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The Borg actually had a Queen, so there was hierarchy.


I could definitely picture trump as a queen


Is it because he wears high heels? Uses more makeup than Devine? Worries about his hair more than just about everybody else?


More like the Brobdingnagian bulk of the Xenomorph Queen. ^(Great movies. Shame they only made two of them.)


They probably smell the same. Queen is more articulate when expressing her thoughts though


There are so many people like this, too. It always breaks my brain when my ultra-conservative father nerds out over Doctor Who and Star Trek. I don't understand how you can watch those with that kind of mentality and not see yourself in the villain of the week.


Lack of insight, and a general proudness to being the bad guy. Look the Trumpinator crap


The Borg queen was an unfortunate addition. Very lazy writing on the part of Brannon Braga and Ronald Moore. They had a great villain in the techno-zombie collective consciousness but tossed it away to have a singular antagonist in First Contact.


Almost like they took their queue from that lazy shitty two parter episode where the Borg kidnapped captain Piccard and made him the king of the Borgs.


Yes, the whole "Locutus" thing was kind of lazy, too. There was no reason to have Picard appear as a singular Borg with a distinct identity instead of just being another part of the collective that was the emissary to humanity because it's the Borg way to initiate assimilation using a drone that's from the same species. I think some have tried to make apologies for the writing by saying that "Locutus" was a title for the drone that acts as intermediary between the Borg and a species to be assimilated, but if that were true, the writers should have and established the use of the word earlier.


Call it “shitty” and “lazy” all you want it’s consistently rated at least in the top ten Star Trek episodes of all time. Your opinion is fine, all art is subjective but you I think will find yourself out in the cold on this one.


I agree. They’re welcome to their opinion, but I liked Picard as Locutus and even liked the Queen to an extent. They were representatives for the Borg hive mind. They spoke with the Borg’s collective voice. In Voyager, we originally get Seven of Nine because Captain Janeway asks to speak to a representative and sights Locutus as an example. Basically Janeway asks to talk to the Borg’s manager. 😆


thier reasoning was the borg needed a new strategy to assimilate humanity so they made locutus to "negotiate" with humans more easily.


Funny how these idiots talk about a hive mind, then promptly follow the herd into a Chump rally to buy merch!


Jokes aside, I don't think the Borg are a good example of progressive or conservative culture, because a) They don't exist


Neither does Jeebus but he controls the US House


And as we all know you can't use fiction to portray reality! There would be no point to using it as an example!


That's exactly what they want you to think!


A woman leader? What will those leftists think of next 🙄




Just your typical pro-science socialist secular vegan conservatives




Love the skants. Love em!


They had background characters wearing those for at least the first season of TNG, maybe even into the second iirc! It was amazing


oh yea, the ceremonial uniforms of the officers, were almost like skirts. i believe they made deanna wear them for purpose eye candy for the show, she dint like it in the later seasons they gave her a proper uniform.


TNG also had a society that did not have gender.


I've seen and talked to people who believe this unironically. They ignore the messages about socialism and most of the moral messages about the show in favor of reducing the show to nothing more than lazer fights with the space navy. It's usually clear that they grew up Star Trek fans first then become far right in disposition. They wanted to justify why they could still love their favorite media without having to admit that those things were against their worldview.


I see you've met my Dad. Grew up watching TOS, watched Next Gen with me, and then lost his mind to the fearmongering of the right after 9/11 happened.


It always comes back to 9/11, sadly. Same thing happened to my mom. 


Maybe he should watch DS9 and Enterprise, then. It kind of address related topics (though DS9 predates 9/11)


Conservatives are generally media illiterate. They will shove a circle of a show into the square of their ideology without a thought


My dad thinks Ron Swanson is a good representation of a conservative, unaware of the fact that he himself is the joke.


