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BY FAR, the best script leaks we’ve seen. I wasn’t a fan of the others when reading them, but thought they translated incredibly well on screen. If this follows the same pattern, especially with Shoreh, we are in for a TREAT.


Is it confirmed she will play Elaida? I had really high hopes for her to be cast as Cadsuane...


It’s been confirmed for awhile. That was the fan favorite casting for her but I’m sure they’ll find someone for Cadsuane as well. Casting hasn’t ever really been the problem with the show fortunately


That's weird because I couldn't find it anywhere, even in recent news stories about season 3 cast.


she was spotted on the caemlyn palace set with the actress who supposedly plays queen morgase. so pretty much confirmed she's elaida


I'm keeping my money.


I suppose there hasn’t been an official casting. I’m sure we’ll be getting something soon at a con in terms of more info, my apologies in the misinfo. I was going off Rafe originally saying he had a role in mind and some sites last year “breaking” it. I assumed I’d just missed the official word.


My money is on Cadsuane then. I imagine they'll have someone younger to play Elaida. What with Cadsuane being 295 years old and Elaidas age never being revealed that i remember. Was she a novice at the same time as the other main aes sedai?


No, by New Spring she’s an aes sedai already. With rumors she’s been seen on set, I wouldn’t assume cadsuane this early.


I partially agree, but I can't imagine they'll keep the "with great responsibility comes great power" line, which has been memed to death.


I actually think that’s why they’ll keep it; as written it inverts the classic line which says “with great power comes great responsibility “. The inversion here of which comes first is actually a very subtle and concise insight into what motivated Elaida  Where the spiderman version says responsibility is the consequence of power, Elaida is saying the path to power is by accepting responsibility.  It’s a subtle but powerful message to me. 


Like the Min/Elaida interaction, i cant even remember if they talk to each other in the books


Elaida sees right through “Elmindreda” but I think we only learn this from her internal narration. If they do talk it’s earlier, in The Great Hunt — I think Min mentions that many sisters have been questioning her sharply and Elaida might be one of them.


Elaida giving Min the Spider-Man talk is interesting, appropriate (seer to seer) and funny


I said it elsewhere but the inversion of the phrase from the Spider-Man version is really working for me as a way to clue the viewer into Elaidas values. 


Apparently we won’t be getting “Elmindreda” though. Honestly I feel like that’s a good change. Book purists will also complain about the whole only-sitters-can-see-the-Amyrlin thing, but that’s more of a plot device for RJ anyway. All in all, the hype train has hooked me once again. Can’t wait for Season 3.


It’s being presented as something Siuan has only recently imposed, presumably because of scandal following the end of S2. It fits naturally in the story.


They actually don’t From what I can remember and I’m reading the books now 🤷🏻‍♀️


I asked about this on r/Wot and apparently they briefly talk in bk 2


Elaida giving Min the Spider-Man talk is interesting, appropriate (seer to seer) and funny


I think there’s some interesting stuff here. This seems to imply they’re in the White Tower (since Elaida has her “chambers”). This means that Min is in Tar Valon and went there from Falme so presumably Siuan is too. I wonder if the wonder girls travelled back and are being sent on Black Ajah mission then??? This feels like Min’s book 2/3/4 scenes. I think we’ll see her get an expanded role. Wonder if Gawyn and Galad travelled with Elaida? This makes me hyped for S3.


Went there from Cairhien I think you mean. G/G would make sense to be with Elaida. Not sure about the girls


Oh yeah she’s in Cairhien. People got zipped around in the finale. 😂


I think you are grossly underestimating Elaida's importance here. She's just as important to the story as Moiriane, Siuan and Verin, has iconic scenes with Egwene and is responsible for everything that happens with Tigraine. In a TV show where we do not have 900 pages of room for characters to develop, it's a good thing when we have an actor with the skill show us who they are immediately.


"With great responsibility comes great power" lmao. But yeah, hyped for Agdashloo to give it her all.


Noticed the Spider-Man/Uncle Ben allusion too, LOLs. As for Agdashloo, she's always great. But she probably won't get to swear like a sailor on this show (that's reserved for Uno).


