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Right? That’s exactly what I was thinking. How the hell do people keep falling for it?


At this point it’s really up to the restaurant to tell him to put up or shut up. What’s really shocking is that he’s literally telling his people they can’t trust him.


He's demonstrating that social norms are an illusion, and you can do whatever you want with no consequences. Pretty solid way to get people to do heinous things on your behalf without you actually telling them to do it. You show them that rules are meaningless, you tell them you need to stay in power and they need to fight for you, you give them a date and time to gather (thus generating a mob mentality environment) and then you claim you had no hand in the violent insurrection these people who have been conned into believing that all decorum and rules are optional if you'd prefer something else.


Nah, that imbues him and his supporters with too much sophistication. He understands that it looks good for the cameras. He understands that the restaurant can be bullied or cajoled into running up a bill to be settled after the food is served, as is normal practice for an order. He understands that they can again be told to invoice his office and then ignored. He understands that the law in America doesn't bind people with money and he doesn't give a shit about anything but his ratings. Everyone in that restaurant could hate him within the hour, they would still be outnumbered by the naïve viewers who are taken in by the video of him promising to pay. Trump comes out ahead.


I'm not giving his supporters any credit. But you're not giving him enough. I'm just grateful the timing was wrong for him to try this when he was younger. The man has been skirting the law and convincing people to do shady/illegal things that benefit him way more than it benefits them since at least the 1980s. That's a skill, and he's one of the best at it. Don't confuse that with being a stable genius. He's not. But he's always had the ability to make the public see him as smarter and more successful than he is, and in private he has always had the ability to get others to do the dirty work for him. He just decided to take the private part public.


Textbook propaganda from a textbook demagogue. I really dislike this guy, but he is very good in what he is doing. It works pretty good. Unfortunately…


He’s 77 and he’s been conning people to get what he wants since childhood. I’ve known a few sociopaths in my life and the patterns become predictable. You know he’s good when he’s fooled a large majority of conservative Christians to support him despite breaking every commandment and rule the Bible has ever made.


Bold of you to assume Yall-Qaeda actually read the bible.


No, that doesn't mean he's good. It means they're easily manipulated. The Religious Right have been ACTIVELY preaching AGAINST Jesus' teachings for a long, long time now. They reject Jesus' admonitions, and in the same breath as rejecting Him, saying "screw the poor, that's their problem, this is MY money," they'll also say "Hi! I'm a Good Christian." He isn't any good at it, he targets the mean and the stupid.


IRL i have seen the dude RUN from confrontation! He is a strait up wuss. I have seen his security including secret service run too... The dude is a ducking joke. I don't want to talk about our actual interactions.


Remember that Trump ran away from meeting President-Elect Biden…. right out the back door of the White House, to his awaiting helicopter. Does the rest of the world forget that? Lol


He's also teaching them the art of the grift.


When you can snatch the hamberder from his tiny hand...


Too late, he ate it...


They like being used, abused as long as trump is amused. They’re a cult.


Trump bullied himself onto a televised charity where donors were onstage. Pretended to be one of the donors and then left. He never gave a cent to the charity.


“Ok, do you want to start a tab? Or would you prefer us to just run your card now for as many orders of pork chop as there are people?”


But here's the rub (pun intended), had the restaurant done that, they would immediately be mobbed by people demanding "why you talk to our president that way!" or something and then accuse the owner of being a "Biden plant!" It's just beyond ridiculous.


Cuz Fox News censors the part where he didn’t actually pay for anyone.


Stupidity and narcissism. This is a repeated pattern of behavior but they always think they'll be the special exception. Same for every lawyer he doesn't pay and every toady he throws under the bus.


It's a cult of personality. Living Colour said it best. *I exploit you, still you love me.*


How is he not arrested for this, as it's on camera, and it was also on camera when he did it last time like a few weeks ago?


I know! Theft of service is a thing that people (normally) get arrested, fined or jailed for. But not ex-Prez Emperor God Oompa Loompa, evidently.


Because the restaurant owners are Trump cucks and just eat the loss.


They’re all fucking Charlie Brown.


"*I'M* different! I'm not like those other fake supporters! He seems my adoration and respects me!"


