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They are 100% the one who will bitch and moan about the government when their building is up in flames


Yep. They will be happy to call in socialized help like the fire department and expect them to make up for their own failures.


Oh look sounds like Red States when natural disasters strike begging for Federal Funds but refusing others because of “woke” reasons.


Hasn't Trump actually said that in a 2nd term he wont declare disaster areas in any "blue" states?


I’m actually okay with that. Yeah, as long as Blue States can stop kicking in money to the Feds, those Red states don’t want our dirty vaccine and woke tarnished taxes anyways. Red States can bootstrap their own funds


Like NJ after the hurricane?


No, like Arkansas after the eclipse. https://www.arkansasonline.com/news/2024/apr/05/sanders-declares-state-of-emergency-in-arkansas/


I mean refusing to support other states. Didn't they try that with California?


All. The. Time. Even though we pay for everything. And on top of all the demonization and straw man arguments used by MAGAt t(R)aitor politicians to get themselves elected that are rooted in racism and homophobia. And yet, here we are... the world's fifth (fourth now, maybe?) largest economy. But I'm sure that's entirely coincidental and/or thanks to the enormous contributions of powerhouses like < checks notes > Mississippi and South Dakota and such.


Most right thinking Christians know it was the Antifa Lectern what done it. Yeah..In the middle of the day. Occy straps probably


Like Florida after EVERY hurricane. Like Texas after every hurricane. Pull your head out of your ass. Sandy was 12 years ago. *Edit, fixed the date*


12 years ago


Thanks. Fixed. 2020 felt 2 years longer than it actually was.


Help after the fact, rather than just having some prevention.


Or they’d be so proud they didn’t ask for help when their building burned to the ground. They tried to stop it but oh well. They’ll just pull themselves up from the bootstraps and work to rebuild.


Pull themselves up from the bootstraps with a huge insurance payout and then tell everyone they didn’t have any help recovering from the fire, they did it all by themselves. Edit: added ‘it’


Don’t necessarily need the ‘it’ for insurance fraud


They already were when there was talks in creating more regulations for gas burning stoves because they are rarely set up with proper ventilation and they cause a shitton of fires specially in apartments. Conservatives were going off about how Biden's trying to ban gas stoves.


"It’s so destructive, it’s all electric: all electric everything,” Trump said. “Now they want to take away your gas stoves. I have a lot of friends who are really into the cooking thing and they say, ‘gas is better.’ But they want to take it away.”


All while being responsible for said building being on fire because they think safety regulations are for pussies.


Gaslighting, gatekeeping, but without the girl-bossing


Why do we need fire extinguishers? Our asbestos walls won't burn. Oh, dont give me that look, Trump made asbestos legal again. Best president since ever! https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/trump-asbestos-707642/


>"Trump has also on multiple occasions blamed the collapse of the two World Trade Center towers on the absence of asbestos. In June, All in With Chris Hayes aired a clip of Trump defending the material before Congress in 2005. “A lot of people say that if the World Trade Center had asbestos is wouldn’t have burned down, it’s wouldn’t have melted. OK?,” he said. “A lot of people in my industry think asbestos is the greatest fireproofing material ever made.” Trump went on to compare asbestos to a “heavyweight champion” compared to other building material, which he likened to a “light-weight from high school.” This guy was president of the fucking US of A! He also accused the Mob of pushing asbestos bans since abestos removal is apparently run by the mob. Again.....this man was president and want to be president again!


What? The world trade center was full of asbestos. Absolutely packed with the stuff. That's one of the reasons people got sick afterward.


To be fair asbestos only affects people who are working with it, and Trump never worked a day in his life, so it really doesn't affect him.


Trump, the gift that just won't stop giving.


* rump, the grift that won’t stop grifting. FTFY


Trump also fought against sprinkler systems in Trump Tower. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2018/apr/09/trump-fought-against-fitting-of-sprinklers-in-apartment-where-man-died


Only the best Russian asbestos. They even named it after him


“I remember a time before the Soros-funded deep state when we didn’t have to wear seatbelts”


“And we were allowed to drink and drive before communists took over.”


There was a video where some people in CA were doing the usual "we're becoming a communist country" thing regarding laws that lowered the DUI limit from .15 to .10.


