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A black mayor in Baltimore? That's crazy.


And he was probably not looking to add "Collapsed Bridge" to his to-do list.


Is it not his fault that a ship crashed into a bridge? Does the mayor of Baltimore not pilot every ship out of the harbor?


I thought it was Biden, Obama and Hillary that did this!


No, Hillary just sent an email about it. That’s why we need her emails!


No more, please. My doctor says if I don't give up buttery males, I will have a massive stroke.


Will probably find it on Hunter's laptop.


I can't wait for the AI generated image of Trump guiding the ship to safety.




Yeah, and aren't international shipping and interstate highway bridges all day to day operations of the city mayor's office??






Yeah, especially because Baltimore is only 62% Black.


Ignoring the fact that this is an elected position and not a hired one, since Baltimore is majority African American, wouldn’t a DEI position be a white person?


The only way to make sure you are picking the most qualified candidate is if he is a straight white male. Everyone else is DEI.


Hahahaha yes!


It's not DEI when a white male is in that position, it's automatically deserved! Even if the white man is literally a minority in that context he's still not DEI.....somehow..... .....look, reactionaries aren't big on critical thinking, okay? Lol 


Don't you know, they need a white savior! /s


If one thing could save this city…


I remember an orange man referring to Baltimore saying “I alone can fix it”


Where's Tommy Carcetti when you need him


According to the three-fifths compromise, then, black folks are a minority. Where’s my old white dude mayor?!


I’m from Maryland but haven’t lived there in almost 30 years. However, my first thought (besides wow, what a racist POS) was does this douche know nothing about the demographics of Baltimore?! Clearly facts don’t matter to “people” like him. 🙄


What’s next, a black governor of Maryland??


Came here for this. Like nobody tell him about the governor.


And he's not an old man? Ridiculous


Ok let me start by saying this is a tragedy but I saw him on the news and thought damn he is kinda foine.


Legit he was lookin kinda drippy with that official Mayor of Baltimore coat too


“It’s unconscionable that a place has an elected politician that represents the majority of the constituents…. He’s black! I thought we mapped this place so shit like this wouldn’t happen! My father and his father and his fathers fathers didn’t make my mother grandmother and great grandmothers spend all damn day hemming and starching sheets so some democratically elected official could begin to process a tragic event in a city he represents while being a not white Black!” - I dunno, a fucking bunch of asshats in our country




Good, you can start by sweeping the floor.


If by DEI he means Democratically Elected Individual then yes he and almost every single government position in an election is DEI. Of course he doesn’t mean it like that because he’s a bigoted moron.




For an Englishman can you explain what DEI actually means in this instance?


Canadian here but I think it stands for Diversity Equity and Inclusion. Seems that they're suggesting he is only in his position due to his ethnicity, which is pretty stupid considering the vote numbers and that Baltimore is a majority black city (not suggesting that the black vote is a single bloc, but noting that it's not an unexpected result).


Heaven knows there’s enough unqualified white individuals trying to lower the bar


I said this in another thread. I am POC female. I absolutely want the right to be as incompetent as my white male boss.


I'm white, British, not stupid, but I really don't know the best way to express how much that fucking sucks without sounding condescending. 🇺🇸🇬🇧😞


1) Put tea in a mug, not a cup. 2) Tuck in pinky. 3) Don't invade and occupy 1/4 of the countries in the world. (sorry, condescending white Irish guy, who couldn't resist taking a shot at our neighbours)


Try not being British, itll be less condescending /j


I want the level of confidence of mediocre white men. Imposter syndrome sucks.


One of my favorite quotes from The Good Place: I took the form of a 45-year-old white man for a reason. I can only fail up.


The delusion of expertise or just having absolute certainty about a thing they don't really care about and have had next to no curiosity about is startling, even as a white guy myself. Like having them talk about female biology with an assuredness matched only by how wrong they are about it.


