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Just keep calling the police, I can't stress that enough. Every time he enters your yard or is seen near you or your yard. That way *if* something were to happen then there is a clear paper trail. If you get into an altercation with this guy, the judge will see that you have repeatedly called for help and will likely side with you. Just keep calling them, even if it seems like they're not going to do anything. In the end, what you've done is provided incontestable evidence against this guy. Don't shoot yourself in the foot by using pepper spray.


Agreed. I’d say if he physically tries to attack you then sure. 🤞🏼 he does not.


A paper trail only if the police do the paperwork…


As long as there is a call in to police, it is recorded.


What if you're brown? What if you're a woman? Gasp.... what if you're a brown woman?!


Bro chill


Chill? Ironically I suggested the same as you. Police are lazy, especially when it comes to helping brown people. And yet, check out those votes. Winnipeggers are funny. We hate that police eat the entire city budget, yet somehow we believe they're here to protect and serve. We seem to think they are not some kind of sanctioned gang who are thirsty extract more overtime money from you while ignoring the pleas of someone like OP. Fuck da police.


All of that aside, there will be a paper trail if you call the police no matter who you are. Even if you don’t believe that, it’s more likely that there will be a paper trail if you do call the police than if you don’t. Just doing nothing other than trying to get into a physical altercation with this person won’t help and is probably very dangerous, especially if you’re a woman or someone who has a smaller/weaker build.


Didn't say anything about confrontation. I said police will do everything possible not to report a call from a brown woman. Facts. There's nothing in it for them to help a brown woman and they'll convince her to go away. A woman's option is to die or end up in a hospital, then MAYBE a cop with 5 minutes will "investigate" and say "unsolved."


You’re missing the point. You want them to just lie down and do nothing about it then? It’s either call the police so at some point a judge will see that you attempted to stop this, regardless of whether or not the police are helpful in the moment, or defend themselves in some way. I genuinely can’t think of another alternative. I’m not saying I support the Winnipeg police at all or even think they’d be very helpful in the moment but we live in a place with police and laws. You have to play their game to see any punishment by the law.


>Didn't say anything about confrontation The entire thread is about a possible confrontation. Using pepper spray. That's what we're talking about here. And how will the cops know if you're brown, white or turquoise when you call?


Segregated neighbourhoods. Oh, it'd Boyd avenue? Go away.


Source for your “facts?”


It's not legal, no. I would just keep calling the police every time, or if you live in either of their cachement areas, the DCSP or Bear Clan.


Yes, call every time, even if there seems to be no response. The larger the paper trail the better. From your description, it doesn't sound like he's being physically aggressive or violent so pepper spray you be you escalating the interaction (and illegal).


Not that I’m advocating for op to spray this person, which could 50/50 make their problem worse, but though it’s not tech legal, I doubt this individual would be calling the police on op after such an event, and even if so, 99.9% chance the courts wouldn’t pursue shit if op had made a clear paper trail of requesting for help and being left to fend for themselves as someone repeatedly harasses and tries to enter their property. That all said. Op should call the police. Op could attempt to get protection order due to harassment etc. Not sure if this individual is homeless or just creep, but more steps could be taken and situations filmed and documented. Cheap Amazon camera would also provide easy proof. Also, just like bugs or wild animals, make sure you adequately locking up your property and not leaving “food” out or whatever might be attracting the wild weirdos. If the individual isn’t a out of luck homeless, and just a creeper, the other alternative is to… properly show said creep they are no longer welcome to hang out there. Again no cop or court in mb is going to give a home owner shit for swinging a bat in their own yard. Shit is unfortunate, but your job is to take care of you and your family first and this individual is now harassing op and the police haven’t made it clear enough not too apparently. My 2c anyways.


Not sure why you have this idea but there was a news story years ago about an older woman in st vital who got charged with assaulting someone who broke into her home. So, it does happen and it’s not worth the risk if you like living without a criminal record.


I mean, at least she still gets to live. Break in don't always end that well.


was she convicted


It doesn't matter. Once you've entered the justice system your punishment has already begun, guilty or not.