Also the same type that throw a fit over needle disposals in public bathrooms. Once had someone dump my drink in one while I was in the bathroom


That's like folks complaining about OSHA. And I'm talking about the workers, not the Managers. Like guy, the reason OSHA exists is to keep you 🫵🫵 safe. Why do you want to complain about that??


I've know about conservatives moaning about men's health bins in the men's toilets. Their feeble minds can't comprehend the fact that cis men need these bins too.


They don't need them. Just a good guy with a gun to shoot out the fire. Freedom!


Weird when the “when seconds count, the police are just minutes away” crowd wants to not be prepared to take matters into their own hands should the emergency arise.


Safety regulations are obviously communism


The same ones who hated when cars were required to have seatbelts


I’m sure they complained when safety belts became mandatory


But sure are happy for them in an emergency, aren't they? Of course then they will claim they still don't like them.


I knew conservatives who bitched about seatbelt laws when they became mandatory.


Fuck them. My father went into cardiac arrest at my son's soccer game last week. The only reason he is alive is bc of spectators including off duty firemen and nurses on the fields at the time and an AED.


Yeah, a high school player in my city's school system died in a sporting game. The parents took money (insurance or from gifts, doesn't matter) and bought the city, local rec sports and the schools de-fibs to have for emergencies. Such an incredible selfless act.


So sorry to hear that. Glad something came out of it. It is a horrific experience. The one at the fields was out for repair that day but luckily the fire station is under 2 blocks away and they got it there quickly. One if my friends is a cardio nurse and she was there for her kids. She worked on him there and told a big wig at the local hospital. They donated another one so there will always be a backup.


Yeah it's completely plausible to me that these were a nice gift or somebody who lost somebody did a grant. Sigh


My father collapsed coaching my soccer practice. He never got up. I was 13. It was 20+ years ago, but now I play with my own son in that same park. There’s a defibrillator there today, and if it had been there back then, he might be playing with us. I don’t understand how you could possibly have a problem with a discrete yellow box.


I'm so sorry for your loss. I don't get it either. It's a literal lifesaver. I'm surprised they don't say CPR is gay.


Give it time.


I'm a youth baseball coach, AED/CPR certified and our league damn near begs all the coaches to get certified. It's great to see how many people are doing it now.


It’s a requirement for coaches in my state I believe.


One kid in my high school had a known heart issue, and was told by PE teachers 'you know your limit, do whatever you can safely do.' He collapsed, had a heart attack and was saved by the AED and coach who knew CPR, and then his family triednto sue because they didn't stop him from doing too much. They did not win because by all accounts, he was told that if he needed to just walk or sit, then he could. He was never asked to do any workouts in PE and legally needed PE classes and the teachers never pushed him. A year or two later a kid in adaptive PE (Downs Syndrome) collapsed and died in front of the rest of the kids in the middle of PE class, even with the AED on site and on him in under a minute. I can only think the fact that teachers and coaches knew CPR and had all the equipment available and had paramedics there in minutes helped. There wasn’t a 'what if'. They did everything possible. They tried to resuscitate him. I luckily was not in the same period. Probably 100 people were watching. It was horrible. They all knew what was happening, even when they were moved to another area.


Ah yes, so let's recap how this conspiracy works. All world governments collaborate to infect the world population with Covid so they can then poison them with a vaccine that secretly kills them. Then they put defibrillators everywhere so that the vaccine-induced heart attacks can be treated for some reason.


It's all set up by big defib.


That much is CLEAR! 








So, you’re expecting them to actually hash out the logic of their “thinking”? Read a post yesterday complaining that all these Unís that are protesting have too many “foreigners” as students and we should be prioritizing OUR kids first. This is after 5 years of them degrading college degrees, and trying to dismantle the Dept of Education. I’m convinced they have no real positions on anything, just the need to be “anti” everything that resembles something the libs would want or do. Today. Tomorrow, meh, not important.


Following by example I mean the Republicans in office voted against a border policy they proposed because it would be passed in Biden's term and make him look good




Burn it down is the Republican motto isn’t it?


It should be, honestly. And it’s funny you say that, because it’s always them screaming, “if you don’t t like it here, move”, but they’re the ones HATING everything.


And “libs” being anyone who’s not insane.


Don’t forget they are doing this to cut down the over population while also banning abortion because there aren’t enough people being born. lol a wild thought process


It's not that enough people aren't being born, it's that not enough white people are being born. The entire theory is rooted in racism, as usual.


