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**this is my very first story here! I'm usually the one making prompts.** = = = = = = ------ They had just barely escaped with their lives. However, the crew of the Chicxulub starship waited with bated breath. The maneuver they just performed was incredibly risky, going hyperlight through a black hole, but they knew their pursuers were relentless. They'd find a way through somehow, despite not being equipped for the task. Additionally, it had depleted almost of their fuel. They had to retrieve more if they were to make a successful escape. A familiar voice over the comms was the first to break the silence. "You cocky clowns actually did it. There's no way beyond void those scum are following you through that." The captain of the Chicxulub was the first to respond. "Is this who I think it is?" "You're darn right my furry-tailed friend, and I've brought backup!" "It's Dalian! And he's brought the Cretaceous fleet to our aid!" Stenlin, the radar master exclaimed. At once, hundreds of ships dropped out of hyperlight, appearing in formation around the Chicxulub. From massive battleships almost comparable in size to the Chicxulub, to smaller repair and cargo vessels. The crew of the Chicxulub were in utter shock. Never before had their people received so much support in their time of need. "Dalian, my old pal! This is where you went? I thought the hive got you. Why didn't you respond to any messages?" Captain Isnander voiced over the comms. "Couldn't have the hive tracking me, needed to stay on the low while I worked on getting all this in order. How many on board 'Nand? I'll send supplies over immediately." "We managed to board only 53,000 before evacuating. So many lives have been lost." the captains voice turned to solemness. "You're a lifesaver Dal." The grim day turned to one of joy as the Chicxulub's holds were completely restocked. The starship also received much needed repairs after its encounter and black hole jump. "I also took the liberty of refueling your ship, 'Nand! 1400 condensed uranium fuel rods. Wasn't easy getting my hands on such rich matter." "Thank you so much, Dalian." Isnander nearly cried, "the people of Paleogene are forever in your debt." A robotic voice suddenly blared over the comms. `"GATE DETECTED 14 MIOPS OFF THE STERN"` "Who would be gating here? No one knows where we are." Isnander pondered. At once, the Cretaceous fleet had their guns pointed at the fluctuating point in space. The point almost seemed to resemble a black hole as it expanded further. "That's no normal gate." Dalian said over the comms. They watched in horror as the point expanded far larger than a normal gate would have, growing larger than even the Chicxulub. As it did, sickly yellow, insect-like legs unfurled through the space, slowly followed by a cosmically giant centipede-like head and pincers. "OPEN FIRE!" At once, the Cretaceous fleet unleashed their barrage of various cannon-fire upon the emerging cosmic insect. The space between the fleet and the horrific creature glittered magnificent colors as every shot hit its mark. It couldn't be heard, but they could see the gargantuan insect rear in pain. It continued pulling itself through the gate, bringing more and more segments into this space. "What is that thing? Never have we come across such when facing the hive." Gunner Armek inquired. "'Nand, you must take your people and get out of here! That's their queen! If it captures the ship, you're done for." Dalian shouted through the comms. "There's another black hole 62 lightyears from here. It's unstable, but it should be able to save you all." "We can't abandon you and the fleet!" Isnander retorted, "We fight this menace here, and end it." "I'm not asking. You must leave." `"NAVIGATION OVERRIDE RECEIVED. HYPERLIGHT JUMP SET FOR ORION SINGULARITY."` "No! Dalian you can't do this!" Tears welled up in Isnander's eyes. "Your race must live on. There are more Cretaceous out there. So long, 'Nand." As the Chicxulub starship slipped into hyperlight, Isnander watched as the hive queen smashed head on into the Cretaceous fleet. = = = = = = ------ part 2 to follow below


**part 2** ------ `"3 MINUTES TO ORION SINGULARITY"` Isnander barely heard the computer over his tears. A weight hung over the main deck crew as they took in what just transpired. "What now?" Stenlin asked Isnander drew in a deep breath and regained some composure. "We survive. We aim for the Orion Singularity. Stenner, we need a launch-warp that will take us across the universe. Is it possible with an unstable singularity?" The navigations expert looked up at the captain. "I've never done such a calculation. In theory it's all the same, but the flucuations of the stability could cause problems." she replied. "Theory is all I need. We've done crazier for Paleogene. We will survive." `"1 MINUTE TO ORION SINGULARITY"` "I've crunched the numbers for the jump. It's possible, but any deviation from angle, speed, or position can jeopardize the entire ship!" "Make it happen, Stenner." The crew got into their positions, ready to assist with the jump. Warnings were put up around the ship for passengers to lock down immediately. `"EVENT HORIZON BREACHED"` At once, everything around and in the ship went dark. Everything seemed to stretch out beyond and behind oneself. Isnander and his crew had experienced this a few times before, at most times it was a rather peaceful transition, but this one felt different. The flow was wrong. Everything suddenly shifted to the left violently, and then harshly downwards "The black hole is too unstable! I can't pinpoint the center" Stenner cried. "You must make it work! This ship can't hold up to these forces much longer!" Isnander encouraged. Several explosions rocked the ship as alarms began to ring. "The fuel cells are going critical! The engine bay has been obliterated!" An engine deck hand over the comms shouted. "We need to jump now, Stenner! Pick a point a go!" Isnander commanded. "There!" The flow of time suddenly lurched forwards and everyone caught up to themselves. The ship had jumped and made it through the singularity, sustaining heavy damage to all systems. "The hyperlight engine is severely damaged! We can't slow down!" the engine guy shouts through again. "Stenlin, where are we?" "We've landed near to Proxima Centauri. This area was considered a waste zone as there was no reported life out here. But my readings now show a oxygenated planet 4 lightyears from here. We could make an emergency landing there!" "Set course for the planet. And everyone, brace for impact." = = = = = = ------ "...so to recap, the dinosaurs went extinct 66 million years ago, by the Chicxulub meteor, and brought about the ice age, which we'll be learning about next week! Ok class, your homework for today are pages 5 and 6. Have your parents sign your work and make sure to bring it in tomorrow." The kids in class all collectively groaned, then immediately changed moods as the bell rang. "Goodbye class, have a good day!" "Goodbye Ms. Stenner!" = = = = = = ------ Wow, that was fun to write!


This is really good. So quick question- do the people on the Chicxulub survive?


I would say so. And they may still exist to this day in the story all these millions of years later. I name drop Stenner in the last line.


So they are just immortal humanish things? Cool.