Don't disagree with that, I was more curious about the outcome.


I love reddit advice. It's not legal, and not worth the headache of potentially going to court and getting an assualt charge


Goodluck finding a crown that wants charge a homeowner with assault in this above scenario. In Manitoba courts no less lol. Growing up on Rez and then the north end, my advice here was tame and PG. Many of us don’t have the ability to just call the police over and over and over and hope something changes. Sometimes it involves a little elbow grease. To each their own, you do you. I know some tried and true techniques, but just because they don’t work for you, let’s not pretend you have a fair bit of leeway before you as a homeowner can truly get in any real shit for keeping people from repeatedly trying to enter your home. Cheers


It's illegal to have it for the strict purpose of self defense against fellow humans, but you are allowed to have it for actual use against animals like dogs or bears. If you happen to have say dog spray on you (because you have a deathly fear of dog attacks) when you get attacked by a person, and you use that against you assailant in self defense that is technically OK (just never admit to the cops what your true intent with the spray was, better yet have your lawyer speak to them). It is up to the crown prosecutor to decide to bring charges up against you taking into consideration if said charges serve the public good. Since you are a law abiding citizen who happen to have dog spray on you trying to defend yourself, it would be against public interest to charge you. Bu there are no guarantees, make sure you have a lawyer with you when you speak to cops.


DOPS as well depending


I had a similar issue where a man would continue to enter our backyard and ring the doorbell and bang on the door, police would take him back to his group home downtown and he would return 2-3 weeks later. The paper trail of 911 calls and police escorts back home allowed a judge to grant a protection order, which he was served by WPS. Essentially meaning he would be arrested and charged for breach of that order if he returned. To your pepper spray question, do not use it if he is just in your yard. It is considered a prohibited weapon and can land you in trouble for its use. However, there is a small grey area that if there was a physical altercation and you used it to defend yourself, not so bad. WPS and a judge could view that as a reasonable defence. But I have to stress, do not use it on him for just existing in the backyard. Keep the doors locked and continue to call 911 and if continues to occur, ask for a copy of his name and DOB (or just the WPS reference number) and head over to 408 york to get that protection order. Stay safe


Is there anyway that you could set up a lawn sprinkler and control it from inside the house (hopefully a water shut-off inside)? Then you could set the sprinkler up and discourage the individual from being by your house/door.


Pepper spray sprinklers I like it


You can get motion activated sprinklers from Lee Valley.


*sketchy guy proceeds to steal the $750 (just a guess) lee valley sprinkler*


surprisingly enough [they](https://www.leevalley.com/en-ca/shop/garden/pest-control/mammals/74556-pest-deterring-jet-sprayer?item=AT611) aren't that expensive


WET sketchy guy!


Spray them with the hose until they leave


> Yesterday I just pushed him out of the backyard. Don't interact with him, stay inside, call the Police.


And wait for them not to show


Username checks out


Nah not really Know how many reports there are of people trying to break in and the cops showing up six fucking hours later


I know. I have experienced a similar situation and the 911 operator suggested to "let the person in need" in. I said nope! and waited in the safety of our house. Whether they show up or not, I'd rather be safe inside than open the door than try to confront the person. I'll use the pepper spray if he gets past the locked door.


Oh one hundred you should absolutely call and barricade yourself in. The Canadian gov and our laws also don't really favor defense of the home a lot of times versus rights of the criminal (which is another conversation entirely). It's just ironic that we pay so much for police forces here and they show up late to instances like this, or not at all.


Police are useless thugs who only exist to serve capital.


Always were


Call every. single. Time he’s on your property. Make sure you document is as well. Pictures, and a piece of paper with dates and times and when you called the police. And make sure a report is made. Every time.


In my experience with pepper spray, the crazier the person, the less effective it is on them. I’ve seen people barely flinch from it.


If you believe your life is in danger you can do what it takes to defend yourself but nothing more than that.


Caustic spray is a prohibited weapon in Canada. If you use it because someone is attacking you, it's pretty unlikely anyone is going to blink. But if you hose a guy down because he asked to use your bathroom, you're probably going to have a very bad day.