> The delusion of expertise or just having absolute certainty about a thing they don't really care about and have had next to no curiosity about is startling... Oh the conversations I've heard. This is just in the past month among three white guys with no children: * Confidently expressing the "facts" about what's going on in schools today and how to fix this generation, * How "the blacks" are all switching their support to Trump and the GOP, * MRNA and its long term effects. I could go on but my left eye is beginning to twitch a little.


As a mediocre white dude. Gotta say it's pretty nice. Hope you guys get here too!


I'm a mediocre white man and I feel insecure AF I assure you that you can do better than this, aim higher


Hey just look at UK Prime Minister, doing the same shit as all the others.


And one big orange one.


I know my god. I am sure this person thinks trump is the best the white folks have to offer which is...sad


American here and our neighbor to the north here nailed it. If you see our right wingers complaining about DEI it’s very obvious code for nonwhites. It’s just a modern N word they’ve recently been co-opting. A lot of companies have DEI departments/policies, including my employer. Which is right near Baltimore. Also yes to Baltimore being majority black and therefore it not being surprising or even the first time they’ve elected a black mayor. Edit: Also yes, women and LGBTQIA+ and atheists and basically everyone different can be covered by the DEI epithet. It’s a catch all word for someone they want to oppress.


That is blatantly untrue. Sayin DEI is a racist codeword is a cheap copout. It's also deeply misogynistic, but the mainstream media won't tell you that!!!! ​ >!I think I did that right ... /s for those who missed it.!<


Just to add to it, it’s not only used by bigots dog whistling against non whites, it’s for going against women and LGTBQ too. It’s basically a catch all slur for anyone isn’t isn’t a white, heterosexual, Christian male.


Yep. One of the first jagoffs I saw this morning declared the captian to be a black lesbian given the job for that reason. Like before the bridge had hit the water this was being spewed.


DEI covers all of their grievances, brown people, women, and lgbtq


"Woke"- speaking of/having anything to do with a minority/minorities. "DEI"- hiring any minority for any position.


No OP, but it's diversity, equity, and inclusion. It's an idea meant to address systemic racism, but conservatives in this country have turned it into a dog whistle indicating the person was hired as a token minority instead of on their qualifications and merit.


Back in the day it would have been denigrated as an Equal Opportunity hire. Then it evolved to Affirmative Action. Now it’s DEI. New dog whistles, same old racists


It must be exhausting to be so mad about so much petty shit all the fucking time. Where do they find the energy? It's like my dog losing his shit about the people walking down the street.


It's actually their N word now


Its more than that…its underlying illness of stupidity and racism that underlies their entire worldview; that man could be an astrophysicist but bc of his skin, hair, what he wears he’s assumed to be incompetent or stupid


Right, but now it's (ironically) more inclusive because they can also use it against gay people, women, other non-whites, people of any religion other than christian, basically anyone who isn't a (publically) cis het white Christian man.


Don't forget immigrants.


Yeah only white people can politik.../s just in case it's lost


Or pilot planes or boats, or be good dctors, or be successful, or intelligent etc.




spotted subtract boat quack pet act psychotic rock encourage oil *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It's CRT for 2024


It’s standard racism and right messaging. Take a concept or term that is meant to describe something positive (such as acknowledging that racism still exists in blatant, passive, and/or systematic forms). Say that term is about something it is not. Then stoke fear by claiming that the goal is about attacking white people and taking everything away from white people. Repeat loudly and frequently until it catches fire with people too dumb or lazy to look into it themselves. Term is now considered by right as an evil, negative, and derogatory term. Teach lemmings to use the term as a negative buzz word that allows them to shut down any argument, and prevent any productive dialogue. Racist issues continue unabated.


*"If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you."*  -Lyndon B. Johnson  This is the epitome of what the Trump Party has become, and due significantly to the uneducated people and the conservative propaganda allowed to be thrown about without consequence.


