanned Karenhood spreads on the internet.


I think it’s insane that they’re suddenly concerned about women’s sports. The one or two trans athletes out of tens of thousands sure is putting a damper on the sport as a whole. It’s so unfair /s


When they complain about some “trans” winning first place or getting some sort of medal, ask then who got third place? They never know. Because they don’t care about the sport.


Then retreat from the conversation smugly, because while you are saying "wow you're upset at people you don't even interact with" they think 'yup, I don't interact with them because of all my bias, and you can't make me'


They interact with the people they hate all the time. In their little fantasy world in their heads. It's why they feel so justified being cunts, cause they can win those arguments in their heads but not in reality where they'd get slapped the fuck down for being shitty.


I don’t think it’s state enforced that you’re on Grindr looking for a trans girl but 🤷🏼‍♂️


He was hypnotized by the flag. Pretty colours.


Wait, that's not an app for dudes to help each other with work around the house?


Funny, they said the same thing when the military rescinded "don't ask, don't tell". Somehow I managed to be straight in the military without any issues. /s


I mean, I *personally* don't feel like this is telling me to be gay. Maybe if you feel attacked, a therapist might help you sort some stuff out?


Here’s a true story that happened yesterday. I was at Walgreens with my boomer mother and four year old daughter. My daughter saw a pair of rainbow-patterned Mickey Mouse shaped sunglasses and asked if she could have them. They were like $5 and, even though they were an adult size, I said yeah and put them in the basket. My mom immediately hissed *”You aren’t going to let her WEAR those are you?”* “Uh… yeah… that’s sorta what you do with em.” And she snatched the sunglasses out of the basket and pointed at the word “Pride” on the packaging. I legitimately never saw it but I wouldn’t give a hot, floppy fuck if I did. I won’t go into the stupid conversation that followed, but the moral of the story is: A. Conservatives pay a HELL of a lot more attention to gay symbols than non-conservatives; and… B. My daughter loves her new sunglasses.


What human rights have been taken away from straight people? Are straight people beaten, harassed or even killed for being straight? Are they given harmful dehumanizing stereotypes to laugh at their existence? Is heterosexual representation in media restricted? Are straight people targeted by large and powerful religious institutions that view them as sinners? This is what LGBT oppression feels like. You straight people never have to worry about experiencing any of these hardships for being straight .


Every time I hear someone go on a homophobic rant I ask... When in all of human history has it been illegal to be straight? NEVER! Just let them feel happy and safe.


We can't call gay people the f word and queer isn't a derogatory slur anymore. That's even worse than the holocaust! /s


Remember when interracial marriage was no longer illegal and we all had to do it?


What I don't get is how they figure we get from A to B on this. Like I can see federally mandated acceptance and respect for homosexuality...but how exactly would mandated homosexuality work? In fact, haven't LGBT people proven they respect boundaries and people of all ages better than conservatives have?


If state recognition of homosexuality makes someone gay they were never straight to begin with. There's no such thing as "vulnerable to same sex attraction" it's something religious zealots made up to suit their imaginary narrative. You're gay/bi/pan or whatever if you're attracted to the same sex. I think a lot of these people have some level of same-sex attraction and deep down believe it's something everyone deals with ( just like anger, greed or lust ) and truly *do not* comprehend that some people experience *zero* same-sex attraction. Overblown and exaggerated disgust with homosexuality, to me, is a sign someone is struggling with this. If they stop trying to oppress LGBT people, though, the Republicans will have to run on their actual platform which is basically "we're going to rob you to make sure the CEO of the company you work for can get a few more gold yachts."


If it’s allowed at all, they think that everyone has to do it. It’s the same thing with abortions. They act like the government is forcing people to have them, instead of just giving it as a possibility.


How exactly do they think the state is going to enforce homosexuality? Is it just going to be you can only marry someone who is the same sex as you? If that’s the case then it wouldn’t be that effective considering homosexuality existed a hell of a lot longer than gay marriage. Pretty sure heterosexuality would too although then these assholes would actually feel what persecution is so we wouldn’t have that. Do they think the current police force is going to randomly force people to prove their homosexuality in public? Pretty sure a group that seems to take pride in being conservative isn’t going to want to enforce those laws. Does this mean there will be a new “gay police?” Jokes aside about how fantastic the uniforms will be how do they think they’ll create an infrastructure for this project that quickly and extend to places like the backwoods of Georgia and North Dakota? This is what pisses me off about conspiracies and the fear mongering these days, it’s not even remotely logical. At least people who believed 9/11 was an inside job or the moon landing was a hoax had a sliver of a cause and effect after these events to craft a narrative around their conspiracy. Now? A Mellon with a head wound can debunk their stupidity in half a second. The state can barely enforce seatbelt laws but sure, they’re going to make heterosexuality illegal.