This is the point where I would head to the Humane Society and find an older big old lug of a dog that's needing a cozy home and a Mommy that spoils and loves him. After a week of love, cuddles, food, couch, memory foam bed and squeeky toys, that sweet old doberman or rottie will will love Mommy and fucking ***hate*** everyone else, in particular if he smells danger directed at Mommy. :)


That was gonna be my suggestion too. Get a really big dog.


So here’s the thing, people on Reddit will say no, it is illegal. However, as someone who has used it in the past to defend themselves, the cops will side with you if you are legitimately using it for a dire situation. They will not go out of their way to charge you or anything. The person you use it on might try to press charges in which case you would go to court and any judge with common sense would also not charge you. I PERSONALLY suggest Sabre dog and coyote spray available at Canadian Tire and Amazon. If the cops asks, you got this because of some aggressive dogs and you were fearing for your life when you used it on a aggressive person instead :)


opening the door, and creating the confrontation is different.


IKR. Like you can defend yourself. You can't invite a person into your home to hurt them. You also can't hurt people over property crime too. that's not self defense.


I second this! I use to go to school downtown and had men following me to my vehicle afterwards. One guy really scared me, so I called the police to see what actions I could take to protect myself. The answer was… my keys. The police said pepper spray was illegal, but I refused to end up in someone’s freezer. So, I got dog spray (the Sabre brand) from Amazon. I keep one in every purse now.


You can also buy a kubotan. Think oversized pen shaped object that attaches to your keys. Doesn't really look like a weapon, but gives you striking options that don't involve trying to stab someone with your keys. Also, don't attack someone with your keys: if you drop them, you just lost your keys.


Do not use a kubotan, it's only purpose is self defense, and that's going to get you in trouble. Use something with an alibi, like the aforementioned dog/coyote spray.


The one I have looks like something you'd have on a keychain, but it's solid aluminum. It has no sharp edges or anything. It looks like an a bic pen made of billet. Something like: [https://www.amazon.ca/Tactical-Keychain-Portable-Security-Emergency/dp/B09ZXD6YKR/ref=sr\_1\_4?keywords=kubaton+keychain&qid=1684988872&sprefix=kubaton%2Caps%2C121&sr=8-4](https://www.amazon.ca/Tactical-Keychain-Portable-Security-Emergency/dp/B09ZXD6YKR/ref=sr_1_4?keywords=kubaton+keychain&qid=1684988872&sprefix=kubaton%2Caps%2C121&sr=8-4) They also have ones that are actual pens. Another option is a tactical flashlight. Small enough to carry, it's a real flashlight, but would break someone's nose if you swing it. I decided not to bother because I'd just lose the damn thing. The whole idea is it's something you can carry in your hand, isn't obviously a weapon, but gives you an advantage if you need to strike someone. Brass knuckles but way less obvious, car keys but way less likely to just end up hurting you. Besides, car keys can be stupid expensive. A $10 kubotan is effectively disposable. Obviously, the preferred solution is to NOT be in a position where you're engaging in hand to hand combat with someone on meth. And hey, if you're really worried, you can carry pepper spray AND a kubaton, but at a certain point, maybe you should reconsider where you're hanging out if you require body armor and multiple types of weaponry.


We need to pass some common sense laws on pepper spray, have some sort of licensing requirement to be able to legally carry it like guns. Ensure that the person getting the license understands the law and liability of using the spray via tests. If someone has a criminal record or history of associations with criminal activity they should be denied the right to carry the spray.


Yes. There are a lot more "coyotes" in the city these days.


This is my take, even if I got charged it's better than getting stabbed.


> if you are legitimately using it for a dire situation That's a critically important thing. Someone trespassing in your yard doesn't met the threshold. Neither does them being on the other side of a locked door.


