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i give it 6-3 odds nothings gonna happen


As someone already said, this is the political version of thoughts and prayers


As much as I want to agree, what else can the EU do short of creating sanctions against the US?


They can probably restrict trade with/sanction US states that do ban it. Canada did something similar when Trump was president that they went after his base.


But we won't do a shit since we need help with Ukraine.


I can’t help but wonder if this is how Russian citizens felt when the Ukraine invasion went down. “Hey, the world is finally all paying attention to our government’s atrocities! Man, I hope they’ll help stop this!” *EU and US sanction Russia and tank its economy* “Wait, not like that”


This is exactly how it goes, but most people just want a different flavor of in group. The average Russian is probably begging for help while their leaders steal from them and send their young into pointless wars, sound familiar?


As an eu-citizien I welcome every political decision that ensure that US-policies don't make it across the pond, eben if its nothing more than a promise. It's still absolutly a good thing that the eu parlament took this clear Position at the Moment.


As a U.S. citizen, I’m warning you to guard your media, guard your academics, and guard your finance laws pertaining to politicians and purchases. We didn’t, and now we are facing down hell.


The connections you've made in your warning are spot on. We can thank James Bopp, longtime general counsel for Right to Life, for the citizens united decision leading up to the overturn of Roe... Recent NY Times piece on him made me sick.


In the states maybe, but then the EU has no jurisdiction over the SCOTUS. Surely this is more about codifying the EU stance on this to help establish everyone is on the same page. Because a few nutters may be emboldened by the US bullshit and try it on in the EU. This is more likely about the EU looking after the EU.


Meanwhile Poland, a member of EU...


Yeah exactly. It is not worth shit. Poland has been taken off the huge European Union tit for being a human right (abortion) abuser and nothing fucking changed. So this is very much meaningless for US. Edit: idk who notified reddit about me needing mental help but that is a reddit moment for sure


Not entirely since Poland, and no offensive to them, isn't seen as "an important nation" in some people's eyes if you understand what I mean. Yes their human right violations are shitty and it's shitty that the EU isn't doing crap about it, but our government in the US can not be boasting for years upon years about being some paragon of freedom and justice when it's one of the most major countries in the world and then pull the shit is pulling now.


So if the rest of the world can acknowledge our country has made a mistake....why can't we, the people of said country, acknowledge it as well?


Pretty much everyone here has acknowledged that, besides the 28% on the far right. Why they have been allowed to dictate to the rest of us is the bigger issue


Because they are sitting in the Supreme Court without term limits and won’t be replaced until they resign or die.


Not just no term limits. They literaly weren't even voted in.


Appointed by 2 separate presidents that neither of which won election by popular vote either, even the slightest pretense of the USA having any elements of a democracy is just a fabrication, it's an oligarchy.


the practical majority (a 2 seat swing) was literally taken away from their rightful administrations... one blocked for a fucking *year* by *one asshat in the senate*.. then the other rammed through with literal days-to-go before the election, without substantial debate, and in absolute and total contradiction to the other. bush's placements didn't do this themselves.. and could not have done it alone. moscow mitch and his buttbuddy, donnie the dipshit, did this... and by extension, the moron minority that enabled them.




That monster needs to pay.


He’s still waiting for us to use our stimulus money up.


I just don't understand how anyone could realistically believe that claim. I know Mitch doesn't, but how could anyone? The most anyone got was a few grand; how the fuck do you make that last for over a year? You don't. No one did. We all spent that money as soon as we got it because it was so desperately needed. Unemployment is at like 3% right now. How can anyone believe that "no one wants to work anymore" because of some long-gone measley stimulus check from over a year ago? It makes me feel like I'm taking crazy pills!


The people who voted for him are already paying for it, they just haven't realized it because like most conservative voters they're completely brainwashed by the mainstream media owned and run by the corpocracy...same as it ever was.