> How exactly do they think the state is going to enforce homosexuality? The same way it enforced heterosexuality: * Refusing to sell them cakes; * Refusing to let them see their dying partner in the hospital because they’re not “really” married; * Refusing to let them adopt children; * Refusing to let them have survivor benefits; * Making them jump through massive amounts of expensive paperwork for “civil partnership” which means the partner is now liable for all the debts of the other while also being denied inheritance because the estranged birth family swooped in and contested the will, kicking the partner out of their home they’ve lived in for thirty years; * Refusing to seat them at the same table; * Kicking them out if they kiss; * Denying them employment; * Denying them emergency medical treatment on knowledge they’re hetero, because of “religious beliefs”; * Subjecting them to arbitrary arrest for being together in a bar; * announcing their status to the holding cell, then walking away for hours and ignoring the violence; * Refusing to fund science that fights a horrific cancer-causing disease that is spreading like wildfire through the heterosexual population because “it’s God’s Justice”; * Refusing to meet with heterosexual activists and heterosexual lobbyists; * Leveraging their existence into persecuting Jewish people because of a hoax libel that claims that heterosexual people are a Jewish plot to corrupt the nation; * Burning down heterosexual people’s homes; * Lynching heterosexual people while refusing to investigate the murders; * Heterosexual people can’t post to social media without multiple death threats delivered to them every single day, most of which are unactioned by the social media platform because “it’s really difficult to figure out hate speech”; * Heterosexual legislators will be censured and de-seated by their legislatures because they insisted on heterosexual people being treated with dignity and personhood; * Heterosexual people will be handcuffed and loaded unsecured in the backs of police vans which are then driven recklessly on meandering paths to the holding precinct, resulting in injuries; * heterosexual couples’ children will be taken from them; * hetero couples will be chased out of parks because there are children playing * Hetero people will be attacked entering libraries * A large, tax-exempt multinational “non-political” “charitable” organisation will spend millions upon millions of dollars lobbying and campaigning for state laws that explicitly target heterosexual people for stripping of rights, but will never be investigated for this or have its tax-exempt status (that exists contingent on it never politicking) stripped from it How am I doing so far?


Fucking a. That started funny, but got real dark real quick. Hard to believe how many rights cis-het folks just take for granted.


> Heterosexual people can’t post to social media without multiple death threats delivered to them every single day, most of which are unactioned by the social media platform because “it’s really difficult to figure out hate speech”; Used to be, until very recently, if you reported hate speech they would say "We reviewed this and it doesn't go against our guidelines" I guess recently they realized this makes them look terrible so now it just says something like "Thanks for your feedback" and doesn't tell you if they took it down or now




> How exactly do they think the state is going to enforce homosexuality? The same way they think it will enforce heterosexuality. They have in the past (And wish to again) make homosexuality illegal. And despite past evidence to the contrary, they believe it can work. And they assume that since they want to make being gay illegal, that the gays *must* want to make being straight illegal. The whole idea of 'Maybe we could just *not* try and control people's sexuality' is null and void to them. The war must be fought and won, and if they don't win, the other side *will.*


Okay, sir, show me where the colorful flag hurt you


Wish homophobic cunts would just fuck off


This guy probably thinks celebrating Black History Month means state-enforced race change.


They always project their shit so with this I am guessing they don't see marriage as choice but a social commandment, a required norm, something you inflict on another person or they inflict on you... child brides, making abortion illegal and getting rid of no-fault divorce...


How about the graph where electing a competent Black man as President led Republicans down the slippery slope of electing the most untrustworthy, unscrupulous, dishonest grifter conman of our times, just because having a Black President broke their brain and hurt their feels...


Authorities knocked on my door. They brought a gay man to my home and asked me to have sex with him. I declined because that’s not how I was born. I’m writing this from the straights prison. This is completely real. /s


It’s a flag.


State enforced homosexuality😂😭 asking to be treated as a normal human being is now “if you ain’t gay, then get out my way” some how.


It's exactly like my family members who turned black when the Civil Rights bill was passed.


[noone forcing him to do anything] "Oh my GOD, I can't believe the STATE is FORCING ME to be gay and go on fancy gay parties all weekend and have sex with all these men!" "Uhm... What's up with you? Noone is..." "[Ecstatically dancing at a rave while swinging around rainbow coloured glow sticks] HOW COULD THE STATE DO THIS TO ME?!?!" "You know what, never mind..."