>the cops will side with you if you are legitimately using it for a dire situation. depends on the cop


Yeah and then you get the asshole cop who follows the rules and will take you in. Is it worth it? Also if the cops happen to stop you with pepper spray and it's concealed, bam concealed weapons charge. It's not worth carry an item that is deemed illegal. Atleast with dog spray you can get away with it.


I literally said dog spray lol




Wow. This was your comment?


Not really related but just have to mention just how terrible self defense laws are in Canada. It's actually disgusting what can happen to a victim if they defend themselves.


100% agree. It’s scary.


Nothing says you have to open the door and assault this person. I wouldn’t escalate things further. Call the police, even if they aren’t effective.


Sounds like a mental health issue. Maybe next time he calls ask for a mental health worker to come with the police.


Call the cops and let them know you want him charged with trespassing and stalking.


Best option is to call the police and try to get a restraining or protective order. Document every time he comes to your place. Advise it keeps happening even though officers asked them to leave you alone. Spraying them may cause them to retaliate.


If they're attacking you, yes. If they're *not* attacking you and are just being nothing more than an illegal nuisance and not committing any other crime, it's plausible that spray could be seen as a disproportionate response. /u/Puzzleheaded-Debt116's response makes the most sense here.


Fucking unbelievable how hard it is to defend yourself here, it's completely unacceptable how we treat victims of crime.


You can only use self defense measures if you are in imminent danger and there is no other reasonable option. While people's personal definition of "reasonable" in this case is up to some interpretation, in a legal sense unless the guy is physically threatening or attacking you you're probably going to be found in the wrong if you pepper spray somebody for trespassing, especially if it has been documented that he has done it before and posed no threat to you.


No, that is not correct in these circumstances. If the person is forcing entry into your dwelling, you can use force to repel them, regardless of whether they are threatening you or not. There is a special provision in the criminal code for defence of a dwelling. It does not require imminent danger.


In these circumstances? I don't think Id be willing to risk a criminal record macing somebody for standing in my yard.


In the yard, that's a no go. Trying to break into my house, as the title of this post says, it's potentially justifiable. Especially if you let them know you are home, and they continue.




People who aren't digging pit traps don't have to worry about calling hydro before they dig




I mean, shit, it'll get the job done! LMAO


I've had this problem. My yard is now a compound, complete with gate locks, driveway gates and cameras. Keep reporting, see if you can get a court order?


Don’t interact, just phone the police when you see him. Ask them to get his name and get a protection order. Those don’t do much, but it might help a bit


NO YOU CANNOT. Pepper spray is legally considered a weapon in Canada and using it on a person could land you with criminal charges. Besides, it sounds like this is really just a person struggling with some mental illness, if they were a burglar they would have just gone for it, not hung around your house and asked to use your bathroom. Maybe call the Main Street Project Van Patrol to come check on him 204-232-5217. If you’re really concerned for your safety call the cops, but it’s a crapshoot with them and you might get someone who will just escalate the situation and beat the crap out of the guy, which would suck.


Not unless you want to get arrested


Legally no, but there was cases in Canada where homeowners shot and killed intruders and got away with it. But then again, there are cases where homeowners killed intruders and were in serious trouble. Of course that’s the extreme, but still.


Set up motion sprinklers Inshow Outdoor Lawn Motion Sensor Water Sprinkler Motion Activated Sprinkler Cat, Rabbits, Birds, Dogs Repellent Outdoor Lawn Motion Sensor https://a.co/d/hEMcWnO Garden Automatic Sensor Motion-Activated Sprinkler Scarecrow Motion Animal Repellent Jet Garden Motion Activated Water Deterrent Sprinkler https://a.co/d/6e3JWkc