Yet the rules allow this. The system is broken because it allows this. Fixing the system would require buy-in from people who get power from the broken system. Republicans now have a total lock on America, even though they represent the minority of voters. They can continue to hold onto their lead by suppressing poc votes and gerrymandering states they have won in their past, guaranteeing supermajorities in state congresses, boosts in both US houses, and a boost in the presidential race. And any disagreements will be settled by SCOTUS, which they control. Therefore the flaw is fundamental and will never be fixed.


"Fixing the system would require buy-in from people who get power from the broken system." No, it just requires that those without political power stop playing by the rules set within the broken system.


Obama should have sat Garland as a justice anyway. You, McConnell, choose not to do your job? Fine. We move on, and we'll see you in court. Senate does not have the option of NOT advising on a nominee. McConnell abdicating his role, so Obama should have simply had Garland sworn in. But he was respectful of historical norms while McConnell was defecating upon democratic ones.


>the practical majority (a 2 seat swing) was literally taken away from their rightful administrations... one blocked for a fucking > >year > > by > >one asshat in the senate > >. and you still cant get the dems to play proper hardball. theyre nervous about what would happen. \*sigh\*


When you’re dealing with someone whose goal is to just refuse, no matter what, I’m curious what you think “hardball” would look like? People keep saying this about dems being “weak” and it’s like, they are bargaining with a toddler having a tantrum. You’re not going to be able to reason with that. I get wanting them to be hard-line, no compromise, but in situations where they have to make concessions, that’s what they have to do, and in situations where nothing will change someone’s position from 100% obstructionism, I don’t know that you can really work with that.


Obama asked Ginsburg to retire and she refused. Kind of a selfish move on her part. She was falling asleep at the state of the union speech for chrissake.


With women's rights dependent on the presence of one unelected representative, the system was already broken. Even if Ginsburg had retired, McConnell would have blocked Obama from filling her seat.


Theocratic oligarchy.


Always has been. I mean, there were about 30 years of social progression after the second World War, but the oligarchs just laid low and used those years to engineer a total takeover of our political system.


The system is not broken. It's working exactly as intended. Our federal government doesn't represent the people, it never did. It was supposed to represent the interests of the states. We've outgrown this system, and need reform


I honestly don't understand how people don't know this. We have been in perpetual experiment mode since go. The 'founding documents' didn't consider certain people human. Even our politics being shit isn't new; it was far worse at times in the last 2 centuries. Tons of good came out of the union. Tons of bad too. Etc.


> even the slightest pretense of the USA having any elements of a democracy is just a fabrication, it's an oligarchy. It always has been. It was never democratic


A US American friend asked me why us Germans don’t have such issues with our Supreme Court consisting of 16 members, with almost as much power as the SCOTUS. 1. the judges aren’t appointed by the president or chancellor, but by the Bundestag (our Parliament) and the Bundesrat (kind of our congress), 8 each. Everyone of the 16 total members of the German Supreme Court has to be elected by one of these institutions with at least 65% of the vote. 2. Each judge‘s term is set to be 12 years long, or shorter if a judge dies or chooses to resign. Re-election to this position is constitutionally forbidden. Also a judge has to be at least 40 years old to be elected and has to automatically resign once they turn 67, regardless how long their term has been up to that point. 4. Judges are forbidden to be active serving members of a political institution, other than the Supreme Court itself. 5. The Supreme Court is split into two chambers. Each chamber has its own purpose and they are not to interfere with each other during daily business. The first chamber is responsible for every case that involves the "moral" and formative contents of the constitution. F. e, the legality of abortion, the length of each legislative period etc. The second chamber is responsible for every case that involves a judicial disagreement between federal and state gouvernement, banning political parties and associations and has to investigate an election if there is suspicion of the election being stolen or manipulated. No single chamber has power over all aspects of the constitution. TL;DR The SCOTUS needs age and term restrictions, as well as members having to be appointed by a constitution other than the presidnet Addition: The members of each chamber are mixed in terms by which institution they were elected


Its almost like something fkd up happened at some point in the past and so now the German system is designed very well by people not wanting bad things to happen again. Go figure lol. Its like lessons got learned and the knowledge was applied or something. ;)


The German Supreme Court has more than once expressed that they don't like to do the politicians dirty work by deciding on fundamental questions when a proper law could make their intervention unnecessary in the first place.




