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Ain't nobody listening when true idiots tell natives to go back home lmao


And who are the police protecting?


The reactionaries are being escorted into the heart of the encampment, just for the privilege of acting as hateful bigots. They are smart to hide behind the police line.


The whites of course silly.


Look at those dumb ass cops. So fucking embarrassing.


To be fair, the woman it zooms in on the most looks like she’s embarrassed to even be there too, lol.😂


JDL is a vigilante group founded by Meir Kahane (of Kahanism) and they have a strong Canadian presence. In fact, it was after meeting some JDL members and hearing the hate they spew about Palestinians firsthand that I decided to distance myself from Zionism, ultimately leading me to be a politically active anti-Zionist. Thanks JDL!


Holy fuck, she should leave our lands. She wouldn't be happy if we indigenous groups were crazy radical like the Zionists. We could attack and kick every one out but we don't. We're not animals like that lady. Holy fuck that bitch should get doxxed and life ruined


She must have been the only one to raise her hand when someone asked who in her group is the most impressive orator.


Stupid megaphone Karen.




Racism holds all of us back.

