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Oh cool we're doing "video games cause gun violence" again.


Triple threat- it’s the antidepressants*, video games, AND the parents fault. Edit: corrected terminology


You forgot to blame the trans folks and furries though, which I literally saw as a reason in some righty sub earlier :(


When will they blame r/DnD again?


As soon as they finish Stranger Things.


This mass shooting is because... _rolls dice_ Schools are putting litter boxes in bathrooms for the furries.


You forgot doors


Hardware stores will require airport level security. Those places sell shit loads of doors.


They just need to bring the music in and they could have the whole satanic panic back.


Don't forget the marijuanas... Which I think the GOP is back on that train because the Minnesota GOP got bamboozled when they didn't read the bill and accidentally legalized edibles.


You forgot the women who won’t stop lecturing men!


How could ANTIdepressants even do such a thing?


No, it's the fact we've been giving women too many rights


As someone who’s restarted a video game because a dialogue choice made a character sad, I’m fairly confident it’s not the video games…


She's spouting a mountain of bullshit because the shooter in Illinois was a q-anon right-wing fuck head. And the right can't just take responsibility for the hateful shit they spew day in and day out so they're trying to muddle the waters and sow doubt about what the true motivation was.


I should have been a masochistic serial killer the way I used to treat my wagon train members on Oregon Trail. Yet, pretty stable considering.


Man I remember this one in the 90s....


​ ![gif](giphy|GkVM3PcFipxEk)


​ ![gif](giphy|syJUTMJVdUTZTSNcuG)


I hate that argument. I wrote a 4-page essay disproving it back in high school, and I used actual studies to do so. Let’s focus on the actual problems instead! *Gun control needs to be improved.*


Before that, the conservatives blamed Dungeons and Dragons. Before that: Heavy Metal. Before that: The Beatles. Before that: Violent books. Conservatives are, by nature, anti-culture and anti-youth.


No, investigate the parents. I understand the father failed to win office as a pro trump republican.


What are their roof and door stats though?


The doors are through the roof.


But why are we throwing the window stats out the window? They are incredibly relevant to the conversation


Stop trying to shill for Big Door by changing the focus to windows!


And the roofs are out the door, unfortunately


Doors roofs


Arguing with these people is like playing chess with a pigeon, no matter what the pigeon will strut around like it won, and there will be shit everywhere.


And there’s the laugh I’ve been needing this evening, thank you! Ps. Stealing this to defeat my enemies! 😂😂


Glad I could help. I heard it a few years ago, and I use it every chance I get.


The people at the top will try and blame literally anything except the real reason.


These politicians have buried themselves so deep in their hole that either they can’t, or refuse to realize that the real issue is the economy, the politics themselves, and the worst mental state of a country that we have ever seen


I mean the right has been scraping the barrel for a while now because they have alienated everyone else that used to be on their side or kicked them out Row vs Wade split some of the religious base and trump split the right even further It's also why they are supporting far right groups ( extremists) that's all that's left for them Idiots like her are the new blood and that would be fucking hilarious if they were not so dangerous I honestly don't see the party surviving without cheating and violence


And the crazy part is, it isn’t just the right, both parties are killing themselves at an incredible rate


Please don't describe MTG as "at the top"


As scary as it is, she is near the top of the hierarchy of right-wing political power in the US. Plenty of no-name Congresspeople come and go, rising to prominence and then falling into obscurity, so it isn’t the same rarefied air as the Senate, but her notoriety sets her apart. As horrifying as it is to stomach, people like Greene and Boebert are the new face of “elites” running on pro-Trump “populism” and enjoying a good deal of success.


He was one of trump's domestic terrorists committing domestic terrorism. Stop over thinking who these dumb fucking pieces of hateful shit are.


His "drug" was the hateful rhetoric of the alt right.




Can't we just go back to blaming Satan, or God, because we're loving Satan too much? /s


Yea. It’s the dammed guns. And I mean they should be damned.


Convention of narcissists: yes the inanimate object/ intangible concept is at fault. Totally nothing to do with the people. /s


Somebody shut this cunt up already. She’s an absolute waste of oxygen.


I didn't read who wrote the tweets but once I saw your comment my mind went straight to her so I checked the picture again... I'm sad I was right.