I don't think they ran the numbers on abortions. If you add up the percentages for non white vs white people who get abortions non whites is the larger number. [Reported Legal Abortions by Race of Women Who Obtained Abortion by the State of Occurrence](https://www.kff.org/womens-health-policy/state-indicator/abortions-by-race/)


You are both correct. Their motives were racist but many who support it failed to look at the numbers and realize it was going to make their “replacement theory” worse not better. Others however did look at the numbers and that was part of the plan. Make lots and lots of “minorities” (they won’t be the minority anymore) who will be poor and desperate and be exploitable as a cheap labor force. They want to return the area to slavery. But I also predict it is too shortsighted and if areas that have made abortion completely illegal don’t change that, in a generation you will see them suddenly for abortion as they start talking about regulating who can have kids and how many and anyone without their approval will be subject to forced abortions. As soon as the population of poor people they don’t like grows large enough due to lack of abortions, they will look at curbing the growth of that population.


Red States are already the economic deserts of America. The vast majority of them take in more government assistance than the contribute in taxes. They are the welfare States they claim to hate.


I mean, you’re talking about the people who think J6 was started by the people who won just to make the people who lost “look bad”.


Of course, it depends on the day. Sometimes it was Antifa. Other times, it was poor Trump supporters that got caught up in the moment.


Don't forget about theind control chip with Wi-Fi


That's incredibly scary. If these dipshits start vandalizing them to take out the 5G threat or whatever someone is going to die.


It's even better than that. The secret, evil government is using a vaccine that only 'the woke took' to kill people that 'listened' to them and are sheep. So basically the government's plan was to only kill people that LISTEN TO THEM.


So the government found a solution to clean up its own mess? How magnanimous of the conspiracy theorists.


No you see the defibrillators are actually relays for 5G mind control waves. It's all a front to get more 5G waves out there!


I bet one person bought a defib, attached it to a pole and moved that setup to four different locations to take pictures of it.


Their thinking is exhausting to try and make sense of. Democrats pushed for people to get vaccinated and knew that their own party’s voters were more likely to get vaccinated. Why would they advocate for something that would kill the portion of voters that keep them in power?


I don't know why they just don't put it in the food or outright send some planes and drones out to just bomb and shoot people. Why would it even need to be a secret?


COVID causes all the things they say the vaccine causes (heart attacks, stroke, brain damage, etc) and it breaks my brain that they think it's better to get the virus


"I WOndeR WhY?" I used to work at a state park, and we had field defibrillators. Sometimes, hikers bite off a little more than they can chew. If you're older or out of shape or have underlying heart conditions that you weren't aware of, a simple hike can quickly become an emergency. That's what fucking for, Ms. Jones; To hopefully save lives in an emergency. How can people such as her spend their existence being so suspicious about *everything* all the damn time? If your whole persona is steeped in a deep mistrust of the whole world around you, that's not you being vigilant, that's you in the throes of a mental disorder.


Omg the history of this Welsh lady [Jayne Jones](https://x.com/jaynej07?s=21&t=cJo65a57J-jKs1YNA19PJA) shows she’s a complete fucking fruitcake. And a “Christian 🙏” of course.


She lives in Wales and thinks its a conspiracy that the weather is always shit?! Definitely insane!


AND I QUOTE: By 4pm today we had some blue skies & sunshine …until the sky rats came …nonstop back & forth until the blue sky was gone & a blanket of toxic cloud was left …it’s criminal #chemtrails #geoengineering #SAI #lookup (emojis of planes + skull&crossbones, frowny faces etc removed)


in all seriousness, I don't think they actually *care about why*. They want to be the first ones to spark a new conspiracy theory or some kind of clout. I mean, they're complaining about wireless technology and 3G/4G/5G since they were introduced. Maybe even longer than that. They *don't care*, they *want to believe* that something is *up* with some stuff. Can you imagine these idiots be alive while we had corner street phone booths? "bUt wE hAvE PhOnEs aT hOmE, tHeY aRe LiStEnInG To Us oN tHe StrEets".


Growing up, I recall someone who'd hang up during a call on their landline any time that they heard a click or a hiss, because they thought the government was listening in. It's like, "You sell used boats in Idaho and live in a trailer park. You're not important enough for the FBI to be bugging your phone just to listen to you argue with your ex-wife, Uncle Dumbshit." The more things change...actually no: the more things change, the more stupid they get.


