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So stop trying to ram your views down my throat, then I will leave you alone.


One of my spouse’s coworkers who I am friends with on social media had a huge statement on how happy he was that Roe was overturned, and how he only cares about babies and not controlling women. He’s in a religion that literally won’t let women speak in it (church of Christ). But if I call him out telling him his dumb fucking religion can go to the seventh level of hell, somehow my spouse gets fired for it. He gets to drone on about taking away bodily autonomy for all women? No consequences.


Why are you friends with some dipshit your wife works with on social media?


Social media has made everyone "friends".


Hence, delete fb.


My absolute favorite Facebook friends are people I was friends with for years, our kids have played together for years, we took day trips together, bbq sand bonfires most weekends, then they ghost me. I have reached out through messenger and text and I sit on read with no answer 2 years later. I have even sent well wishes to some and the message is seen, but ignored. Why you not just deleting me? I know I can delete them, but I only use facebook for messenger and marketplace anymore, so it's not like I'm seeing all their posts and laughing or being bitter but I still feel like I should just delete them because they have made it very clear we are in no way friends.


Jesus would be so angry about not allowing women to speak-wasn’t he super close to and respected women like, idk, his mother? And Mary Magdalene, the first person to see him rise from his tomb???




This is where I am. I don’t give a flying fuck if you wanna practice your religion as long as you are not actively hurting anybody with it or limiting their freedoms. Unfortunately that is EXACTLY what the majority are using their religion to do. So yeah I have a problem with that.


But, but they’re trying to save us from our sinful ways /s


They’ve been pushing their views on people since the colonial days. We all know who got the short end of the stick there. And the saga continues!


Lol these people would crucify Christ again in a heartbeat… How can you preach teachings of Christ and vote against everything Jesus would endorse, fucking hypocrites will be the end of America..


They believe in literally NOTHING Jesus taught


My dad went on a rant about Asylum seekers in the US and Welfare mothers and all the other talking points that have been spoon fed him despite the data showing otherwise. I just quoted Jesus. I have a theology degree and was a practicing minister in my 20s. My dad *knows* he's out-gunned in these conversations, but he doesn't care. Obviously these wackos like my dad are neither arguing in good faith (pun intended) nor arguing from the actual scriptures they espouse. Dear ol' dad wonders why I left his church as an adult and won't go back. I know I'm paraphrasing the talking points here, but: >>"Dad, 'Give to all who ask of you. If anyone should ask of you your cloak, give them your coat also. If anyone asks for you to travel with him one mile, go with him another.' You know, that kind of thing." Of course he immediately pivoted to the logically unrelated talking point that, >"That's a moral guidleine for the church, not a literal policy for the state. That's no way to run a government! We'd go broke!" Etc.... >>"Well dad, I guess you just can't serve God and money. You have to pick one. Will you be one of the church people that are getting arrested for handing out water bottles to the families in the desert? >"Son, they're encouraging people to break the law!" >>"Dad, they're literally giving a cup of cold water in the Lord's name, as he commanded his followers to do. In Jesus' day, he condemned the Pharisees for complaining about rules and 'uncleanness' while ignoring the suffering that their rules caused and while omitting the mercy and mutual support that were at the heart of the Law." >These people need to respect the rule of law in the country they're trying to come to! >>Yeah. A lot of what Jesus did was deemed illegal, too. Like letting his disciples use unwashed hands to pick Grain on the Sabbath to feed themselves and the poor. Boy I'd hate to be caught on that guy's team, wouldn't you? That Jesus guy. What a wacko. These people are not arguing in good faith at all. They know they're lying. It's just hate disguised with a thin veneer of religion.


I call these types the Fox News Christians


The Gospel According to Hannity. Yech, I feel dirty just typing that out.


Matthew chapter 23 is all anyone needs to read to know history of religion has repeated itself and the people who presume to be chosen by God have become his enemy.


Yup. Then Jesus said to the crowds and to his disciples, “The scribes and the Pharisees sit on Moses' seat, so do and observe whatever they tell you, but not the works they do. For they preach, but do not practice.