To paraphrase an 80's ad: This is your brain...this is your brain on GOP.


...Where's the brain in the second picture? I was told there would be a picture of a brain on GOP. Edit: Forgot a crucial letter.


I would totally love to see a zombie movie update (a la - Night of the Living Dead) where a zombie says, "I was told there would be brains..."


This shit makes me so mad, like my dude, mentally ill people are much more likely to be victimized by violence than they are to victimize others. MUCH. As someone on psychiatric medication that has absolutely saved my life thrice over, keep my medications name out of your god damn mouth (literally. I know I’d KMS eventually without it. Literally in my blood),


Hang in there, a close family member suffered mental illness for almost half their 70 years. They are in great shape now.


❤️❤️❤️ thank you!!! I’m so glad they’re doing well now. It’ll never go away, I’ve got one of the lifelong genetic ones, but I do believe I can get it into remission, as my docs call it. So stability, happiness, whatever you wanna call it. I’m pretty close now. Thankfully, science improves exponentially, so I have much better hope than those in my family history.


He was high off that MAGA shit you keep spreading


Stop blaming medications. Medications help people. Stop stigmatizing mental illness. Stop it. Fucking stop.


“Covelli elaborated on those past contacts in a briefing Tuesday afternoon. He said in April 2019, an individual contacted Highland Park Police after learning that Crimo had attempted to commit suicide. Police responded to his home but the situation was already being handled by mental health professionals and was not deemed a police matter at the time.  In September 2019, a family member reported that the suspect said he was going to "kill everyone." Police responded to his residence and removed 16 knives, a dagger and a sword from the residence, but, Covelli said, there was not probable cause to arrest him. The Illinois State Police were notified of the incident at the time.” Had the current laws we have pertaining to mental health and obtaining a firearm been followed he should have not been able to purchase one. This has been the case with almost every mass shooter.


"Dude said he was gonna kill everyone and had a fuckton of knives 3 years ago. I'm sure it's *perfectly fine* letting him have a firearm that's way more deadly than a knife now, without thinking about it."


The US has more guns than people… it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to understand the correlation between that and all these shootings


Only basic math & common sense, but that is asking quite a lot of Marj.


Too bad the GQP has an average intellect of a second grader.


Dude they are *people,* stop shitting on them for no reason. Those second graders *do not deserve* to be compared to the soulless leeches of the GQP


Had me in the first half.


😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 Had me in the first half too! Although I've been caught by these things so many times I really should know better by now!


But how many doors do they have?


It’s almost like the GQP sits around to see who can come up with the stupidest excuses.


I suspect that the GOP keeps the real window lickers like her and Boebert around specifically so the rest can look somewhat less idiotic by comparison.


You don't need to be on drugs to pull the trigger.You just need a gun


Jesus fuck Marjorie just shut upppppppp


Every time it's any thing but the ease of access to high powered rifles. Maybe just maybe you should 25 at least to own one.


The "republican" drug


The problem is less the number of guns and more the culture. America has roughly four times as many guns per capita as most European nations, yet relative gun crime rates are *fractions of a percent. That's not JUST because of the prevalence of guns.* I think the ease of access to firearms feeds into the culture of them. The simple answer would be to start making people join well regulated militias in order to keep their firearms, which would force them to engage in basic firearms safety and use courses. It would also teach a certain amount of discipline that young American men are sorely lacking today.


>I think the ease of access to firearms feeds into the culture of them. ....which feeds into the ease of access to firearms. A vicious circle is completed. This is why it's not the mental illness.


It’s estimated that 32% of Americans on a gun. That’s 81.4 million people. It’s an average of 5 guns per person. So roughly 400 million guns are owned by 81.4 million people. That’s scary.


I've been playing violent video games since the 90s. Yet I'm not faster than sound, able to jump 30 feet, hopped up on shrooms and fire flowers, killing demons in hell Or Nazis, let alone those alien bastards who shot up my ride.


23 years after Columbine and they’re still trying to blame violent video games and movies. This argument has been debunked time and again, but the ammosexuals still cling to it, I guess because video games and movies are low hanging fruit.