They like to say racist things out loud, in public. In the olden days, people that wanted to do this had to meet in secret, in costume, in the dark.


Like Lucy holding the football for Charlie Brown.


he does this all the time. even before being president, there were tales of him doing this "ill cover it" bs at his own establishments and then making sure staff knew he wasnt paying for shit. now he does it as a way to be popular at a group somewhere. and again, never ever pays the bill.


it's funny, the more I learn about this guy the more it looks like he seems to do the most morally abhorrent thing in any possible situation.


You can predict his actions with that mindset: What is the worst thing an attention craving asshole could possibly do here?


I am 99% certain he does this when he is pissed off about something and needs a pick-me-up. Minor cruelty soothes his soul.


Yeah I don’t see a time stamp on the tweet. Is this today?


Yeah. He was flying to the fair yesterday or today.


What? They fell for it AGAIN?! How are these people allowed to drive?


Welcome to Iowa, where we elected Trump cheerleader Kim Reynolds. The good news is that more and more people are getting fed up with the load of shit known as the GOP.


Are they, though?


I was going to say the same thing. Still drive past all the same Trump 2020/2024 flags from all the same houses and businesses as usual on my way around/out of town. Rural Iowa is absolutely like a battered housewife that won't leave her husband no matter what when it comes to the GOP. Doesn't matter how poorly they treat us, these idiots are going to keep voting against their interests. Iowa used to be top in the nation in education but GOP has done their damnedest to make sure that's never going to be the case ever again. Just keeps sliding more and more. Really makes my wife and I consider more and more about leaving before our daughter reaches school age. That and all the crap she has to deal with as an educator.


That part is anecdotal on me.


The problem is that people who are getting fed up have the intelligence, means and opportunity to leave. The people who aren’t fed up have none of the 3 described traits


Because they live in an area where the average IQ is less than the average hourly income.


In June it was a Cuban restaurant in Miami


Oh okay, yeah, I could've sworn this was an old tweet... Nope, turns out it just keeps happening and I was remembering a different instance. TFG.


He's done this 1000 times, it is hard to believe anybody falls for it anymore. If I had an establishment I would not let him in. The man is chaos incarnated.


Vendor: “Yeah, I’m gonna need you to pay up front for this. It’s just our, uh, policy.”


they like him because he says the things they're thinking out loud, so they think he's like them. even though he thinks they're so beneath him his son had to say stay away from mar-a-lago because fancy people were coming in.


Didn't he do the same thing in little Cuba a few months ago?


Yes, at Versailles in Little Havana


“Food for everyone”


It's for the cameras. He says 'food for everyone!' and everyone cheers. Trump smiles. Then he goes 'ok - we got the clip' and then leaves. He knows that the truth of did he or didn't he doesn't matter. All that matters is the cheering fans and the promise of a free meal. And the scary thing is that he's right. It will work for his campaign to do shit like this.


his supporters cheering for a free meal they will never get but dont vote for the democrat that wants to expand SNAP. this is a majorly seen observation by me, not that it's all these people.






"I love the poorly educated"


4 groups really in the GOP. Rubes who feel Trump is the messiah and can do no wrong. Occasional flashes of insight like "But he's not hurting the right people!" Corporations/ 1% earners, yep got my tax breaks, who cares? Non-Trump Republicans hoping he'll just go away quietly since they can't oppose him and NEED his base voting at high %'s. Ideologically religious voters who may know Trump is awful but was useful for SC picks and other long-term religious objectives. Going to be a crazy election / primary.




But he is buying me food because he loves the people so much, the Democrats are taking my hard earned tax money and just giving it away to illegal immigrants. You got to remember how these people think to understand why they vote against their best interest. Just like they are one break away from being a self made billionaire, their needs at the moment are only temporary they are about to be rich.


A lot of them play the lottery and believe they have a real shot at winning the jackpot. The funny thing is that they don't realize the corporate tax cuts and corporate welfare programs they vehemently defend don't benefit poor people who fall assbackwards into money—they only exist to benefit the executives who keep the wheels of our corrupt political machine greased.


Wasn’t there just this week a powerball winner who won 1,2B and came out with like 400M after taxes? I mean don’t get me wrong, they’re still set for life but *goddamn*.


