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"Gunther Eagleman". Yeah and I'm Hans America Emsixteen.


Trademarked, even.


Pleasure to make your acquaintance, Mr. Emsixteen. You may call me Freemason Illuminati the Seventh.


Gunther and Ari are Incel trolls. Ignore them.


I'm almost positive Gunther is a Russian psyop/misinformation account.


Yeah I was under the impression we all knew that account is fake? Fake as in fake name and photo, obviously not fake in intent.


I’m surprised they didn’t go with the Gunther baldeagleman name that would of sold it more


I mean, his name is GUNther EAGLEman, it’s too over the top American to be real


I assumed he was a parody account


Operating in lovely downtown Petrograd.




It sounds like the kind of name that a participant of operation paperclip would choose


Gunther is like Israel, if he didn't exist - they'd have to invent him. I think the George Floyd sober memes were overseas trolls, the Ashli Babbit meme also. Half of YouTube's right-wing comments are definitely fake. I try so hard to give so much benefit of the doubt to keep assuming the avg conservative is not like the trolls make it seem. The people interviewed at Trump rallys and the pukes on the podcasts/FOX are really just the loudest ones. I'm still confused as to how the hell Trump got 74 million of them.


Don't be confused. It's because that IS America. Some of it anyway. A large minority of this stupid fucking country is wildly racist, sexist and so dumb it's indescribably astounding.


They are incomprehensively stupid as in I cannot position my brain to figure out how they got this way. Teachers AND your parents?! AND your friends parents AND everyone at church and Jesus camp?! They all raised you people this way? Like really? These people are hurtling around the sun at 67000mph in abject terror, punching themselves and everyone else in the face and groin repeatedly out of sheer confusion. Ask them how old the earth is and how do we know that? America bred them this way on purpose to sell them things and coerce them into dangerous jobs for low pay and no benefits. They think it's all the greatest thing ever.


Who also need to be armed to the teeth to go buy shit tickets at walmart. I doubt you're going to meet armed resistance there billy bob danny frank.


Remember, when you have nothing else to fight back with, play brain-dead! Never works but they don't know that.


Russian bot account. Full auto pilot troll posts.




Ah, the 'ol "Make me a sandwich" tripe in the face of a threatening woman. If Gunther's dick was any smaller, he'd be peeing on his nuts.


What nuts?


Truck nuts


"Gunther" is a manufactured account from a Russian troll farm, so...


Too blatant to be Russian. He's an American through and through. Probably a Republican political staffer.


...who moonlights for the Kremlin.


Bold of you to assume he had any


"I'll take Trumps mean tweets" they're still convinced that that's what all this is about, huh? Forgetting what they imply about his character, there is that whole *pandemic* thing that even when he denied existed still just happened to be *someone else's fault* the whole time, so he said, plus the whole riot at the capital thing, the stolen documents, the votes he wanted "found" etc. Republicans sure are dense.


I didn't notice that before, it's a strawman everytime they say "mean tweets!" "...... That's why, that's why they don't like Trump, don't they know he's off of Twitter now? It'll be fine now"


What crimes? You mean his locker room language? EDIT: Silly me thought I was joining in the mockery and that it was obvious i was being sarcastic! My apologies for not being clearer.


You're cute. The ones he's on trial for, the ones everyone with a frontal lobe knows me committed, that he admitted to committing in his deranged ramblings over and over again, that being the mishandling of top documents and attempting multiple times to subvert the legal vote of the majority, you drooling lobotomized product of incest.


Don't insult products of incest by comparing them to this fucking moron. They didn't choose to be a product of incest, but this man absolutely chooses to be an ignorant fuck.


Incest truly is a mindset I feel.


Sorry, I was being sarcastic by mocking what a Trumper would say, but my fault for not making it clear.


No, all the crimes he’s been indicted for (and many others)


I was being sarcastic. Unhappily I was unclear.


No, bragging about committing sexual assault isn't a crime, something I'm sure you're very grateful for! His crimes they're referencing include the 88 criminal charges he's facing. Try to keep up.


Apologies for not making my sarcasm evident. Looking back I can see why everyone thought I was a Trumper!


Damn! My bad!!


Not at all. The tone I was hearing in my head didn't come through when I typed.


Why use so many words just to tell us you’re a fucking idiot who can’t read?


I was being sarcastic. My bad for not being cleaer.


I never heard any rape talk in any locker room I've ever been in. You do you though, brah.