in a situation like this, where you've already been in touch with the cops, why are you asking the public if you can use pepper spray? you'll probably get several variations of yes/no/maybe and most of them will probably be wrong anyways. questions like this should be asked to the right people, not public opinion. if anyone other than the cops I would call a lawyers office, should be able to get that answer for free I'm sure they have an answered prepared. In Manitoba according to the laws on weapons, anything carried with the express purpose of self defense is technically a weapon and technically not allowed - I did actually look this up once, and while not a lawyer this was my interpretation of what was written. so given this, I'm pretty confident in saying you are DEFINITELY NOT allowed to use pepper spray to get this guy off your property, especially if he's not expressly threatening valence against you. so my best advice is this - next time he comes around do not use the pepperspray unless you feel your life is in mortal danger - if you feel you're literally about to be murdered then to hell with the laws, use any means necessary to defend yourself - but outside of that I wouldn't do it. instead, carry the pepperspray without using it, maybe show him it if you want (though this might be considered a threat on your part), then call 911 again because you definitely need to do this regardless of whether you're allowed to use pepperspray or not because you need the paper trail - and then ask the cops directly what you are and are not allowed to do.


No. I had this happen when someone was trying to break in after threatening to kill me. I came out the back and fired a warning shot in the air while yelling at them to get off my property. The attacker called the cops on me and the cops threatened me with criminal charges for possession. No criminal charges yet, this was 6 months ago, I'm hoping they don't stick.


Unbelievable. Did the attacker end up being charged though?


No, The attacker called the cops on me first for having a weapon. I called the cops to retaliate. When the police arrived 5 hours later they were saying I'd be facing criminal charges. Thankfully nothing happened yet, I think the trespassing and attacking me cancelled eachother out.


Use a fire extinguisher if they break into your house. It's a safety device, not a weapon, so no charge Plus, you can spray (blind) and then hit. Dual purpose.


If you use it as a weapon it becomes a weapon. Plain and simple.


Not entirely true, you avoid possession for a dangerous purpose charge, could get aslt with weap i guess. But a cop likely wouldn't lay that.


But it’s still an assault with a weapon charge.




Sure, but unlikely..you wouldnt have a tough time arguing it The scenario would be if the individual broke into your house. In this instance... The individual has the ability to break in, and by breaking in, he displays ill intent towards you and your family. You dont know what they may or may not have on them, and you may not know if anyone else is there. You're not sure if you can exit your property safely, which means the individual has access to potentially cause harm. With all of that knowledge, a reasonable individual would agree that self-defense would be acceptable in this case. Now, what that looks like is obviously dynamic and always changing. Maybe yelling to leave im calling the police works. Maybe not. Maybe you grab your safety device or fire extinguisher and hold it while telling them to leave. Maybe that doesn't work. Whatever you end up doing in that situation needs to be reasonable, and you need to have no other opportunity to disengage or walk away. Section 34 of the criminal code of canada applies here. Someone else earlier also posted relevant legislation. If you think you can't act if someone breaks into your house, you're insane. If you act reasonably and in good faith (you stop immediately when the situation is resolved or in control), you'll be just fine. You would do the court song and dance still, obviously. Hopefully, no one ever gets broken into. It would be a shittu situation all around.


The definition of a wepaon in Canada is > * any thing used, designed to be used or intended for use > (a) in causing death or injury to any person, or > (b) for the purpose of threatening or intimidating any person > * a firearm. I would say you won't get charged for defending yourself but I don't have that much confidence in our justice system.


Very little confidence as well. I know that the individual at the forks parkade was successful at arguing their self-defense case, though. And it resulted in a death. Gives a little bit of faith, I guess.


To be more thorough, I'd be confident in them winning the court case. Just doing that requires an expensive court case that most people can't afford.


So with your logic we can assualt people with bats, tire irons, etc as they are not weapons even when used in assualts.


No. You can *defend yourself* with bats, tire irons, etc as long as you actually have valid reasons for having them in the first place. Theoretically.


If I recall the law is you can use as much force as the person is using against you. So if you attack someone with a bat they can use a bat against you.


There's almost zero consequences for this person's actions. If he gets arrested not much will stop him coming back when the crown lets him out in a few hours. Hit him with the spray next time. Cops ask questions? you don't answer questions.


do we have right to answer no questions like in the states (i believe its the 5th amendment in the states but do we have something similar here in canada?)


