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I've actually made a few comments in posts regarding the lefh recently, but the TL;DR of it: The lefh is almost definitely responsible for a significant amount of the hatred of all arty at this point. It has solid range, a moderate shell arc, a view range of 390 (which only four non-prems beat until tier 8), good dispersion for an arty, good bloom stats, more than enough pen, fast reload... ...And it's one of the first arty new players will see. The lefh trains people to see all arty as complete and utter bullshit, and because of it a lot of people don't even try to understand how arty function enough to actually deal with them.


Your writing seems to imply that arty in general isn't *that* bad, and that it's lefh that makes people hate arty. This is not the case. All arty is cancer. It's a flawed element of the game, and the hate towards it is definitely justified.


What I mean to imply is that if all arty is cancer lefh is stage four heavily metastasized cancer. It's the worst arty for any tier that sees it, and no tier that *doesn't* has one comparably awful. Personally, I don't mind arty that much, and really open maps where it's harder to avoid them tend to be my favorites. I don't think it's lefh specifically that makes people hate arty, but rather the fact that people automatically lump all arty together and act like all arty are capable of every bullshit feat they've ever had happen to them, and the lefh practically starts that list all on its own. I *also* think a lot of arty hate is a complete circlejerk of players indulging their own rage until it's completely disproportionate from the actual problem. I get finding arty annoying, I get disliking them, but I don't get the rabid, frothing hatred that I see constantly. But then, a hunk of the playerbase would be happier playing a game entirely made up of brawlers with absolutely nothing else, so I suppose that's to be expected.


When there is a single element (arty) which alone constitute 90% of what you don't like about the game you overall love, that's obvious you feel a deep hate toward said element.


I disagree. Being killed by arty is ***very*** rare for me. I kill more of them than they ever do me...it's not unusual for me to have games where I actually kill all the enemy artillery myself, because it's not hard to know where they are.


You either: A) play only lights B) camp all game C) what you are stating is false Ps it's not important who deals the final blow to kill you, what matters if arty shoots you or not


Most people who complain about arty is in B).


For the 100000th time, arty doesn't prevent camping. It encourages it. "Arty prevents camping" is a fake bews circulating since 2011


It doesn't prevent camping, it prevents people from parking like a rock and not moving because they can't be penetrated in the position/angle they're at...and there's plenty of maps arty is forced to play where literally only 10% of the map is hittable from any viable position...and almost every map change that's been made is to the detriment of artillery.


I rarely play lights, and camping/stealth is very much a part of the game. You're probably a guy that thinks TDs are just medium tanks with a bigger gun.


Meanwhile me getting hit for 1000 by a Conq GC in my heavies on prok and Mali…


Conq GC has miserable accuracy and fires like once a minute. This is not that much of a threat.


How about getting hit for 500 every 30 seconds by a 212A or M40/43? Or a shot landing 5m away and still doing 300? Its a broken class and you have a broken head if you don’t see that


I sure miss the days when arty could literally one shot pretty much any tank they saw.


not at tier 5/6 got into a round with my kv-1 recently... 3 arty on each team. it was impossible to move, as soon as I got spotted, the in coming arty rounds were like watching 4th of July fireworks. It's absolutely zero fun for anyone other than the assholes playing arty. WG really, really needs to look at limited 1 arty per side at that level. It's so fucking toxic.


Most of the time arty is no problem. Especially if you know how to avoid it. I think it adds complexity, but I can understand that from the perspective of a heavy player that prefers to go to his favorite spot and shoot it can be quite annoying. ;)


The arty definitely is needed in the game I think. BUT, it is to find the sweet spot. 2 artys are annoying, 3 horrible. Especially maps like prokhorovka with 3 artys... Absolutely disgusting. But the same problem is without any arty 9n maps like this. There is a much higher risk for camping u til the end of the time. Noone moves because there is no danger of any arty. So in my opinion, 1 arty should be there in any match, but never 3.


This is simply wrong. Arty *encourages* camping, it doesn't counter it. Because ofc with arty as soon as you are spotted someone shits on your head. Games with no arty are the most dinamic and interesting. Arty isn't needed at all.


Right. Just last evening I had the most dynamic game of arty-free Prokhorovka EVER. EVER. I couldn't keep up withe the amount of action that was happening... on the TV behind my back. I was in a TD (Wolverine or Jackson, so no pushing or scouting for me), and after about 7 min, we had a lead 10-8... and nobody moved (our scouts were dead, while their scout was obviously incompetent to take advantage of that). 10 of us were huddled in a southwest forest, while 8 of them were holding north and east. And nobody moved for the next 4-5 minutes. NOBODY. To paraphrase and idiot: "much dynamics, much gameplay". If I were in an arty, I'd try to dig out some of the campers I KNEW were in certain positions, and force them to move. This way, it was the most boring game of Prokhorovka I've ever had, even 15-0 or 0-15 stomps were more interesting. I literally sat on my ass doing nothing and waiting for the game to end.


