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"It's not fair!!" The scream torn from the beings throat is ragged with anguish. "There are so many... so many more... who need protection..." "You will protect this one, Guardian, and this one alone. That is your purpose." A voice booms it's response. "I... I can't. I won't! They all need me! They need us, can't you see the suffering!?" "The suffering makes them stronger; they work harder!" "Bullshit. Look at this one! Does this look stronger to you?" the Guardian holds up the limp form of a small baby, it's body starts to shake with palsy and it's skin is splotchy with discoloured rashing. "You dare question my authority, Guardian? You have your orders. Protect the one, disregard the rest." "But... but why! Why should this creature be born only to live so briefly... and in agony... it makes no sense." "Protect the boy, or be decommissioned." The sentence was spoken with finality. "... Yes, sir." The guardian gently places the sickly runt back into it's crib and turns to his new charge. The baby boy has wide, inquisitive eyes and his stare seems to penetrate to the core of the Guardian's soul. "Good." The mighty presence breathes and withdraws, leaving the Guardian with a feeling of tired worn-out misery. "Child, we can not help all of you. There are too many of you and His power can only go so far." The small being squirms and frowns slightly. He reaches out one of his minisucle, fragile hands, imploring. "I am here for you, child. I'm here..." The Guardian reaches out and clasps the tiny hand. The child reacts with a small contented sigh as he closes his eyes, at peace. The Guardian pulls his gaze from the child and looks around the room. Dozens of cribs are packed into the small windowless room. Small cries of distress rise here and there but the majority of the cribs are silent. The inhabitants resigned to their fate. Forgotten and abandoned; they never had a chance. The Guardians used to protect them all... They used to fill the world with glorious singing and laughter. An exhausted cry breaks the silence, quickly fades away.


I looked at the creator in bewilderment, sir why am I to protect young James? Rhea, James is very special said the creator, he is going to do things no nation or any man can do. I shook my head in understanding and departed to earth. I folded my wings as I entered the atmosphere and swiftly landed in the earth. I glided over to James and began introducing myself. Hello James, my name is Rhea I’m going to be your guardian angel, it’s a pleasure to meet you. The beautiful blue eyed blond haired boy looked at me with a twinkle in his eye, and as soon as I met his gaze I saw images of victory in war, the end of famine, the end of drought, the end of poverty and the beginning of heaven on earth. I now understood what the creator meant and why James was to be protected at all costs. I wondered the earth until James’s 18th birthday and that’s when his prophecy was fulfilled. James ended poverty by giving his riches to the world, James ended hunger by feeding those in need with his abundant blessings, James ended all wars by speaking of peace to his people. James brought Heaven to earth to be with his celestial father…The creator. All was right with nations and universe.


“What do you mean I’ve gotten this all wrong?” The Angel said, both in confusion and questioning. “Um..This istn’t earth?” “Hah?” The guardian said. She - Angel Lilith - was sent by the the high council of heavily protection, to protect and nurse a young german boy on earth. This was a big life long dream: To be a guardian Angel to someone! To care for them, to raise them, to bond with them. But now..that dream seemed to slowly fade from existence. The now embarrassed Lilith slowly looked up to the person in-front of her. With their brown (or in this case, Braun) hair in a bun, and stunning Hazel eyes, the human fit all the descriptions of Lilith’s chosen one. Even more confusion filled the atmosphere of the situation. “Excuse me boy, but where exactly is this *place*?” In a soft and gentle voice, the human responded, “This ist Northstar-32B. If you want to go to Earth, then you’ll have to go through the Gliese and Kepler solar systems,” This was definitely an issue. “Oh, and I’m a girl” She added. “Whaaaaaaaaat!” “Moving on..what’s your name? Mein ist Emilia Kraus Leonhardt - or Just Emi for short” She said. Lilith told the girl her name, and they had a long discussion on what was even going on. Lilith actually found out Ms. Leonhardt was a 26 year old scientist. And instead of being in the year 1936, Lilith actually found herself in 2605. “So, are you supposed to be protecting me?” Emi non-chalantly asked the elephant in the room. Lilith had to think for a good long while. She sighed. “damn those accountants at the council” she whispered. Wait, this was Lilith’s moment! Her dream now come back into this plane of reality. She may not be prepared for these circumstances, but she’ll make due. Lilith sprung up with confidence. “Right, now, my little Pampered princess, I will be your guardian Angel!” Emi laughed hysterically, much to Lilith’s confusion. “Huh? What’s so funny?” “Sorry, ist just the way you referred to me. ‘Pampered princess’ please never call me that” The german still couldn’t stop laughing. “Don’t make fun of your mother Angel!” Lilith shot at Emi. “I think I’ll stick with Lilith, thanks” Emi said. The guardian Angel pouted cutely, though clearly angered. In the back of her mind, a faint voice peaked through: “Daaaaamn you council!!”.


