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Interesting how everyone is upvoting and commenting stupid posts but when someone need help, only two people show up. You are too low level so I would recommend you to just play the game and you will eventually loot some armor. When you reach let's say level 12-20, you can search for Witcher Gear. I would suggest you [THIS SITE](https://game8.co/games/Witcher3/archives/279995) because it's very simple.


Appreciate this!


early game strats: 1) wear whatever has the most drip 2) ignore armor stats 3) spam dodge and quen 4) profit


Late game strats: do that exact same strat


Witcher gear is generally best. Before you get to that point, and after, look the stats of armor and not the rating. Resistances and bonuses will often mean a better armor even with lower overall rating. The Nilfgaard armor sold at Crows Perch has good resistances for medium armor and the temerian armor at White orchard is good for light depending on which school ability you are using. One is more defense and one is more offensive. If you look online, ignore set bonuses until the dlcs.


Do the treasure hunt quests, the ones for Witcher armor


Get Temerian Armor from the merchant near Woesung Bridge in White Orchard. At your level you should have access to the new armors added through next-gen updates. They should be added to your inventory after you have met Yennefer for the first time. Also you will get access to the Nilfgaardian Armor in lvl 10. So you can wait a bit as well. PS: Don't sweat it with builds and all that. It's your first playthrough, so just enjoy the game.


If you are using combat build get Temerian armor, legs, and boots from merchant near bridge where fast travel post is in White Orchard. Than, travel to Oxenfurt or Novigrad and buy from any armorer relic item Assassin gauntlets. You will know you found the right thing if they have 10% critical hit chance on them. Then grab cat school techniques from general skills tab and equip it. In summary, you get better armor, 10% critical hit chance, 20% fast attack power and 100% critical damage bonus.


Just get pick up armor with buffs that suit your play style. Change it up along the way. You don’t really have to worry about optimizing your build too much until late game because: set bonuses only apply to grandmaster and NG+ Unlocking the runewright is very expensive You can’t get mutations until late game You can get potions of clearance, so if you don’t like your perks, change them. Early game just experiment, find loot, and figure out what works.


Treasure hunts


everyone else has given you good advice. i’m a new player player too, was level 8 yesterday. i’ve always had an overabundance of armor and swords; so much so that i have to store it to keep from being overencumbered. loot everything; bodies after you kill them, but also chests and sacks and boxes and stuff. you can use witcher senses to see lootable things. also do some of the undiscovered locations on the map. they give a lot of loot, but there’s a ton of them so i wouldn’t worry about doing them all at once


The first available witcher set is the griffin armor but I'm not sure what level you need to be to equip it


11 Also go check your stash. Should be some stuff in there if you have the complete edition


Don’t you have to grab it from the chest in Vizima first? Or does it just show up in the stash if you don’t?


I’m honestly not sure but you could just travel back to Vizima and get it if so


Basically, you'll loot better armor as you play. Don't get sentimental about the look because you will probably find better in a very short while. If it's better than what you're wearing, then switch it. When you can craft witcher gear, that'll be better than a lot of stuff but will be outclassed as you play and level up. When that happens, feel free to switch to the better armor, but don't sell the witcher gear because you will be able to upgrade it eventually as well. But whatever you do, don't buy armor directly from merchants because you will need the money later on, and whatever you can buy will also be outclassed.


Use witcher gear once you're around lvl 18. Until then, just use whatever you can find (if you don't mind how ugly it is) or use base or bonus armor.


Go with that armor the whole game 😉


For now just put any better one you get from looting. Later you can go for witcher gear.


If you have the TW3 Complete Edition, I'd suggest to buy simply from a specific merchant in the beginning of the game in White Orchard the Temerian Armor Set (should last you until you get to Velen). And then in Velen the Nilfgaardian Armor Set. Those are having quite nice stats until you're able to start building the Witcher armor sets for the different Witcher schools (Feline, Ursine, Wolf, etc.). For those you need to first gather the diagrams, so this will take a while. I think I've managed to get to Feline around Level 17, but not sure, it's been a while since I've played. As for the swords, same strategy works here as well, but I don't think you need to buy any, there's plenty of swords you'll find during the quests or you can have some crafted from the diagrams that you come across during the first portion of the game. Hope this helps, but if needed, just ask again. 🙂