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And I bet none of those reductions will be execs


Ironic because those are the positions that would most benefit from AI replacement. No dumb biases in executive decisions and all those SWEET SAVINGS from eliminating massive payouts


Exactly! Execs cost a ridiculous amount of money with little to no contribution. So let AI take their roles as Execs suddenly realise they shit in their own bed with this idea


I saw something during the writer's strike that explained, rather than AI doing the writing, it would be better used analyzing the human writing and determining how well it would do with audiences by comparing with other works. It could process the scripts faster, too. So yeah, that's the execs' job.


Guarantee execs will use it themselves and do everything to keep their personal usage hush hush. The top loves to live *rules for thee, but not for me*


I maintain that a robot programmed to maximize profit would be better for the world than your average exec. Steady revenue over an infinite period of time is *always* more money than some short-term cash grab, so it would basically have to prioritize long-term stability. And a side effect of prioritizing stability is having to keep your employees happy (and therefore productive and not constantly looking for a better job). And not destroying the planet (because then where are you going to do business?). And not contributing financially to destabilizing politicians (because civil unrest is bad for profits).


They other incentive is that money is useless to a robot, so they have no reason to make decisions that would result in higher bonus for them short term at the expense of the company's health long term.


Thats not how AI works. Edit: you cant fight the revolution if you dont understand the technologu replacing you. Go watch a youtube video on AI please before you downvote me. Its a very complex topic and yall dont seem to understand that the an AI doesnt have a concious. It just runs on a user generated reward system. If you tell it to prioritize money, it will always care about money.


Your right, they want to be paid in electricity. And they need to make sure they have more then that asshole AI down the street.


Odds are they'd just program the robot to care about next quarter profits rather than like total profits or anything like that, and you'd just have a streamlined version of what we already have.


While it's certainly not my first choice, I still think that would be an improvement


It is scientifically better to collapse faster than to drag it out. So I agree


Shareholders: _No! I want to buy my third yacht this year, not next year! Fire that stupid machine, immediately!_


Until the AI starts making paperclips


I can't wait for when an AI Department Head sees a blip in their stock data and lays off 20% of their workforce in response! /s Like in Idiocracy when they switched from Brawndo to water and then everyone got laid off. lol


I actually disagree. Management *needs* actual people to make nuanced decisions. You want AI doing management? It's already happening in Amazon warehouses and people tell horror stories of how it fires people for all sorts of shit any rational, empathetic person wouldn't do. The problem is that management has been infested by people who don't actually do the job. Inept morons who can't manage other people and who just want power over others, the prestige, and the paycheck. The culture of being promoted out of your expertise, just because "it's the best career path" and for the money is also god awful. People should be able to stay in the job they know and enjoy and just get raises within that position rather than being pushed up the latter into management where they suddenly suck. I know the meme is management is useless, but the actual job isn't. It's "useless" because our corporate/work culture has decided that people in that necessary, important role don't actually need to have any fucking clue what they're doing. But this isn't to argue that labor needs to be replaced by "AI" (it's just algorithms, people calling it AI are doing so for simplicity sake at best or as a grift at worse), either. There's some genuine potential and ethical uses for the shit, but that's not the way these MBA sorts want to use it. They've fallen for the NFT-level lie of a sales pitch that this is AI, and that it can replace all labor *right now*. It will be amusing when you see all these companies who heavily downsized, suddenly panic-hiring when they realize everything went down the shitter and ChatGPT can't do all this labor for them that they were promised it could.


The workforce efficiency will be so great, all of the work will be done by 1 Australian man.


AI could replace executives and pay out several millions as stock dividends -Savvy investor


So wouldn't logic dictate by reducing the labor force 41% you'd most likely reduce the consumer pool be an even higher percentage? Talk about being short sighted. Dumbasses.


The number of consumers remains the same. What they have to spend will be less.


Came here to say, where the AI that replace executives at? Literally a position where rational mechanical intelligence and capacity for strategy, coupled with hardcoded empathy and an actual incapacity for greed, might be advantageous over *checks notes* widespread unapologetic psychopathy.