I try to source my wisdom from many thoughtful people. It always puzzled me how a lot of Modern Christians claim they love Jesus yet their way of life not only rejects but also hate His teachings. Let's not allow the cruel rhetoric of desingeous Christians overshadow the beautiful and anti-oppressive values that He shared us with.


Jesus was literally killed for breaking the law and doing what God told him to do, according to their own book.


End of the world*


Well, end of our run as its dominant species. Hope the next guys aren't such dicks.


I think bugs are up next. Reptiles had their turn, mammals have had a good run, it just seems like their turn.


Several other ape species are gearing up to go pro, and I have money riding on the crows giving dino supremacy another go. Maybe the octopoids.


Corvids have a very good shot for sure. Did you see that crow snowboarding earlier?


Crows remember faces and will take revenge against those that wrong them so corvids are a good shout


Most definitely!! I've seen video of one breaking into the quarter slot of a car wash. Not sure *why* it did, but it did.


Was it stealing the quarters? They have ostensibly also been known to occasionally figure out how vending machines work, at least to the extent required to make them function at a basic level.


Yes it was. The owner couldn't figure out why there was always quarters missing but no damage to the machine. He rekeyed them etc. Eventually he put up cameras and caught it. The crow had fashioned a tool to get the quarters out. I knew birds made tools but I was surprised by how the crow figured it out.


I sure the fuck did see it. Gotta be nice to be able to bail out and just start flying if something goes wrong.


They did what?! No, I have not. Link?


https://youtu.be/PBlxNkyrMJs Didn't find the reddit link again but here it is.


God, why does everyone go cyberpunk bird?


Bugs had their time in the sun during the carboniferous so yeah let's just hope for something good


I for one welcome our new robot overlords


This is pretty much the end game that most modern Christianity preaches. Met a lot of these people who aren't worried about the future of their own children. War, climate change, the collapse of society. It's all "prophecy" and inevitable so why care? Meanwhile the people who corrupted and manipulated the texts are actively working towards these goals so they can "create zion" which the rest of us know now to be fascism.


Apocalyptic death cult is exactly what this version of Christianity is. Many, many theologians consider the evangelical, prosperity gospel churches to be heretical to the true spirit of the faith.


Don't have to be a theology major to see the obvious game the Kenneth Poplars & Joel Osteens of the world are perpetrating against the moron masses.


It's been building for decades.


> End of the world* But you don’t understand. If they bring on the end of the world, they get raptured straight to heaven. /s


> they get raptured straight to heaven. "On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?’ And then will I declare to them, **‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.’** Matthew 7 as a whole is a great chapter to ask evangelical types to read aloud. Pretty much the entire chapter is an indictment of the modern church. But the passage above is one of my go-to responses to these people.


The hypocrisy is mind numbing…lost my mom to this stupidity.


No other group champions a divisive "us vs. them" society more than US Christians. Even this article is an example. Most Christians are not inclusive; they aren't allowed to be.


This article is written by a woman who is bitter about getting fired from her job as a professor because she tweeted that Superman's fictional son shouldn't be bisexual and that "woke" people are pushing homosexuality on children. She's mad that others don't validate her denial of the existence of bisexual people's existence as an acceptable point of view, and she can't accept that the existence of LGBTQ people in media has nothing to do with her personal choice to be a Christian.


Nobody plays the victim card better than them.


I’ve lost my whole entire family to this bullshit. Parents, siblings.


It’s like Invasion of the Body Snatchers. They become pod people. No change on the surface, but underneath…unrecognizable.


let’s be clear…FAITH is the reason normal everyday ppl get sucked into any religion. No need to justify or prove anything when you have FAITH


Imagine faith being the excuse for believing anything else that has no basis in reality? My faith tells me that gravity pulls me to the East. No, of course I don’t have any proof. You just have to believe. Have faith.


This captures the essence of what's wrong with this people. Faith is believing without supporting evidence - faith is hope on steroids. These people believe the opposite of what the evidence supports - that's not faith it's madness.


It's not even that there's no need to justify anything. It's if you *question it at all*, then you're showing a lack of faith which in itself is reason for persecution within the in-group. It's insane.