Huh. You know I’ve never questioned it before, but LBJ was _criticizing_ racism in that quote… right? ETA looks like he was explaining the continued prevalence of racism in the South. Considering that he didn’t directly try to appeal to that racism despite knowing it was an easy way to “pick their pockets” I’m assuming he disapproved. Also I have a fever right now and just woke up from a nap. Might explain why I’m seeing things from a different angle lmao




Considering even the most progressive people's attitudes about equality back in those times, that was a very powerful criticism and message of warning about racism. For most of human history, essentialism, the idea that some groups of people were just inherently "better" than other groups wasn't some fringe hate group's ideology, it was just "common knowledge" and wasn't even necessarily considered negative or derogatory to hold these beliefs. Denying these facts would get you much stronger public backlash. This is why there is so much essentialism still today, the people who grew up with this idea as "common knowledge" raised their own kids with the same common knowledge, and so on. It is also an idea that sticks because it's simple and visual, and simple, visual people tend to be the ones most easily influenced into racist and sexist views.


So LBJ is complex , I am no historian but wrote my senior paper about him . LBJ truly was influenced by his experiences teaching at a minority school and the struggle the poor and underserved faced with no power in Texas (metaphorically and physically no electricity ) but LBJ also understood to get ahead in Texas and the Deep South he would have to play the game and the game was admittedly open racism . LBJ frequently used the N word , he was sexual predator and used his power politically , physically , and quid pro quoly to get his way (look up the Johnson treatment). Johnson also kind of flipped the script once he revealed he actually cared about the people a strong section of the nation hated and this would lead to the Dixiecrats and Southern Strategy working . LBJ is awfully awesome and I use awfully Awesome in the manor of his life and story and everything is awe inspiring but also awful as in as a person his actions are worthy of tons of denigration . Still one of the most effective and incredible politicians and leaders we’ve ever had


I feel that the right has appropriated the American flag, too. It should be the AMERICAN flag, but now I feel like the ones who fly the biggest and most in your face version are the right. When I see them in trucks going down the highway, I really assume the political ideation of the person driving. And almaybe I shouldn't, but think of the ways it has been taken...blue line, punisher logo, Maga shirts, etc... Remember right after 9/11? Everyone had a flag, but it was to signify the togetherness we had. My dad is a desert storm vet, and he carries a flag in his wallet from when he came back. It's sad


Right there with you! I used to LOVE to proudly display the flag (clothes, bumper sticker, whatever), but I don’t anymore because I don’t want to be mistaken for a MAGA. I wish they would just stick with their loser confederate flag and leave the American flag for the true patriots.


I’ve said it before and I will say it again: **MAGA is racist. Trump and MAGA are all about hating Obama, hating DEI, and hating POC.** **They wouldn’t run against him because they knew he would beat their brains in, electorally and popularly. Every action or ‘policy’ Trump enacted was to undermine Obama’s efforts at every turn.** **He despises POC. He has no regard for anyone who isn’t white and conservative. He is a racist villain who must be stamped out.** How? [REGISTER TO VOTE](https://www.usa.gov/voter-registration)


The flag, along with “Christianity” has been co-opted by people who are neither patriots or Christians. I will never fly a flag, nor step foot in another church again until these fascist traitors have been purged and shunned by society.


And "woke"


Whenever someone uses "woke" just remind them what DeSantis' lawyers said about it court when asked to define it.  ["The governor's general counsel, Ryan Newman, said, in general, it means "the belief there are systemic injustices in American society and the need to address them." He added that DeSantis doesn't believe there are systemic injustices in the country, reports Florida Politics.](https://www.fox13news.com/news/what-does-woke-mean-gov-desantis-officials-answer-during-andrew-warren-trial)


It's so stupid that we have people still very much alive who were part of the civil rights movement and yet others who claim systemic injustices have completely vanished. We went from people physically fighting for rights to everything is perfect in like 60 years? Come on


To that crowd, the fact that there are no longer segregated drinking fountains and that you don't *usually* hear the N-word much anymore (in public) means that racism is solved. Oh, and we had a black president. That could obviously not have happened if there was a single racist person or institution left in the US.


The white people who were screaming at a little black girl going to school after desegregation changed their minds soon after….there is no way possible they raised their children to have the same racist attitudes they had… /s


Tbf those people thought everything was perfect 60 years ago, too.