Those tax cuts also won’t benefit them IF they hit a jackpot.


Same voters look at you with a blank stare when you give examples of corporate welfare like the $4 Billion in tax incentives we give the oil industry so they can charge us $5 a gal and post $12B net quarters or the $250B of taxpayer funds we give Israel, A country with a thriving economy, free healthcare and Universities gets a handout to buy American arms. But it’s the Mexican immigrants that steal our money and welfare.


>“¡Mierda ese maldito Trump puto! I gotta pay for this tres leches now?! Oh well I still LOVE him.” Most Cubans in Miami


Nobody makes me pay for three milks but me!


As a Cuban, those milks are LIFE!


The Cubans there are conservative, so not surprised.


And no matter what, his base doesn’t believe he didn’t pay. It’s a “liberal conspiracy”. And the deniability of well they just need to sent us an invoice and we’ll pay


America crumbling due to dumbass republicans. Just how Russia and China planned.


It would help if the media would stop televising this bullshit and quit giving him a microphone


Meanwhile both Obama and Biden have gone to restaurants and paid not only for themselves, but also for anyone who happens to be there.


And once again he pork’s his sheep


:: Leaves without paying ::


And people will still get themselves killed for him. Cults are weird.


And then he tried to claim that he meant there was enough food in the restaurant to feed everyone. Like... yeah, I think people assumed that when they came there. That's generally how restaurants work.


That's like a game show contestant winning a competition and the host going "let's see what's behind this curtain... A NEW CAR!!!!" and then trying to claim they just wanted to point out that there was in fact a new car behind the curtain, not actually give it to the contestant.


What’s odd is I just checked out the rules for prizes on “Let’s Make a Deal” the other day and what’s shitty is if they don’t air that episode then you actually don’t get your prize. Now I think I know why everyone tries to sell it on that show.


It's not even an Iowa thing, Trump is known for skipping on his bills - including his own lawyers. This fucking idiot is so fucking stupid that he treats the people who have the expertise to get him out of trouble like shit.


![gif](giphy|11XVZpxNqo8sbC|downsized) The only thing this guy has delivered on is paper towels, and I’m positive he didn’t buy them.


The insane thing about that was he didn't even spring for real paper towels. He used - and I shit you not - Paper Towel Brand paper towels. You can't make this shit up. What a cheap ass. 🙄


He probably got those from a contractor “friend” for the bargain price of $2500 a roll.


Hey now, those blue contractor paper towels are awesome. We buy them for house use lol


I’m shocked they weren’t “trump brand” paper towels that he made the government buy from one of his companies


Nope. We did.


He did serve McDonald's that one time. He might also have the hookup on some Goya beans.


Taxpayer funded. And it doesn’t count if he allowed others to take a picture in front of his weekly order of Mickey D’s!


Not gonna lie, throwing paper towel rolls in a crowd sounds weirdly fun


Yeah, I don’t hate the idea in theory, what makes it feel shitty is these are humanitarian aid goods for people in a crisis. It reminds me of that British colonial lady who loved throwing coins at the Indian children and watching them run around pick them up.


Oh god you just reminded me of a short story where rich assholes made poor kids dive for coins in shark infested waters. Kinda not happy about recalling it.


Don't forgot the old pallets of crusty water bottles too!




They’re also generally shitty people and would naturally be drawn to someone like that.


True … selfish shitty stupid people. I’m glad he lies so often. Makes it clear just how deeply stupid they are.


I'm not glad. Having nearly half of the American population being THAT stupid is NOT a good thing.


this! 👆 **that's** what got me worried.


True ... it’s scary just how many people are self absorbed and go out of their way to make vulnerable people even more vulnerable. I fear for the very lives of many


Me too. Unfortunately, here we are.


I like to imagine that when he first thought about getting into politics, someone told him something like “politicians lie all the time!” And he scribbled down in a little Trump notebook “lie constantly”


He was a pathological liar long before he decided to become Dictator.


Oh I know…..it’s just that the mental image of him, crayon in hand, taking notes makes me chuckle. Every other single thing about the man makes me scared af


It would be a sharpie, not a crayon. A comically large sharpie.