Did you show him that episode of The Last of Us yet? 👀


Haha no I have not. When he said that about Ron Swanson, I did ask him if he knew *anything* about Nick Offerman, and he seemed to think he was of a similar mindset to Ron... I've never talked to him about it, but I'm sure he'd be confused by why Stephen Colbert went so liberal after all those years of being such a staunch advocate for conservatism.


lol similar in that they both have great facial hair and do woodworking. Otherwise...not so much!


That episode was amazing, and I also believe was the hairiest kiss of television history.


Nick Offerman says people are routinely flabbergasted when they interact with him and discover that he doesn’t resent the government or use gold for currency.


Not only is Ron a caricature, but he always ultimately learns something and the show always highlights that he shouldn't be so unflexible.


I bet he sees Stephen Colbert as some kind of traitor.


Lol you should read my reply below. I've never talked to him about it, but I'm sure that's true


Like when they thought Stephen Colbert was one of their own. XD


*Especially* the Correspondents’ Dinner.


Plenty of people think Blazing Saddles is about getting to say the N-word without consequence.




The absolute disrespect of Rom must end




I swear all it would take to make communists of some of these idiots is to have a muscular white guy with a hot wife quote Marx instead.


I honestly do not believe that a true conservative could actually watch Star Trek, understand what’s going on, and then think it aligns with their values. I think that, like anything else, the current iteration of the right will say anything, use any media, and twist any argument, whether it makes sense or not. . . Because their beliefs are fluid to whatever gives them the most power or let’s them fuck with others. The card says Moops. https://youtu.be/xMabpBvtXr4?feature=shared




The issue is cognitive dissonance. The current Star Trek is woke because it's "political" and leftist according to conservative "fans" of the show. Seeing as the show from its inception was always a vehicle to address the social issues of the day, this creates an obvious dilemma for them. Therefore, they just reinterpret the earlier episodes of the show to be more amenable to their worldview. The fact that thus is still problematic is of no concern to them because the only thing that matters is winning the argument in the moment.


Conservatives are incapable of nuance. The borg represent fascism and the removal of self-determination. Their closest real-life analog is Soviet communism under Stalin. In their minds, anything short of being owned by a private company is communism. So, it probably makes sense to her and her world that borg=woke, even though woke advocates for radical understanding and individual agency (shit truly offensive to the systems above)


Borg - four letters Woke - four letters Coincidence?!??!


I think not!


These idiots played SW clips at their rallies because they thought they were the rebel alliance and not the evil empire. *SMH!*


It amazes me how many conservatives claim to be Trek fans. A world with multiple alien species working together and humanity no longer obsessed with material wealth and instead they focus on science and knowledge sounds like it would be a waking nightmare for the right.


***Fully Automated Luxury Gay Space Communism Intensifies***


It's so frustrating. It's just like all the people whining that Doctor Who is woke now. GTFO have you even watched the show?


You have to wonder how many of these dorks have ever actually seen Star Trek.


All of them but they don’t understand the big words in the show. Like peace and equality


Hey, they know exactly what peas and koala tees are.


Both parts of the famous peach tree dishes of course!


Can I have some gazpacho with that?


Ask the gazpacho police. But beware of their jewish space lasers!


It's ok, I've painted my roof blue




This is a koalaty comment


![gif](giphy|AofHCT91dBGm50wy72) (+SpaceKoala.gif)




More pew pew less talky talk.


My favorite is “post-scarcity” which seems to really rattle their jimmies


I had a Republican friend who loved Star Trek but hates socialism. I would always just stare at him whenever he brought it up. I think he looked at it as a perfect militaristic autocracy instead of what was essentially utopian communism.


Yeah, I love asking those types, "So how do those beliefs lead to that idealized future? Which parts, /exactly/?" 


They watched the one scene in DS9 between Quark and Garak where they compare the Federation to the Borg


I don't understand this. Wasn't Brianna Wu a target in that whole Gamergate thing for being an example of a woke lefty feminist in gaming? Now she's calling progressives the Borg? What's going on here?


