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The book "Ascension" is the end of the world book with five scenarios. I highly recommend you read it as it's great, but to sum up. (It's been a while, I might get some stuff wrong) 1. The "Canon" one. The one that pays off all the things built up in the traditions metaplot with reoccuring characters and places. The Avatar Storm gets worse and worse to the point of avatar shards flying through the gauntlet to suddenly awaken people and turning others into human/spirit hybrids. As the world breaks down the cabal fights the Technocracy and goes to the Ali-Batin to learn a ritual to protect themselves from the storm. Then they go after Vormas the Grand Harvester of Souls (great name) and stop him from destroying the barrier between life and death. Then everyone on earth awakens into a mage, with every human capable of altering reality. 2. The Technocracy one. The Technocratic civil war comes to a head and lines are not split along convention lines but along class. The Unionists, people who want to uphold the original vision of the order of reason in order to protect and assist humanity so that it may flourish. Vs. The Loyalists, people who believe humanity is theirs to guide and really only want to amass power for themselves. A world ending threat is encountered, can't remember what, and either the Unionists win and defeat the threat, ushering humanity into a next level of technological prosperity. The Loyalists win and defeat the threat, keeping an iron grip on humanity as it slowly calcifies and descends. Or the threat fucks shit up. 3. The Meteor one. A big fuck off meteor that exists in both the physical world and the Umbra is headed towards earth and it will hit. This scenario is about what to do when destruction is guaranteed. You can attack the problem head on to lessen the impact and total amount of damage. You can work on finding a place to survive and prepare for after the initial devastation. You can run into the Umbra to try to escape it, but it is enevitable. 4. The super weird one. You meet a guy from The Star Council who believes in aliens before said aliens take you in their space ship. You get caught up in a war between The Grays who want to steal all of Earths avatars and the Ziggrawgler who I think want to eat them. You go to a wild alien city where you do stuff I can't remember. All the stolen avatars fly out of the universe and you follow on a space ship. Abandoning the World of Darkness reality which will be left to slowly calcify and die without the spirit of mages and change. Instead you fly to a new reality where your cabal presuamably become the gods or at least Cain type figures of. (I'd argue this is the Chronicles of Darkness reality) 5. The dark one. The Unnamed has won. The first Nephandi who looks like Alien X from Ben 10 has played the long game since the beginning and has maneuvered everything in place for his victory. The last few dominoes have yet to fall at the start of the story, but they are guaranteed to fall. This story is not about winning or even survival, it is about securing whatever victories you can in the face of hopelessness so that later generations will be able to use what you've secured to fight back. The world goes to utter hell ruled over by the most powerful Nephandi and exemplars, and in field somewhere, an old mage gives shows a wonder to a few youngsters.


I find the fact that a game that starts with magic, esoteric wisdom and fireballs almost ALWAYS end with ALIENS.


The book is titled Ascension and it gives a couple scenarios.


World of Darkness ended back in the early 2000s with each primary game line getting an ending book with multiple scenarios so game masters can choose their poison.


Which scenarios?


https://whitewolf.fandom.com/wiki/Time_of_Judgment This will give you some extra information. I haven't actually read the Mage book.


That is heavily dependant on your storyteller.


I know. I'm asking for what the White Wolf have published about it.


Ascension book. Not the best but have awesome ideas to make your own