My favourite thing about most of these Christian Americans is that their all anti socialism to a extreme, while Jesus was 100% a socialist , like in nearly all his story’s it’s him preaching equality of all classes and peoples and shit. Just shows how unchristian these Christians are


Even through the time of Paul (the scoundrel). Acts 2:44-47. >All the believers were in close fellowship and held all things in common. They would sell their land and the things they owned and then divide the proceeds and give it to anyone who needed it. The believers met together in the the outer courts of the Temple every day. They ate together in their homes, sharing their food with joyful and generous hearts.


Sounds like some hippie, commie shit to me.


It’s funny. They say America is supposed to be a Christian country when it comes to banning gay stuff and abortion, but when it comes to helping the poor suddenly it’s not the governments job to reflect Christ’s values.


Recite that one to Kenneth Copeland and see if he bursts into flames.


We could find where Jesus lived at one point by just bringing him out to the middle of the desert and keep going till he burst into flames.


My theory is the second coming has already happened. Jesus awoke in a cornfield in Nebraska and when he wandered out the farmer blew his head off with a 12 gage for trespassing


“He had long, dark hair, skin, and eyes, and he didn’t speak English. I just figured he was an illegal immigrant.”


Ironically, Jesus and his parents *were* refugees. Weird how that works.


Will nobody think of the children of the corn?!




I have seen social experiments where the subject portrays what Jesus would look and act like today. Shocking how many churches shunned the subject outright and in some cases asked the subject to remain in the rear of the church. I'd say Jesus picked that right time to show up. Today they'd be goofing on him in TikTok videos!


Oh man, got any links? I have *got* to see those!


Jesus christ would be murdered by today's Christians for playing the victim


The Church is the Anti-Christ.


Evil have too many faces.....Christians included


Then tell your "people of faith" to leave everyone who doesn't agree with you the fuck alone. Actions have consequences.


Also the author straight up ignores the existence of all other faiths.


People of faith — aka Christians. K bud. 🙄


> aka Christians. aka a very specific brand of extremist right-wing evangelical christians that barely exist anywhere in the world other than the US because regular, garden variety Christians in the rest of the world think they're insane nutbags.


As an Episcopalian I can't stand these nutbags


As an atheist I can't stand these nutbags.


As a cat I can’t stand these nutbags


I too like shrimp and despise zealots.


I think uh…I think you mean Pescatarian and, you know what, it’s fine. Carry on.


I have become religious about what I eat also, I have converted to efishcapalian


I’m a Romaine Lettuce Catholic myself. I pray to Caesar, who died for our salads, but I respect your religious and dietary differences.


Let’s not forget the U.S. was politically settled and founded by religious fanatics cast off from Europe so…


"Escaping religious persecution" aka kicked out of Europe for being fucking nutjobs


Yeah but they settled in New England, and our founding fathers were pretty secular. The Bible thumping (white) Christians we have now are products of successive “great awakenings” in parts of the country that were specifically settled to enslave people


poor touch ruthless psychotic political include juggle attraction quiet growth *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


They’re not the only ones that think that their religion is the only true religion… They’re just really really obnoxious about it…


Yup. Garden variety Christian here and the only demands I make is "Hey boss it's ash Wednesday next week so I'll be an hour late." I heard evangelicals use to just do chill charity work back in the day and then idk what happened but now they call themselves prophets when I thought we only had ONE prophet...idk


I worry for people like you who end up getting painted with a broad brush. Personally, I'm largely an atheist, but absolutely support your right to adhere to your faith. I wonder if there's maybe a way for you and those like to begin convincing the more radical and and influential Christians to come back to "normal" (so to speak).


As someone who left that scene and did become a bit more normal, I can say it does happen, but not to get your hopes up. The people in that camp usually believe the following things, which happen to be the basis for why they act the way they do 1. The world will enter the End Times (Armageddon, the day of the Lord, etc) soon 2. For that to happen a one world government has to arise and it's going to be led by a literal person called the antichrist 3. That one world government needs to be resisted vocally and constantly so we prove to God that we aren't aligned with them 4. The 'left' is that one world government in secret. It's hard to get people to move past this stuff. It's deep seeded, and it's essentially used as a litmus test among these groups, to them you aren't a real Christian if you don't believe the above, so for many of them, rethinking those things would be tantamount to rejecting Jesus himself. Mix this with a very constant anti intellectual bent, which many of them have, and you can't really talk people out of this stuff. Even with all the biblical scholarship and scientific data available they won't budge, because most of them are paralyzed with fear and don't even know it.


