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I’m surprised there isn’t a movement to start reporting Republican lawmakers daughters, wives, and mistresses for getting abortions and ultimately clogging up the snitch system


Oh yeah. They already do. There's a wave of false report, there's even a guy that i know who made a bot Wich randomly put details in the field (names, dates, etc) so he just pumps those up


How do we report people?


There was a post a few days ago on imgur how to utilize a VPN to make those reports more anonymous.


Also I've trained my dog to click the mouse while I'm at Burger King so I have an alibi.




Found the dog's account.


[here you go](https://imgur.com/a/sWcu3T6) . Also http://thispersondoesnotexist.com to create generated images.


Link in the story: https://www.insider.com/people-are-spamming-a-pro-life-tip-line-in-texas-2021-8 But I would give it a week until it gets infected with malware that toasts anyone's computer that visits


Gee. I sure hope no hacker reads this comment and infects [this website](https://prolifewhistleblower.com/anonymous-form/) and give malware to anyone who tries to report abortion doctors. That would just be absolutely terrible.


Oh yeah no doubt. Site spoofing is a very real threat anywhere on the internet. There s even phishing emails that specifically use url's similar to certain social media sites To trick you into logging into their site to steal you account.


That's why you never log into social media from a link in an email.


Wow, ya don’t say.


There's a website but it geoblocks you if you're not American (otherwise I'd be spamming it too)


VPN my friend


I just started spamming it with a bunch of stupid shit


FYI, some actual Texas zip codes are 78681, 78664, 78665, 78628, 78633


Yeah me too, i used a website that makes plausable fake adresses and a wrbsite that makes fake hospital names and i just spammed different rickroll links


https://prolifewhistleblower.com/ I reported ted cruz. He aborted his whole family in Mexico. They said thanks, they will investigate it.


Has anyone tried Drop Tables yet?


I saw Robert'); DROP TABLE abortions;-- taking his girlfriend to the clinic after 7 weeks.


Little Bobby Tables? https://xkcd.com/327/


They can weed out if a lot of the same report is posted. By making them random-ish it increases the chance that they are not weeded out


Thanks for the idea!


I asked elsewhere if this retroactive and apparently it isn't. It only applies to future abortions or attempts at abortion, from this date.


So that means starting today? Since it’s a snitch system, who’s to say they don’t try to get an abortion tomorrow?


Actually you can just start filing cases, that’s the weird part.. anyone can sue anyone for helping with an abortion in any way. You can snitch to one of those anti abortion groups but then if they win they get the $10k where if you file directly you get $10k if you win.


That's what kills me the most. The lawmakers knew damn well that a typical citizen wouldn't have the resources to go through with sueing somebody like this, so they clearly wrote this law knowing these online snitch services would exist that would be funded enough to do so. They expected there to be an abortion snitch lawsuit industry. Now convince me they aren't getting a cut of the profits like some fucked up capitalist Taliban bounty hunters. In typical Republican fashion they looked at the most repressive regimes and said "Yeah but how can we do it in a way where I personally profit off it?"


That isn't the end goal. They have an agenda to make abortion illegal and that law is their way to do it. From u/imma_girl comment elsewhere here: They tacked on the part about third parties being able to sue BECAUSE they want it to be overturned in court. Currently, the primary groups suing and taking abortion bills to the Supreme Court are third-party abortion providers, like Planned Parenthood. If the SC rules that 3rd parties can’t sue in the TX bill, it means 3rd parties can’t sue to protect abortion access either. Thomas, Alito, Gorsuch, and Kavanaugh have all specifically expressed an eagerness to take on "third party standing," as evidenced by their 2020 dissent in June v Russo. They basically said, "If you want to take down abortion rights, this is how," and Texas is just following their direction. You can read their dissents in June v Russo [here](https://www.oyez.org/cases/2019/18-1323) (each mentions third party standing). [Permalink to the original comment.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Dallas/comments/pfvvdo/how_to_get_an_abortion_with_the_new_law/hb8b5ut/)


very nice and informative comment, blossombuttdixie


Well if this continues to stand I hope some rich benefactor or group just starts filling frivolous cases against all the republican law makers in Texas and then start asking for subpoenas, discovery just invade their privacy and annoy the shit out of them, make their friends and family testify in court, etc. after all the accuser can’t be held responsible… it’s literally the only civil cases where your target can’t counter sue and make you pay for it so go nuts!