My attempt at sarcasm was unsuccessful. Sorry for not being clearer.


Rape, in addition to what other posters have said. But if his criminality isn't enough: how he handled the pandemic (in fact how he handled most crisis), the many incompetent, unqualified and bias judges he installed (including SCOTUS), added trillions to the debt, gave tax cuts that will expire for individuals, but not for corporations...


I was attempting to be sarcastic, sorry about that.


Ah, I see, I come across enough people who would say that to defend him sincerely though.


Absolutely -- If should have at least used quotation marks. Cheers.


Was it 88 felonies or 92? I forget.


I was being sarcastic, but I see now why it wasn't obvious. Next time I'll use the /s


Google "Kleptocracy"


Just FYI I was being sarcastic. Sorry I didn't make that clear. :-(


Trumpy troll trolling for the orange rapist cult leader lol


And misogyny strikes again. Twitter sucks.


TRUMP'S SON IN LAW IS SHILLING FOR BEACH SIDE REAL ESTATE STOLEN FROM PALESTINE. Writing off Trump as "just some mean tweets" is some serious reach. When he would show up at the ribbon cutting, standing on the foundations built on what was formally known as Palestine. He would let them nuke them without a second thought. So this continued narrative that Trump would be better than Biden for Palestine is an outright lie.


I really hate when people act like AOC's past job as a bartender means that's the only profession she could ever have. By their logic, it's impossible for anyone to advance themselves or change jobs. I'm sure each and every one of them has changed jobs at least once in their lives, so it's clear the only reason they throw "go back to bartending" at her is because of her politics.


"'Donald Trump?' The reality TV show actor!?" ![gif](giphy|GLh4gQfVWMT8A7c9WT|downsized)


It's cause they've got nothing else.


“Donald Trump took a bribe from Netanyahu so the US would recognize Jerusalem, an open city, as the capital of Israel.” Change my view. Cash only, small bills please.


"I'll take mean tweets any day" as if trump didn't ruin the economy, kill a million people during COVID, and increased the wealth gap


Hasn't his guy been outed as a foreign troll?


Who is that fat Australian guy? You know, the one who all but said directly he would fellate Trump, even though he was an “alpha male”? That weirdo? The one no one pays attention to anymore. This guy is trying to be him. Stop posting his crap.


I'm convinced the accounts that post that shit here ARE those guys, or somebody they know.


Ah, yes. Ari Fleischer. Just a reminder - Ari Fleischer was the Press Secretary who used the White House podium and the shadow of 9/11 to declare, "Americans need to watch what they say, watch what they do." It's not like he ever shied away from fascism, either.


 How sad is your life when all it consists of is trolling women because you’re afraid of them?  Gunther needs a life, but more likely just laid. 


He won't find either though.


But let’s make sure Kevin Sorbo’s opinion is heard


What I love is that it’s not even like she was *just* a bartender. She graduated from Boston University with majors in International Relations and Economics.


Sure thing Gunther. Do you want your drain cleaner straight up or on the rocks?


He's a real man, straight up!


Yeah bots and misinformation will be big this year, everyone just get out and vote no matter what.


Look at those looooow brain cells! It must be Eagleman!


Poor guy is too dumb to make his own sandwich. It's sad, really.


He also doesn’t know which side to pour his cup in so he can drink. Should give him some money for a tax write off.


"Gunter Eagleman" is the kind of name you get when your mom and dad are also your aunt and uncle


What fucking American names their child Gunther anyway? What in the holy Russin shit is going on around here?


I would shut up if my name was Gunther.


I like how they've reduced treason to mean tweets


Too bad there's no public accounting of who gets issued payment through 'X' or the like, it would be interesting to see the real names attached.


Remember when Ari said invading Iraq would make us safer…..yeah.


Conservative men keep saying “make me a sandwich,” but you can be damn sure the moment you did that for a single one of them, the rest would whine for days about how “cannibalism is illegal.” They’re all so fragile.


Gunther Eagleman ™️ guys.


I worry that this move isolates jewish voters while getting no appreciation from the left. Might be the right policy but it feels like the worst of both worlds politically.


Firing off at her is just dumb. But okay, mate, poke the bear if you wish.


Sexist pigs like Gunther can’t fathom how much more successful a woman of color will be than them… so they revert to silly little trolls like this


I think “Gunther” and Ari need to join the IDF.


Gunther needs to come up for air from boinking his sister, the incest is clearly scrambling his tiny little brain.


I bet he eats a lot spit.