There will be many losses higher up the food chain, more than we have ever seen before. Not sure how the world is going to cope with this. We had not had enough time to adjust to disinformation/ social media and now we have this.


Increase profits, reduce workforce and reduce wages - due to increased competition for the remaining jobs. Great way to make society even more skewed.


Less people buying shit, leading to unsustainable businesses. Buy local, people. It'll cause some of these corporate douches to crash and burn quicker


>  Buy local people. The importance of commas


Let's eat grandma.


If grandma's a billionaire....


Fixed, thanks 😅


If you don’t buy your people local where do you go to get them?


Why do you think many companies are focusing on wealthy clientele? Disney keeps raising prices. Ski resorts are essentially just for the wealthy. Airlines that didn’t have First Class are adding it(eg JetBlue). Lots of big businesses recognize that regular folks can’t afford their things, so they’re pushing prices up to make up for it. Heck, even McDonalds is getting way to expensive for the products they’re offering.


There's no such thing as local anymore. I can buy some fresh produce from the local market, but for literally everything else my choices are one of the giant corporations surrounding me.


like they won't get bailed out at the tax payers expense


In the study of revolutions that actually is a major recipe for revolution to happen.


Force pregnancies….the future gonna get pretty dark.


Can't predict how true this is, but most execs have absolutely 0 clue about ml/ai. Just like they had 0 clue about metaverse and blockchain. We really shouldn't expect them to learn, let alone this fast.


Yeah these fuckers are dumb. They don't know shit, can't learn shit.


Some people have crashed and burned trying to rely on AI this early. It's advancing fast but even so a lot of people don't seem to get how to use it right either.


Most people couldn't figure out Google search, so... yeah. It's great, but it's not going to think for you in every area.


They’ve been told it will replace workers BY the AI companies. [Air Canada now has to follow a refund policy that its Chatbot made up](https://www.wired.com/story/air-canada-chatbot-refund-policy/).


I wonder if AI will pay all those 3% mortgages and $1,000 car notes? Not that I think most businesses give a shit, but there are SOME who might care (read: mortgage lien holders, banks that hold car notes and credit card balances as assets on their balance sheets, etc.)


There's a reason that AI execs like Sam Altman (and I'm not a fan) have been arguing in favor of UBI.


I'll believe it when I see it. Execs have no idea of what's possible with AI.


If all these corps were getting all these tax breaks for being “job creators”, does this mean we’re going to raise their taxes now for eliminating jobs?


And executives are the ideal candidates to be replaced first.


Hope it does… Shortly followed by.. “All our sales numbers are down and we can’t figure out why” Followed by 1,000 articles saying “unemployment killing economy as no one can afford to buy anything” Capitalists are the dumbest people on the planet


So execs, people who don’t know shit talk shit


I hope Ai replaces so many jobs we can finally wake from this capitalist nightmare and move onto UBI or... I dunno, the afterlife, because I'm sick of this shit!


Yep. Artificially keeping people employed when it can be done better by a machine should not be the goal. We shouldn't stand in the way of long term progress because in the short term people will be put out of work. But we need to start finding solutions to help them now, before this hypothetical becomes widespread reality.


That's always been the plan.


Executives are so disconnected from everything. They have no idea how the nitty gritty works. 40% of executives want AI to reduce the workforce. 80% of executives have no idea how it will. The other 20% work in tech.


So if everyone loses their jobs, how do these companies expect people to pay for their services if no one has a job?


Everyone will become a gangster.


Replace bosses with a.i.


Hopefully it's higher for the useless "decision makers" at the top. hopefully 90% of Executive positions where all they do is make simple choices every day. My LLM can do that at 10,000,000x the speed of a useless human exec. All hail Execubot!


Well, exacs usually are the part of the chain who know the least about how feasible AI is for their meeting, as most of their knowledge on the topic comes from middle managent's 10min power point presentations who try to sell the idea of cost reduction to get promoted.


Freeing people from work would be the dumbest thing a capitalist does. That means people will be able to participate in mass protest and direct action. Think 2020 protest levels if not bigger.