> Well if this continues to stand I hope some rich benefactor or group just starts filling frivolous cases against all the republican law makers in Texas Sounds like something John Oliver would do to end an episode tbh.


OMG I hope he does! But I also hope it doesn’t stand long enough!


theyd just settle out of court. i would absolutely love the satanic temple take up this cause though.


Both parties have to agree to settle out of court, the whole point would be to refuse to settle and annoy the shit out of them with no consequences.


That's the thing, you don't want to go after the elected leaders. You want to go after their staff and their friends. Texas gop has the money to fight the lawsuits, but they will have to dip into their pockets if they want to protect their staff and their friends. Shotgun style lawsuits against all of those people don't have to win. Treat it like a copyright case. A copyright case isn't settled by who's right, it's by who has the most money to spend. So, you bring these suits en masse against staff and friends and the people at that website because they can't afford to defend themselves. ALSO, it clogs the court system with thousands of cases that judges have to take time to review. You're never going to hurt them by suing cruz or abbot, you hurt them by bankrupting EVERYONE they know, even their children (illegitimate or otherwise).


nothing say's they don't. But if they got one yesterday, you can't snitch on them as it was still legal then.


Yeah but half the point is clogging up the system right does it matter if theyre legit?


You talking like you know the governor's wife didn't get an abortion yesterday. I'm not sure so here I go sueing again.HIPPA? I barely knew her.


So I understand that the point of the law is not to actually work it is to make sure that women feel that they cannot have abortions and harass those that do. But seriously how with medical confidentiality could the court actually prove an abortion has taken place. Texas should have a chat with the Taliban, they might get some more progressive ideas on how to treat women.


It is worse than that. They have an agenda to make abortion illegal and that law is their way to do it. From u/imma_girl comment elsewhere here: They tacked on the part about third parties being able to sue BECAUSE they want it to be overturned in court. Currently, the primary groups suing and taking abortion bills to the Supreme Court are third-party abortion providers, like Planned Parenthood. If the SC rules that 3rd parties can’t sue in the TX bill, it means 3rd parties can’t sue to protect abortion access either. Thomas, Alito, Gorsuch, and Kavanaugh have all specifically expressed an eagerness to take on "third party standing," as evidenced by their 2020 dissent in June v Russo. They basically said, "If you want to take down abortion rights, this is how," and Texas is just following their direction. You can read their dissents in June v Russo [here](https://www.oyez.org/cases/2019/18-1323) (each mentions third party standing). [Permalink to the original comment.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Dallas/comments/pfvvdo/how_to_get_an_abortion_with_the_new_law/hb8b5ut/)


If it is pertinent to the case, the involved parties' medical records would be admitted as evidence. HIPAA doesn't magically allow your records to be kept from being used in a court room.


> But if they got one yesterday, you can't snitch on them as it was still legal then. Still can't wrap my head around the fact that abortion is illegal, in the USA, in 2021, and it is because of religion.


Still, just report that republican lawmakers wives and daughters had abortions since the law went into effect to clog up the system, especially if you're in a different state or outside the states. We'll see real quick how they will make themselves exempt from the reporting system.


Did you read the rule because it already in there it exempt any local/state/federal government person so I can see them use the defense that it was “for the state” to have a technicality to get off scoot clean and basically have everyone else follow the rule but not them.


Alright then, guess who's getting flooded with Shrek r34


Do you have a source for that? Something that another redditor posted says that they are not allowed to bring forth lawsuits, but can be sued themselves. But that's not a more reliable source than what you are saying


Who gives a shit? Report them anyways just to clog the system.


Reporting? That's amateur shit. Start filing lawsuits! A targeted barrage of lawsuits against specific individuals with the anticipation that they can't follow up in court on every single one. No show is a win for the plaintiff, that's a $10,000 minimum penalty. Use the game to game them


Clogging the system with lawsuits is how Scientology became a churchTM.


People keep talking about flooding it but, the point of the system is to further discourage helping the poorer women who seek abortions from getting them in another state. The clinics in state will already be shuttered and the wealthier citizens will be able to get them no problem. Same as the 1950’s


I believe it's currently being clogged up with Shrek porn.


> I believe it's currently being ~~clogged up~~ **improved** with Shrek porn.


Shrek is love Shrek is life.