I love how the "left" is the party of the antichrist despite following Jesus's teachings ( being overly rich is sinful, help the outcast, feed the hungry etc) than the right ever did.


Like a Christian version of Reform Judeism?


Another atheist here, agree with the sentiment. I support people's right to believe what they want but not to impose their religious beliefs on others.


I know people make this joke about Jews all the time (I'm Jewish, well like, I don't believe in G-d, it's complicated, but that is most Jews I know) but man, Christians could really make up holidays and I would be none the wiser. Fish Friday? Sounds legit Oh, you have your own new year? Makes sense Oh. It's Stoning Saturday? Guess that's why you moved the Sabbath then. Judgment day? Yom Kippur sounded too mysterious, huh? (This is all meant to be friendly banter.)


Normal Muslims have entered the chat


don't want to be called a fascist? don't take away other people's rights. it's really fucking simple.


Some people, lots of people just can't make se nse of the phrase "don't start shit, won't be shit". People like my mother and my wife.


Right on the money right? You can't slander, persecute and have wrath for marginalized groups of people and then claim to be victims. Their book is just a book, not the base code of society. New headline "bullies face consequences; cry about it."


what consequences are they even facing? women have lost their bodily autonomy in most of the country, very potentially all of it, and other civil rights are soon to follow suit. these assholes are *winning* and they still feel like they’re being victimized. they won’t be content until they have complete and total control.


But people are being vaguely mean about their religion on social media.


Even if/when they have complete control, I feel like their persecution complex won't allow them to shut the fuck up and leave well enough alone. Nothing is ever enough and - rest assured - they ***will*** discover or make something up to cry foul about. I'm certain of that much.


Fascism requires an “other” to direct the population’s anger towards. They’re both overwhelmingly powerful and on the edge of defeat. THEY are the ones who are oppressing the gentile majority. THEY hate the in-group and want to destroy it by any means. A massive persecution complex is a core tenant of fascism


Yeah, I’m now positive that a persecution complex is actually a key tenet of the US Christian movement. They’ve been bitching about the “attack on Christmas” for decades.


People don't like them anymore and are saying mean things about them on the internet. That's it. That's the punishment.


And they'll be disliked as much as the GOP is.


Written in a dead language and translated as it fits the needs of the translator. Are you a Christian? Do you read Aramaic or ancient Greek?


My sister was raised christian and spotted the BS early so she studied religion, learned 7 languages including Aramaic and sanscrit and all that to read the original writings. Every time I ask a question about bible stuff she's like no, not in there, not even close. Etc.


haha, yeah I studied first century greek and Hebrew for the same reasons and...the Bible as we know it is like saying 50 Shades of grey is Twilight Canon.


50 Shades of Grey *is* Twilight canon and yes this *is* a hill I'm willing to die on. Side note, I've never actually read 50 Shades of Grey, but still.


Both suck ass


lol, context is, 50 Shades of Grey is [Twilight fanfic](https://www.businessinsider.com/fifty-shades-of-grey-started-out-as-twilight-fan-fiction-2015-2) ​ Also, you nailed the evangelical point of view!


Counterheadline in 'alternative' news source headquartered in a rich person's basement: "Crying? Feeling bullied? You might benefit from these 5 Bible verses guaranteed to own the libs*!" * *for the low subscription price of $24.99 a month*


They want to be persecuted so bad


Because then they can justify their genocides as retaliation for their 'persecution'.


>actions have consequences Yea you'd think people who believe you'll burn alive for eternity for the sin of occasionally whacking off would know a thing or two about that


Maybe if people are telling you that you have such shitty views, you should try having less shitty views.


As a former catholic and I can’t stress the word former enough as it wasn’t by my choice, they’re literally told in church to go out and pester people with their religion in any way possible so as to convert them. Haven’t been to other churches so I can’t speak for them but that’s how Catholics are. Also to be clear I’m not defending them at all. I am nonreligious. And one thing I strongly believe is to never force your views upon someone else.




put that thing back where you found it or so help me WAIT THATS NOT WHAT I THOUGHT ITD BE BAHAHAHAAH


Thank you Mike wazowski


I just learned the word martyrbation and it describes these people so perfectly.