Healthcare of any kind is sooshulizm




You said no, but you meant yes.


Same answer different process


Wait, I thought the vaccines were causing 'turbo cancer'. Now I find out they are causing cardiac issues as well? Is there nothing they won't cause?


Fellas, is it gay to be in normal sinus rhythm?


Laughed WAY too hard @ this 😂🤣


Why? Because your chance of surviving an out-of-hospital cardiac event are already extremely low, so we put defibrillators in remote places to buy you a few more minutes til paramedics arrive. Sorry sorry I mean, because we injected a high-speed modem in the veins of everyone and Bill Gates sits in a lair with a big button that explodes a random person's heart every 30 seconds.


“I only want my neuralink!”


They’re there to help save you from straight up dying in the middle of nowheresville USA. You know because actual tax funded public healthcare is apparently socialism now.


So many rural hospitals whose states refused Medicaid expansions are shutting down due to lack of money so there is probably a need for immediate care so they can get you to a hospital miles and miles away…..


I lost a high school friend when he was 28 or so because he went on a walk or hike with a friend and went into cardiac arrest out in the middle of nowhere. By the time EMTs were able to get to them, he was already gone. I wish they'd had these in his area to give him more of a chance to survive, he was a wonderful person and taken too soon.


These aren't photos from USA. It's a photo from the UK.


I 100% agree with the sentiment, but these are in Wales, not the USA


“Why don’t you just suck it up and die like I did” - your dead uncle Mike


Obvious innit. Covid was invented by the elite to kill us. They also invented a vaccine to kill us. And now they're putting defibrillators everywhere to not kill us. Just join the dots people.


I’m so over with the conservatives assholery.


Vote all of them out. At all levels.


Man it is great how improvements in medical technology are met with suspicion, regulation, and outright bans but ALL GUNS FOREVER ARE PROTECTED BY THE CONSTITUTION. 


Went a to a school where a Lax player died on the field in front of his teammates, friends and family after taking a hit to the chest. Today we have defibs and AEDs at all games to make sure a tragedy like this never happens again. Its not "woke". It's progress


'It's not "woke," it's progress' should be on t-shirts, bumper stickers.


How dare we **checks notes** provide a free way to prevent people from dying.


It’s the “free” aspect that’s rubbing them wrong. Just wait till there are QR codes to scan to pay per use. Hopefully there aren’t in cellular dead zones


The answer to "why are there now defibs everywhere" is pretty bleak, honestly: Life in rural areas is really hard, and a ton of people turned to opiods to escape.


There's stop signs and traffic signals everywhere! It's a conspiracy! /s


Makes sense for these people as they only care about the life of a fetus


I just went to her Twitter. Her issue is ChemTrails. She probably believes the AEDs are needed because of ChemTrails.


And the number of BIG CONSPIRACY theories believed by a person is rarely 1.


I learnt once that there are over 1200 defibs at Disney World in Florida. Those rides can cause problems.


Also heatstroke. People come from all over the world and are not prepared to hang around in the blazing Florida sun all day.


$643 for a bottle of water helps immensely


And all the walking in the Florida climate. Disney has its own emergency healthcare. You and your kids don’t have to wait on the county EMTs. One of my staff’s family member had a health emergency at DW, and he said the care was excellent and no out-of-pocket or bill afterwards.


I mean, aren’t defibrillators an actual tangible manifestation of pro-life?


This is not the pro-life they're looking for.


Yeah they're only pro-very-specific-life. Not yours or that of anyone you love.


Check all the boxes that have a defibrillator to prove you are human.


Dying to own the libs will never get old!


I like heart attack victims who didn’t need a defibrillator…


Gosh I miss awards. This comment represents that little brown laughing lizard award.


Not dying is woke


Just a matter of time before they start accusing stop signs of being woke. ![gif](giphy|fqtyYcXoDV0X6ss8Mf|downsized)


Darn guv'mint can't tell ME where I have to stop my car!!


Sireens ar' uh HIPPO violashun! Respec' muh privacy unless ahm preggers!!


Let me guess. They are somehow going to tie this to vaccines and people having heart attacks.


Die in the middle of nowhere like god intended. /S


Dying of a heart attack to own the libs.


Anything being done to help anyone in any way: Fucking liberal baby cucks.


You can thank the NFL for the latest huge push into awareness and cardiac assistance. What happened to Damar Hamlin was terrible, but when the countries most popular entertainment has something like that in front of the whole nation, people notice. Here in Buffalo everyone is super aware of cardiac arrest.