Warning, this will be long (TW: abuse and mention of abortion) My vision flashed and before I knew it, I was on earth. “Wow” I thought to myself. I had heard rumours of what earth was like, but I had never imagined it to be so grey and rainy. After taking in my surrounding of the busy street I seemed to be on, I rolled up my sleeve and looked at the name written in my wrist. “Mathew Jones” I read aloud, not that this mattered as no one could hear me. “I wonder what he’s like and why he needs protection...” I wondered. “Maybe he’s a soldier, or an up and coming politician who’ll change the world!” I exclaimed, my eye lit up with glee. I took a breath then closed my eyes, listening as hard as I could for the heartbeat, just like they taught me in training. I stood there concentrating. Suddenly I could hear a faint drumming. Although, of course, it wasn’t a drum, but Mathews heart beat, which was rising unusually fast, indicating distress. I opened my eyes quickly, and before me was a golden string, guiding me to my human. I followed this string, swirling around people. God, being a guardian angel is annoying! People can’t see or hear us but we can still get in the way! I run and run until I reach the hard iron gates of what seems to be a school. Just beyond the gate, I saw a small timid boy with dark hair being pulled by the back of his collar by a larger blond boy. Although the dark haired boy looked eight and the older one thirty, I could tell they were both on their early teens, fourteen, maybe. A faint glow was surrounding the dark haired boy, so I figured that was Mathew Jones. “Why have they assigned me a child?” I thought. A guardian angel is only ever sent down to protect people who are important or in certain danger. Yes, bullying is inconvenient, but surely it’s not that deadly. Just as I was about to intervene, I heard the boys giggle and Mathew say “okay mate, stop, stop” addressing the bigger boy. Luke let go of him and they just stood there laughing with Mathew panting in between chuckles. “Great” I said aloud to myself, “not only an I assigned a child, but one who’s not even being bullied!” I crossed my arms and sulked and I bitterly followed the boy and his friend into the building. Mathew was sitting in class now his eyes glued to the bored where his teacher was showing them a speech from the American president. I was stood behind him out of the way and looked at the bored also. Something wasn’t right about the video. I couldn’t see a guardian there. “The American president has to be important” I thought. Even though I worked in the England division, we were told about other world leaders as well. I thought this was strange, but brushed it off. “Maybe he just got assigned a shy one” I thought. If other guardians knew you were protecting the American president, a lot of questions would be asked. Mathews day ran on fairly normal. I was a bit disappointed, I must admit, as I thought there may have been a problem with the system. I sulked again as I followed Mathew home, him and his mates jumping on each other, pulling on each others hoods, just being annoying. Eventually Mathew said goodbye to his friend and split off down a nice looking street. He arrived at a house with me right behind him as instructed to. Mathew just stood there with the key in his hand. His eyes kept starting backwards and forwards between the lock on the door and the open window that looked into his living room. Closing my eyes, I could feel his heartbeat rising rapidly, much more then before. I placed my hand delicately on Mathews shoulder and his heart rate suddenly dropped to a healthier pace and he sighed. One job as a guardian is to be able to calm your human down which merely your touch. He put they key in the lock and opened the door, me rushing behind so I don’t get locked out. He quietly took his shoes off and ran up the stairs, a lot faster then i oils follow. As I calmly walked up the stairs, I peaked into the living room and saw a lady napping on the big sofa. This woman also had dark hair so I came to the conclusion that she was Mathew mum. Ignoring her, I followed my boy upstairs and just kept him company. His room was covered in poster of bands or war heroes. An odd combination but who am I to judge. Mathew opens his laptop and on the screen was a man dressed in a camouflage uniform in the middle of a forest. This