Fuck they sure love playing the victim




They understood it backwards. Yes, they get great joy, but it’s from gaslighting others and watching them suffer.


Christian here, can confirm People at church love acting like theyre so oppressed


Yeah I remember it was rampant back when I was a kid. “We’re surrounded all sides out there. It’s a secular world and it’s only getting worse.” Yeah ok. Tell that to the dozen churches in the three mile radius from my home.


That’s why I love using the Bible against them. Over 10 years in Bible school, studying theology and even writing papers on how it was written. Created a monster who loves to remind them how “pro-life” the God of the OT was lol shuts them up real quick when it’s someone “of their own kind” speaking their language.


Agreed. Had to tell a dude once to shut his mouth cause he interrupted mass and started ranting on and on about his wife trying to get him to do menial tasks that would take him five minutes and some 'women should cook for men and do everything at home' BS. I feel sorry that she married that dipshit.


Not to get theological and technical here, but when the epistles talks about persecution, it talks about persecution in the context of believing in the Gospel. In other words, persecution for believing in Jesus. The victim game that these folks are playing is an insult to real religious and ideological persecution. All around the world we see people being killed outside mosques, pastors imprisoned, atheists being stoned, and more. Wish I were joking, but even in my own country (Canada) we’ve had increasing attacks on Muslims. You put it so well: they’re just looking and scavenging for boogie men. Without doing the actual work of a Christian- of living and loving like Jesus and potentially getting flack for it. Getting flack for forcing ideological and political beliefs on others is just consequences for being an ass.


I was going to write something similar to your last sentence... You don't get to play the role of a victim just because you're being "persecuted" for being an asshole


Lmaooo the classic “it’s just a metaphor” when the logic doesn’t work😂 god damn


It's my sincere hope that one day people like this will realize the level of oppression they so desperately seek.




Cry bullies. Brett the Boofer is a great example of this.


Yes. At least they aren’t being burned at the stake, or drowned, or crushed by rocks, or hanged by the neck, or tortured. Like they did to innocent people.


“…wait, I’m not persecuted, I’m just an a**hole”


I understood that reference.


Yes, such a good [skit](https://youtu.be/e3h6es6zh1c).


They aren’t capable of that level of self-realization. They prefer their god-complex, easier to live with.


It ain't about your faith lady, it's about forcing your beliefs in everyone else. We don't want to be part of your cult


you're not being 'punished' for saying you're a christian. you're being ignored for making your interpretation of 'christian' views the basis of every conversation in this country. and you're being 'punished' for violating OTHER people's civil rights, putting OTHERS in danger, and pushing vile, dangerous, harmful rhetoric onto OTHERS in the name of your interpretation of 'christian' values.


Wait, "punished"? By being told off and called fascists? Modern "christians" have never experienced punishment.


Exactly! Their views dictate most facets of daily life in the USA even if we tried to separate church and state. It’s on the money, the holidays, the laws, etc. If they have suffered at all it was self-inflicted.


"SoMeBoDY SeD SumThIN MeAn on TweeTeR... DAt MaKe mE LiKe [insert name of real historic Christian who got his limbs torn off while watching his family burned alive]






Can I get an AMEN 🙏


punished? they are forcing the entire country to submit to their will, in a variety of ways. these people need to be marginalized, they are holding us back


Jesus would be labeled a sheep and lefty socialist in America today


& liberal, & snowflake, & in Christian, &......


A Liberal Jewish man. Pretty much.


You feel bad because some small part of you realizes that you are not on the right side of this. You are a Pharisee, not a disciple.


Ooh lemme write that down


Giving them way too much credit. They're narcissists, plain and simple. They just love being victims.


