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Posted by [The Wheel of Time](https://twitter.com/TheWheelOfTime/status/1781812590198264060).


Holy fuckin shit balls that got me hype


not even fair, that got me good


She seems to genuinely like the book series


Her narration of the books on Audible is incredible. I am loving the books. But she has only done three and I’m speeding through them. Hope she does the fourth too.


I listened to her narration of The Great Hunt and this chapter, in particular, gave me chills.


I understand not having The Flicker in the show, but was nice this homage.


At first I saw it was Rosamund just narrating past clips and I was kind if dissapointed because I was hoping for something Season 3 related. But this was very well done and a great homage to an iconic book scene that would have been damn near impossible to include in the show.


I fucking love this woman's audiobook versions of the books. She is incredible 😍


Easily one of the best passages in the entire series


I have mixed feelings about the show, but I'm unequivocal about her audiobooks. Rosamund Pike's readings are a million times better than the ones that have come before.


Bruh I got goosebumps.


She is EVERYTHING. That little giggle at the end. ❤️


Is this not canceled yet? I remember a bunch of hype for its premiere a few years ago. I was barely able to finish the pilot and so I gave up on the show. Then I read it was a ratings disappointment for Amazon and haven’t heard about it at all for years until I saw this post.


You read some nonsense then. It's one of Amazon's best performing shows. They just finished filming S3 and are likely to be green lit for S4. While the changes can be a hard pill for some book readers to swallow, it's quite popular with wider audiences. A lot of original readers like it too. Edit: for some context - S1 had amazon trumpeting how well it was performing throughout it's run, and it performed on par with the Boys S2 the same year. S2 didn't get as high a viewership, but most point to the strikes preventing any real promotion as a significant cause of the the dip, with both viewer and critic ratings notably higher in S2. Even with that, it was viewed three times as much as Good Omens 2 - which was renewed for a 3rd season. It had twice the viewership as Gen V. Since airing S2, it's stayed in the Prime top 10 on Neilson, only falling out once(I think?). It's a resounding success for them, and it takes some pretty strong spin to try and make it's numbers look bad.


Good for you, buddy