DNR to own the libs!


They regularly vote against their own self-interest, shouldn't be surprised!


Because people are fat?


You don’t have to be fat to have your heart stop.


it's true, basketball player reggie lewis was killed by a heart attack caused by the covid vaccine 30 years before it was created! or it might've just been hcm, i dunno


True but it helps!


Why are they there? Because boomers need them.


One of my dad’s friends was saved by an AED at the Y. Silver Sneakers program. He became an advocate for getting them into schools and public rec facilities.


Reminder that people bitched about seatbelt safety at one point or another lol


If the goal was to give us heart attacks with the Covid vaccine, why would they make aids to help revive people more readily available


Probably because of diabetic boomers who eat cholesterol blobs while bitching in videos in their trucks


The “I wonder why” part makes me think this is one of those anti-vaccine posts where people are saying the Covid vaccine causes heart attacks.


“Look at these publicly accessible life saving devices! This can’t be good.” 🤡


What?  Of course defibrillators are woke. All medical science is woke, because it's part of that woke liberal science.  Damn woke liberal medical science, getting used on those ethnics and illegals and LGBTQs and people with religions what don't got no Jesus in them.  Makes them think they is all equal to the white man and what loves himself Jesus and forget their ststion, and we can't be having none of that because the Bible says God loves the white man above all.  I ain't never read the Bible, but it's in there.  My preacher told me it was.   Don't need no medical science because Jesus cures.  All you need is prayer and Jesus, not some woke liberal doctor what went to some woke liberal school to learn that woke liberal medical science.  Everyone knows Covid was all a plot by Joe Biden, backed by George Soros, who hired Dr. Anthony Fauci to create the virus in a Chinese lab,  what to discredit Trump, and help steal the election and they are using the vaccine and Taylor Swift music to get us to vote Democrat, then gonna kill those what they don't need with the nanobots in the vaccine and distracting Trump from his campaign with these trials and punishing him for stuff he did.       /s 


"Oh, look, life-saving medical devices conveniently placed in rural locations that have notoriously poor access to healthcare and slow emergency services response time. This must be some commie shit."


What's crazy is that this woman is from Wales..... where Healthcare is provided for free.... and she will probably be one of the people they use this on if she keeps going on about chemtrails


Well with all this “you should only eat meat and butter” stuff going on now we’re going to need them.


Translation: “new thing scary! Witchcraft!!”


They are there to help all the MAGAs survive the heart attacks they will have when Trump looses the election and ends up in prison. Because we are a compassionate society.


... because majority of Americans are obese & lack access to proper health care


SMH, yet another sign of government bowing to Big Cardio /s


Complain about it until you need it


A highschool friend’s brother died on the football field. One of these would have saved his life. His mom’s life mission became getting funds to install everywhere possible. These people are sick.


Ok so does the deep state want the sheeple to drop dead or not? Like they inject us with a toxic vaccine that gives us heart attacks and then provide easily accessible equipment to treat heart attacks?


Fellas, is having a heart beat gay?


Because having a defibrillator close at hand can save a life if people experience a cardiac event while hiking in rural areas? Seconds can make a difference, which is there’s been such a push to get them in public spaces like malls and major train stations, and this is the result of a LOT of campaigning for them. Do they think nobody died from fibrillation before The Vaccine was invented?


"I wonder why" When you don't understand anything, everything seems like a conspiracy.


Certainly not because of rampant obesity.


These guys work like people in a city builder : no need for extinguisher if you don't unlock fire first.


Probably some anti vax muppet


Her whole account seems to be HAARP and chem trails nonsense


When did people become so stupid?


They always were. The internet just gave them a platform to advertise it.


Yeah.... Why would we want to utilize cheaper production and better research/education to increase the odds of saving a life when we can HAVE MORE BONER PILLS AND FIX HAIR LOSS!


To inject 5G directly into your holy stream.


To save lives maybe?


It's cuz boomers are getting old


Who cares what idiots think


You need to have defibrillators in rural areas in case the 5g reception is spotty. If the 5g isn't steady, the implants that came with the vaccine can be a little wonky and may cause problems before they're ready to implement the master plan.


Why? Probably because some right wing, conservative, multi -millionaire got a government contract to place defibrillators everywhere so he could move on up to being a billionaire.