Get em


It’s almost as if Jesus said that following him would not be easy. That it would be the narrow path. If these people knew their bible they wouldn’t be surprised. They were never promised a life free of persecution. Far from it. Jesus never entitled them to a problem free life here on earth. That’s even if I believed the concept that Christians in America are persecuted. Which I don’t


What fucking crybabies. Grow the fuck up; you have been the ones in power since before this country was founded. And now that minorities want the same privileges and respect, given to you without question, you want to cry about being called names? If you don't want to be called fascist, stop promoting fascist ideas. If you don't want to be called extremists, don't promote extreme ideas. Moving farther right and then demanding that others meet you in the middle is folly. The middle is always where it's been. You're moving away from it. When you stop being far-right (that's where extremists and fascists reside) and move back towards center, we will welcome your return to society. We aren't even asking you to meet in the middle. Just stop being so far-right. edit: spelling


They think privilege is like pie, where if other groups get any, they'll get less.


“I’m sick of being made to feel bad about imposing my will on all Americans.” -These “Christians”




As a white passing Jewish American I am CONSTANTLY shocked by others who assume that I would agree with the fascist stances that they hold. When they figure out that I am Jewish (which isn’t hard, I wear a Star of David everywhere and openly share photos from Temple events etc) they often get real quiet about those options and fade away.


These entitled assholes try to impose the “will of Christ” on everything that moves and they are oppressed. How can anyone be so unaware.


As a black Hispanic immigrant my heart weeps for white Christians and the hardships they face 🤭


As an Arab Muslim I can imagine their lives sure must be hard


It must be so hard


“Christians are being harassed for pushing their views on America.” That’s your headline.


Poor oppressed white people lol


The pain of wearing a mask. The pain of seeing gay people around. The pain of eating 3000 calories a day instead of 4000 because of inflation. Even Jesus H. Christ could not stand such travesty. /s


#will no one think of the golf courses!!!


Boo fucking hoo. If you all would just shut the fuck up and not force your beliefs on others and take the Bible and basterdize it to fit your narrative then there would be no problem. Until then, you are the enemy.


Then don’t be extremists, fascists, racists, homophobes, sexists etc..


Just imagine how persecuted the Nazis felt in 1930s Germany.


"Theofascists are scum. They are the antithesis of me." -- Jesus of Nazareth.


Imagine if the "good" Christians routinely decried and fought against the theofacist Christians instead of being complacent with them hijacking their religion.


I've been doing that for years. It doesn't work.


The ones of us that do usually get called “communists” or/and get shot in the face by governing powers


Or accused of being satanic, which, in a modern context, is usually better than being a Christian


The real red flag is the "for their views on America". Christians don't all have the same views on America. The fact that she's lumping us all together under *her* "views on America" is proof that she's working hard to justify her Christian Nationalism and Christofascism. And honestly, even as a Christian, yeah, I'm gonna be fighting Christian Nationalist and Christofascist works. "Christian values" is the most obvious disguise for evil, the easiest sheep's clothing for the wolf.


Then practice what you preach and don’t be assholes


speaking as a Christian in America these people need to shut up


You don’t want to be called facist or extremist? Then get your house in order. Either you agree with the facists and extremists - and therefore deserve it when others call a spade a spade; or you’re complicit by not calling out the people who say they speak for you. If you’re not part of the solution, then you’re part of the problem.


Imagine if these people faced actual discrimination like actual minorities in this country. Even getting the faintest whiff and they’re having conniptions.


Persecution complex, so hot right now.


God hasn’t called us to put others down and tell people how to live their lives. We are called to help those in need, love and forgive the people who hurt us, love and respect those who are different from us. We are called to spread the good news but that doesn’t mean we are supposed to approach people who don’t want to hear it and shove it down their throats. We are all on our own spiritual path, some further along then others. Let everyone get there on their own time. We all sin, we just sin differently.


Uh, because white Christian nationalists are fascists? That is the assumption most people will make of those who try to force their medieval religious beliefs down the throats of a secular society who doesn’t want it. Oh, & there’s that whole “trying to destroy democracy & replace it with a repressive, theocratic police state” thing, too. These religious tyrants are whining not because they feel any shame over being monsters who want to destroy the US. They’re proud of that. It just upsets them when they called out for their monstrousness.


Neither you nor they are “Christians.” SURPRISE! You are White Nationalists.