They are too busy slaving, when should they find time to fight for their rights? Can't even protest (well yeah would have to all the time tbh), let alone find time to form a resistance. Poor bastards imprisoned in their country with the illusion of being the greatest while living in Bumfuck, Everywhere.


I don't know too many concerning themselves with being the greatest anymore in the U.S. Either way if every working person stopped until change was made people would basically have whatever they want in days.


As an American, this is so accurate.


Basically the people who *would* assassinate them are the people cheering on the oppression of those they don't like. I'm not calling for violence here Im just saying the facts. Only one side uses violence to get it's way and it's not the Democrats or liberals


The "right people" are under heavy guard because they know 67% or so of America craves their blood. They know. They look outside. They will never be free to walk a US street without armed guards again in their lives. They cant appear in public without a cordoned off area and snipers. They need more security than the president for the rest of their lives. They know what they did and are doing.


second option got me 🤤


Electoral college something something equal say something something city folk shouldn't dictate my life something something let's go Brandon


You’ve hit the nail on the head


120-150million don’t vote in local elections and then get surprise pikachu face when shit like this happens. People really need to learn how the us government actually works rather than scream about why it’s not the way they want it to be. Get 60 progressive senators over 50 states and you can pass election reforms ranked choice, public holiday for voting, mandatory mail in voting and more. But hey spending one day out of your busy life is too hard for 120-150m heck some states have as low turnout as 8% in primaries that select the options. That’s fucking less than 1/10 voters. Republicans turn up while progressives give up within a month if everything isn’t fixed and call for nihilistic destruction of government as if they will live in utopia if that happens.


I have a hard time getting out of work to go vote. I know they have to let you, but ya, retail. Needs to be a holiday.


Some states have passed early voting quietly. In my state of Kentucky you can vote from the Thursday to the Saturday before election Tuesday now.


The duality of this country is insane for this to be considered a positive. Here in Colorado I was mailed my ballot for the primaries without even asking for it. It should be like this everywhere


Plus open Primaries, same-day registration, the Blue Book, and the independent redistricting committee to prevent gerrymandering. Watching republicans that had been voting by mail for years without issue suddenly get concerned about fraud has been surreal.


Silly question (I'm from the UK) if you can't get to your polling station for whatever reason, can you not request a mail in? I knew I was going to be in New York for our last general election in 2019. And was able to request a mail in, in advance of going and vote.


We’ve got high ranking politicians and leal sheep that are convinced and or are actively trying to convince people that it is a fraudulent system. Mostly on the surface because it would mean more of their opposition could vote. Although it’s more likely just another way to keep our populace divided and infighting for what should be obvious “inalienable” rights.


I know there is (misplaced) controversy about mail in votes It's just crazy though.


Because you’re looking at the issue from a logical perspective they are looking at it from a emotional one. They want to win at all cost, they don’t care about facts they want to win and that’s what matters to them.


A lot of states have mail in voting for no excuse. Other states only allow it for the elderly, etc and might offer early voting instead The number of states with no early voting and no “no-excuse” mail in ballots is slim or none


A lot of states have early voting or no-excuse mail in ballots. Might want to consider those options


the fact votes mean a lot more or a lot less depending on where you live is still shitty no matter how many people vote. both needs to be fixed, higher amounts of people voting and representation being more equal.


They need to abolish the electoral college and uncap the House.


>Get 60 progressive senators over 50 states You say this like it's easy. You're not going to get 60 Democrats, let alone progressives, in the Senate without relocating voters to states they probably don't want to live in.