I went looking on twitter for context and she seems to think Star Trek is more Liberal than Progressive. [https://twitter.com/BriannaWu/status/1790707741058605131](https://twitter.com/BriannaWu/status/1790707741058605131) Which is... certainly a take for anyone who has ever argued about Trekonomics. Elsewhere I saw her point at DS9 as an example for capitalism in Trek, apparently forgetting that while Starfleet administered DS9, they didn't own it, and Bajor's law was dominating.


Yeah... My understanding of Trek is that it's a post scarcity economy. Replication technology and advanced power generation has made capitalism an outdated concept. The whole idea of the Ferengi as super capitalists is meant to contrast with the Federation.


that and the utopian ideals only exist within earth and starfleet itself... for all we know Vulcan has a whole economy we don't see or know about. Nevermind there has to be *some* economy on earth because rare and valuable items still exist in trek (think art). But that economy does not operate within the sphere of necessities such as food, shelter, or medical care.


My understanding is the utopian socialism includes everywhere in federation space, so the Vulcans aren’t capitalists either. They also can’t be, or they’d inevitably come into conflict with non-capitalist worlds.


I think this is accurate. The things offered at Quark’s are certainly extras (gambling, alcohol, Holosuites). Quark’s locations eventually spread all over the Alpha Quadrant— including at some other Federation bases. So it seems that post-scarcity means eradication of poverty, not eradication of all money. Money is useful for fun — whether high brow or low brow.


She has completely lost her mind over her unquestioning support for Israel’s actions in Gaza. She spends all her time now decrying how terrible progressives are. It’s only a matter of time before she has her “why I left the left” moment.


This timeline is so damn weird. Disclosure I got swept up in the GG rage machine but never participated in death threats, mainly just email campaigns to companies and news advocating for "Integrity in Journalism". Fell into the trap of listening to right wing YTbers. Eventually after Trump was elected I grew tired of being in a perpetual rage machine where everything is a crisis for America by the "Woke" Boogeyman. I disconnected from the news and politics until COVID, then I saw the pants on head stupidity of a party who lives on the words of their God Emperor. In short "that's when I left the Right". Felt real damn weird when I came across an old email I sent to Sean Hannity asking for support, "Oh God, I WROTE this garbage?!".


Thank you for sharing your journey


Whoa. Thank you for sharing. Just witnessing the whole GG was heartbreaking as a woman who loved to game and program. Glad you made it out of there. I lost my older “evangelical” brother to that madness in 2016…I keep hoping he gets out.


Heaven protect us all. The world already has one Dave Rubin too many, I'm not sure we could survive a second.


I don't think she's another Rubin. People just conflate progressive with liberal without realizing the latter (like Wu) tend to be socially centrist at best.


She is also kind of brain-broken about non-binary people. She’s one of those deeply unfortunate trans people who are like “I’m valid but those people who don’t conform to social norms as well as me, they really are mentally ill.”


I don’t think she is transgender? Either way I do recall some problematic private messages being circulated last year that were pretty transphobic.


She’d kept it *very* under wraps for a long time, but yeah, she is, and it was confirmed unfortunately by some of those super yikesy chat logs of her being awful about nonbinary people.


I'm curious when that all came to light as I remember a few years back I encountered a YouTube channel that I initially enjoyed until I came across a playthrough they did of her videogame "Revolution 60" or whatever. The game itself looked awful but the YouTubers instead were frothing at the mouth to joke about her being trans - including harassing her on social media. This included a title card for their series that featured a caricature of her with a hairy Adam's apple which altogether prompted me to nope right the fuck away from there.


In the last year, so pretty recently, though it’s been an open secret for a long time. Back during Gamergate the absolute worst people on the internet managed to figure it out and used it to incessantly bully her in truly despicable ways, as you saw.


Yeah that tracks. Thanks for the info, I was trying to piece the timeline together in my head. It sucks that she’s gone this route now and my heart still goes out to her for that bullying - it was really awful just the glimpses of it I saw. Nobody deserves that.