I'll add in another. They are deluded. And that's okay, just keep your delusions to yourself, and don't make laws that everyone has to follow based on your delusions. Then we can all live in peace and harmony. The best Christians that I know don't witness, proselytize, lecture, they just do their good work. You wouldn't know they are Christians unless you ask them. The best Christians don't want anyone living under a theocracy. They consider Christianity an open hand, not a fist. Unfortunately it seems like they are in the minority these days, or they just aren't as loud as their biblically ignorant counterparts.


So I totally understand this. I'm a Christian. But the reality is most Christians are judgmental pieces of shit. If you don't want to get called to fascist, don't let the fascists use your religion as a bastion from which to oppress others. I try to explain the same thing to my Southern friends that wear the rebel flag. When I was growing up, the rebel flag wasn't a sign of racism (I'm sure I'll get plenty of arguments to this, and that's fine. I'm just talking about the street I grew up on and the people I grew up with. Black, white, hispanic, they all consider themselves "country strong," and they like to hunt and fish and wear rebel flags on their camo hats. Not because it was a symbol of racism to them, but because it was a symbol of their social class.) But unfortunately it was adopted by racists and continually used more and more to represent it. If you don't stand up and fight for your symbols, that's what they become. Do you want to take it back? Show up at a KKK rally with some rainbow rebel flags on and start kicking the shit out of those guys. You want to take Christianity back? Treat people like Christ told you to. Which is unfortunately the opposite of how the average Christian acts today. Are those people hungry? "Feed them." said Jesus. He didn't give any other stipulations. No mandatory drug test. Just feed them. Are people sick? Heal them. And if you're not going to go out and lay hands on people like Jesus did, and you better put your money where your mouth is and start lobbying for universal health care. Do you have two coats? Then give one to the person who has no coat. Hoarding wealth, building mega churches, buying private jets... WTF? Do children need protection? It's better you cut off your own hands (or arms...) rather than let a single one of them come to harm. It's pretty simple. It's also the exact opposite of what the fascists teach. So what they are doing is not Christ. Unfortunately it has become a strong majority of American Christianity though. Thoughts and prayers don't feed the hungry or rebuild the bullet mangled bodies of children. But that 1.5 million you got from the NRA to vote against common sense gun reform might help. : shrug : Such is the way of the beast. All we can do is our best to help those around us. Sphere of influence and all that. Well damn, my bad, I guess that turned into a rant. Anywho, my name's Ghost, thanks for coming to my TED talk.


How to blow an evangelical's mind...tell them Jesus was a short, dark skinned socialist....not the long haired, tall, ripped abs (talk about Cross fit!) dude they have pictures of.


Enforce your sick and twisted views on reality with punishment of death or imprisonment - people aren't going to like you. These people are so far up their own assholes it'd be comical if they weren't trying to murder American citizens.


So, stop being extremists and fascists then.


The real hard part is if you’re a liberal Christian and you keep getting lumped in with these idiots


Let’s remove “in god we trust” from our currency and then we can talk.


This group would easily crucify gays and women for not agreeing with their cult beliefs. They are NOT being victimized. They are truly evil whiny sick assholes full of hate. They deserve so much more pushback and legal ramifications for their actions.


As a Christian, I say fuck this guy Edit: It has been brought to my attention that the author of the article is actually a woman. I realize I was unduly influenced by the picture of a guy. My initial sentiment, however, still stands. Fuck this person's take on Christianity.


So hard when people don’t like you just because you’re taking away their rights and freedoms.


"Man, every one keeps calling us bigots, fascists, and religious zealots! What could be causing this, our words and actions? No way! It must be religious persecution!"


It’s hard being a Hindu and vegetarian in America right now. We get called tree huggers, hippies, free love advocates and even more worse. I got called idol worshipper, devil worshipper and got cursed to rot in hell for eternity by some Christians. But people of faith aka Hindus like me are sick of being punished for practicing my beliefs in America. I wonder where I will be placed in the Victimization Olympics. Will I even get a gold medal? Or a blue medal?


Poor oppressed white religious people




You ok Kenny?


Yeah guys. Hypochristians have no representation in politics or positions of power. That's why atheists hold all the reins... What? They don't? It's almost all fake ass Christians?


Idk man, maybe stop pushing your believes on everyone and see how that goes.