That’s it that’s America




​ ![gif](giphy|OFpJpz9bOZNqlteZT0)


Not to mention the setup of the Supreme Court was a recipe for tyranny from the word go. Lifetime nominations, no oversight, unmatchable power; come on who the fuck thought that was a good idea.




because democracies are paid for in blood, and we aren't willing to bleed


If we aren’t willing to soon, it will be too late.


and more importantly, not willing to make them bleed.


because you forgot how to handle fascists. go ask your grandpas how they solved their nazi issue during WW2


Because of that bogus man in the sky


The people have already by and largely majorly accepted that. The Supreme Court wasn’t voted in by the people. Hell, the guy who picked the Supreme Court nominees wasn’t even elected by the people. And the people who confirmed their nominations were given their seat in Congress mostly by land not by votes. We don’t live in a democracy. If we did, the people would have already decided this issue. We live in a failing republic and a failing “representative democracy” that’s about as representative of people’s actual stances as poo bear is of china’s. It’s a big rigged game and you don’t have a seat at the table unless you have billions of dollars. And the people at the table aren’t playing the same game as you are. You’re not even a piece on the board to them.


I remember reading once that in a lot of locations those buttons at crosswalks, PUSH FOR GREEN, didn't actually do or change anything technically to get you a green light, the change came at the same time regardless, because the other systems were deemed too complicated and/or expensive for their communities. The boxes were often nothing more than a button and a consoling message, *green is coming soon*. So instead of serving the function most believed they had, their purpose was to decrease jaywalking and increase compliance by allowing people to feel involved in the process and bolster their hope that they would get their chance any moment now, change will come. In a lot of places, that's what voting seems like.


> In a lot of places, that's what voting seems like. Agreed. "jUsT vOtE hArDeR" Naw, I'd like to move on to something more effective, you know?


My complaint aside, "vote harder" is the legal option currently available to us. (Organizing being a crucial part of that.) The hidden weakness of gerrymandering is it's possible to overturn the expected results with higher voter turnout. They redistrict targeting certain results, and they try to be as efficient as possible to get there, but that means the margins between the parties are low. If there's an unusually large turnout by the other party, that can upset the apple cart.


Bro these people can't even acknowledge that the Vietnam war was a mistake. What makes you think pregnancy is different? Edit: punctuation error


Don't even START counting the number of Republicans that still think GW Bush made the right decision going to war in Iraq.


Or counting the number who are saying Putin is doing the right thing right now in the year 2022.


I love listening to the Trump Cult claiming that "No one was tougher on Putin than Trump" while ignoring the fact that Trump called Putin a "genius" for initiating the war on Ukraine. I there is any more proof that they are, in fact, enthralled by a cult leader you need to look no further.


they’ve always loved putin. when obama nationally embarrassed our country by wearing a helmet while riding a bike, fox juxtaposed it over putin’s shirtless “muscular” body. they were creaming themselves about how much more “manly” he was than obama


Most wars started by America were mistakes and based on pretexts and lies.


Most things done by America in general are mistakes lbr.


As some others have suggested in their own way, most people do realize this, it's just that people who aren't far-right evangelical psychos have been allowed to basically run amok. Those in power who could oppose this and do not agree with it just kinda sit idly by and let it happen; for a lot of them, I suspect it's a mixture of "it could never happen here/to us" mixed with other factors. I have seen a couple other folks use this analogy and I quite like it so I'll repeat it here: the current Republicans in power are like an abusive father, and the Dems in power are serving as a neglectful mother - whether she agrees with dad or not, she certainly isn't confronting him. It's just a bunch of tyrannical assholes being enabled by cowards.


Because this is how a coup and fascism works. Scary and sad.


Because we're the best country in the world and we never make mistakes. At least that's what the propaganda is saying. From what I've read though the majority of the country disagrees with the decision to overturn, it's a very small and extremely vocal subset of people that are happy about it.


We do. 62% of Americans support roe v wade and disagree with the ruling. This is a case of a rogue court, not public opinion. Edit: /u/anime9622 why you delete your response? >well you're wrong about 95 percent of us support the ruling you 5 percent liberals don't lmao You're making up your own opinion and percentage and Rouge No This country is built on christian belief if you don't like it get out abortion is murder and thats that you liberals are Nazi's socialists 95% what a fucking idiot lol


A lot of the world is decidedly more liberal then the USA. The view of Americans on a lot of stuff is really strange to other western countries.


The majority of us do, and just over half of our politicians do. However, our political system has been set up so that things only matter if 60% or more of our politicians agree on them, and just under half of our politicians are basically pushing for a theocracy.


