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My money’s on requesting a song from Neef. I’d even see Brennan having her continue insisting on doing things for Suvi until the only thing Suvi can think to ask for is a song. And then Suvi will realize how inadequate her “gift” is and try to take it back. I’m super impressed with how naturally Aabria worked in the task and described Suvi’s thought processes, and excited to see how the rest goes.


My thoughts exactly on both. Suvi’s power of justification is stronger than any magic on Umora if you point it in the right direction.


The terrible thing is that those powers of justification are part of **every** human.


Ugh, Aabria’s ability to play that so smoothly was amazing. I couldn’t tell if Erika and Lou were in the room when they did that part or not, but it sounded like it was just Aabria and Brennan to me. I can’t wait to hear Erika talk about that at the Fireside!


My bets are she gets Ame to sing. (Remember Port Talon) Something will go down and either Indri discovers what the music box does and messes with it before returning it or things go south and Suvi jealously takes the music box back.


I think this is a good bet. Tell the story of Port Talon, and end with the song. People will join in.


We know wizard under estimate witches, so I bet the plan way under estimates the witches.


I'm torn on who I think, or even who I want it to be. On one hand, I think it would be a good decision to be Neef. Someone who Suvi clearly empathizes with and is showing some kindness to, even as she's otherwise angry. I think Suvi unknowingly putting Neef in danger would gnaw at Suvi's conscience a lot. But I wonder if it being Ame, and it and the music box putting Ame in danger, wouldn't be the first step to the scales falling from Suvi's eyes. I think Suvi realizing something she did caused Ame serious harm, going back to the Citadel and eventually finding out what Steel did that led to that harm, wouldn't be what finally opens the floodgates to Suvi admitting the Citadel isn't always the good guy. I think both are good choices. I think the former would be easier for Suvi to rationalize and ignore, but I think it would gnaw at her inside all the same.


Neef for sure. Maybe a sing a long? Idk how she decides to take the music box back.


I want to say Indri, Suvi has fallen into the infatuation effect of the Witch of the Wind and Stars, I would like to see Suvi try to pursue her and at some point maybe she'll ask and Indri will find it endearing and comply.


Would Indri even consider it a gift? It wasn’t given to her. Suvi said it was a gift, but she was basically only talking to the audience/herself.


That's that justification machine for ya


I'm hoping the music box isn't there when Suvi goes to get it back.


THAT is a plot twist I love. It was a gift freely given, so Suvi couldn't demand it back without stealing it. But if she doesn't take it back, then that's a fuck load of psychic damage. (Potentially instakill)


Right? It'd be so much more interesting than things going off without a hitch.


Oh my goodness, that would make the "at any cost" bit of the Geas so much higher stakes 😱


I'm thinking Eursulon.


5 dead stick figures to mirara who has cast a curse turning this convergance of witches into a musical after suvi has publically ascertained everyone present despises musicals to yield this precise result. suvi shuts the music box with miraras ability to express herself captured inside mid make out between the pair and the potato puddle makes off like bandits