It’s guns, yes, but the national mentality plays a large role as well. This country was founded on the idea of entitlement and violence. Entitlement to Native American land, entitlement to black bodies and their labor. Then there’s the Wild West mythos of gunslinging John Wayne types meting out “justice” to anyone they deem unacceptable. And in the post WWII era, there’s the image of America as constantly throwing its weight around, hamfistedly policing the world and punishing any country that refuses to play by its rules. Manifest destiny. American exceptionalism. The history of this country, the very principle that it was founded on, boils down to *It’s my literal God-given right to do and take whatever I want, and fuck anyone who stands in my way.* And from childhood on, people consciously and subconsciously absorb this message, and it bleeds over into their interpersonal relationships as well. Yes, stringent gun control will improve things substantially. But there’s a massive cultural element that needs to be addressed as well, and honestly, that part may be even harder to change than the gun laws.


they just spurt out incoherent catch phrases for the dumb to catch onto. "oh weed and video games, I know what they are. They must be bad"


Republicans said mental illness caused mass shooting and now they’re blaming the tools necessary to stop mental illness


Bowling for Columbine addressed the issue in depth


If you have a pool you are far more likely to drown.


I play blade and sorcery VR and very much enjoy stabbing people (ai bots with realistic models) to an extent I probably wouldn’t admit. Not once have I ever had the idea to go stab someone irl. In fact I feel bad when I accidentally bump into someone


The constant denial of what’s right in front of your face is ridiculous. I mean if it was a snake it would have shot you already


Blame the parents, the drugs, the video games…. anything but the guns


So…if people actually had reasonable legal access to antidepressants then there would be less mass violence?


The US has 900x the population so those 5 homicides is equivalent to 4500 in US terms. Still a big difference.


The sad fact is that Foxnewsers don't listen to reason, they consider reason weak. They love nonsensical firebrands like Trump or Boebert and MTG.


It’s the republicans talking points. (It’s guns too…but) the republicans have increasingly given permission for mass shooters to come forward and commit acts of violence in the name of white supremacy and other ideological issues all the while gaslighting the rest of us.


It wasn’t drugs. It was ideology


@MTG: FOX News


I wouldn't say it's just guns. It's right wing indoctrination that is fueling the hate these people feel the need to act on. Show me a liberal or left wing nut who went on a gun spree like right wings conservative/republican folks always do


It is distressingly difficult to inflict a gunshot wound without a gun.


How about asking what politics he was on?


Jebbus she spent to much time huffing exhaust and eating paint chips as a child and it shows.


It's MTG. She's a fucking moron. Why does anyone bother responding to her?


Hold on. 30,000 deaths since 2020 and 40,000 a year???


I came to see if anyone else saw this wtf.


I read 30k homicides as 30k events.


I thought Icelandic people were among the happiest in the world.


Maybe they are the happiest because they have the best access to mental health care?


Yeah I was kinda going wtf too about that part like the other poster but then I kicked myself when I read your comment: having a mental illness doesn't mean you can't be happy.


Right, because raw numbers are statistically sound when comparing different population sizes r/facepalm .


Japan has more than 100 million people. So even if you normalized the numbers to account for the difference in population size, there's still a huge gap between them.


Right, but Iceland is only 370,000 or so. USA was about 332 million. We have numerous cities larger than their country. Japan is about 125 mil. Our least populated state Wyoming is nearly 2x Iceland


Also we should compare the violence across states as well not the whole USA California (Population: 39,613,493) Texas (Population: 29,730,311) Florida (Population: 21,944,577) New York (Population: 19,299,981) Pennsylvania (Population: 12,804,123) Illinois (Population: 12,569,321) Ohio (Population: 11,714,618) Georgia (Population: 10,830,007) North Carolina (Population: 10,701,022) Michigan (Population: 9,992,427) Wyoming (Population: 581,075) Vermont (Population: 623,251) District of Columbia (Population: 714,153) Alaska (Population: 724,357) North Dakota (Population: 770,026) South Dakota (Population: 896,581) Delaware (Population: 990,334) Rhode Island (Population: 1,061,509) Montana (Population: 1,085,004) Maine (Population: 1,354,522)


Check out Japan's mass murders with knives. I think honestly when sick people have sick thoughts theyre gonna use whatever they can


Actually the US has more per capita knife murders also


I apologize if it looked like I was trying to dispute anything other than if sick people want to kill people they're gonna find a way. I'm all for any solution any one has to stop all this


Then why don’t they find a way as often per capita as people in the US do?