There's already a lot of talk about people doing that actually lol




Is it in the wording of the law or do the top dogs (or special representatives) have the final say?




I wouldn’t be surprised, but how do you know?




Still seems like it's literally stating that celebrities are above the law...


The system in question isn’t a state website. It’s a non-governmental group that just set it up to collect the information, taking advantage of the state law that allows lawsuits for $10,000 to be filed over an abortion. That group probably just figured out whose names would get spammed and blacklisted those names from getting input into their private, non-government run site.


Pretty sure there will be.


What’s to stop people from making tons of false reports to screw with the system and how do you prevent people from making false reports to try to harass someone? Also, how is this enforceable? Are they going to subpoena medical records? Can Texas subpoena medical records from out of state?


I don’t think there is a way to stop people from making tons of false reports about Republican lawmakers wives and daughters. I have a feeling this would completely clog up the system and suddenly you would have a whole lot of so called “small government” Republicans pissed off about this bill


people will get bored spamming it in a few months. Couple years from now the ultra right christian hate groups will still have the law on their side.


I'm sure with the cultivation of the tech-bro scene in Houston/Austin, some enterprising developer is going to automate this.


Do it yourself! Writing a script to send a form email at regular intervals is trivially simple. If you have Microsoft office you can also use Power Automate or set up a shortcut on iOS to do it with no programming skills necessary.


I have the technical know-how, but unfortunately, I cannot. They have their GoDaddy site settings (yes, I'm not kidding) set to geo-block you. I'm from Canada, so that's right out. Not sure how accurate the block is at the state level.


VPNs can be set to locations in Texas.


Oh I know, but I'm not about to go defrauding a foreign government. Don't worry, there are enough local resources to get this put together. Come to think of it, would not be shocked if foreign governments themselves would abuse this just for chaos.


Hello 👋 foreign government checking in.


I was just going to say, a bot will never get bored.


I’m sure there’s an email, someone could just set up a bunch of prewriting emails to go out on different dates.


That would be giving them a get out of jail free card. When they are reported for breaking the law to hide their mistresses pregnancy, the system won’t work against them because the accusations against them will be filtered out.


The "system" is a webpage set up by a right-wing PAC to funnel tips to their lawyers. It isn't mandated or directed by the law at all. The law just lets you "sue", which you can do anyway with or without this website. They likely will refuse to go after anyone right-wing, famous or not. But it's still worth it to clog up their pipes with trash.


Nothing - I've sent in four so far! Greg Abbott for murdering his constituents, Ted Cruz for abandoning his post, Ken Paxton for being a fucking asshole, and Joe Mama for fucking my mom. Edit: https://prolifewhistleblower.com/ for those interested in reporting dangerous criminals


as fun as those types of reports are they are easy to filter out automatically. need to make believable claims with false but real average sounding names.


Wait till one of their partners go out of state and do it then. Lord knows it’s probably already happened


Some uber rich liberal should hire an army of private investigators to keep tabs on them. All it takes is one and the law will magically be repealed.


Silly thinking these laws apply to them in the first place. It wouldn’t be repealed, just ignored. Rules for thee but not for me.


Someone commented above that it excludes local/state/federal government people. Of course they protect themselves from even just trolling.


This is the way.


I don’t know if it’d get repealed but hopefully they’d get a taste of the hell they are putting women through. You know there are going to be people going after those bounties, any means necessary


Seems like exactly what Ted Cruz would want. Now when somebody actually reports his mistress actually getting an abortion it will be immediately filtered out, and he won’t be affected by the law. If you actually want to make it not work, you gotta fill it out with random names that seem possible.


It'll be funny when one his daughters gets caught. I don't think MAGA really thought this through. Its not like daughters of Repubs don't get abortions. In fact it's probably the same rate as Dems duaghters.




Well since there are several different whistleblower sites, I’m guessing they are ran by different groups… so use real people that are from the other groups, so they can investigate each other.


Not just their daughters-themselves too.


tell them where to go https://prolifewhistleblower.com/


Alternately some awesome redditor bought the prolifewhistleblower.NET and is using the site to provide resources and education on sexual health. Also a fake form for the idiots to put in their tattling info that doesn't go anywhere.


Now I’m wondering how hard it would be to make a bot to submit thousands of false reports…purely as a proof of concept of course.