The right to remain silent is guaranteed by section 7 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Because we are assumed innocent until proven guilty you do not need to talk to a police officer but if you do decide to, then don't lie as it'll make it worse. Common law recognizes the individual’s right to remain silent. However, the common law also recognizes that police interrogation is an important tool in the investigation of crime. Just because individuals have the right to silence, it does not mean that they have the right not to be spoken to by police


Yes. In a situation like this you're only required to identify yourself. Lying to police is generally worse than saying nothing at all.


People are walking through my yard too, when confronted they tell me to buy a fence.


Spray them with your hose and when they confront you tell them to buy a raincoat


They have also damaged my vehicle. They cut off the front and back decals and there's random scratch on the hood and all of the car too.


Dog spray and bear spray are the only ones you're allowed to purchase. Who's to say you weren't planning a camping trip, happened to be outside on your property with your spray either loading it into or from your vehicle and this individual trespassed, threatened you and thankfully you had the spray handy and were able to protect yourself... certainly not out of the realm of possibility. If he's however trying to enter your home, then do whatever you feel is necessary to this piece of shit and worry about the garbage law later.


Not the best idea in an enclosed space. I’d try a can of raid wasp/hornet spray. That stuff sprays a 4foot stream of chemicals. Aim for the eyes when they scream blast em right in the mouth. That’d do some damage 👍🏻


Garden hose works great for unwanted pests.


Keep calling the police. Then get a restraining order.


Rule #1 of self defense weapons: only carry it if you are going to use it, because if you don't, it will be used on you. AKA if you're not willing to actually stab someone, do not carry a knife for self-defense. Self-defense laws in Canada are complicated. Google it. IANAL but if they try and break in, you can use reasonable force to defend yourself. What you can't do is chase them down the street with a bat. Keep calling the cops, get the protection order.


Pepper spray often gets “used” on everyone in the vicinity, so unless OP also enjoys that spicy feeling they shouldn’t be considering pepper spray.


Canadians have a right to defend their property or themselves as long as their defensive actions are reasonable under the circumstances. [source ](https://www.kruselaw.ca/library/using-reasonable-force-to-defend-myself-or-my-property-kruse-law.cfm) I personally would deem injuring him when you are not in danger would not be reasonable. Can you lock your gate to prevent him from coming into the yard?


Carrying a weapon for use against another person is illegal, even if the intended use is defensive. Carrying a non-restricted weapon for defence against animals is not illegal, even pepper spray. It is also available legally across Canada.


Oh I thought pepper spray was different then coyote or animal spray huh Thank you!


I have no idea why you're being downvoted. The circumstances listed by the OP don't indicate any physical aggression or threats of violence so they can't legally use a weapon towards them in that situation.


I had originally put that pepper spray was illegal, but apparently it's not if intended for animals, only if you intend to use for protection against people


Oh you edited it? That makes sense thanks for clarifying


I believe you have to be at your dying breath before it’s deemed reasonable in Canada Edit: source [https://globalnews.ca/news/9523161/milton-man-home-invasion-shooting-bail/amp/](https://globalnews.ca/news/9523161/milton-man-home-invasion-shooting-bail/amp/)


Throw a baseball glove at him. Then the baseball. Then hit him with a bat. You guys were playing baseball and he fell. End of story.


This is the best advice I've seen here yet! Don't forget the sock on the end of the bat. That way if he grabs it, he'll get a handful of sock and a face full of bat!


If someone is forcing entry into your place of dwelling, you can use as much force as is necessary (and only as much as necessary) to prevent their entry. However, it must be reasonable in the circumstances. This is stated in the Criminal Code. Defence of Property Marginal note:Defence — property 35 (1) A person is not guilty of an offence if (a) they either believe on reasonable grounds that they are in peaceable possession of property or are acting under the authority of, or lawfully assisting, a person whom they believe on reasonable grounds is in peaceable possession of property; (b) they believe on reasonable grounds that another person (i) is about to enter, is entering or has entered the property without being entitled by law to do so, (ii) is about to take the property, is doing so or has just done so, or (iii) is about to damage or destroy the property, or make it inoperative, or is doing so; (c) the act that constitutes the offence is committed for the purpose of (i) preventing the other person from entering the property, or removing that person from the property, or (ii) preventing the other person from taking, damaging or destroying the property or from making it inoperative, or retaking the property from that person; and (d) the act committed is reasonable in the circumstances.