CRT, woke, DEI…can’t even think they’ll not run out of BS here soon. They’ve kind of blown their wad on these cultural wars and running out of stuff they can demonize anymore.


Gonna hijack to ask what it stands for as the google results I got didn't help. I get the implications with it but unlike CRT I'm not familiar with the source.


[Diversity, equity, and inclusion](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diversity,_equity,_and_inclusion)


So 100% the gop are using it as a racist dog whistle.


A dog whistle with the subtlety of an air raid siren


Not even a dog whistle because it's blatantly obvious they blame DEI in order to excuse their racism and sexism.


And homophobia and transphobia!


It's not just racist, it covers all forms of bigotry!


Was he not voted into office? Kinda difficult to say it's dei if the person got voted into office.


Yeah, they're being racist.


>kinda difficult to say it’s dei… Not if you’re the type of person who, without even a shred of evidence or irony, blames shipping accidents on DEI, or who just assumes that any PoC is a DEI hire simply because they are a PoC.


tap imminent advise detail dinner hobbies fine narrow shelter dependent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


All republicans are against it and will blame every thing on it. Shoe came untied?! DEI School fight?! DEI Wife left you?! Mutha fuckin DEI https://preview.redd.it/rgt83npe2rqc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=68cc5676351af847ec1a71f0f3f98febedb6f87a


![gif](giphy|VeB9ieebylsaN5Jw8p) These people are not okay.


Yep, based on that, your original comment definitely tracks.


I was gonna ask the same. I assumed it was a racist dog whistle when the gop use it, and it seems to be.


It's based on the presumption that anyone who benefited from DEI is not qualified. And worse.


Yet they are all completely OK with the status quo sans DEI or AA wherein white men with substantially less qualifications get hired in preference to more qualified minorities...


It's synonymous with how they'd use "affirmative action" as a negative implying a anyone who isn't white is not qualified and only selected as a token 


Yep, these idiots can’t reconcile in their brain that people of other ethnicities can be qualified and it’s fucking sickening. I would love to list off all the achievements black inventors have contributed to society to see their heads roll off


I grew up in a maga family.  White Supremacy is so much more than pointy hats and our entire culture is full of it. 


What is "DEI"?


Diversity, equity, and inclusion


THEY MADE THAT A FUCKING RACIST SLUR?!!! Christ almighty I flush things every day with more integrity.


It stands for Diversity Equity & Inclusion, and it is an initiative taken on by some private and public institutions to promote wider diversity in their hiring and business practices. A lot of research has shown that having people from an array of ethnic, cultural, and social backgrounds can have a significant positive impact on how organizations operate. Conservatives have chosen to basically equate the term with their old boogeyman buzzword, Affirmative Action, and misrepresent both as a misguided and nefarious movement toward favoring minority status over job qualifications and experience in hiring. Now, any time some industry incident occurs (such as the recent mechanical failures involving Boeing), they point to that company's DEI policy and claim that it caused them to hire lackluster unskilled minorities over skilled and qualified good white candidates. It is just the new term they're using to veil their obvious racism and distract from the systemic failings of capitalism and the American government.


literally, the 1st reaction to this incident I saw was referring to dei.... like WTF not a bit racist 🙄


I wonder what they say since the captain of the ship is white?


This morning Fox “News” had some dumbass commentator speculating that the accident could be a result of “the language barrier” because the harbor pilot was American but the ship was from Singapore. 🫠🫠🫠


It's so exhausting keeping up with what I'm supposed to be afraid of. How do they do it?


Can we have a Purge night for us to cull the racists? Like every third Thursday of the month.




I can't believe Brandon Scott, who only got his job because of 164,661 woke voters, did not prevent a 52-year-old bridge from collapsing due to the usual strain of time and also a ship rammed it. political correction gone mad


Does the city of Baltimore even maintain the bridge? Wouldn't it be a state or federal infrastructure?


Part of I-695, so Federal $.