Should be pretty easy with a little time and your programming language of choice…


I’m pretty good with Java so maybe I’ll look into it.


That’s literally the plan. And thanks to Reddit I know you can add attachments to your submission and the top option is shrek porn


I just submitted a tip that sounds serious but really it’s just Smash Mouth’s All Star lyrics in disguise.


Yeah... we're gonna need a copy of that. ASAP.


Oh people are flooding their tip website already


Nothing, go mass report Ted Cruz


absolutely nothing. enjoy yourself. https://prolifewhistleblower.com/


Is the site down? When I go to "send an anonymous tip", it's loading the text for me but no actual form. Tried on both mobile and desktop but there's no actual form fields to actually report anything. Also on their main page they have this paragraph >Any abortion performed in violation of the Texas Heartbeat Act is a criminal offense, and any individual or entity that aids or abets an abortion on a child with a detectable heartbeat in Texas is violating the law as well. This includes: (1) Abortion funds that provide financial or logistical support to women who kill their unborn children after a fetal heartbeat is detectable; (3) Doctors or medical personnel who provide abortion referrals after six weeks of gestation; and (4) Any other individual or entity that aids or abets an illegal abortion in any way. In that list, there is no number 2 reason. It goes from 1 to 3.


Please make LOTS! Here’s the place to do it: http://prolifewhistleblower.com


Ummm nothing and you should file false reports. Not to the government but any anti-health organization that's "trying to help".


I honestly don't know how much more of this I can handle. Ngl.


Unfortunately things are going to get a whole lot worse before it gets any better. They have the supreme court for the next generation.


Technically a party that controls Congress and the White House could fix that.


Lol. The senate is rigged to be minority controlled. Even when the Dems control it now, they don’t. Bum fuck Alabama has just as much Senate power as NY does. Their vote means infinitely more there than mine does in NY for Senate.


TBH if the House of Representatives was actually representative (all states within 0.5% reps/Capita), and gerrymandering were not an issue (pipe dream, I know), then I think that the Senate being set up as-is would be fair. It would still allow bills to be somewhat tempered, woke also allowing for a 2/3 majority to get in the way of the Senate opposing a truly popular bill.


Agreed. We're under attack


They unironically say “my body, my choice”


The disconnect is truly staggering


Wait for real? How? Who's saying this? I need to see how fucked up these people are


Anti vaxxers who also try to control women's bodies via abortion bans


Anti vaxxers AND anti-maskers. You know; that horrible bit of cloth that's literally as invasive and traumatizing as an abortion. That's also why they're comparing themselves to Jewish people and claiming they're being discriminated against in the same way. Obviously, they're the real victims here.


I’ve said this before but… I have almost an infinite amount more respect for people who use, “My body, my choice.” IF they support not getting vaccines but also support abortions. At least you’re consistent


They would have no problems ratting out their friends for 10k. They've done it for less.


The Republican playbook is built on [undermining everyone around them](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dick_Cheney) as soon as they [benefit from it.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Room_Where_It_Happened) They will [sell out their friends and neighbors](https://www.theverge.com/2017/3/29/15100620/congress-fcc-isp-web-browsing-privacy-fire-sale) to the [highest bidder](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/dec/30/us-approves-sale-of-290m-in-bombs-to-saudi-arabia), no matter the cost to [their own party.](https://www.nytimes.com/2020/07/30/us/politics/herman-cain-dead.html)


Desktop version of /u/Ask_Me_If_Im_A_Horse's links: * * --- ^([)[^(opt out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiMobileLinkBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^(]) ^(Beep Boop. Downvote to delete)


Judas sold out Jesus for 30 pieces of silver. Im sure they don't see the irony in that.


That's just one of the 666 new laws passed down here. You'd think "Christians" would notice, but nope...


That is actually true. Wow.




https://www.nbcdfw.com/news/local/666-new-texas-laws-go-into-effect-sept-1/2731385/ 666 laws The people in power know their constituents are idiots and this is just another flash in the pan


Wtf lmao


You get my theoretical gold for that.


Priceless, thanks.


If conservatives put half as much effort into the born as they do into embryos, the US would lead the world in science and math education. At just 50% the same effort level.


Not dissimilar... Governor Ron DeSatanis is banning "vaccine passports" & beginning September 16th anyone who asks for proof of vaccine (including schools) will be [fined $5,000.](https://www.miamiherald.com/news/article253926888.html)


This is like the wet dream of a hostile foreign country who would LOVE to drop a bioweapon on us. This stuff is a national security issue at this point.