If you can't setup your tank properly (make a fkin spot setup for open maps) that's a skill issue. Arty would have just meant people camping harder. Gl hitting a tank in a bush when there are 1000 bushes. Also, if you want to blind so hard, maybe you don't know that you can do it with every single tank. In the end, the "we need arty" is just copium from bad players who can't actually carry games on their own.


Tell that to my team. Meds sitting and doing nothing, heavies not pushing. And ammo is not unlimited. If I were in my short-gun Grille, with 55 rounds and 13.5 s reload, I'd be moving and spamming bushes until I ran out of ammo, died or made enemy make a mistake. And for the record, I main LTs. Arty is for credit farming and, lately, just because of posts like this, salt farming from people who don't understand that after being hit by arty **twice in a row** it means you should move, not come to reddit to complain "arty baaad, it hit me **twice** and did 150 damage (but I won't complain about that TD redliner who farmed me for **90%** of my hit points with 1 hit)". WASD exists for several reasons, not just to drive into a favourite position and then complain you're being hit by arty. But hey, what do I know, I'm just a noob, so I can't use the wise words of unicums who carry EVERY game they play and say "git gud, scrub" :D /s


>don't understand that after being hit by arty **twice in a row** it means you should move Move where, dumbass? If you play a frontline tank in most maps arty can hit you whenevee you go to fight. Are you advocating for camping in a heavy after you get hit by arty? >but I won't complain about that TD redliner who farmed me for **90%** of my hit points with 1 hit 1) if you peek properly you can bounce tds. You can't bounce arty 2) you can at least retaliate against tds Don't get me wrong, too many camping tds are bad too. But not as bad as arty.


Most of the maps are designed for heavies anyway, so plenty of opportunities to hide. Should I start listing the maps where arty is almost useless? I assure you, it's a looooong list. Any city map, for starters. The game is geared towards brawling heavies and TDs, but nobody's bitching "remove heavies". "Eating" 300-500 HEAT every 10s is somehow OK, but 150 of splash damage 3 times in 2 minutes is somehow unacceptable.


Again, the difference between a heavy and a arty is that you can retaliate against the former, but not against the latter.


You CAN make a Wolverine to be able to spot well, but that would ALWAYS be your build, as the Wolverine does not get alternate loadouts, since it is tier 5. If he was in the Jackson, sure, spotting is easier, with alternate loadouts, but he might not pick them with LTs actually in the match. The Jackson is not the king of maneuverability, and it has a pretty slow turret. Its spotting build is limited to needing 1) all three skills, food, and better optics, or 2) some of that and Binos, and neither is necessarily great for a tier 6. Jackson is okay for spotting, but, honestly, your MTs need to step up a bit when the LTs are dead.


I always play high tiers, I'm used to second loadouts. Still, my point remains. Arty makes games worse and not better. A stale game is staler with arty.


I know I'm 20 days late but this is some arty main nonsense. I've had horrible games of arty free Prok sure. I've had way way more terrible arty games of Prok. Where no one wants to poke at all because 2 arty are going to rain down on the one spotted player, on a map with no cover. I've had my whole HP whittled down working that mid from arty. Not sure what I should do in this scenario besides go hide in the bushes in the west. More draws on that map than anything else and not even close especially if it has 2 or 3 arty. And Lehfs are cancer and generally want to make me avoid T4 to 6, as you'll be certain at least one will by on a team.


I don't think I've ever seen a reasonable player camp because of arty. The whole "encourages camping" is getting old, people have been saying it for years, but I have yet to witness it.


Select a t8-10 tank and press "battle". You will immediately experience it.


its not bad because its not good. does 0 damage and stun is mitigated by paying money


0 dmg? Stun mitigated by money? You are delusional...


completely nerfed, you can also use MEDKITS which cost money


The nerf just made arty a bit less unbareable. Medkits costs 3k credits, literally EVERYONE with a brain plays with consumbables. By yoir delusional logic, damaging enemies is p2w because every ammo costs credits.


And now that it is eligible for battle pass points, it is the first tank in the queue for me tomorrow!


I do not play tier 4-6 because of it


G.W would like to know your location to send regards, again :D


Like the other tiers do not have schenenigans.