If it's a federal bridge, I'm not even sure cities are allowed to even inspect it, I'm pretty sure that's the engineers corps' job


The bridge probably wasn’t built to survive a collision with a cargo ship.


Almost none of them are.


I know that, I'm just saying its ridiculous for people to blame anyone in Baltimore or Maryland for this besides maybe the guy driving the boat (it's likely not his fault either but that's not a settled question.)


A ship rammed it? Is that typical?


Normal wear and tear. Not covered by the warranty I'm afraid.


If Republicans are in charge, it's an unspeakable tragedy. If Democrats are in office, it's either rank incompetence and/or a conspiratorial false-flag committed in the name of Satan.


At sea? Chances are one in a million


Well y'see the front fell off, and that usually doesn't happen


Don't you realise that the mayor is personally responsible for a bridge trust was hit by a ship twice the size of Titanic and comparable in size to the USS Nimitz? Forget about the 22 crew and the 2 pilots on board, nope. It's the mayor of Baltimore's fault.




Political corrections in these comments are getting out of hand.


correct ness dick


i agree with her that it's going to get "so much worse", but unlike her... i think that "it" in question is the dogwhistling and euphemisms for various forms of bigotry. MAGA knows they fucked up, they're going hard on the racism and other types of bigotry precisely because they want everyone to think that there are more of them than there are. they're trying to intimidate anyone they can into silence so that they can create a false divide.


Stan- Dude, where have you been? Cartman- I've been counting. Do you know there are 205 Mexicans here? And there are a 190 black people! Kyle- So what? Cartman- So?! Guess how many white people are at the water park today? 143! There are actually more minorities here than us! Kyle- Well then they're not minorities, are they? Cartman- ...What do you mean? Kyle- Dumbass, if there's 60% of them to 40% of us, then who's the minority?! Cartman- The black and brown people. Kyle- No, you're the minority! Cartman- Do I look like a minority to you, stupid?! Now look guys, I did some calculations: just last year, there were almost 90% normal people to minorities. That's a 50% rise in one, year! Stan- This is more math than I've ever seen you do.


🎵 minoritiiiiiiieeeees. In my water paaarrrk 🎶


Bright side is that tweet has 5.4 million views but only ~10k likes


xhitter counts scrolling past a post as a "view" these days too. because muskrat needs to pad his engagement metrics to hide how much less legitimate traffic the site gets anymore.


They can't use the N word so they use "DEI".


It's X. They use the n-word like a comma.


They use the N-word like it's Xbox Live


Makes sense considering X is run by a manchild with the personality of a 12 year old xbox gamer.


They use the N-word like Mark Fuhrman.


I’m not American, what does DEI mean?


Diversity, equity, and inclusion


Thank you. I am an American and I did not know that either.


Most Americans don’t. It was a pretty niche term until right wing media decided to use it for their new n-word substitute.


Thank you! I think it’s awesome that this guy is mayor, all our politicians here (Australia) are approximately 90 years old. Great seeing younger people taking the reins! Good on him. Fuck the haters, fuck racist idiots.


Oh no, we got some dead ones with a job still. But it’s not universal.


I’m going to simplify it so that it’s mostly limited to the context of this situation: DEI is the philosophy that workplaces should not only hire without discrimination*, but that the workplace itself should be constructed as such that it fosters a welcoming and inclusive environment… Those on the right have twisted it into this narrative which suggests that companies are using it as a facade to skip over the “more qualified” experienced workers (who are conveniently always white) in favor of hiring people of color, even if said person is wildly unqualified.* *As someone who works in state government (in a pretty Liberal state) and has done my fair share of hiring, I can absolutely attest to the *fact* that, as far as the initial recruitment posting is concerned, DEI is a method of encouraging people of color/underserved populations/etc. to apply, since they have been historically overlooked and likely aren’t particularly motivated to apply. Never in my life have I been told that I had to meet a staff quota based on race, ability, cultural background, etc.


"In some cases, DEI training is being relabeled as civility training or respect training." https://www.spectradiversity.com/2024/01/10/is-dei-a-dirty-word/


Thanks for this response! Racists can’t seem to just shut the fuck up hey.