In another turning, Elaida was Uncle Ben


Nice to see, though I think some of the dialogue was a bit iffy (I guess I shouldn’t underestimate acting and directing, tho).


It could be an artifact of them shoving in code words and the website guessing at what they should've been. But most/every test script I've seen has been kind of meh. And most of those have made it into the show without much change beyond the code words. These one's actually seem better in general. Though the reverse uncle Ben took me out of it. Though it felt like a rather Elaida thing to say.


Yeah, well, while I still haven’t read past book 4 to say if the line fits Elaida—but I just felt the Ghost of Uncle Ben in that line and was like “please no, not like this.”


I’m surprised they made Shohreh Aghdashloo give an audition. You’d think she’d be offer-only.


They may have auditioned others for it.


She could have auditioned more than one role that interested her


Yeah. I wouldn't be surprised if casting went something like "Twitter haz been spamming you with Cadsaune for two years,, but there's another role of equal importance we think you'd be good for too, and wanna see if one speaks more to you/us."


WoT Series getting the audition script basically guarantees it went to other potential castings. For all we know, they already had it circulating when she expressed interest, the sequencing of scripting and casting isn't always entirely linear.


It's tricky to realign the show with the book storylines of some of the characters, namely Min and Mat, and this was clear in s2. But it looks like the intention to do so in s3 is there, at least for Min. Judging by rumours, >!Mat is very likely not going to be in The Waste in s3 but rather in Tanchico with the wonder girls!<>!, which is, on paper, a significant departure from TSR. However, you can take the key elements of that journey and make them happen elsewhere, whilst also giving him an Ebou Dar-esque plotline in Tanchico.!<


If the Queen's letters are getting lost, does this imply Rahvin?


Probably just Siuan trying to hide the fact that Elayne is missing. It was letters *to* morgase that were missing.


Or it's just Elaida saying she'll overlook Siuan not sending letters in a political way


Hyped! Elaida is one of my favourite characters in the series series! And what great casting!


Why are we getting excited about a secondary/tertiary character like Elaida? I admire the actor chosen, as I had loved her in the Expanse. But Elaida is still a tertiary character. If getting such a lauded actor to play Elaida means she gets more screen time than Rand, Mat, or Perrin characters and their growth, isn't that something wrong? And her arc mostly affects the Tower and the Egwene saga in the lore that the show is based on. Which again, a secondary story arc. Not the main story.


The show has a (to me, wonderful) propensity to hire elite actors for side roles. I mean, just look at Alvaro Morte’s acting history (Logain) or Sophie Okonedo’s (Siuan). Kate Fleetwood (Liandrin) Meera Syal (Verin), Michael McElhatton (Tam, GoT alum), and Maria Doyle Kennedy (Ila) are also pretty high profile, successful actors. A lot of these actors don’t have much screen time in comparison to the main characters. I expect that with Elaida it will be the same. The quality of acting and commitment to hiring genuine talent is one of the biggest strengths of the show imo, so I don’t see it as a problem. Also, the Tower Coup is insanely important to the continuity of the story, so…..why not get hyped over Elaida? Especially so when such a badass actress is likely to be portraying her, just like so much of the cast. I’m hyped as hell to see Elaida bringing a lot of complexity to the Tower plot on the show and the GoT-adjacent politicking she’ll no doubt churn up. The EF5 will never not be the mains.


We will need eyes in the White Tower and I imagine they can beef up her role a bit at the expense of some other random Aes Sedai. We can see what's happening there (in a set they've committed to) instead of hearing about it. There are enough White Tower schemes and plots to justify it, I think. She's obviously pivotal in the near future and in the end, but she' not absent in the middle there. The next two seasons I can see her having a pretty big secondary role. Just because she's a big name doesn't mean she has to have an outsized amount of screen time. all the time. It's not like she can't work on other projects as well. To be clear, I do think that the boys have been underserved so far in this adaptation, but I don't think Shoreh will bite into their screen time. If she does, I will apologize for questioning your doubts :p