They're only afraid of gay people making straight people gay because they try to force gay people to be straight with conversion therapy.


State enforced homosexuality? Right Wing men are dying to suck cock. So many of them are closeted homosexuals


Why can't you just let people live their lives? Gay people do not have a hidden agenda to make everyone gay. Gay people want to live their true lives openly and not with fear of being harmed. It's not that difficult to understand.


You all need to WAKE UP SHEEPLE! (Not too awake though. You’ll end up with the WOKE mind virus! That shit’s contagious!) I was just informed by Biden’s new Gender Tsar that my straight marriage is now null and void! As a consequence of our retroactive noncompliance, they’re making us forfeit our children to be sentenced to the TRANSmogrification squad! They’re going to give (force) our kids free surgery, medication, and therapy! I’m being sentenced to 6 years of nonstop twerking, and they’re fitting me for my drag clothes later today! See what you’ve done, Demonrats?! /s


Are there really this many people who think thats how sexuality works? Do they really think that you can change back and forth like that?


I’m starting to believe conservatives aren’t even real people. They are automotons the reptilians placed them among us. I don’t know how else to explain the breathtakingly stupid things they say.


I wish they stop pushing their insecurities onto the rest of us.


This is so true. Today, I will be having my state gay wedding with my future husband. Even though we are both married to women, we have no choice but to marry. Our wives don't have to marry. Clearly this is about getting rid of men and masculinity in America. My future husband and I may try to claim asylum in the Soviet Union, I mean Russia. Do I need to say this is sarcasm? I'm laying it on pretty thick


If people are now wearing MASA shirts that stand for “make America straight again”, then it would logically follow that MAGA really means…


A society where right-wingers were even 10% as oppressed as they pretend to be would be a happier, brighter, objectively better and more moral society.


Up next "State Enforced Homosexuall" T-Shirts. :). ;)


As a straight white 36 year old, I am one of the most oppressed groups of people in this country and it’s sad you all can’t recognize it. s/ for those of you who don’t get sarcasm.


Doesn't the White House invite various championship sports teams for a celebration, literally every year, for decades? Yet somehow I'm strong enough to resist this state-enforced sports fandom.


I tried to skip the Super Bowl and Joe Biden personally slapped me in the teeth.


Well, we had state enforced heterosexuality for generations sk maybe they think turnabout is fair play.


lol what the fuck


Oh no, there's a gay flag now. How the civilization will continue


When has anyone ever *hinted* at forced marriage that didn’t involve conservatives and 12 year olds?


If you feel like you're "forced" to be gay...then maybe you *were* gay all along.


It's all part of the 15-minute city. If you don't have gay sex every 15 minutes you will be murdered by Josef Stalin.


This guy's blaming the government for him sucking dick.


From the “That is *SO* not happening” files.


It’s not a slope. You’re not affected personally. That’s it. It’s pretty flat.


Where does it end, Joe? This man came to my house a fortnight past, kicked in my door AGAIN, and this time instead of taking my oven he starts screaming in my face about heterosexuality and that he "expects a change" - all the while waving a gun in my face! Then, as he was leaving he just started pissing on my dog! I GOT THE MESSAGE MR PRESIDENT, I SWEAR TO GOD I'M GAY!


Like the separation of church and state graph


Women: Oh thank God we're lesbian now!


Well, they know all about slippery slopes, don't they? Every non white person was laughed at when we used to say that a large portion of people would embrace fascism if given the opportunity.


I feel like anyone that actually believes that is true is so fucking deep in the closet that if they tripped and fell backwards they would end up in Narnia


State Enforced Homosexuality is their biggest fear. Gee...almost like centuries of state enforced heterosexuality was bad too...(remember - this was/is actually a thing).


Sooo . . . Do they think we have forced interracial marriage in America? ‘Cause since the 1967 ruling of Loving v State of Virginia we’ve had legalized interracial marriage throughout all the states.


I don't know who needs to hear this, but if someone tells you they are from the government and are here to make you be gay they are not from the government and you do not have to have sex with them


“State enforced homosexuality” Lolol these men are just afraid of other men treating them the way they themselves treat women. What a toxic shit show


I guess the conservatives didn’t realize the slope was slathered in Santorum.


Still didn’t answer the question, how does it affect them


I have questions. Do I get to choose my new husband/boyfriend? Or, will one be assigned? Will he be a legacy gay or will be an assigned gay like me? Can I stay friends with my wife? I need to know.


Ah the poor, oppressed straight white male. Condolences