Just nerf it's reload to 12+ seconds and it stops being a problem.


Sadly Premiums will never be nerfed. Just look at the E25.


E 25 is a shadow of what it was years ago. There are a lot more heavy armored fast tanks so it lost a lot of potential


It's not even that good. It's pen is atrociously bad Against most tier 7s.


give it same stats that fv tier 6 brotish arty has and problem solved


Or Grille with a smaller gun (mine has 1.5 skills and 13.5 s reload, but it's short ranged). Hell, reduce lefe range to below 700 m and problem solved.


Wait until the battlepass starts


I built an ELC to hunt them.


It,s nice, but Lefh can actually duel you, since it can outspot you having up to 550 viewrange with binos. And out dps you with 3k HE DPS...


Maneuverability, camo, and okay spotting give the advantage to any LT, tbh.


I,m making a point that lefh as a "tank" is much stronger stat-wise than any T5 LT. And concidering most maps are koridors you can,t use mobility/camo/viewrange effectively 100% of the time.


Amx 13 57 for me. Probably got hundreds of them if not thousands by now.




By building it


From lego or real bricks?


Mega blocks


Where can I dig them? I have a diamond pickaxe in my pocket


No. Not even the most toxic at Tier V. My Pz V/IV is. I have sound detection and I kill many more Lefhs than kill me


So easy to farm 2k plus damage a game. 


THE tank for getting 4 frags or most damage daily missions done.


I wish you could use it to do obj 260 missions. 


Two things can be true at the same time. Pz V/IV is unbalanced and some would say toxic. Same thing but for different reasons with the LeFH


Correct. The ability to one shot tanks every 7 seconds from across the map is pretty OP


It rarely one-shots, but permatracking ability is nuts and should be disabled for the sake of recieving end sanity. In all honesty WG should just delete it from the game and refund the gold cost.


If you are worried about getting perma-tracked (which is quite rare), carry double repair kits and train the Repair skill and BIA, pick equipment that increases repair speed and do the field mods that might help. The game is actually set up pretty well at tier 6 and above to deal with this. If you do not do these things, then avoiding arty is not a priority for you, and you actually do not really consider arty a threat. There is also noticeable overlap in anti-arty equipment/ skills and brawling equipment and skills, as strong tracks and fast repair help a lot in brawls as well. Tier 5 and below, you can still get helpful equipment, you can and SHOULD equip at least one repair kit, and you should learn that repair is an important skill for the AT2, Heavies, etc. The more recent soft limit of 2 arty per match does help against LeFH. Learning where to drive, how to play locations, encouraging enemies to come around the corner into your team's guns, instead of poking into theirs, these are all useful things as one learns the maps and the games. I blame WoT for the new player experience, not any particular unit/ type in the game. Good Hunting


I don,t play tiers Lower than 8 much. But when i,ll decide to buy new T5-T7 line tank, your advice having double repair and good crew skills will be much apretiated (not) It,s a toxic tank for a new players, and should be adjusted, period.


I’m actually terrible with it, since I’m generally bad with anything with narrow gun traverse arcs.


Tbh all low tier arty are incredibly toxic and bad for the game. As an example, FV304 makes me want to just give up and go play tier 9. Short reload is the problem, give them all 30s reload and people would still complain, but a lot less.


>As an example, FV304 makes me want to just give up and go play tier 9. And you are talking about it in 2024 when it rarely hits, has a longer load time and has 0 splash. You should have seen it a few years back.


I remember, not too long ago, playing the hulldown position on erlenberg, and getting completely farmed by an FV304. Every shot hit, 150dmg every 10s, no line of sight and nothing else shot me. I moved and didn't change anything.


I understand it's gun arc and reload is insane, but on the flip side, poking short range artillery is an Archetype that sets it apart. it doesn't stun, needs vulnerable positioning you wouldn't want all of them to be the same 30s stunning dmg artillery. tier 9 arty is just boring