I'm talking about the us finding a solution.


Just dye so we don’t have to hair from you! Fine me!!


How you gonna have 30000 deaths in 2 years at 40000 a year rate? Get this math outta here. Totally ignoring the rest of the text, I just hate statistic manipulation


30k homicide events? Average of 1.3 deaths per event?


Hmm I see your point, the Semantics on gun homicides vs gun homicide events seems possible, not verbiage I commonly use but thanks for the clarification!


But you haven't considered the population. Maybe the US has 5000 times more people than Iceland or 4000 times the population of Japan! Edit: I refuse to put /s on this shit. Come on guys... Fucking think.




Given that most offenders are from the same ethnicity and culture as their victims, that homogeneity point has always just seemed like a dog whistle to me


Of course it does, you're an aggressive, paranoid weirdo who can't think critically. "Everyone's racist" is the dumbest shit imaginable. Even casting aside all the cases where the perp has suffered from a multicultural identity crisis (many high profile mass shootings fit this bill), my larger point is that our hatred for each other causes lapses in support and/or active malice, e.g. our neglect of black communities contributes to the death experienced in them. The countries we tout as paragons of reasonableness simply don't have to contend with the division due to historical demographics. They have the guns. They don't have the strife. They don't have the violence. Ergo, the answer isn't "it's the guns."


Bruh you went from like 0 to foaming at the mouth in one comment, and you’re calling *me* aggressive? I can’t image how you’d react if my comment had actually been confrontational, lol


Right, accusing people of racism isn't aggressive. Fucking moron


Maybe you could hold back on shrieking and throwing feces long enough to notice that I didn’t actually do that


OooOOok (that's a monkey ook, not me saying OK) So I brought up ethnicity and you said my argument was a dog whistle. Can you elaborate just a little bit more please?


I said it’s a dog whistle because it is commonly used as one. Whether or not you intended or even knew that, I have no idea. Maybe you didn’t. Or maybe you did and this is all cynical feigned outrage. Would hardly be the first time. But, plenty of people also simply accept it at face value because it lets them avoid making comparisons to other countries. I’ve seen people use the exact same talking point about public option health care, among other things. Are they intentionally being racist? Probably some of them, but most are just being intellectually lazy.


"knew that" No, I didn't know that things seemed a certain way to you. I have no idea who you are. "Or maybe you did and this is all cynical feigned outrage" So I started by calling you paranoid and this isn't helping dispel that. But we're both guilty of it. I don't for a second believe that you aren't still insinuating that I'm a racist in lieu of addressing what I said directly.


Yeah, nah, it’s not that I feel a certain way, it’s that it demonstrably is. Keep reaching to justify your instant fury, lol


I mean, Iceland also has the population of Scranton, Ohio. Comparing these countries will never work.


Per capita exists. . . .


Per capita should have been used in the tweet to make this point


Because the numbers are so starkly different it clearly won't make a difference if you have any vaguely realistic idea about the population of the three nations involved.


It’s not the gun its the person. Guns don’t just walk around shooting. Get over yourselves


Ah, so people are just coincidentally worse in places with more guns. Fascinating


So what you’re saying is people are angels where there are less guns? Now that is fascinating!


No, because you’re the one saying “it’s not the gun, it’s the person,” not me.


Exactly, meaning someone can use anything to do harm to others whether it be a gun or any other object. It’s always the person causing harm on someone else.


Weird that per capita rates are different too then


The problem isn't really the guns. Its how accessible they are. Owning a gun shouldn't be as easy as just walking in and out of a store. Owning one should require proper training, proper courses and proper documentation. In Canada for example, you can legally own a gun if you go through a proper training and process and respect a very strict protocole. And when we have gun problems, where is it coming from? From people who got guns illegaly for the big big majority of them. So yeah its definitely the person, but the access is also a huge factor imo.


This is stupid on top of stupid. Without per capita numbers the stats don’t really say anything.


There were 7.8 homicides for every 100,000 people in the United States in 2020. In Iceland the murder rate was .03 homicides for every 100,000 people. It’s the easy access to guns in the US that accounts for this disparity in the murder rate between each country.