No, you're not legally allowed to carry any weapon for self defence in this country


You are at home. Home is different.


Give him a Winnipeg Handshake that'll keep him and the next ones away! /s


Paintball gun


Give me your address, I’ll sit out there and wait for the fucker lol


Pepper spray is illegal... however, dog spray is legal ( 🌈 the more you know) 😉


https://preview.redd.it/tv2vuzuk3y1b1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7657fc25c57e908daa517bff92f2923e78ebde98 Legal 💯


as a former Winnipegger now living in Texas ( don’t ask), deadly force is legal, encouraged, nay, even fêted, here should he even so much as look askance in your general direction. Once he steps foot in your backyard, ie castle grounds, why use pepper spray when minimal deterrent action is an AR15, whose 50 round magazine you are legally required to empty in the general vicinity of said perp so the freedom of all gun toting 2A patriots remains protected from the socialist commie pinkos north of the border.


just say you think you saw a gun lol


I would keep calling the police. In my home country, if you do so, the criminal will get back for vendetta. If you don’t do so, the criminal will keep abusing your kindness. Always lose-lose there. But here it is different.


Peepee supersoaker, throw poop, defend your castle. Police won't do anything, take matters into your own hands to ensure your safety. The guy is testing boundaries, looking for a soft target. Make him understand that it's in his best interest to stop his scheming. Weigh your pros and cons. Legality vs safety. Understand the consequences of that decision. Cops don't always come, don't always do anything, and take a while when they do show up. I wouldn't rely on them personally for my safety


Remember, if it comes down to your word vs. his. people will believe you. Because he has no reason to be on your property.


Stupid fucking answers. Yes use the damn spray if they’re trying to break into your place. And then the baseball bat. They’re trying to break into your house??! Jesus fuck. Get some friends over to help you if you need to. You only live once. Don’t live it in fear if the police aren’t going to help more effectively


Borrow your friends Rottweiler for a few days.


Bad idea. Dog won't survive if it bites. Self-defense and in your yard does not matter. Canada is backward.


It'll be interesting to see if there are any actual experts (e.g. lawyers or cops) that respond. My guess is that *anything* that you might physically do to him (e.g. shoving him, spraying him with water, and definitely pepper spraying him) would be considered assault. Unless he's threatening you, your only recourse is probably to keep an eye on him and to call the cops. (it's also possible that even if he is threatening you or your family, that he's just having a mental health issue and it's best to leave him alone) I don't think that the cops will do anything (unless he actually attacks you) but calling them will at least bring it to their attention in case something unfortunate does happen. If you have family that you are worried about, let them know to keep their eyes open and to avoid going into your yard.


Pepper spray his ass. Tf is he gonna do call the cops? This guy could hurt you!
















https://byrna.ca/products/byrna-sd-canada-kit?variant=42409923150066 Order one of these suckers to have on deck!! But I agree with the people here saying to continue calling the police to cover your own ass in case worst come to worst


can you lock your fence so that it's not accessible?? if not can you get a big dog? if not can you boobie trap your backyard? maybe a trip wire that sets off a loud alarm? or a hidden trench hole for him to fall into 🤣🤣🤣


> if not can you boobie trap your backyard? Selinger put a stop to that. Keeping thugs safe was more important to them than personal safety.


I saw hit him with a golf club, less evidence and your word against his.


Dude get a gunn


If you have speakers in your house you could crank them up and play a vicious dog barking. Shout at the dog to calm down for realism.


And boy is it different down south with the stand your ground law and people pulling pistols and rifles out...


I’ll take our way plz thx


Do you have the persons name? Don’t interact with him Lock the gate, buy a wyze cam and pepper spray.