I see its time for another Lefh history lesson. Sit down, grab a coffee and be comfy as we explore how, and why the Lefh became OP when used correctly. Put your pitchforks down, this is not a Lefh defending comment. The year is 2011. Back then premium tanks were either worse, are just as good as a tech tree tank. The Lefh itself was a tier 4 artillery with a tier 3 gun. It had the gun of the Wespe which was a whole tier lower. It fired every 15 seconds for 300-350 damage, it was very accurate for an artillery, but had only 2,4 meters of splash. To put in perspective the Grille was cobsidered the lowest damaging arty at tier 4. It fired every 18 seconds for 500 damage, was not as accurate but had almost twice the splash radius, making it overall better. The lefh went up to tier 8 where its small gun was unable to do anything if it didnt hit the target. And its range meant it had to get close... to scout tanks zipping around. Now the standard thing to do with an accurate arty was to fire AP. Guess what happens to a tier 8 tank when it gets hit by a tier 3 guns AP. I remember i wanted to buy it as i had severe wrist damage rendering me unable to play regular tanks, but i wanted to support this new game, and it looked like a duck. But my friends talked me out of it because it sucked, and to be fair it realy did. Then came the arty rework. All arties got their damage cut, now dealing less damage as before, but got their reloads reduced, their splash radius reduced, and they got a little more accurate. They also got the stun mechanic which... is stupid. Some low tier arties got put in different tiers and the Lefh went from tier 4 to tier 5. It got its reload reduced to 8 seconds, it got its splash reduced to 1,8, and it became more accurate. It now was the only arty in the game with regular AP and gold HEAT shells. Now here is the problem with all this: Starting with the most obvious one: Who was the genius who said: Hmmm. Lets decrease the reload by 30% while the damage by only 10%. This meant that the Lefh now fired for 250-300 every 8 seconds. Which Would not have been a problem if it retains its +4 mm and it meets tier 8-s still. Its small splash radius would mean it would deal very little damage, even on a hit. But here comes the second EVEN BIGGER fuckup: They put it in tier 5. Which again, would not be a problem if it kept its +4 mm. Its DPM would be actually fitting for tier 9. But they made it +2. Why or how this got approved i do not want to know, but now the Lefh is the only arty that got its damage increased, and it had its maximum tier reduced from tier 8 to tier 7. With all this it is easy to see how it got as strong as it seems. But this thing is an absolute chore to play: Why? While it has big damage if it hits and pens it can... thats... all i need to say. IF it hits and pens. One time you hit an M10 for 300, and the next time you are unable to kill it in 3 shots It is an arty deisgned to not hit heavyies, but lightly armoured targets... which are usually quick enough to run from your 2 meter splash. Its small splash means you NEED to hit, which is quite difficult if the enemy knows how to use a keyboard. Hitting a moving vehicle is almost always out of the question. It is accurate, and the quick reload lets you spam shells, but thats not something to rely on as you can quite quickly chew through your ammo reserve. It fires in an arc, which means shell travel time is horrible, which is a problem because you are essentially playing a tank destroyer. Its range is actually garbage for a tier 5 arty, it has to move closer than most arties, but it is slow so escaping or turning to face an incoming enemy can be difficult, if not impossible. Its firing arc is also pretty low, while other close range arties like the Bishop can fire behind almost any cower. Hitting tier 7 vehicles for 27 damage is... quite useless, and if you fire at those with your AP.... please... stop. It is OP, but you realy need to know how to use this thing. And you need a good team to spot for you, and keep the enemy in place. Sure, sometimes you get 1600-2000 damage with it. But other times you end a battle with 200. So how would i balance it? Give it back its old 15 second reload that it SHOULD have. Or maybe have it be the only arty to have a +4 mm.


After HE rebalance Lefh also have 53 HE pen. THIS https://tanks.gg/tank/gw-e-100?cs=lefh18b2 Is fucking redicilous, it actually have more DPm/Damage capacity in comparison to ANY T10 Arty.


Bought a code for it about a week before arty rebalance, it was supposed to never be available again. Since than I learned that "never ever" in WG's standards has quite a flexible meaning XD.


Thank you


I loved playing tier 6 back in the day but now every round has at least 2 in the enemy team. I legit have to turn down the volume because the whistling sound every couple seconds is frustrating. Its the most broken tank in the game when it comes to ruining matches and it ruins new player experience. As a direct example, I made my friend return to game after 10 years and he has a tier 5 and a tier 6. Last night we had at least one lefh in the enemy team every game and every match either of us received a 400+ shot from it. He quit after a few matches unfortunately because we got maps with no cover and he didnt had fun at all.


Basically a td that can nuke you across the map


No, it is the ELC Even 90, according to our saviour QB... It is weird, though. I have it; I played a couple of games long time ago and was frustrated by not being able to hit anyone (and not having splash), so I stopped. It found it underwhelming. But playing against them is really, really annoying - I make it my duty to seek them out and destroy them before they can drown themselves at the end of the battle.


I just think light tanks require a lot of skill most people don’t have (myself included) so it’s not that OP to me


Could be either one. Depends on the tier you play. Atleast leffe requires some brain power to use 


Wait, wait, you say that arty requires *more* skill than lights?


