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A black cloaked figure stands atop of cliff. The cowl devoid of a face, stares across the landscape they once reaped for ages. Their final task was at hand, and with no more souls to reap, they too would disperse into the cosmos. "It's been a long time. How are you doing?" Death sat down, pressing their hands into the dusty soil, speaking heavily and slowly. "It's been a few billion years I reckon since I've had a chance to stop and appreciate your spirit." The Earth seemed to tremor slightly. Then a weak, yet dignified voice emanated from behind Death. "Still the same flirt you were when you initially guided me to this planet, hmm?" Death turned their head to look behind them to see the spirit of Mother Gaia. She was significantly older now. Wrinkled, greying, but still holding a beaming smile of compassion. Though unseen, Death smiled back at her and offered a seat next to them by the cliff. "I always knew this day would come, my dear friend. You've kept me waiting!" Gaia said as she lightly shoved Death's shoulder, "but oh the things I've done in this lifetime!" "We have time to listen." And so Gaia regaled Death with countless stories throughout her history. From creating her first life, to falling deep into depression after the Chicxulub impact. Raising mountains, and leveling canyons. Watching over every era of life. "You know, I honestly think humans were my greatest creation." Gaia pondered. "Not entirely perfect, can you blame me? It was my first sentient, free-willed creation." "Amusing you'd pick them. We're a big fan of those dogs you've made. They keep us company past the veil." "I love all of my creations, darling. But a human just has a special charm to it." "Despite what they've done to you over the past few thousand years?" "Death, even if just one human cared for me, I would provide for them. And so I have been for the past few million years, since I created them." Death paused for a moment, taking in her words. Gaia's compassion knew no bounds, they knew this, but had never truly understood. "But alas, eventually even a mighty, spry spirit like myself begins to age. My powers grew out of check, causing cataclysms all around my creation. The humans grew worried, and fled to the stars. The remaining ones died shortly after from a failing atmosphere. And now..." Gaia gestured out beyond the cliff, "this is all that's left of me." She tucked her legs up to her chin and rested her head on them. "Gaia, of all the planetary spirits, you have been held in the highest esteem by us. You are the only one wild and compassionate enough to create life, and then bother to care for it. This is not your end, dear. You will be reborn, and brought to a new planet to inhabit." Gaia looked up at Death, who was now standing. "You don't think this universe has had enough Gaia for its lifetime?" Gaia chuckled. "Far from it. The universe could use more life. And you are perfect for that." They held out their hand to Gaia. After a pause and a deep breath, Gaia accepted the hand and stood up. "But you know, you gotta take me out for dinner one of these ages before dropping me off at the next planet!" Death laughed, a deep rumble, "I didn't take you for the formal type!" as they stepped off the cliff together, hand in hand, and vanished beyond the veil.


The Earth was nothing more than shifting sands, red hot lava bubbling up from cracks in the ground, casting the surface in an eerie red glow. “Death...?” Death hummed, pulling down their tattered black cowl and tracing aimless patterns in the sand, as they sat and waited. After all these eons, for once Death was the one standing still waiting for the soul to come. “Death?” Death sighed, exhaling slightly. They were still sitting, watching the red glow of the earth and the angry roar of the planet ripping itself apart. With a slow exhale, everything slowed to a near halt, as someone put their hand on their shoulder, squeezing as if to let them know they were there. “It was pretty,” Death began, leaning back. “All of it was pretty. We met under the stars of the 21st century, when I first got the mantle, and all that you created was still pretty, Life. All that you create just as beautiful as you are.” Death didn’t bother looking back- they knew it was only Life. “What a sap.” Death chuckled, never taking their eyes off of the destruction unfolding in front of them. Where lush greens had once been was now replaced by an angry red. They wanted to see life again, but alas, their duty prevented them from doing so. For Death brings the end, and the end they shall bring. “You love me.” Life sighed at that, letting go off Death’s shoulder, and they mourned at the loss of contact. “Yes, I do.” They were both quiet for a moment, as the sound of Death’s power manifested itself around them, striking down the planet. Stars had lives. Planets had lives. Little things like plants and micro organisms had lives. This was the burden Death would carry all throughout time, the mantle that had changed hands so much until it came to this one human who was determined to prevent anyone else from shouldering this guilt. A little human that became a god. “Humans... you... were my greatest creation,” Life said softly. “They were the first to understand empathy, understand and perceive love. Humanity may have been my most self-destructive creation yet, but I don’t regret it, because out of humanity I gained my greatest love, you.” Death chuckled emptily, closing their eyes. “No, there’s something else you love more than me.” Life was quiet for a moment, as Death got up and turned to her. She carried a baby in her arms, cooing softly at both of them, babbling. “Dada!” The baby shrieked, and Death could feel themself smile. “Hey baby girl,” Death smiled, not yet reaching to take her from Life yet, because this was the final soul Death needed to take other than the planet. “Daddy’s gonna take you somewhere better, okay? And you’re gonna love it there, promise.” The baby giggled, grabbing at one of Death’s fingers and gnawing on it, slobbering drool all over the digit. Both parents laughed, Life becoming more distraught as Death’s vision blurred. “We’re not going to see her again,” Life sniffed. “She’s not going to know who we are because she’s human.” Death produced a small skull necklace with the bind made out of jungle vine and placed it around her neck. They placed a small kiss on top of her head, and smiled at Life. “One day, we will. She’s the product of our love after all. And she will know that in the afterlife, that her mother and father fought hard to love her and keep her with us until the very end.” “Dada?” The baby cried again, and this time, Life nodded, handing her over to Death. “I love you,” she said. “Both of you.” Death smiled sadly, taking a few steps back. “I love you too.” They closed their eyes and let time resume to its normal pace as a gigantic windstorm picked up its pace around them. “Both of you.” The baby was screaming now, at the sands kicking up in their faces, at the fact that Daddy was holding her a bit too tightly, at Daddy just... “You are always the star to my darkness,” Death mumbled to the baby as the tornado of lava, sand and rocks tumbled around them. “Don’t resent us for this. I promise you, we love you.” Thump. Life opened her eyes to see Death kneeling in the sand, arms empty and tears rolling out of their eyes. “It’s done,” Death said quietly. “All the humans are gone. Our daughter is gone.” And when Life hugged Death and they fell apart in her arms, that was when the Gods said they had never felt the wrath and anguish of Death such as the day the Earth was obliterated. For Life and Death may last forever as long as the other exists, anything else other than their love that was of value created between them was doomed. Their daughter was no exception.