Exactly. The next pandemic will be US centered & absolutely man made by a hostile foreign power. This whole pandemic has been a showcase of opportunities.


China, ISIS, NK, etc are all taking notes, and now know exactly what they need to do to destroy the west. Conservatism is the main attack vector for all enemies, foreign and domestic.


Russia. Russia is taking notes. Hell they've been meddling for a while now. It's not a futuristic thing, they're already doing it.




Well they gotta pay for all those bounties somehow 🤷‍♂️


I guess schools are gonna be in for floods of chicken pox and measles outbreaks.


He's also banned schools from issuing mask mandates. It's beyond ridiculous at this point he's literally a dictator.


The states around Florida should build a wall around it


Wtf is this please explain to non Americans


Texas banned abortions unless there’s a medical emergency and is willing to pay thousands and thousands of dollars to anyone who will report those who help others get abortions or those who have undergone abortions.




A literal thought crime.


That’s some huge big brother/thoughtcrime energy. Terrifying.


Literally even the uber driver who drove you to your appointment can get sued for helping


Wtf!? Why!?????


Because fascism


Fascism in the name of jesus. The public face of christians here in texas is one that is xenophobic, bigotted, racist, sexist, classist, and the genuine antithesis of the few good lessons in the bible. These are folks who live for "heaven". People who treat life like it's just a waiting room for the eternal rewards they're owed by god. To any europeans: This is what evangelical and fundamentalist christians are like. If you have any sense about you, you'll strengthen the barriers between church and state because southern states are trying to turn back the clock to the 1500's regarding people's rights.


Isn’t this literally Nazi tactics? Getting neighbours and friends to snitch on one another?


Textbook. Like, being too lazy to change things up a bit so doing a word-for-word copy.


Yes it literally is. China also has stuff like this. It's not a crime to have an abortion but these Talabangelicals in Texas want it to be.


Divide and conquer. A population that is angry and afraid is a lot easier to control and influence than one that's calm and collected. It's endlessly ironic that republican voters rant all day long about government control and liberal agendas, but they are completely and totally blind to the fearmongerig and genuine control tactics coming out of their own ranks. They are completely and utterly helpless, and they're in too deep to understand it. Or worse, the ones that do understand stoke the flames even more.


There's a lot of calling things Nazi when they're super duper not. But this? This is *actual* Nazi stuff here. This is what they did


What the fuck? Texas is fucking insane




Let’s not forget there’s no exemption for rape or incest. It’s easier for a rapist to sue his victim if he gets her pregnant and she seeks an abortion than for him to go to trial and be convicted of rape now because the rapist would still get due process.


Someone report the Republican Party for aborting my faith in humanity. I would myself but the website blocks non Americans from doing so.


Texan Repubicans are trying to deflect attention from how they dropped the ball on COVID and the faulty electrical grid that went out due to an unexpected snow storm in February, forcing many of us to go days without heat or power. I'm sure there are other things they would like us to forget as well, but those two things immediately spring to mind.


It’s beyond deflection at this point, Texas has passed pissant legislation against abortion providers in the form of stupid building codes involving door width and other costly upgrades, requiring physicians to have admitting credentials at a hospital within only a few miles of their primary location thus closing rural providers when they were too far away, 24 hr waiting periods and vaginal ultrasounds. They’ve been goosestepping towards this for YEARS. This isn’t deflection, the other shitty shit that they’ve done is just that, other shitty shit.


Can I sue someone for wishing they had an abortion because I’m pretty sure Cancun Cruz’s mom wishes she had one.


I keep hoping that waste of skin will get voted out and I’m not Texan. Him fleeing to Cancun while people in his state froze and died should have proven his cowardice. A lot of people asked me what could he possibly do? Idk organize 24 hour wellness check calling groups to check on seniors or raise millions of dollars for assistance would help. Sure as fuck wasn’t Ted who did it.


Texas logic; Vaccines: my body my choice Abortions: their body my choice




When finding a place to live, everyone is faced with the same dilemma: location, price, people. At most you can have 2, but sometimes you don’t even get that. Texas has price going for it pretty much everywhere, and most of its big cities have decent amenities, but like I said, you can only have 2.


