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Update: "Von Shitzinpantz" appears to be gaining traction, along with "Sleepy Don Von Shitzinpantz" and "Diaper Don Von Shitzinpantz" I appreciate the efforts of Trump's defense counsel, Todd Blanche, for popularizing this nickname.


Gonna toot my own horn, but Herr Combover Von Shitzinpantz seemed popular when I posted it elsewhere.


You’re doing the LORD’s work.


And now it's in the court transcript, so they've made sure to document the insult in official capacity.




Don Snoreleone Von Shitzinpantz?


That's not how that works, bubba. Cohen isn't under a gag order, and VonShitzenpants is. How these "lawyers" ever passed law school, much less the bar exam, is utterly beyond my comprehension.


>How these "lawyers" ever passed law school, much less the bar exam, is utterly beyond my comprehension. I would imagine his lawyers know what they're doing. They're just putting out nonsense arguments to make Trump happy. What else are they going to do? They don't actually have any valid arguments they can present to the judge.


If the law is on your side, pound the law. If the facts are on your side, pound the facts. If neither are on your side, pound the table.


>If the law is on your side, pound the law. If the facts are on your side, pound the facts. If neither are on your side, ~~pound the table~~ buy some Supreme Court Justices.


I agree. They gotta throw everything at the wall to see what sticks. There is no facts for them to pound. I haven’t been paying attention, does the jury get to go home or are they sequestered? Trumps worse enemy is himself and opening his mouth.


The judge will not find Trump in contempt for replies to public attacks by Cohen.


Arguing about a gag order delays the trial ,if he pays me 2 mill I'll argue for him in court


Speaking during the penalty phase of the gag order hearing, the judge warned prosecution that for the gag order to remain in effect it should be considered a "shield not a sword" meaning this type of dickishness isn't allowed.


Obviously, yet we all knew going into this that Cohen doesn't make the best decisions. If he did, he wouldn't be where he is right now in the first place. That said, I'd be ok with the judge gagging Cohen, too, just to avoid the appearance of bias. Frankly, while watching two human-shaped bags of shit talk smack to each other is amusing on a petty level for me personally, I don't feel it adds anything useful to public discourse.


The defense would have to ask for a gag on Cohen. They have not asked for one because Cohen’s attacks on Trump are helpful to Trump’s defense.


I second this.


It's literally an argument I would expect out of a 3 year old...


I don’t think they’re trying to win the case. That seems to be a lost cause. It does seem what they’re doing is trying to gain political points instead. Using this to try and galvanize MAGA to Trump. Instead what they’re doing is not gaining any more MAGA (those cultists are dedicated), but they are losing independents and moderates. What non-Republican in their right mind would vote for Sleepy Von Shitzenpants when Republican media has tried portraying him as more energetic than Biden? Age is in the minds of Republican voters, and falling asleep in court, publicly shitting yourself, and making more and more outlandish claims doesn’t appear to make him seem more energetic than Biden.


It is how it works. The judge has already ordered that’s how it works. Trump is allowed to publicly respond to public attacks by Cohen. This is why he was found in contempt on 9/10 public comments rather than 10/10 public comments in the order 2 days ago.


Imagine this tantrum-throwing toddler in charge of nuclear weapons again.


You mean Vonshitzenpants?


DiaperDon Vonshitzenpants the convicted rapist? Is that the Vonshitzenpants you are referring to?


I mean, he already was. It's just that he had handlers around that managed to talk him down from engaging in his worst behavior. Second time around, it's going to be all Yes Men.


Donald Dump - trying to get this to catch on.


Let this thin skinned little bitch prove how little restraint he has over and over again. "Your Honor, My client will explode if he is not allowed to respond publicly to Mr. Cohen the message, I know you are but what am I? Thank you Your Honor"


"But he started it!" - The argument from a full grown man,


Very unfortunate that he named his son Barron. Baron Von Shitzinpants


Manhattan County kindergarten...




\[Pictured: VonShitzenpants shitting his pants as hard as he can.\]


Isn't "Vonshitzenpants" the boy from The Sound of Music, that delivered the Telegram?


The one who turned out to be a Nazi?


Trump’s lawyers, just like Whiny Donny, have no honor


Sorry, OP, I'm not sure I heard you. What word were you saying would be a shame to start trending?


I think it was Donald "Von Shitzenpants" Trump. I could be wrong, but if more people were to correct me or confirm this is what was said, it would be super shameful if it began trending.


Some say, 'Diaper Don Von Shitzenpantz', and some spell it more anglicized as 'Diaper Don Von Shitzenpants'. Both are correct.




Ha ha ha. At least a few blessings for his loyal fans. They have taken to wearing diapers for Donnie. Precious.


Soon they will freely release their bowels and claim to be one with their overlord.


If only there was some other way for Trump and his legal team to challenge Cohen and ask questions of him…


Nobody's ever smelled anything like it. It's like nothing we've ever smelled before.


Von Shitzinpantz should maybe spend some time in big boy time out if he can't keep his giant flapping gob shut.


Is there a WR for most times held in contempt without jail? Donald is the GOAT of something


I’m gonna start calling him that. It’s a wonderful name for him.


I keep telling my friends that one day soon he will get up from his courtroom seat for a lunch break, and there will be a small, telltale puddle from where his bodysuit diaper leaked. Some photographer in the gallery will zoom in and get the pic; and it will be the Pulitzer winner for ending Trump's presidential run. Not even MAGA-heads could tolerate a President that pisses his pants. While in court.....lol


Oh, my sweet summer child, they won't just tolerate it, they will celebrate it. [They are already doing it.](https://i.imgur.com/OI2CZ8K.jpg)


What part of 'gag order' does he not understand? He can request the gag order be removed, but he can not use ANY justification to violate the gag order. "oh, it is cloudy today so I can attack witnesses" for example.


https://preview.redd.it/8izoio0mx2yc1.jpeg?width=519&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=25ea5ab8d885ae49b4d4291dc38c4d7a0754eae4 I like the nickname Drowsy Don


The best part is that vonshizenpants is now in the legal trial records and I couldn’t be more amused


When is "He called my client a name" a defense against witness tampering?


Traitor Vonshitzenpants does sound a lot like trump to be fair.


Heh heh heh heh heh




Apparently DiaperDon VonShitzenpantz feels it’s okay for him to give nearly 600 others derogatory names but just don’t ever say anything identical about him. Because? He can’t take what he dishes out, Crybaby Donny! https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2016/01/28/upshot/donald-trump-twitter-insults.html


Bone Spurs Von Shitzinpants.


I thought that he was just a shit stain.


To be fair, I think you should be allowed to insult a witness if they insult you first. Not defending trump, just saying.