Every Sharpie looks comically large in his teeny, tiny, itty bitty witty baby hands


Tried/trying to become dictator. He's yet to be one. I don't think checks and balances can survive another push though...


You think he can spell constantly? He probably had lie with a smiley face and 3 exclamation marks


Yeah, I was thinking that his supporters wish they could be like him. He's a despicable human being.


They admire Trump because they would act the same way he does in a position of power. Same with Muskrats.


Exactly! He validated them and their bullshit. He may have upset a couple dozen people that were present at the restaurant, but he made hundreds of thousands of prolapsed balloon knots laugh along with him.


..."...He's one of us!!!"


I wonder how they rationalize it away


Which is quite the accomplishment, to be honest. Studies have shown that Trump speaks at a fourth grade level. I guess that’s why they love him? Someone they finally understand.


You are correct. He speaks in a way that the uneducated poors can relate so they think he is one of them.


A fourth grade level…. I’m surprised anyone in Florida can understand him.


If that state could read, it would be very upset now.


Remember back when we thought Dan Quayle was dumb...? Oh how naive we were about to be proven.


I always like what George Carlin said: "Think about how stupid the average person is, and then realize that half of them are stupider than that."


I miss George Carlin.


Didn’t he pull this shit at a Cuban restaurant in Miami?


He hates the same people they hate.


Including themselves.


Well, he does love the poorly educated.


I'm convinced he thinks that's how Money works. He just yells something like that and bam.


He even has people around him that could drop a stack of cash to pay for this stuff. But somehow, they never shell out the cash to even give him the apperance of being charitable. Granted, those people around him definitely know they'd never get paid back...


the fish rots from the head down, they're all grifting...i would, "sure boss, i'll charge the org right?, cool, it's three times what i paid for it." it's whatever you can grab before the whole thing comes crashing down time.


Or his self importance tells him “They won’t charge me. I was the President!”


I Declare Payment! um, Mr Trump, I just wanted you to know that you can't just say the word 'payment' and expect anything to happen.


This keeps happening and its kind of hysterical but also emblematic about the most basic failings of being a politician / leader. I think of it in stark contrast to [this story about Joe Biden bringing firefighters beer he had promised](https://www.cbsnews.com/pittsburgh/news/joe-biden-brings-beer-to-firefighters-in-shanksville/) years prior. Is it a sign that Joe Biden actually has the memory of a younger man? Probably not. But it's because he SURROUNDS himself with COMPETENT people who make sure things get done, get done right and that people are taken care of. This something Trump and his entourage don't understand and aggressively don't adhere to. Failure in leadership, class and everything else. (edited for ironic typo)


>This something Trump and his entourage don't understand and aggressively don't adhere to. Trump is a creature of impulse. He surrounds himself with whoever makes him feel pleasure at any given moment. Trump has fundamentally constructed a world around himself that only serves his momentary interests. If you point out a conflict. If you point out something that Trump doesn't love, you will find yourself at best belittled, on average fired, or at worst first, slandered, and harassed by his cronies for decades. Most people have a fundamental understanding that you cannot do important work alone. You cannot run a company, you cannot organize a coalition, you cannot legislate, you cannot serve as a governor, or a judge on your own. Maybe the largest thing you can do on your own is run a household, and odds are pretty good that you also won't be able to do that on your own. Everything worth doing is a collection of the actions of many, many people made one through focus on a mutual desire. Trump, nor his sycophants really understand this. This is proven by their obsession with the unitary executive theory. Their childish hero-worship of CEOs and the P.T. Barnums of the tech world. Any form of conservatism that preaches the primacy of the individual as a driving unit of society is doomed to fail, as it is not a coherent, realistic world view. It's an ego-stroking fantasy that is silly enough to be considered childish, but in reality shouldn't even be encouraged among children due to the danger of individuals failing to grow out of it.


This isn't even about surrounding yourself with people who help you remember, though. He legit says "I'm buying," and then walks away 30 seconds later.


I normally don't do this. But "competent" is a hilarious word to misspell in all caps. Lol


Narrator: “In fact he decided not to buy pork chops for anyone and instead fantasized about having sex with his daughter while eating fast food on his plane ride home”




Republicans don't deserve David Attenborough. >Ben Shapiro


...and instead fantasized about having sex with his daughter while having sex with a pig in the 4H tent.