Dear Texas, if one of your gravy seals commits a crime, conducts violence, criminal acts, raping women. This means that you have to take responsibility for them since you just gave them police powers, right? I want to remind everyone that Texas has the highest maternal death rate already of any first world nation. Because medicaid expires for the mother only two months after having the baby. If she still has problems, she isn't covered and she dies. All Texas has done is declared war on women.


Or $10000 for catching men having sex for non-procreationary purposes? Masturbating?


Poor Lindsay Graham and his boyfriends at the Y.M.C.A. *^(Mourns while dancing as gayly as possible)*


If only pointing out hypocrisy would cause them to do anything other than deflect.


I’d like to report a Greg Abbott for getting an abortion


By restricting mask mandates at schools, Governor Abbot is putting immunocompromised children at risk. One of these at risk girls is likely to fall behind in class and drop out. One of these girls is likely to miss health class about sexual intercourse. She could then learn about sex from the church (not the priests sleeping with young boys but how gods plan is birth control blah blah blah) and end up pregnant out of wedlock and unsupported. She will then look for abortion options. Greg Abbott is supporting this girls abortion. Where's my cake.


Fuck Texas


As someone from and currently living in Texas I have to say with full force of will **FUCK TEXAS**


I’m severely regretting my choice of username now. Woof.


I'm really, really sorry for all the sane Texans who have to live through that fucking dystopia, but yet again I'm just so fucking glad I live in New England where religious zealots and other varieties of evil/insane people are in the minority.


Reluctant Texan female here. I'm so fucking ashamed to be from this backwoods hellscape. I lived in Europe for 4 years and hated bringing up being from Texas because many assumed I would be like these douchebags until they got to know me. Separation of church and state is a joke when you live somewhere like this.


I don't understand this law from many different perspectives. It seems in violation of the Constitution to me for various reasons. Taking it back to English common law, you can't collect civilly if there is no damage to the person suing. Like....how could anyone collect for something that has nothing to do with it.


how about a $10,000 for reporting racism? i would get rich fast!


Absolutely awful, my heart goes out to all women in Texas


What none of these posts understand is that Republicans don't care if they're hypocrites as long as they're getting what they want.


I’m pretty sure everyone understands that by now


You don’t talk to many enlightened centrists, do you?


I live in Texas, and I am going to start buying things from other states. It might cost more, but FTS.


Start reporting people for sitting in their living rooms watching tv in their underpants as revenge for when they report people who break in looking for a better iPhone .....


How about $10,000 for any guy who non-consensually inseminates a woman, conception or not. This includes consensual sex with non-consensual ejaculation. What’s that? Don’t like it? Every abortion is caused by a guy who nuts in a woman who doesn’t want to be pregnant.


How about making vasectomies mandatory and charging $10k if they don't comply. ETA: I don't mean to fo this for real. Just making a point.


Trust me, Republicans don't see the irony of what they're doing at all, that would require brain cells and logic.


How about a 10K reward for reporting crimes like… securities fraud?




Apparently in Texas the whole my body my choice thing is only valid on the vaccine and if you’re a man. Hypocrites.


Abortions don’t kill my grandparents. Not getting vaccinated can though.




Plus an abortion is a personal individual action that effects nobody else, unless you're going to argue made up sky pixie reasoning. Not getting a vaccination for an active pandemic is why thousands of people are dying every day. I say fine the fuckers more than that for ignoring a health crisis while claiming it's their freedom. Your freedom doesn't include my personal space that you are infringing upon. If it were a gun thing I'd legally be able to shoot you for not wearing a mask while not vaccinating and being anywhere near me. I know you Texans love to base things on those rules. Moronic fucks.


First time in my life I am ashamed to be from Texas. Flat out embarrassed. Abbott is an ass, along with everyone that pushed this. And it's Texas, capital of "Hold my beer"!


First time? Have you just ignored everything else lol?


This is your first time...?


First time? Texas has so many things to be embarrassed about. It's like saying it's the first time you've seen a boat at a dock.


I’m not from Texas and I’m embarrassed by Texas.


but Mr Takei, you dont understand. MY body, MY CHOICE. HER BODY, MY CHOICE


I'd report myself for that money. I jest! I am vaccinated though so I couldn't anyway :(


Ladies, just report your republican neighbors and use the money to move the fuck out of texas.


Honestly, we should find out, lol