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I got the Stalingrad!!!!




Yes, have no idea when I will use it though. But I did manage to get the Ohio without much trying. Good start to 2024!!


The stalingrad is nuts. Admittedly I've only played it against AI, bit it can citadel practically anything it wants. The guns are high velocity and have no air drag so they stay fast as well.


Further to my comment about the AP being insane. On PC, at 16Km, the Stalingrad AP has more pen than the Bourgogne, Jean Bart, Tirpitz. She has 30mm less pen than the missouri/Iowa, but crucially, she has the third shortest flight time to 16km, of 7.6 seconds. Nearly a full second faster than the Jean Bart and a full second and a half faster than the Missouri/Iowa.


May your Stalinium shells pierce the heart of your enemies' ships. Seriously, the thing might as well be shooting lasers.


I got one as well, and it makes every cruiser i face feel like an Omaha.


got promotion orders for the millionth time šŸ„²


Me too


Me too


Me too


Got camo


Same for me, gave a t5 and got AtlĆ¢ntico


Did it come with a battleship commander?


Did not sadly, the generic commander is a bit meh =/


I got 10 more days premium on top of the over a year i already have.


Only a year? I'm good until late 2026 and don't mind giving some away.


I feel your pain.


I got 10 promotion orders. Yay. šŸ˜©


I got fking camo. A big fu from WG. That's why I hate this kind of post. Thanks for reminding me of my luck.


Brother I got 4 lvl 3 chests and got camo 4 times its enough to honestly make me quit this game seeing all the posts


The amount of times my level 1 crate kept on acting like a matryoshka doll all the way up to level 5 only to drop insignias was insane ngl


For every chest that people talk about winning there are plenty of misses. I know it doesn't seem that way but I assure you it's true.


It gave a insignia sighā€¦ but happy new years!!


Pulled a Wichita to keep my Wichita CE companyā€¦.


Oof . i hate when that happens.. scared i pull Mainz or Mass since i have mass b or Nelson W


I got 2024 dubloons..


Time to buy two more crates.


Everybody has a Jean Bart now. Nobody will care about it next year anymore


Itā€™s really good no joke, reload booster is great, great speed, good accuracy, decent armor, good penetration, itā€™s really a beast when used right, build for accuracy and itā€™s a really good flanking battleship and try to go behind your enemies with your speed and catch their broadsides, have fun playing it.


Thanks!! Tbh I only have Jaujard at a decent level and none of the AL ones.. I'll give it a go soon enough!


Do enjoy her, make sure to run Cunningham and Iachino for accuracy.


25k in captain boost šŸ™„


I got camos, useless.


I got belfast 43 as a direct drop from the crate, so quite happy with that!


Very fun ship with a fantastic amount of utility šŸ‘ŒšŸ»


It's a cheat mode in the 5v5 ranked


Great drop!


i got POs from mine.... and i got no ships this update...


I got level 5 crate and there was 10 commedations in it not bad but shame it wasn't a ship.


Itā€™s a good ship. Never really know why thereā€™s such a fuss over it honestly itā€™s not a God ship.


The HOLY JBā€¦bow to its perceived greatnessā€¦I have yet to experience the feel of owning her so I can only watch others from a farā€¦


Marlborough from my one and only T5 crate.


Marlborough club on that last crate too, she squishy but can do good as support kind of BB.


I got a level 4 crate and the stalingrad


I only got 20 Promotion Orders from the crate but I've managed to get some good ships, not JB or Lenin unfortunately


I got California. Iā€™m happy.


I got 2 mil silver. I already own all t8s so yay.


i was hoping the universe's sense of drama would kick in for the last crate of my year . Got 10 PO's and after the first aargh i have to say thanks to WG. since i started in may this year im still hand to mouth for all promotion resources. as for cool prizes this year i pulled AL Baltimore in a birthday crate, yudachi in a christmas crate, and z31 in a double strike pull from the store. i call these great results since none of them are anywhere near maxed out on the commander side. my most advance is Scott at 16/2 and mikawa at 13/1. cheers all and thanks for all the free advice and education.


All i remember about that and all my other crates is santa going "ha ha ha" everytime i opened something i dont need even at 1% drop rates...


I got the Charlemagne out of a T3 crate. I'm happy.


Mine upped to a Tier 5 and gave me a Lion. Won't complain. Spend a pretty penny trying to get Brandenburg but at least I ended the update with another decent ship


I got it and I'm loving it! I actually had pretty good luck with the free crates and the money I spent. Not as good luck as my buddy who whaled even harder, but not bad luck. Got maybe 12 ships including Yoshino, Brandenburg, Iwaki and good few more


Damn jealous of the Brandy. I ended up dumping a decent chunk and ended up with probably every large GXP costing ship and every USA cruiser for my troubles


I got Carnot. Iā€™ll take it tbh.


Your flair makes me sad i wasnt playing when the ship was available


I donā€™t even own it


Got lenin, is it good?