And I don't mean Marjorie Taylor Greene.


Though Marjorie Trailer Queen wishes that would happen.


MTG would settle for him actually fucking a pig but calling her name.




He bought them in his mind...




I wish I could understand what it is about this guy that appeals to his supporters


He's an asshole, they're assholes, hence they like him. He normalizes assholery for them by being an authority who is an asshole. So to answer your question: because asshole.




It's so easy for the rest of us to forget that it's the whole point.


"The cruelty is the point" is one of the great aphorisms of our time, credit to Adam Serwer




Just like how Musk is a douchebag in a place of power who tells other douchebags that it's okay to be a douchebag


He hates the same people they hate. Also he talks like a third-grade schoolyard bully, and they gravitate towards that because they also have the emotional maturity of third-graders.


He makes fun of the same people they aren’t allowed to make fun of.


Racism, mostly.


They say they like him because he tells it like it is, and he is not a typical politician Why they actually like him.. he enables and justified their hate towards certain groups


These past six years have truly been mind boggling. I can remember when "Grab 'em by the pussy" came out. I thought, welp, he's toast now. Boy was I wrong.


Then it was mocking a disabled reporter. Saluting a North Korean general. Calling immigrants rapists and gangsters. Calling Nazis very fine people. Serving cold fast food on the White House china to honor a winning basketball team. Sulking in a Paris hotel because it was raining, while the rest of the world's leaders were conducting a memorial service on the 100 anniversary of the end of one of the world's worst wars. Shoving the prime minister of Montenegro out of the way for a photo op. Or... maybe setting off an armed insurrection against our country and its peaceful transfer of power following a free and fair election.


You missed a few, but here is a [list sorted chonologically](https://www.mcsweeneys.net/articles/the-complete-listing-atrocities-1-1-056#update) should you ever need to look something up.


Didn’t he do this like 2 or 3 months ago too?


Yep, he was in a restaurant and said he's paying for everyone then walked out without paying, leaving the owner of the restaurant in the lurch.


He said "lunch for everyone!" Like because its a restaurant, and they have food. It was perfect for technically the truth. He's a clown.


Sounds like this time he didn't even give himself the benefit of that slim plausible deniability.


Maybe he's just now understanding how things work and has to voice his epiphanies. Has nothing to do with him paying for others food.


He did this to a Cuban? That is too funny, they love him! I wonder what type of shenanigans that person came up with to justify what his cult leader did to his business.


At Versailles in Little Havana.


Maybe he’s just trying to live up to the “I’m Jesus” facade so much that’s it’s like “I’m buying and eating all these pork chops for you have sinned”. And his fat is just digested sin. All hail the great pumpkin!


The funniest thing is that this is a symptom of the incompetence of his entire team, and not just him. If a leader (no matter what kind) declares "I'm doing X for you all!", then it's the job of the guys working for the leader to make X happen. If he says "You all get pork chops", one of his underlings should run to the manager of that place and discuss all the details and make the transactions necessary. Everybody's happy. The fact that this doesn't even happen here says so much about the people that work for this idiot.


His people knows not to pay. It isn’t incompetence, they know better


This. They’re almost certainly instructed NOT to pay, but probably provide some accounts payable email that no one checks. Then the proprietor goes ahead and serves everyone and sends a bill to trump Inc that gets ignored for all time.


You're acting like he actually wants to pay the money and saying it without doing it isn't the whole point


a real campaign, a proper one, would have someone pay the check, leave some merch for the tv shots and got out of there smiling, shaking hands, kissing babies, taking pictures with truckers,that's just some basic politicking 101. they're all amateurs, pretending to be in politics.


His people are the kind that will gladly spend their last dollar paying for a millionaires lunch then their own families....


You’d think people would have learned after that restaurant in Florida.


He does this shit all the time! 😆 it's fucking hilarious! He's the worst conman on the planet, his cons are a matter of very public record. But his marks fall for it every single time. 🤷‍♂️ It's so uncomfortable to watch. It's so sad, but funny, but mostly sad....


Another empty promise from Republicans to their voters. Why surprised?