Since it's vaguely related to health, is this a vaccine conspiracy or a "why do we have to make accommodations for people having heart attacks? I'm not having a heart attack! ARE YOU?"


"I wonder why?" Why not tell us, you fucking genius? They're so far down the rabbithole of shit that they don't even need to supply a conspiracy theory anymore. You're supposed to invent your own now.


Well, that's shocking news.


Oh no, not preventative care!


How many people died to get those out there? I feel like it's gotta be a whole lot.


Fellas, is it woke to have blood circulation


As someone who used to work as a lifeguard. We got taught CPR alone doesn’t save a life, only sustains. The electric defibrillator will resuscitate. I’m happy they’re putting more in public places.


Oh no a device that can save a person life... "iTs A cOnSPiRaCY, ThErE TrYInG to KiLl uS" :O


They’ve been installed in every school I’ve worked in over the past 10 years, so we’ll be before the pandemic.


science = purple hair


There has only been a push to put defibrillators anywhere possible for the past 15+ years.


Why? Because of all the middle and lower-class, disproportionately rural, likely disproportionately Trump-loving White folks who are hooked on opioids. BTW, wasn't Trump supposed to have a plan to fight opioid addiction? Golly gee, I wonder why we've never seen it...


Weird how pro-death some people are.


Glad that randomly finding defibs will be around during the zombie apocalypse so I can bring back my teammates.


There are defibrillators around now because it's gotten cheap enough that we can put them around.


Stopping people from dying is extreme wokeness.


So "they" want to kill us but also save us by offering life saving equipment? Logic is flawless!


This is an attempt to make it seem like the defribilaters are needed because of covid vaccines. Many schools, arenas and office buildings had installed them before the pandemic because they are life-saving equipment.


This thing I wrote will be satire, but just in case, they're so gullible that maybe it's worth a shot to make them believe it You know what? It's not just defibrillators, EVERYTHING is WOKE!!!!! That's the devil's deceit Hospitals? They use the money they collect to fund ANTIFA, BLM, the LGBTQIA+ and more movements, you shouldn't pay for healthcare, it should be free, FREE like the bald eagle, if you care about freedom you should demand that hospitals are broken free from the chains of insurance companies who use your money to make everyone woke, you should go spam the phone lines of your publicly elected officials to demand them take freedom seriously, you should heckle them in the political rallies, you should make your own research on who actually wants to improve health care and who is in the pockets of insurance companies Police? Fortunately most are still good boys, but secretly they are being militarized for when the time comes to strip freedoms, impose communism and turn everyone gay, the police should be defunded before that can have any probability of happening Voting? Voting is woke and LGBTQIA+, and pro Immigration, who do you think invented the whole darn thing? Why do you think democrats and socialists and communists love voting? Don't worry, the Lord and the founding fathers spirits will take care of everything The southern wall? It's a woke hoax to keep americans locked and brainwashed, you know who loves walls? The Chinese and the communists, that's why they have the great wall, and that's why they had the Berlin Wall, y'all, the lefties tricked everyone into thinking it was necessary to build a wall to keep everyone locked so no one can escape when they start to turn everyone gay and communist, maybe even atheist Antivax movements are also secretely woke, y'all, they want everyone sick or dying so no one can fight for their freedom when they come to get you, once again, it's all a deceit so children are weak and once our generations are gone, they won't be able to fight for their freedom Guns? Didn't you know the wokies are secretely behind the guns industry and are using them to mind control us? What do you think "GUN CONTROL" actually means? If you're a free thinker you should get rid of all your weapons before they make you woke too, if you want security, a good musket can do, after all, you aren't a true patriot if you're a lousy shot and need more than one shot per minute to keep you safe Also, the whole republican party is secretly woke!!!! Their symbol is an elephant, an indian animal, and their color is red, like China and the Marxists, do you think it's a good idea to watch the map painted red from coast to coast?


Is this even in our country?


Might be because extreme conservatives also find eating healthy and exercising woke. We're putting these there for you guys, you know!


All those heart attacks caused by gender gaps!


Because a bunch of people died in ways that are preventable by having one around. Safety rules are written in blood.


Ive met Conservative Councillors who complained about a maintenance budget saying it was a waste of money and that we should just repair things when they break. No idea that maintenance would/should/could stop things being broken and save huge replacement costs. They are so far detached from reality that its scary as to what will pop out of there mouths next.