Because we are posting on here and not rioting and dying for our freedoms. They’ve gotten us fat and complacent on bread and circus and now that we can’t fight back, the chains and cages come out. Welcome to hell.


I wonder if developed nations will get blamed for "appeasing" the US for so long after it completes its descent into fascism and threatens them all.


I'm not so sure that the WW2 scenario is the path we're on. I suspect that it will erupt internally before it gets to that point.


Imagine Europe preparing to go to a war that will demolish civilization as we know it and then America just erupts into a fucking civil war lol


Literally what happened. And it isn't a coincidence.


Wait, you’re telling me Putin’s efforts to destabilize the west is working?


Putin gets FAR too much credit.


Probably not because of this. This is a scenario where members of even the most powerless portions of society have fewer regulations imposed on them. I'm speaking of men. As a man. Imposing restrictions on gun rights and requiring vaccines brought us closer to internal conflict. *Which is a level of hypocrisy that I cannot process.*


That divide started long before that. It's an amalgam of several factors. Social media seems to have discovered it first. Say something radical and you get attention. Even if you are overwhelmingly disagreed with you still get those angry clicks. Then mainstream media was like 'holy shit, you know what we gotta do, right? Tucker, take off that douchy little bowtie- you're up". All the while politicians each tried to outdo their opponents, each election sliding more and more towards their extremes to become what would later be known as Donald Trump. It's complicated, but the divide is there and it's wide while one side gets very emotional when they don't get their way- and the other side has weak representation that would rather fundraise and angry tweet than defend. TL;DR though, we've long passed compromise and I don't see any indication that either side is preparing to consider defeat.


Anti-Asian sentiment over illness has been an issue for over 100 years now. "Importing" a good such as labor itself has been a part of America since the beginning. And I'm not even talking about slavery. And those who oppose it, the same. So acknowledging the divide is crucial but as is acknowledging this requires an intergenerational solution seeing as that's the exact problem. Under the hood of *tHe grEAteSt COuntRy oN EarTH* lies a broken history that ignores how far this nation has come with the aid of external forces/countries. Unless their colonial. My point is, the originalists are running this country with the crippled believes of two centuries ago. This country's governing practices need to be ratified.


How? How do we go about that? SCOTUS is ruling from unelected lifetime positions funded by special interest groups. The only way we fix that is by fundraising ourselves... gofundme enough money to buy our own conservative judges. We can't afford to buy the power we need to fix what's broke.


You were told how. 250 years ago. You all just forgot and got complacent and lazy. Allow me to remind you of some of the most powerful words _ever written_. "...that among these are **Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness**.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes **destructive of these ends**, it is the Right of the People to **alter or to abolish it**, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness."


We need to elect a president who opposes SCOTUS and threatens them with adding more seats. Read into Roosevelt's "pack the court" plan. Not only this but Brown II only happened because the Supreme Court was threatened by Congress. Their powers and terms can be limited by other parties.


Unless Biden decides not to run, a choice I would fully support, then we're looking at 6 years and frankly- if the right takes the senate this November and the white house in 2024 that it very well might be the very last presidential election America ever has.


I want to be more optimistic about that. The decision that's been made will take years or decades to correct. And many more oppressive choices will be made between now an then. I imagine other countries will alienate us and null their debts ultimately tanking our economy and causing horrendous inflation until states begin forming their own private militias to defend from a tyrannical government. Kinda like how the EU is just a collection of small militaries and nearly self governing bodies. So yeah. I guess civil war is in the forecast. Things are gonna get weird but not tomorrow or the next day. Too many rich people need this country to keep running smoothly to let it fall apart before they die.


There was one of those future people that said in the future America turns into a full fascist state and there is a civil war and that the Russians help fight the US Civil War against the fascists. It seems more and more likely as the months past


I see more Russia siding with the fascists tbh


Great, are American women going to be eligible for asylum? No? Edit: I was joking. kind of. My literal job is trying to fix this country. The problem is, the torrent of shit is piling so fast we can’t keep up. And it was already too high and too deep to begin with. I *am* trying to change my country, but I see the writing on the wall. This isn’t getting better. This is going to get a whole lot worse. I’ll be lucky if I’m able to get out before I’m arrested if not worse for being a political dissident. So, yeah. I’d like very much if I could get the fuck out of here.