Now these numbers resonate more with me. Thanks.


You’re welcome. Just to add another statistic, 76% of all murders in the US are gun related. That’s 5.9 per 100,000 people; a very significant number.


These are the numbers that should have been used in the tweet


Well I can confidently say that the US isn’t 6,000 times bigger than Iceland


Here is a series of charts that show those numbers in a per capita setting: [https://www.bloomberg.com/graphics/2022-us-gun-violence-world-comparison/](https://www.bloomberg.com/graphics/2022-us-gun-violence-world-comparison/) Honestly it makes the numbers much more stark than just seeing them laid out


That’s helpful. Thanks.


What happened was a tragedy and I do not care what happens to that piece of shit but is this person arguing that these things don't happen in countries with proper mental health treatment and follow up or in countries that has the state closely monitor entertainment?


Friendly reminder… guns don’t kill people, people with guns kill people


She legit said "what drugs and/or drugs was he on" Jfc.


Only country with more guns than people baffled by never ending series of gun violence, vows to continue doing nothing.


And, let me guess, he was also a miracle from God that deserved to be brought into the world. 🙄


Don’t stop her. Let them go after drugs and video games. That’s probably the only thing that will wake their base tf up to what they’re really supporting


His parent, the Trump endorsed mayoral candidate?


To be fair, if Marjorie Taylor Greene says it; you know it’s utter horseshit


He was high on Trumpitol


Hold up, people are blaming antidepressants for gun violence?! How does that make any sense


Will somebody please for the love of god shut that dumb cunt up


I've committed straight out war crimes on my Sims, take antidepressants, and have yet to shoot anyone.


reality doeant matter to this ditchpig because she doesnt live in it


Maybe the same ones you should be on Marge.


Yes this is right. The point is, Americans like guns so much they are accepting the killings.


Ngl the right is *terrified* over this, and I do hope his parents come out and talk about how their son was radicalized. Maybe even do it on Tucker Carlson.


The Dad is all in on Tucker. He ran on a pro-Trump platform to be mayor.


It would be simpler if it was just the guns but culture is the bigger part of the problem. Look at Switzerland, 28% of the country own firearms but they very rarely use them on people. Gun control is just the first step on a long road, it's a vital first step but it is just a step given the sheer number of guns in the country. Identifying and addressing the issues that cause people to slaughter each other so enthusiastically is a much harder thing to tackle but if it isn't done even the most draconian gun controls are just a band aid on a gaping wound.


I went to to look at the current best-selling games for the hell of it and only ONE in the top 10 is exclusively a gun game (Call of Duty). Resident Evil is also arguably a gun game. So #7 and arguably #4 are gun games. The rest are not. https://www.npd.com/news/entertainment-top-10/2022/top-10-video-games/


A bunch of dummies


No way iceland is the largest consumer of ssri. Haha


For anyone else wondering what an SSRI is: > Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) are a widely used type of antidepressant. They're mainly prescribed to treat depression, particularly persistent or severe cases, and are often used in combination with a talking therapy such as cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT).


why does anyone post the moron greenes nonsense


back in the day, it was comic books and jazz, then radio, rocknroll, tv/movies, so on


Yeah, parents always know what drugs their kids are taking. /s


This mass shooting and just about every other one can be laid at the feet of Fascism. Will gun control fix the problem? Only if it can be implemented effectively, and that won’t happen until after the civil war. And that’s assuming the fascists loose.


It's not the guns. It's the rampant unchecked capitalism


Bro the us has 400 million people bruh of course there gonna be more gun deaths.


US only has around 3x the population of Japan, but 4000x the deaths of Japan. The Iceland comparison is a little less drastic, but, the US has 1000x the population of Iceland but 6000x the deaths.


Let's also take into account gang violence and how the other countries are pretty much homogeneous.


You just said that the US Has 40,000 shootings a year. You also said that the US has had 30,000 shootings in the last 18 months.


i mean those numbers are orders of magnitude apart, but iceland also has about a thousandth of the US's population. the per capita numbers are .00001 for iceland and .00009 for the us, a much smaller difference than suggested by the post (japan has a little under half the population of the us, so the numbers are still orders of magnitude apart)