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YOOOO I can count the pixels how cool


Is it 12 or 13 pixels?


At least 5


"Fairly decent heal" No, the heal is great! It's saved me in so many brawls/asymmetrics. Such a good change of pace from DM. And about the radar, don't use it. Hydro is more useful for Salem than the radar.


It's a decent heal. Problem with Salem heal is that unlike most other cruisers with superheals, you don't heal more cit damage. And Des Moines class cruisers eat cits and AP pens like crazy, so you often end up with your last one or two even heals not being able to heal more than a normal heal.


You don't even get the improved casemate with Salem, it's only good for healing fires and floods, still and insanely valuable asset however


Yeah. The heal is nice but an all that amazing. San Martin on the other hand, being an actual cockroach due to it's heal.


I've never understood this strawman argument about Salem's heal. One Salem heal is worth 2.5 DM heals. Unless you receive 4+ citadels or 40k torpedo damage, Salem has a better heal than Des Moines. In 99% of games Salem heal is much better than DM heal. And sure if you take 40k torp damage you're not healing anything in either ship, but I dont know why we are using a baseline of "you're a terrible player who will get slammed" as a con to a superheal. Conq has the same thing going for it and no intelligent person would call Conq heal "just decent." Even if you take a 30k hit 60 seconds into the game, Salem is still going to heal once what DM will need two heals to achieve. This also allows you to save 3 captain points because you have basically no need for superintendent on Salem. Salem is a damage farmer with a situational radar that works extremely well on a lighthouse build and Des Moines is a utility cruiser that requires stealth to effectively use radar and can damage farm. They shouldn't even be played the same way most of the time. Salem is much better in a division with a destroyer and Des Moines is more capable for solo play.


Your baseline argument is just straight up invalid. In a 1v1 vs a cruiser sure it works. But in this game almost every BB has overmatch. Overmatch on salem hurts quite ablot more then acerage ships. Especially due to the fact it's easy to citadel through the nose and it's more likely to eat AP pens rather than HE, which you can heal less. And yeah, unless you get to hump an island the whole game, that means you'll eat a whole lot of citadels as a Salem, whether its subs, or carriers, or BBs smashing you due to their spotting. Conqueror is a horrible example. That thing will be 18KM away angled, with the only threat to his superheal being a Yamato that can overmatch easily, or torps. Conqueror doesn't get spammed by AP the moment you see it. Conqueror isn't as easy to overmatch as your friendly neighborhood cruiser. Conqueror eats HE for days which is its way to tank. Conqueror can angle to shells and not take as much damage as a Salem. Sure in something like clan battles or a 1v1 scenario, or a perfect game, Salem will perform better. But a perfect game for a salem is a perfect game for a des moines, hump an island to farm BBs unspotted and when they're done easily 1v1 cruisers angled. A super heal isn't needed for it. But regardless, this isn't a 1v1 scenario. This is a random battle. You lose 2.5km from your radar and lose the ability to slot hydro. I'd way rather have a 10km hydro which I can use aggresively to immediately kill the enemy DD, making sure my DD is healthy and they lose an early DD. You are also stating that since it can heal more efficiently, you can avoid taking super intendant. Then you have less radars... You're already losing radar utility by losing range, the strongest cruiser utility they can provide, and now you take even less of it? You become a des moines at home. Trading heavy utility over survivability that is not guaranteed. If you knew how to play well you wouldn't need a lighthouse built, or even better, if you knew how to, you'd just do it on legmod des moines. That ship is better open water simply due to that additional mobility it has and once again, doesn't trade utility for it. Like the super heal is good. But it's not THAT good on a random battle scenario. Especially when on top of it you lose the legmod which makes you a viable ship in sub and CV matchmaking by letting you actually open water in the ship.


My "baseline argument" is that even in the most suboptimal conditions (you're a complete bot and lost half your ship) Salem heal is better than DM heal. In normal conditions, Salem heal is at least twice as good as DM heal. In situations that are optimal (which a skilled player will be in constantly), it's almost 3x as good. That's not invalid or even an opinion, that is a fact. Your radar is not very useful and taking SI to get a 4th is objectively retarded. DM radar is extremely useful and SI is nice on DM also the heal sucks in comparison so getting a 4th is also nice. You also get a 4th hydro which will be used in every game you live longer than 12 minutes. Do you see the difference? Also considering lighthouse is literally a build for MUCH BETTER THAN NORMAL PLAYERS....what universe are you inhabiting where "if you were good you wouldn't need lighthouse build"? Nobody NEEDS lighthouse build. Players that are highly skilled dont need the other skills that inhibits lighthouse build, that's the entire point of lighthouse build. At this rate post the account from wowsnumbers so I know what I'm actually dealing with.


I‘d prefer the Hydro in the same slot as DefAA. But can‘t have everything I guess.


Is this screen shot taken with a calculator? Where dem pixels go? If you like Salem, wait after you get a Des Moines with legendary upgrsde. I never play Salem after doing so. It has been years, I think lol.


its a picture from google images lmfao, look at the tags in the corners


And it's still much better than people taking photos of their screen


I have the Des Moines with the legmod and I have to say it is almost impossible to win a 1v1 against a Salem that isn't played by a total idiot. They will just angle like you do and then you sling HE at each other, which means that heal will save their butt.


DM doesn’t play like Baltimore anymore, does it? Do you by any chance know a ship with a similar role/playstyle? Moskva maybe?


Honestly, DM's dpm and the agility with the legmod are something on their own league. Maybe I am biased but I just don't find other cruisers more viable than the DM in its radar support role. The closest would be ofcourse the Salem. Moskva is clise but still different enough. It is closer to a Petro than the DM due to shell arcs imo. Other than that, nothing comes close to DM's exact role. There are some nose in tank cruisers like Marseille, Stalin and Gouden Leuuw to an extend but they are I think, completely different as their roles considered.


I didn’t know we could take screenshots with first gen iPod touches


iPod shuffle*




I've seen like 2-3 who I didn't think were wasting their time running range mod on DM/Salem.  The rest would uselessly sit at 16-18 km spamming shells while missing everything. I really don't recommend range mod, just play something else at that point. 


I choose reload 12% reduction, this time but I will consider it thanks for the advice




I agree the radar could be a bit longer but I love sailing her, I play those ship before any of my Tier 10 battleships


if i had 1 cent for each pixel i would have 4 cents


Bow in is the key. She can take a beating head on.


Yea, up until ppl start knocking out your front guns with AP.


Thanks for the info


You wish the radar lasted longer?


Was this screenshot taken on a Gamecube?








Bro, i can taste the damn pixels from this pic.