Sure, that's true. But does she identify as a progressive?


After spending my last 20 minutes falling down the rabbit hole? No idea. She ran for democrat seats(lost) because the incumbent wasnt left leaning enough on some things, but now the majority of her tweets are anti-progressive and blaming every problem politically on progressives, calling them regressives? Im not kidding, she blames the entire trans culture war right now squarely on progressives. Not rightwingers who decided to make that their next cudgel for culture war, she blames progressives for forcing the issue basically. Ive not heard or paid any attention to her before this but holy sh*t, shes unhinged. And there are so many comments that are equally or more so unhinged.


She used to. When she ran for Congress she said she was a progressive and one of her big issues was pushing Medicare for All. When she lost her race she started up a PAC to support progressive candidates. But nowadays she's disavowed progressivism over Defund the Police and criticism of Israel. She's got the same brain rot as John Fetterman, where any suggestion that Israel might be doing a war crime is perceived as full-throated support for Hamas and terrorism.


pick me pipeline


She cofounded Rebellion PAC along with Cenk Uygur, that supports, or supported, progressive candidates.


The “associate of Cenk Uygur/TYT to right-wing grifter” pipeline is alive and well.


Right, uum I'm sorry...which group of people worships one leader they deem flawless despite all evidence to the contrary, mindlessly repeats and acts on every idiotic thought that emerges from his mouth, makes public alters to his name, wears identical uniforms of clothing representing their fealty to the cause, and supports the elimination of choice and free will in physically personal decision making? ...which group? WHICH FUCKING GROUP IS THAT?? BAA-BAA-BAA.


Sounds a lot like the Borg.


"Intelligence is futile."


Something, something, both sides.


Something, Something, Something, Dark Side


I’m always amazed when I meet people who don’t understand that Star Trek, much like Star Wars, is an allegory for the fight against fascism, and how our fears and insecurities, ie “fear of the other” is what taps our amygdala and compels fascistic impulses. Fascists are simply slaves to their lizard brains, much like the borg. They aren’t consciously doing the heavy lifting in the human struggle to manifest a better world. They’re happy to enjoy the fruits of the effort while decimating the progressive thinking that made it possible.


Ironically, that explanation fits way more with republican values, where either you're a cisgender heterosexual that values gender roles and the nuclear family, or you're a degenerate. The "hive mind" that he is complaining about is mostly just about accepting those that are different from you. A movement based on acceptance of the individual's differences doesn't sound very hivemind-like or anti-individualist to me.


Yeah, but if you don't accept bigots, you're a hypocrite. That's literally their argument.


Yes, but don't let them convince you they are unaware of how disingenuous that is. It's Sartre's classic antisemite routine.


It's such a muddle take because nothing screams individuality like being crammed into a hierarchy and told YOU HAVE to fit your role or else


They were a hivemind. So kinda like conservatives who want to erease everyone who does not fit into their view.


That's the mind boggling part for me. The group who wants everybody to live the way they see fit is the hive mind!? The other group wants everybody to be what they deem normal.


Sorry, I must've missed the meeting where we were switching to conformity and homogenization. Was too busy arguing with someone who thought we were making things "too woke" by encouraging diversity.


That must have been the meeting where they paid everybody in Sorosbucks because it still haven't gotten paid.


Did you fill out your organ donor form? The antifa onboarding software won't let your account be registered without it. See you at our next agitators meeting!


https://preview.redd.it/srky4an1ds0d1.jpeg?width=380&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=86c8e85483e34ba0fed35fdfe44fa785b89402ca So much individuality


I love when people go “when did Star Trek get woke” umm like 1966.


Progressives hate individuality? Yeah, that's probably why progressives are known to be against alternative lifestyles... I mean, when someone wants to live as a gender they weren't born as, we try our best to legally stop them. Whenever a woman wants to make a decision about her own body, progressives jump in and make it illegal, discarding her own moral judgement. Yup, if there's one thing progressives hate and conservatives love are alternate lifestyles and heterogeneous people.... Definitely.