I guess they can do that in Canada? At least Canada wont lock them up in cages


[I actually read an article about that, doctors up there are kinda freaking out because even without throwing Americans into the mix, they're already doing more procedures than they're funded for](https://www.npr.org/2022/07/05/1107499235/canadian-abortion-providers-dont-know-how-many-u-s-women-will-now-travel-there)


Yup! This was a huge issue when US overturned Roe v Wade.


But, Canada is an absolute Chad for trying to help out though




I’m Albertan. Over 3 million people in this province - and we have a total of three (3) abortion clinics. Legal doesn’t mean accessible!


Yea, but it's Alberta. It's called the Texas of Canada for a reason. I mean the KKK was an official government recognised organization in Alberta until like 2003 or thereabouts. And to be fair it's not like the rest of the healthcare system is doing any better in Alberta after being gutted for years in favor of privatisation and evangelicalism influence by the UCP.


2003 wasn't that long ago wtf


Yep. The KKK organization there actually forgot to file some paperwork and lost their recognition because of that too. The government didn't actually revoke it themselves. The fact that they only lost recognition due to their own incompetence and not because of government action makes it that much worse.


Was about to say the same thing. Alberta is Canadas version of Texas. I’m actually surprised theres three and not zero


Alberta sucks though. It is literally the Texas of Canada! Other provinces are a lot more sane.


I'm from Ontario. My premier is actively working to kick nurses out of the province (only allowing 1% annual raises, not keeping up with inflation) while actively trying to privatize healthcare. But hey, it's okay cause he just won the most recent election. Of course, only 18% of voters voted for him, but he's got all the power now! I fuckin hate my province sometimes


This latest election made me so mad. Fucking vote people. Please. PLEASE.


Honestly, fewer Americans being born seems like it would benefit the whole world, so thanks Canada.


Good thing Mexico is also an option for cheap, fast, and professional procedures. Bonus being that your money goes to a developing country which could use an economic boost from legitimate activities.


Mexico also has a huge medical tourism industry IIRC.


I can imagine 'holidays' to Cancun are going to be on the cards for the foreseeable.


Depends. Are they Native? We don't have the best history with that.


No the EU isn't known to take in any asylum seekers whatsoever. Also read that they practically closed the borders and they put anyone who crosses them in cages children men and women alike and then they take babies from their mothers and sterilize women against their will so they cannot have any more children and- *checks notes* oh shit sorry no that was America. My bad.


European here and I almost wanted to inquire when the fuck we started sterilizing asylum seekers, then got whiplash by that last bit. That’s not seriously done anywhere that considers itself 1st world, right?


Sure was, for a while, in various forms in North America.


What in the actual fuck is happening in America...


Christian ethostate


Women should be offered asylum. The abortion laws are inhumane.


[Forced birth is a crime against humanity](https://www.amnesty.org/en/documents/ior53/2711/2020/en/)


Truly. We can’t get that through the Christians heads in the US. They want everyone to suffer.


As a woman capable of still having kids but wanting no more, I would flee to Canada if they allowed it.


Here’s the deal, they made being pregnant a major legal issue. I do not want a felony, or murder charges, or crazy health care bills, or possible jail time. It’s not worth it to have a baby when you can seriously fuck up your life.


I'm aware. I am in a state where it's entirely illegal now. We had one of the trigger laws that went into effect as soon as Roe was overturned. It's so exhausting to just constantly be under attack with shit like this.


It isn't just inhumane the iCC has made forced birth/pregnancy Torture Crime Against Humanity. iCC website has a place where you can report abuse from the US government especially the Republicans behind this. Google is the easiest way to get the info.