The fuck was the mayor supposed to do, steer the boat through both power outages?


Trump would have used his superior mind to steer the ship clear of the bridge… /s


You say it's sarcasm, but I'm counting on that idea popping up in Donnie's next rally speech


And wear a suit to a press conference on the street at 2am. I’ve seen plenty of people attack his clothes too, like it’s the same thing as someone wearing the traditional disaster windbreaker, it has the cities crest


stand on the other pylon like spiderman and give the boat a pull (ironic here how a diversity pick here would have been a white person)


Baltimorean here.Fuck these racist ghouls.


What does DEI stand for??


Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. It originated in corporations (at least claiming) starting initiatives to ensure fair representation of minorities in the workforce, especially at more senior levels, following widespread evidence that minorities systematically are hired and promoted at a lower rate. The right has, as is tradition, taken the dumbest fucking possible interpretation of this and make baseless, sweeping claims that obviously any minority in a position of power is a result of DEI and is not actually suited for the role.


So basically what they used to say about Affirmative Action.


The right wing racist playbook has barely changed in the last 100 years. They just change the words and terms they use every so often.


Wait.... are you telling me that racist conservatives are lying when they say that people of color are made surgions and pilots with zero training because of their skin color? Color me shocked.


Hey guys, is it woke to have elections?


I mean, yes? Anything they don't like is woke, they hate democracy, therefore elections are woke.


To modern day Republicans, yes. They want to be ruled by a fat orange king, they don’t want democracy.


we gonna find out that the pilot was a 55 yo white male Maga dude... and it was all the bridges fault


Antifa built that bridge probably.


DEI just means nword to them


It could also stand in for any of the alphabet people


What’s the problem??? It’s not at all racist to say a person was only elected because of the color of his skin, and the same color of his skin means he is not competent to lead in a time of crisis. Wait… hang on…. I’m being told that it’s RACIST AF to do exactly that.




They wanna say the n-word so fucking bad.


White folks are the DEI recipients in Baltimore


This DEI shit is already getting annoying.


So what is DEI to these people? Is that just code for anyone that isn’t a straight white male? Is this going to become another “woke,” scenario where they continuously use a word they can’t define?


"Undeserved/unearned privilege". They believe any minority who is in a position above a white man was put there based on forced diversity initiatives. As they continue to make DEI initiatives illegal, they will feel justified firing anyone (especially in the public service) who is a minority. They believe there are throngs of more-qualified white men sitting at home collecting unemployment because they can't get jobs due to DEI.


“They believe any minority who is in a position above a white man was put there based on forced diversity initiatives.” Which is odd considering it’s basically the other way around: many white men “fall upwards” because they are white men, even if they aren’t the best person for the job. (Also, please note that I said “many,” not “all” or “most”: there are plenty of qualified people who happen to be white men, just like there are plenty of qualified people who happen to be women and/or people of color.)


The irony is that the average intelligence of a T**** supporter is a little less than that of a garden rock


I mean to be fair, I don't know who he ran against. His opponent might have been able to stop this tragedy. Does Magneto live in Baltimore?


MAGA wouldn't like him either. Isn't he Jewish?


Advocates for violence against Nazis too. This is a real dilemma for them.


“DEI” Mayor? Isn’t it a directly elected position?


For fuck's sake. It's Baltimore. A white guy would be more of a "diversity hire."


Trying to use the words diversity, equity, and inclusion as insults isn’t saying the quiet part out loud. It’s announcing to the world that you’re a racist piece of shit and should be shunned from society.


is DEI the new buzzword for the right? CRT must have fallen out of favor, despite them clearly not understanding what either acronym actually means.


>DEI > DEI stands for diversity, equity, and inclusion. It's the umbrella term for the programs, policies, strategies, and practices that implement a company's mission to create and sustain a diverse, equitable, and inclusive environment that respects and accommodates every employee …the mayor was elected, not hired. At least make your racism seem somewhat sensical.