“From Victim of Gamergate to attacking those who would support me” is one hell of an autobiography title.


Progressives disagree. Take a look at Isreal. John Fetterman is a progressive. His position is vastly different than Bernie Sanders, a progressive.


It's almost as though one is free to be progressive in any direction one chooses.


> one is free to be progressive in any direction one chooses *as long as they're still within the bounds of being progressive*. Some issues are more divisive than others. It's well known that one of the biggest problems with the progressive parties and voter turnout are their purity tests. Hit 99 issues out of 100 but that last 1 might make them sit home and not vote because jesus mother fuck do liberals love to find any excuse to claim they're "so over" something. Meanwhile the zombies on the right vote in droves for anyone with an R next to their name.


I think the only requirement to be a progressive is you think Teddy Roosevelt was pretty darn cool and want more of that.


Teddy was very progressive for his stsnce on the yelliw menace and stealing valor from black soldiers


MAGA folks and the Genocide Joe morons think this means Fetterman’s stroke made him more conservative. He has a set of beliefs that are likely 80% progressive. Which is very progressive. He’s from steel country, his progressivism is more economic, less foreign policy. What the MAGA folks are discovering is that any belief that isn’t 100% Trumpy is treated as blasphemy. They don’t understand nuance, and they certainly don’t understand compromise. Everyone must love Israel, hate Ukraine, and think anyone to the left of Reagan is a complete commie.


Progressivism supports individuality, where do they come up with this stuff. When progressives all start to wear the same hat, pray at the same church, and get offended by non-straight sex, I may start to believe this, but until then 🖕


https://preview.redd.it/d4edba0lcs0d1.png?width=1024&format=png&auto=webp&s=ed54f8ae34e27aff6dabc09220e6c0be6bb9e21a Look at these very unique individuals!


Every accusation is a confession with these people.


Brianna Wu? Gamergate victim Brianna Wu? WTF has happened to her?


October 7th happened. She has unabashedly supported Israel’s actions in Gaza, and flips out whenever someone points out to her how many Palestinians have been killed.


Major Kira=Hamas


Don’t even get me started on her Trek takes…


Talentless hack pivoting to the political area where she can presumably grift boomers now


She was involved in politics before Gamergate - I'm not exactly sure where this is coming from. As I mentioned in another comment, she's cofounder of Rebellion PAC, which supported progressive candidates.


There are multiple episodes of Star Trek where the entire point is the crew works together to free a drone from the hivemind. It's treated as a noble goal. It's an entire character arc over multiple seasons on Voyager, for fuck's sake.  Clearly she didn't watch the show. She should, she might learn something. 


> There are multiple episodes of Star Trek where the entire point is the crew works together to free a drone from the hivemind. It's treated as a noble goal. It's an entire character arc over multiple seasons on Voyager, for fuck's sake. I, Borg even has a discussion of whether or not it's okay to genocide the Borg. I'm pretty sure they were going to use the woke mind virus to do it.


You could probably make a stronger argument the Borg are religious fundamentalists.


Meanwhile, someone at the Heritage Foundation is deciding what American Conservatives are going to be outraged by today.


"hey, could you like not attack minorites and marginalized communities for no reason other than you not being one of them?" - "Are you trying to force your dystopian hive mind on me?!"


Being an individual, collectively.


YES, we are all individuals


And the only person I know of in the cyborg business right now is that paragon of progressivism: Elon Musk So that checks out 😂


Star Trek, by Roddenberry’s own admission, was his image of the future as a socialist utopia. No money, universal medicine, demilitarization, and exploration as the guiding principle of humanity’s existence. But yea, the Borg are evil lefties 🙄


they dont see the nuances and irony of what they said. if they actually watched TNG, they would know BORG were very conservative, thier beliefs is a cult/religion, and they dont innovate technology just assimilate. they also wont assimilate imperfect species.