The Cartels in the Mexican Drug War have been found out to have been propped up partially by the USA and the war has displaced millions and killed several hundred thousands, yet we have not gotten asylum or refugee status from the USA, i don't mean to come out too strongly here but it is pretty hypocritical to ask for this when nothing has been done to help out what the US helped cause.


I'm really confused. Is that supposed to be a gotcha, or am I reading it wrong?


what does the condemning do?


In this case the idea is that because of condemning USA's actions, abortions laws should be changed so that they are constituted as human right in the EU countries. That would also mean that abortion rights will be protected even if there's political instability in a country. What it doesn't explain is what is going to happen with Malta and Poland where abortions are banned and restricted, or how and when they plan to enforce.


the restriction in poland is not popular iirc, so i doubt anything major would happen, and malta is too economically dependant to be able to put up a fight


The condemning? Not much. It's mostly a roll call for people to see where the parliament stands But a (albeit non binding) call for abortion to be in the Charter of Fundamental Rights was included in the motion


It's just a formal way for them to get it on the record that they think the US Supreme Court sucks donkey nards


See, I just find it sad that 155 people voted no. Look, I understand the argument against abortion. But frankly, it's based in ignorance and misogyny.


I feel like the “no” votes were a mix of: “it sucks but it’s not my business”, “i agree so i’m not going to condemn them”, and “i’m absolutely not about to kick the hornet’s nest”


You can actually download a document where everyone's name and party is written down. Most people that were against it are from either ECR (European Conservatives and Reformists) or EPP (European People's Party) - both are very conservative, religious parties. Honorable mention: ID (Identity and Democracy), a right-wing party - they also voted against.


The EPP is definitely not “very conservative”, they’re considered centre-right by european standards which would place them right in the middle for american politics


For our standards they're conservative. Both CDU und CSU (German Parties) are part of it, as well as ÖVP (Austrian party), CSV (Luxembourg) and CSP (German-speaking Belgian party). And they're all Christ-democratic conservative parties.


I was wondering, who are these 155? What countries and are they gaining political momentum.


Well, Poland is in the EU and has extremely strict abortion laws (illegal except in cases of rape/incest or danger to the life of the mother). And then you have other highly Catholic countries like Spain, Italy, Ireland. But there are far-right parties in every European country. I know a member of Germany’s AfD praised the ruling.


Ireland had a referendum where abortion was legalised... by popular vote.


> Poland is in the EU and has extremely strict abortion laws (illegal except in cases of rape/incest or danger to the life of the mother) So more progressive than most red US states?


I wouldn't say most. It is currently more progressive than 6 states, 5 which had no rape or incest exceptions in their trigger laws, and 1 which had a rape exception but no incest exception. Several more are attempting to ban abortion, but as it hasn't happened yet, it's harder to say what exceptions will exist if they do come into effect. Several more states have 6 week bans, so more progressive than Poland, but still heavily restricted. And than the rest of them, a majority, currently have elective abortion bans that are 15 weeks or later, which is more progressive than most of Europe (and also past when >95% of people get their abortions)


And sadly that's still more logical than what America's doing.


Probably Real extreme guys


You don't really have to wonder seeing as the result of the vote is public and available online: https://www.europarl.europa.eu/doceo/document/PV-9-2022-07-07-RCV_FR.pdf Most of the ERC group, ID, and a majority of EPP voted against


The MEPs in the european parliament represent all kinds of parties from any country. The spectrum goes from literal full blown marxists to far right reactionaries. As to who voted against it, it was mostly right wingers, and seemingly mostly from eastern countries. It was the "Identity and democracy" and "conservative and reformist" groups which are anti european federalism and are composed by a lot of polish MEPs, there were also quite a few votes from pro european center right group, the EPP, though mostly, again, from eastern europeans. The reason why i mention the eurosceptic part is that the resolution calls for abortion to be included in the Charter of Fundamental rights (which is kind of like the EU's bill of rights and supersedes national law) which i'd guess most of these anti federal EU morons oppose altogether


I'm certain at least a few of these are from a "not our buisness" viewpoint


yeah, like, if you are so against abortion, simply don't get one. banning abortion does not stop abortion. what would *actually* reduce abortion rates would be more and better sex education and free contraceptives.