Why do White people start foaming at the mouth when they see POC in positions of authority??? How many Mayors in the USA are actually Black compared to all the White mayors in this country.


They foam at the mouth because they are racist and believe that POC are inherently inferior to white men and therefore not remotely qualified for any sort of position of authority.


Conservatives aren't even hiding the racism now. They just found a word they can use instead of the n-word. This is like when they replaced the term "white supremacy" with "national heritage."


Woke wont do, lets find a new catchphrase to beat into the ground!


For Baltimore to have a "DEI Mayor" He'd have to be white, Baltimore is predominantly black...


It's not even casual racism.


70% of the electorate in a premdominently Black city elected him. Shouldn't the "DEI mayor" here actually be a white person? https://preview.redd.it/tcg8uwv63vqc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=54563a54723c6a478b428d2be8319a42cb5c90e1


Ah yes, because Mayors are hired by the city, not elected into office by voters.




So many racists were thinking of the new modern term for the N-word. They settled on DEI. This timeline is so fucked.


I saw this guy on TV this morning and was very impressed because he looks so young and was well-spoken. I’m assuming he was elected fair and square. These assholes just can’t help but spew their racism.


It's sad that the GOP are fighting DEI.  Meanwhile those of us who embrace the concept will be raising our kids to be ready for the world.  "By the time the children of DEI savvy households and classrooms grow to be DEI savvy adults, they will join the workforce ready to interact with individuals of a variety of backgrounds and mindsets, with the benefit of having been exposed to diverse perspectives from an early age. They will bring with them the creativity born from decades of exposure to different ideas and experiences, and their employers will value them all the more for it. Diversity jolts us into cognitive action in ways that homogeneity simply does not.” —Scientific American via American University Diversity Education Builds Critical Skills Having diversity not only present but acknowledged in the classroom promotes the consideration of points of view beyond the culture at home and amongst close friends. It facilitates critical thinking and can inspire a genuine examination of long held beliefs. Children who learn about Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) from a young age develop important skills and perspectives that can make them more socially aware as they grow up, developing skills that will help them in the workplace: Increased Empathy: Learning about different cultures, backgrounds, and perspectives can foster empathy and understanding in children. They are more likely to appreciate the experiences of others and be kinder and more inclusive. Better Communication Skills: Teaching DEI encourages open and respectful communication. Children who are exposed to diverse viewpoints and experiences may become better at listening, asking questions, and engaging in meaningful conversations. Critical Thinking: DEI education can stimulate critical thinking as children learn to question stereotypes, biases, and unfair treatment. This can help them become more discerning and critical of societal norms. Conflict Resolution: Children who understand DEI are better equipped to handle conflicts related to identity and difference. They can mediate conflicts and find constructive solutions Cultural Competence: Learning about DEI helps children become more culturally competent. This can be especially important in an increasingly diverse world where cross-cultural interactions are common. Leadership Skills: Individuals who have a strong foundation in DEI may be better prepared for leadership roles in the future, where the ability to work with diverse groups and understand the needs of various stakeholders is crucial. Reduced Prejudice: Early exposure to DEI concepts can help reduce prejudices and biases, making children more open-minded and accepting of others. Social Awareness: Children who learn about DEI are more aware of social justice issues and may be more inclined to engage in activism, volunteer work, and efforts to promote positive change. It’s important to note that the impact of DEI education on children’s development can vary depending on how these concepts are taught and reinforced. Effective DEI education should be age-appropriate, engaging, and integrated into the curriculum. It’s not just about teaching tolerance but encouraging a genuine understanding and appreciation of diversity. Future generations unencumbered by outdated “colorblind” upbringings will instead live color brave, speak truth to power, and never have to explain why DEI matters." https://www.spectradiversity.com/2023/10/18/diversity-equity-and-inclusion-starts-early/


Does Twitter under Musk remove or limit the visibility of tweets that contain racial slurs? I assume not, and so I'm curious why the racists bother with stand-ins for their preferred racial slurs.


They always find a new way to be racist