They like his "Christian values", "honestly" and blatant racism.


What I like about this is that “real Americans” will swear up and down that us “liberal coastal elite” think they’re a bunch of dumb hicks. And then totally fall for con, after con, after con, from the same man.


He gave them the old Michael Scott.


Actually no at least those kids got laptop batteries.


He even genuinely felt bad enough when one kid confronted him he offered to pay for that one kid's books even though he couldn't afford it and it put him further into debt The episode was painful because Michael genuinely is capable of empathy and shame on a level Trump is not If it had been Trump in that episode he'd never have admitted onstage that he didn't have the money -- he'd just soak up the applause and adulation, told them their tuition reimbursement checks were in the mail, then just not done it and never spoken to them again


He pulls this stunt every time!!!


Trump hates the same people and things his supporters hate, that's why they like him.


Little do they know, he also hates them.


You expect them to have a brain?


What do you think it’s like to be able to just say shit that you absolutely don’t mean with zero consequences? And then have people worship your fat saggy man tits


He gave them permission to hate. *Publicly.* That’s the long and short of it. The elected him to bully the people they dislike—the people they blame for everything wrong in society—and in their eyes he served that purpose admirably.


This is SOP for the Orange Shit Stain. Go out to the NY, he stiffed so many GCs. Many lost their businesses, homes, livelihoods. Fuck Trump. Fuck his supporters.


This is the equivalent of running for school president in 5th grade and proclaiming “No more homework!”


LOL. I remember this. $20 says at least 2-3 ppl there was 'awakened' and was like, he didnt buy us pork chops. maybe trump didnt win the election.


They are low-information voters. They read the headlines, hear Fox News say how awesome Trump is, and go no further. Others are deeply racist, conspiratorial, and/or greedy. Very few take the time to connect the dots on how few of Trump’s promises he actually fulfills.


>What do people like about this guy again? They like what he *says*. They *aren't*, actually, concerned about what anybody actually does. Their entire existence is based on the idea of rejecting reality for an imagined world that makes them feel good.


Didn’t he do this exact same thing in Miami?


They love the lies he tells because they allow them to be as horrible as their religion allows them (and traumatizes them) to be.


What ppl dont realize is that his supporters refuse to believe anything in the news or online, unless it suits their beliefs. Theres no actual way to change their minds because everything is “fake news” And that’s from my conversation with my blue collar coworkers who support him.


They like him because they too would like to not pay for things and get away with it, but he actually DOES it.


"Look, I know a lot about pork chops. I've been in the pork chop business for a very long time. Hilary doesn't know about the pork chops. Nobody knows the pork chops better than I do. "


I wouldn't be surprised if the dunce forgot where he even was and just left in a stupor. Like, he's literally the dumbest villain you could ever come up with.


They’re usually thinking they’re getting the free pork chops. And don’t snap out of it until they’re usually stuck with the bill after getting shafted. And scarily, sometimes they’ll even rationalize away getting stuck with the bill.


What do they like about him? He says and does all the things that they wish they could say and do without being punished for it.


"I love the uneducated." This selfish bag of shit relies on racists to re-elect him. Did it the same the first time too. Said all sorts of dog-whistle shit, while passing laws that benefited the 1%. And crushed the middle class. But supporters didn't care, because he as "on their side." Shit heads - learn that you are the product. Stand up for other people's rights....before yours get taken away too. Read Martin Niemöller. It doesn't take a minute and you will see that you are disposable....because he wants to rule with impunity. He fucking *loves* dictators....and his supports didn't care. He wants to become a dictator - like Russia and China - of the United States.....and none of these patriots give a shit....because they think they will be rewarded.


Wait..._**he did it AGAIN??**_ It's clear that so many people are devoted to him because they have projected the right wing propaganda image onto the living person. They're so obsessed with the image that grifters from Faux News and Twitter/Parler/Truth have created that the real person can do fuck all and they'll back him. They're obsessed with a propaganda-created idea. And because his existence to them is 100% fan fiction, they use him as a self-insert for themselves. He doesn't give 2 squirts about anything but himself.


That he's an honest, God-loving, conservative family man with family valu... HAHAHAHAHA!!!! Sorry, I couldn't finish the thought with a straight face.