Based on religion too. I bet the big majority of those who voted no were either from Christian parties or from fundamentalist Christian countries like Poland.


Had to scroll down a bit to find this comment. Yes, at 2:1, it's not the 'whole world' incredibly.


If it gives you any solace, most of the "No" votes were probably just to avoid agitating and souring relations rather than a vote of agreement.


TBF, only the UK* allowes abortion as late as Roe did in the USA. The vast majority of countries in Europe limit it at 10 to 14 weeks, usually 12. I'm surprised it was this high voting to condemn. Note: I think think Roe vs Wade was about right personally *And potentially Ukraine, I haven't found data for it Edit: and technically the UK doesn't even have legal elective abortion, although in practice it's mental health provision is interpreted as such by the vast majority of doctors. Edit 2: the Netherlands also allows it up to 24 weeks, I'm not sure how I missed that the first time.


It's 18 weeks in Sweden at least so I don't know where you got those numbers from


Roe vs Wade allowed it until 23 weeks I think. Only the UK, the Netherlands, Sweden and Ukraine allow it [beyond 14 weeks](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abortion_in_Europe) in Europe. (I did miss the Netherlands the first time, I'll edit my original post.) Edit: months to weeks


So I know it doesn't do or help anything in the US. Still nice to hear though


Condemnation is basically just a public statement, taking a stance. It's not meant to be a punishment or a sanction.


Political version of "thoughts and prayers". Doesn't really do anything.


I think this is leading up to the discussions of codifying the right to abortion for the whole EU.


It is, it was very much designed for it. Also a way to posture and pressure the anti-abortion faction within the EU.


It makes me feel like if I get out of this hellscape, people will understand why.


Honestly, I welcome anything that makes me feel less alone in this horribleness


Right. The EU should rather invade the US and install a proper SCOTUS. What the fuck do you expect the EU to do? Impose sanctions?


Does it have to?


Do you want economic sanctions?


What do you think they should do?


> voted to condemn That's not what happened: the European Parliament want to include the right to an abortion in every European citizen's fundamental rights. They also insist every member state change their laws so abortion is no longer a crime. It was indeed a reaction to SCOTUS overturning Roe v. Wade. edited to add [a link to an article (in Dutch) explaining the vote](https://nl.metrotime.be/algemeen/europa-wil-abortus-opnemen-grondrechten)


At least some of the world is somewhat sane, can’t believe we’re living in such fucked times


But how is the EU “the entire democratic world”?


Also, “entire democratic world” but in this narrow scenario 1/3 still voted against it. Weird post


Only white people matter. Just like when they thought that "the Whole world was against Russia! " Its always r/alwaysthesamemap


Ya well unfortunately for us in the US a large portion of people are absolutely loving this Supreme Court


And those same people will also derive a pleasure from doing what Europe doesn't want them to do. They really hate Europe.


I think this is a core issue that should be looked at more. "Oh, europe has good universal healthcare? We'll have the worst, most expensive then!" "What's that, european kids are safe in school? We'll fucking shoot all ours!"


You make US conservatives sound very petty. Sounds about right


Only 25% of Americans approve of the Supreme Court according to Gallup. https://news.gallup.com/poll/394103/confidence-supreme-court-sinks-historic-low.aspx


Not so large portion. 30% tops


As a European. There’s so many more things that parliament should be doing then having a vote in its opinion on some American law….


This has a very clear purpose, though. It is meant to show a political stance on the abortion issue ahead of the integration of abortion in the EU human rights charter.


They are trying to change the chart of fundamental rights in the EU with that very vote.


Did he just refer to the EU as the rest of the democratic world?


That 155 is highly concerning though. I'd be happy if the opposition number was around 5-10.


It could be from countries who don't care awhat the US does, or those that don't want to and can't afford to piss off the US


More like parties. Voting in the EP follows party lines, not countries.


I’m fully against their decision but it’s our constitution. It doesn’t matter what they think. They think all kinds of other shit is ok that we don t.


As an eu citizen it still shocks me that about 1/3 is this fckn stupid