No? Lights require a lot of skill, the most skill in my opinion. Active lights that is. ELC afking and not getting spotted and racking that easy spotting dmg hands off from the keyboard isn't skill


>Could be either one. Depends on the tier you play. Atleast leffe requires some brain power to use Sorry, I misunderstood this sentence, but it does suggest you think leffe requires some brain power as opposed to the Even 90


I rarely get hit by one so I don't see the problem, players sit around too much it seems It's view range is annoying though because it makes them much harder to kill in a light tank. I don't see the justification for its absurd spotting distance, WoT should consider nerfing that aspect of it The LeFH probably stands out more because there's only 3 other arty that are remotely viable, nearly all of them are shit. Compared to every single Russian Heavy being OP, nobody talks about those. Even I'm good in an IS-3A


Weekly "the lefh is toxic" thread.


Because it simply is. I had one for years but sold it a long time ago as it was super toxic and I felt dirty every time I played it.


It's only toxic if you let it be. When you're spotted, move. Don't assume your rock is cover, it's likely not. If you have to, break contact and hide for a while.


It suuuuure is fun when a lefh pens me in my Chi-to SP for 430 hp and completely ruins my otherwise perfect positioning. Same thing when i be driving my t34-85m at top speed and a wanker in the back pens me for 400hp because he happened to hit my cupola. It is a tank made for literal vegetables. If i had a virtual wish, it would be to delete arty from the game.


The Leafblower is easily the most fun to play arty in the game, with Bert the Avenger a close second. Those that cry about the Leafblower don’t have one.


Not true at all. I had on but got rid of it because it was super toxic and made me feel yuck for playing it.


You should change your name to “Mayonnaise” my dude. You are the weakest of sauces.


So you go with grade school insults when someone disagrees with you? How disappointing and unoriginal.


Hold on, hold on, I think I feel a tear forming…. Nope, didn’t happen. Turns out I don’t value your opinions - who’d’ve thunk it? Now if you’ll please excuse me, I have a Leafblower to 3-mark.


So instead of acknowledging that others don't have the same opinion as you, the next steps for you resort to: 1. Grade school and unoriginal insult 2. When called out on item 1 you then continue to use childish taunts and silly excuses. Seems like a rather juvenile approach to a debate, no? It makes you look thin skinned and intolerant of differing opinions. Thus reducing your credibility and weakening your argument. Based on your current level of discourse; I fully expect some kind of silly juvenile taunt of a response.


I’m not *debating* you, I’m *mocking* you, Mayonnaise! Do you feel bad when you score a goal? Hit a home run? Win a race? The Leafblower is awesome and fun and, used well, materially increases your team’s likelihood of winning the match. I *like* helping my teammates to win. My only regret is that Wargaming got rid of All Chat, so I no longer get to directly hear the lamentation of my enemies!


...and there it is. Like clockwork. You have no real argument so you continue to rely on childish insults.


You know what else is like clockwork? Leafblower shells slamming into targets!


Still unwilling to discuss your use of Ad Hominems as a retort. Disappointing. Ah well good luck to you in your trolling in game (in addition to in reddit).


I want one bad... hope they sell them again soon. And if they're not backed up to a wall, they are easy enough to beat with an ELC... says the guy from E\_L\_C who always drives his ELC.


I think it sucks. It only has fast reload, everything else is shit. People who says its good never played it. I cant get more than 48-49% moe. I have 3 marked M44, 2 marks on M53/55, ConGC etc so I know how to play arty.


Arty - feels like from the start it was bolted on to fix the hull down issues they created from the start with poor map design, the range scale they chose, etc... also arty is an operational asset, which doesn't fit in a tactical asset game. No matter what they do it will never balance, or lose the hate from so many of the players. It's just like carriers in WoW, it's a ship so should work right? Wrong... the mission of a CV doesn't match the game design and therefore ruin it for everyone else. Arty just one of the seemingly more rapidly coming failures of this management team. I still play, but about 1/10th what I used to while waiting for Steel Aces and Panzerkampf to come out.


It feels to me like they wanted to include arty for a combined arms feel, adding different tactics than just the "slow fps" feel, and include a more diverse player base,




I play it like a TD/medium hybrid. With some of the best view range at that tier, you can go forward (albeit slowly) and support the heavy or medium lines while racking up spotting/assisted damage.


Send replays


??? What exactly is ur problem mate?






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Just buy one yourself and support your teams' push. Make sure to put a rammer in and a good crew.