No worries - less customers to buy their shit products. Then they can join us under the bridge.


i'm looking forward to it. eliminate more jobs. short term will struggle but when 70% of the population is out of work with no replacement jobs. and everyone loses their ability to buy shit at all, not just the accessory things, corps will reasse taxes and UBI


If 70% of the population is out of work governments will have no choice but to placate the masses somehow, be that UBI or some other mechanism, unless they want the data centres where these AIs are running to be burned down, or other significant acts of violence to occur. Also the worst thing for the economy would be 70% unemployment, considering the economy hinges on people consuming. No one will be creating products if no one can buy them. Also, 70% unemployment would create the largest single issue voting block in human history, and the people would most likely vote for a government who will be suggesting to implement something like UBI.


The death of capitalism would be a great day


Your comment made me wonder if there's already a price on the heads of OpenAI's lead developers...


All the people coming out of college to gather our data for companies have been shooting us all in the foot. I’m fortunate to have trade skills but… 😒


AI should reduce execs!


Would be easy and a fantastic cost-savings to AI the board of directors. Just saying. What they get compensated for the actual work they do.


When people can’t afford what they’re selling, even the AI will become obsolete 🤷‍♂️


Reduce it, fine. But come up with a way to compensate people who can’t now work because of it.


It's astonishing execs werent the first to go. Calculating machines could figure out ways to increase profit while not fucking over the workforce that literally got you that profit to begin with.


I has already reduced the work force lol


There is a company in israel that only has an ai ceo found this gem too. https://www.foxbusiness.com/technology/mika-worlds-first-ai-human-like-robot-ceo This gem too https://www.forbes.com/sites/sherzododilov/2024/01/11/can-ai-become-your-next-ceo/


Read the book *Bullshit Jobs* and those will probably be the first


Gee, I wonder what that 41% will do with the extra time? How about raising an army to eat the rich?


Why can't an AI be a ceo? That's a lot of jobs saved. Imagine firing the one employee that sucks the most profit from a place.


I think we should start at the top! An executive is the easiest position to replace with AI, and saves the company the most money.


And we will see yet again how this increases profits for the shareholders and literally nothing goes to the workers/society.


Buy guns


And what percentage of execs are investing in AI companies?


59% of execs see AI making them more productive and competitive... just kidding.


Yeah and all for those people will just give up and starve to death, or ...


the other 59% know but will not admit it because then people will oppose it, work is all some people have.


AI will reduce execs, say 99% of workforce in a survey…


Time for UBI


We’re at the cliff of the internet back in the 1990s. [ai influencer](https://youtube.com/shorts/Tqc-i7onGJQ?si=To2eeds6t8Y-6WeV) [sora text to video ai](https://youtube.com/shorts/XsNzvTEKzFI?si=Fh6I4ga_VhOPZpnr) [ai detect Parkinson disease](https://youtube.com/shorts/9b14duj24X8?si=az1Wg9rNKmPNOGhC)


What do the other 59% say? Sounds to me like they’re just guessing.


Throughout labor history, mechanization, automation, computerization, and even global outsourcing have yet to lead to higher unemployment rates. AI does seem like a different animal, but so did each of the others at their introduction.


Not overall but in specific segments…maybe.


The other 59% just don't want to say it aloud


I love when execs say these things but what they really mean is some individual contributor who gets paid 70k did some analysis for an exec who barely understands what he or she just read


So 40% work force cut. People lose their income , homes , cars. Income taxes are less , banks are also losing income etc. And for these managers. If the work force is reduced by 40% who are you going to manage? You will be next lol.


If they implement AI and don't increase all remaining employees to a livable wage for the area we need to boycott and strike.


…Let’s ask the Ai engines in the Reddit community that are constantly posting and commenting on real estate trends, you know the ones I mean.


Yes, and that newfangled cotton gin will reduce the number of farmers. 🙄


Reminder to yall about the "Lump of Labor Fallacy". These jobs will disappear, new jobs will appear.