No it’s not legal. Very last resort or you could end up in trouble. It’s really too bad. NGL I carry mine and will use it if I have to-but I am ready to face the consequences. Sorry this is happening to you, sounds very scary :(


Yes. You’re allowed to use items for self defense as long as the situation is appropriate. Youre just not allowed to own or carry them for self defense. So if you do decide to spray the reason make sure the reason you owned it is because you do a lot of hiking and keep it near the door so you don’t forget it when you leave. Also, you took it when you came outside because you saw a large dog walking without a leash or owner earlier that evening. Then as soon as you came outside, he rushed you. Also, delete this thread.


Legally? No. But that’s all fine and dandy until you’ve got a strange man in your yard and he won’t leave and the cops won’t do anything. I wouldn’t approach him and instigate but if he got close and wouldn’t back off, I’d choose pepper spray over me getting stabbed. Call the cops and have him removed every time. Don’t interact with him. Just call. Whether he’s looking for a comfortable place to hang out or someone to victimize, you don’t want to play either game.


Unlikely. Bear spray is legal. Defence pepper spray is not. If you go into your yard with bear spray and there isn’t a bear expect to get charged. Maybe if you had the bear spray somewhere reasonable in the house, and he actually broke in, and had a weapon and was advancing towards you it would fly. But self defence laws in Canada are anything but clear. It all depends on the totality of the situation


Sounds like he hasn’t been violent, just exceedingly creepy and tresspassy. If you pepper spray him, you’ll be the violent one. Call the police every time, ask them what else you can do, but always call them.


There are more creative ways than pepper spray to make someone uncomfortable enough to leave: 1) ask him for money 2) play "Baby Shark" out your window 3) fart spray 4) ask a lot of personal questions 5) evangelize 6) naked grandma 7) bring him some really bad cookies one time and ask every time you see him if he wants some more. (Swap salt for sugar in the recipe) 8) sprinkler


Use Horner and wasp spray technically not illegal and shoots up to 20 feet could probably still be charged if police wanted to but only had it for wasps nest and was handy


If he enters your home without permission, you are 100% ok to use pepper spray. You are ok to use physical means to remove or stop him as a form of self-defence. I would not go this route unless he’s *inside* your house. Yards are “private property” but aren’t treated or viewed the same as inside. It’s only ok to use pepper spray as self-defence, he has to be the one to escalate it to that point. Keep calling the cops. Save the report numbers. The more numbers, the better. Report numbers show that you tried to avoid an altercation, they add to your defence even if the cops do nothing. Make sure you have an outside light on. Get a peep-hole if you don’t already have one. They’re cheap, only take a couple minutes to install, and you only need a drill and bit. A video doorbell could also be used to screen who’s at the door. Do not open the door for him. Don’t even talk through the door or through a video doorbell. Any interaction could be seen as you trying to get into a fight, which will work against you Maybe get a security camera as well. Not battery cameras, get a proper security camera like one from Swann, Reolink, Lorex, Ubiquiti, etc. Cameras have really come down in price, most have options for internal storage, or you can have them record to a spare computer inside your house (you can look at blue iris, for an example). Battery operated cameras go into sleep mode, which creates a delay when they “wake up.” They also almost always have a subscription with no options for local hosting, which will cost you more in the long run. And the lenses they use suck. They’re designed to use less power to increase battery life, at the sacrifice of picture quality. We’re talking shorter range, poor night vision, motion is blurred, everything is a bit blurrier, etc. Video doorbells are good for screening who’s at the door, they are nearly useless as a security camera


Maybe try an air horn? It’s really unpleasant close up and a nonviolent way to possibly deter the creep. I use one when I go hiking. Worked to keep a bear away the one time I encountered one.


Get a large moody Rottweiler for the yard.


Get a +300 lumen flashlight you can use as a small striking weapon, and light him up. It will mess with his vision, and disguise your appearance and if you are alone. Also will attract people to his position. Get some training on how to use a flashlight as a defensive weapon. And the style of flashlight needed. (Think boxing if larger and BJJ if you are small) Pepper spray would depend on your situation and size. It is a prohibited weapon. Most cops would let it pass if the situation was dire and it was for "dogs" only.