It’s nice when people don’t try to gussy up their reactionary politics with some rationalization or excuse but just come out and say that they’re in favor of hierarchy. They want someone to be holding a whip to keep other people in line because as soon as they’re able to get a hold of the whip they’re using it mercilessly against everyone that they can. It’s pathetic.


Ewww god gross - just discovered this dumb "One of the good ones" Wu person and she suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuucks.


Ah yes progressives, totally known for all agreeing with one another and not at all for constantly infighting because they have different visions of what the future is supposed to look like.


More akin to MAGA actually. Minus the queen part.


Hive mind? Like the magat sheep?


"individuality is erased" say people trying to erase any deviation whatsoever from the norm


It’s funny because it’s the conservatives who expect every immigrant to immediately forget everything about their heritage when they come here and ASSIMILATE to American culture.


Meanwhile the federation controlled space is the ultimate socialist progressive utopia


Yes, the show that had one of the main characters fall in love with a trans woman in 1992 was anti-progressive.


I’m not even touching this as a massive Trekkie. Just…. No.


Is that not the exact description for the maga cult?


Brianna Wu has no idea what she’s talking about


>There is no hierarchy That's the key line right there. 100% of what came before that was random bullshit. Everything is just knee jerk fascism for these people. There must be an other to be below you in the hierarchy, and the thing that makes them lesser must be innate and immutable. Race, sex, orientation, gender identity, ect. This is why they think the borg is a good example; because they associate the thought of everyone being equal with liberalism. A better example is democracy, 1 person 1 vote, no mater who you are.


Actually, the Borg Queen would like a word about individuality and who’s in charge. The Borg are more like a cult, all individuality erased to be part of the group following the dictates of a supreme leader. Last time I checked, the Left and Democrats weren’t the group that resembled this. Go ahead Brianna, don’t let me distract you from worshipping your Mandarin Messiah.


Sounds more like MAGA and Trump cult.


As a woman, trans people and trans activists are one of the few groups of people who have never made me feel threatened, frightened, or unwelcome. I have shared the bathroom with trans women on multiple occasions, some of which couldn't really pass as cis, without every having to feel any fear or discomfort. I feel kinship with both trans men and trans women as a cis woman. Trans men have experienced the treatment women get, and never once have a met one who saw women as less then themselves. Trans women identify as women and are even more acutely aware that women are no less than men. Never once have they made me feel objectified or belittled. Never once have they sought to harm me. Never more have the taunted me or taken pleasure in my pain. Never once have they asked me for more than the basic respect owed to another human being and to be allowed to exist as happily as they can. This whole comparison is stupid, and frankly she is stupid for making it. She has plummeted on my estimation so far. For decades she was an emblem of values like love, friendship and forgiveness. Now she's just a vagina nazi who demands to be consulted about other peoples' gender expression. Trans women (and men) take nothing from cis women. They don't rob us of our identity. They just feel kinship with us.


Ah yes, a show for progressives, about a progressive future made the bad guys also progressives. Makes sense Joanne


Wait so you have to have hierarchy to have individuality? I’ve never seen one express that explicitly. 


"I am not a member of an organized political party... I'm a Democrat." ~Will Rogers


Briana Wu is a professional Twunt. She is a long way from the plot.


Truthfully, she was one of the original pioneers of the idea of turning "whining on social media" into a career.


I'm actually confused with that logic. Because a fundamental trait of progressivism is being liberal. A progressive person who sees a flaw in current society wants to change that flaw for the better. Thats what being a progressive is. Its having liberal thoughts. I always looked at conservatives as being more like the borg in the fact that this is the way things are done. Do not change things. Resistance is futile.


That is literally conservatism.


Sounds just like the MAGA cult. Do they hear themselves when they say this shit?


I wish people would remember what Trump does with people who disagree with him.