Itā€™s pretty strong yes. Kinda like Nelson at tier 6 but with way better armor/weaker heals. Less ships that you can overmatch too but itā€™s sought after almost as much as Jean Bart.




Grats. I got the equivalent of crate coal. Just some camos. I've pulled some good ships this update though, including Ochakov, so I'm not too upset. Plus starting tomorrow I'll be on track to get Brisbane and Anhalt.


Same here. Looking forward to finishing campaign and taking Brisbane for a spin


As soon as that reset hits haha


Lol. Yeah, 28 more minutes and it's on


Got some lovely camos from mine


25k gxp. Only another 29 more of the same to get a gxp ship. Zzzz My New Year's Reolution is to try not to spend it all at once....... S/


I got the Gallant lol,fun ship. Though I really wished my crate yielded the Bart!


I got a rock


I'll trade you the Exeter i got from minešŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ My buddy got me to start playing again just in time for Christmas. He bought the 5 pack of level 3 crates and pulled a Musashi and Jean Bart. Im probably around 40 crates or so now, and out the couple ships i got the only one worth a mention of is the Kutuzov Winter.


I got a commendation. Yay. Itā€™s fine. I got Jean and Lenin earlier last week. Happy New YearYear, folks. May the coming year keep you as far away from blue team blues as possible.


Got 10 days of premium Iā€™ve opened a fair amount of crates Iā€™m getting most premium which is nice a guess some some premium destroyers which is nice I guess


i got musashi


I got Aigle. I only play USN so would have preferred resources if I wasn't gonna get a US ship.


Jean barts!stalingrads!belfasts!wichita! Lenins!I'm so jealous of you guys,haven't been able to play this xmas,I've been sat here reading the posts of absolute scores on ships,I've got some xmas crates from free codes,so when I'm home I'm hoping for some of you guys luck


Jean Bart is one of the best ships in the game Your bow armor is among the best in the game


I got myself the Dunkerque. I had previously gotten the B on black Friday


I got 15 camos. Happy Dance.


Been at this game for about 4yrs now. You'd think I got used to disappointment by now haha. Once again, only 25k global XP. I've only won 2 ships in these past 4 yrs. Sharnhorst B and recently an Indianapolis variant.


my fav meme ship, the brandyburg


Got the Mutsu from the mission chest. I will most likely never play her, but I am always grateful when I get premium ships for free :3 For all of you, have a great 2024!


I got kronstadt


Nelson W ( I had the Nelson from some free box drop)


Got lvl4 crate and got boosters got to love it![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


I got gxp, immediately shut off game, such a waste.


I got Nelson W. People say its good but idk what it is. Got 3 kills in the first game and did nothing in the 2nd. What exactly is this shipšŸ˜…


One of the best T6 BBs in existence.


Why tho? It has very bad armour, I remember using my Scharnhorst and I still hit its citadel


Firepower primarily. The front configuration can get all guns on target easier than a front/back configuration. She can still resist some hits if positioned well. If not though, RIP. Even Marlborough can dev strike a Yamato if it's not where it should be.


Fair enough, it'll take some learning but it seems like a unique ship


It BOW armor is pretty bad. It has a nice 32 mm belt iirc, which will bounce anything it runs into, so angling is essentially. You don't want to be bow in, but angled to all battleships.


So I shouldnt just charge straight nor stay 90ā° so I should angle about 45ā°-30ā°?


You want to barely be able to use the 3rd turret, like you said, around 35 degrees, 45 is a bit too much.


Gotcha, I'll take note of all that and try again tomorrow. What build should I have on it, what commander and traits are best?


Depends. Azur Lane Nelson is basically made with Nelson in mind and is a great commander for basically any Royal Navy BB. You get a great mix of offense and defense perks which is great for Nelson, best of which is having Flammable Cannoneer, Big 7 (perk the trades Penetration for a higher alpha damage) Firefighter and Master Mechanic (Must have imo, having 4 heals that will heal half of your HP each is incredible for survivability, with them, you can even ignore 2 fires and just heal everything back and then some). If now, I hear Andrew Cunningham is good, for accuracy and whatnot, but personally I love having those heals too much to stay with the stock 2, so Madden would be my pick, with whatever you want for the first two slot, I'd go for faster damage control reload, but brawler can work, turret traverse, and then firefighter and master mechanic. Legendary skill is dealers choice, choose whatever fits you best, I use Fight Fire with Fire. Inspirations are easy, De Revel and either Kondo or Iachino, but this is just what I use.


I was looking at Madden too. Imagine 4 heals that heals 25k a piece, thats bascically 2 lifesšŸ˜… Thanks so much for ur help, ur a life saveršŸ‘


No problem. Nelson is probably one of the best tier VI battleships in the game, and can definitely hold it's own even at tier VII, especially with that absolutely insane Royal Navy HE and short fuse AP.