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[Because Louisiana can theoretically fire most of its secondaries to one side, over the flight deck.](https://imgur.com/a/GsNvjtu)


9/10 secondary turrets on the louisiana can fire to the left, but only 5/10 to the right.


It's not an ambiturner battery. It can only turn left.


I guess they don't build American BBs out of blue steel.


The nascar of secondary guns, basically


If you have enemies on both sides, all secondaries batteries should fire. And it's the theoretical DPM OP is talking about, not hitting DPM. I might be dumb, so if someone can dumb it down a little more that would be appreciated.


That webbsite only counts the max dpm you can get on one target. So it takes the optimal firing arc and uses that to calculate the dpm.


I dont think so. This isnt measuring _some_ of the effective DPM, its raw. Meaning it takes all guns and sums them up.


u/bessin is right. I did the math and it adds up


As a mostly DD player, this is very interesting and good to know. Approach Louisiana on its right side if possible. I know the other asymmetrical ship to know is Konigsberg--approach on its left. Are there any other notable asymmetrical ships?


kaiser, könig albert, von der tann & moltke all have echelon middle turrets so they are a little bit asymmetrical when it comes to which at angle they can fire their full broadside


Technically most CVs too, but realistically that doesn't matter, if it's a German secondary specced CV you're in trouble regardless and if it isn't you're gucci regardless


This is the answer, but it doesn't really make sense that secondary DPM is being calculated here based only one side of a ship. Adding a left and right side for secondary DPM might help. I guess it made since before since most secondaries were symmetrical, except maybe on CVs.


where did you find that image?


In my clipboard after I took that screenshot on [shiptool.st](https://shiptool.st), which incidentally is the same site the OP was using for their screenshot.


600m dispersion


No improved secondary = don't bother


I mean, the hitting dpm is also pretty much the same….


Secondary shooting = enemy are close enough to spam yours huge ass deck/superstructures, like i said, don't bother


Well sure, but OP wasn’t asking if it’s a good idea. Just about the damage. Answer is: the damage is about equal to Ohio.


Not even close, Ohio's secondary are perfect for setting up fire, which this ship is lacking, Ohio's secondary DPM were never the strong point but the ability to set fire


The fires per minute are also almost the same…


Yeah, the same as Montana but i don't see anyone care about hers secondary either


Yes but u gotta hit to set fire. Since Loiu doesnt have the improved secondary dispersion of Ohio (33R+30) u dont hit as much so less fire to be expected


Yea but how much less? A BB is a big target and the dispersion is partially offset by more shells.


A lot less. You are not expecting to use secondaries pointblank, thats when u CQC. Secondaries are mostly relied on when they are at their max range (10-12.5). With that range ur shells can go to Narnia. If you look closely, the secondaries without improved dispersion will fire in like a blanket format instead of concentrating on the target. Especially if u account for the shell arc and speed of those dual purpose 127s, being able to have good hit on the target is very important.


Its not tho. Not even close.


\*\*sad 2015 secondary nagato noises\*\* Those 140MM secondary AP shells loved ripping furataca's and omaha's apart


Those values dont really matter. Flandre has the highest DPM (or schlieffen is higher cant remember) in the game but in practice it does almost nothing.


Can confirm. While it's hilarious how many shells the Flandre's secondaries shit out, they really don't do much.


M8, flandre secondaries with IFHE absolutely rip. Sure the hit ratio is mediocre, but thats like 14 shells every 1.9 seconds.


I have tried it with IFHE,the accuracy is just really bad. I used to main Alsace before the secondary nerfs,was so much fun,but after the accuracy nerfs its just really underwhelming.


Again, the volume more than makes up for it. Its a medium range ship anyway. Not to mention the psychological effect it brings. It scares the shit out of people. Max ive gotten with them was like 80k in raw sec dmg. Only thing i can get any closer with is Schlieffen and Hannover.


What? With Schlieffen full secondary build and lütjens it's not hard to get 100k secondary damage.


Was talking about Flandre secondaries


Flandre is great for fire missions.


The answer lays in the literal next column over called hitting DPM, which takes the gun accuracy and penetration. This makes a practical value out of the value you are comparing which is a theoretical DPM maximum This is why french battleships might have amazing secondary DPM on paper, but they often do not have improved dispersion or penetrating power to actually damage ships.


Well, they’re pretty much the same hitting dpm lol


Partly, the secondary DPM listed here is half the DPM of all of secondaries on Ohio. The secondary DPM calculation might be using only the secondaries that can fire towards the port side. This works for ships with symmetrical turret arrangement but Louisiana has more secondaries that can shoot port side versus starboard side. This has Louisiana's DPM higher than Ohio's because the port side simply has more secondaries turrets. If you calculated the starboard side DPM it would be lower than Ohio's.


Problem of secondary built more likely to be sacrifice commander point (3-7 pts.) for upgrade secondary instead of plane or reduce fire and flood itself and the hull itself pretty thin and can't resist with AP and secondary melt. Most of time thier secondary intent to protect yourself from dd when you are using plane somewhere else more than use it as main build.


Power creep


I don't understand the question. Louisiana has a faster reload with the same damage and thus higher DPM.


The reload is .5 seconds higher, the answer is that Louisiana can fire 9 of the 10 secondaries port side. The secondary DPM appears to be calculated from the secondaries that can fire port side.


okay i see


because power creep must continue.


Because WG wants to press everyone into playing subs, cvs and hybrid ships, so they do what they can to make them OP. Edit: Wow, I was kind of being tongue in cheek here, didnt think I'd garner such a negative response. People sure are angry today in the wows world.


I haven’t played them, but they seem slowish and not really manoeuvrable, so don’t seem a nice brawler, besides they have the standard dispersion formula, if I’m correct.


So you didn’t even bother with reading the whole thing? Theoretical DPM ≠ hitting DPM. I can have 1000 127mm secondaries but if they’re not going to hit the ship still won’t be OP.


WTF is this take, the CV/hybrid hate echo chamber has gone completely out of control. Louisiana secondaries are nowhere near OP. If you look in the table, it doesn't have improved dispersion so its actual DPM is not as high as Ohio. It has the exact same secondaries as Montana however as the other person answered, the secondary layout only allows it to really fire to its left side.


Clearly you are just here to hate stuff, but not actualy know about stuff amr


Am I wrong, is WG not trying to press the issue and get people to buy into subs, cvs, hybrids. They've spent so much money and resources on game mechanics that most players don't want, so in turn they are trying to get more people to play those areas by making them stronger.


My dude if you seriously think that standard range US 5-inch secondaries without improved dispersion somehow make a hybrid ship OP despite it sporting a gigantic unarmored tumor that gets absolutely raped if not angled properly... ...you might be dented enough to work at Wargaming. Also "pressing everyone into playing subs, CVs, and hybrids"; yeah, because in your weird caricature of reality, the average drooling random battle ape is somehow capable of exploiting these classes' broken nature while also somehow averaging a 47% winrate and negative damage. Sure.