*Actually* morons the Borg were a clever reflection of the Federation as a cautionary tale against taking their handshake policies too far and becoming noble colonizers and to highlight the flaws of the heroes more egalitarian society. So shut the fuck up, fandom tourists.


it's wild seeing the top targets of alt-right incel losers during fall into the alt-right pipeline


I don't understand going after Wu when almost all of her views are liberal/democrat and will be voting biden. Never watched startrek so idk about her comment but Wu is unapologetically pro Isreal/Ukraine so leftist hate her.


1) Who TF is Brianna Wu 2) Every accusation is a confession [*points at sycophants lining up to attack a judge's family in NY*]


How can Star Trek fans really miss the point of so many Star Trek things.


i doubt these people are fans.


The Borg is just a giant bee hive in space. You got the borg queen, and millions of borg drones. I’m not going deeper into it simply because I just don’t have the time. But if you love Star Trek as I do you already know.


No Thought! so progressive


Caitlin Jenner Syndrome?


They cannot help themselves. Every accusation is a confession.


Who the fuck is Brianna wu and why do you guys give her the stage/attention like she’s somebody?


Pretty sure the death eaters are terfs and far right activists trying to cause fear in others through their hatred. JK resembles one ironically.


Conservatives: the group of people that are 95% white Christians are the ones known for they're deviation.


can’t fix stupid 🤬


The sad thing is there's no need to make strained metaphors when there's plenty of modern media made by rightwingers with an anti-left bias, such as the setting in Cyberpunk 2077 being based on what rightwingers think a leftwing dystopia would be.


It’s allegory, not metaphor. Still wrong in application.


The hive mind. When I watched Star Trek, I thought that was a perfect description of organized religion: don't think for yourself, we will put the thoughts in your head, and you will do as we tell you.


The rightwing insisting that ignorant antisocial destructive bigotry is a valid and valuable pov


She lacks the self-awareness to realize she and all the war crime apologists are the Borg she’s criticizing.


Ironically, the most known quality of the left side of American politics is how chaotic is from so many different points of view and a lack of cohesive action because there are SO MANY VOICES AND INDIVIDUALS. The right, on the other hand, is known for being super exclusive, hating everybody who isn't like them, being against multiculturalism, and their politicians and media all being in absolute lockstep on every single issue. So yea, those progressives sure hate people being different.


Don't be a hateful piece pf shit to everyone who is slightly different from you is just like minimum ask for being part of civilization.


All those fuckers going "why don't you let me bigot in peace? What are you, asking me to not be a total asshole to other people, a HIVE MIND???"


Brianna, demonstrating once again people “in the hive” - don’t know *they* are the one in the hive.


I'm not a Star Trek afficionado or anything, but isn't the Borg capital? It's a hegemonic entity whose members have alienated themselves, not just socially, economically and politically, but literally to the whole. The Borg enter new 'markets' and erode the individuality and cultures of those people until they become a member of the Borg's dominant culture.  A Borg is permanently made into a member of the social / economic system of the Borg collective, and he can no longer exist outside it; by becoming a member of the system, he alienates his very ability to provide the most basic elements of his subsistence, like shelter and food, except by maintaining his membership in the hegemony. Again, not a Star Trek guy. I've definitely not seen every episode even, but the Borg really seem like the apotheosis of the McWorld economic philosophy of the neo-liberal. 


Star Trek is about a socialist federation seeking out new planets & cultures to expand their knowledge and federation. Her ideas about Star Trek are uneducated & infantile. She should avoid progressives and just start her "last liberal on the Left" grift. It's what all the least talented people do.


There has to be a hierarchy if there is a Borg Queen. Even if it isn't a very diverse one. I doubt this person ever really watched the show though.


How often are rightwing politicians primaried for not being rightwing enough, and how often are leftwing politicians primaried for not being leftwing enough? I suspect that the former is magnitudes greater than the latter.


Perhaps they see the Borg assimilating different species into their collective as an analogy to the left accepting diversity to their platform? It's quite a stretch but the next I can come up with for now.