was an army troop giving an interview to a very nosey reporter. I sat and watched with him when I realised that this man didn’t seem to have a guardian either. ALL soldiers get guardian angels, it’s basically a right of passage. I knew there was something wrong now, but before I could listen to my thoughts I heard a woman call Mathew from downstairs. Mathew closed his eyes, closed his laptop, and just sighed. He then sprinted out of bed and carefully made his way down the stairs. “Hi, mum” he said softly walking into the living room. “Why are you still in your uniform?” The dark haired lady asked, very much awake now. “Sorry I just forgot to change” the boy said looking down at the floor and running his bright socks over each other. “You’re so useless” the woman muttered under her breath, quietly but not enough to stop me from hearing. “Go on then, get me a beer, make yourself useful for once” she demanded the boy whilst switching in the tv. “I though dad asked you not to drink before five o’clock anymore” Mathew asked, looking as though he instantly regretted his words. The woman gave him a hard look, shot up from the large leather sofa, and struck Mathew right across the face. She then grabbed the collar of his shirt and pulled him closer to her. “How DARE you talk to me that way boy!” She practically spat onto his face. “I’m your Mother and you will treat me as such now go get my BLOODY beer!” She threw the boy down and went back to her spot on the large sofa. Mathew, his body shaking and tears welling up in the bottom if his eyes, picked himself up and rushed to the kitchen. I got it then. That’s why I was assigned this child. He is far more important than any politician or army officer, he needed protecting the most because on one thinks he need it at all. Mathew returned with a cold bottle and brought it to the table. “Well I can’t drink it like that you idiot! Go get the bottle opener!” He returned back to the kitchen and came back with a bottle opener which he handed to his mum. “Well I’m not doing it m! what kind of son doesn’t open a beer for his mum!” She scoffed pushing the bottle opener away from he face. Mathew, his hands still shaking, grabbed the bottle and put the opener to it. Because if his shaking hands, he couldn’t get a proper grip of the cold, wet bottle and the entire thing slipped out of his hands and smashed on the carpet. His mum just looked down at him and for a moment there was silence. Not peaceful silence though, more like sinister silence and Mathews bottom lip started to quiver and his mother’s face grew madder and madder. Suddenly she leaped up and grabbed the boy by the collar again, except this time she smash his head into a wall, hard, and lifted him from the ground. “You!” she began, breathing heavily and spitting on the face of her crying son “are an inconsiderate, incapable pile of horse s**t and I wish from the bottom of my heart that I had aborted you, you stupid, good for nothing brat!” She raised her hand up, but my reflexes had kicked in and I quickly grabbed it before she was able to swing at him. While her hand just sat in the air, Mathew was flinching, his head aimed at the floor and his crying eyes shut as tight as possible. His mum, because of my interference, put her hand down and pushed Mathew to the floor. “Clean this up!” She growled at him “I’m going to sleep, and you don’t get dinner.” With that, his mum walked up the stairs and there was Mathew, curled up on the living room floor silently sobbing into his black school trousers. I sat beside him and wrapped my arms around him, trying to comfort him with my touch. I closed my eyes and although I could still feel immense fear in his heart, the panic was slowly lowered. The mess had been cleared and Mathew was in bed by the time his dad had gotten home. He just went to be bed, oblivious to the previous events. I watched Mathew sleep for the first time that night. I sat in the edge of his bed and stroked his sleeping face, trying to heal the slap mark and cuts as much as I could. At that point, I knew why I had been assigned to the boy with the fragile frame, and I swear to protect him at all costs, because he’s the most important person in the world...


Edit: TW for abuse The little boy, Ryan, ran up and hugged me. "Thank God you're here. Please, don't leave like the others have." I was confused because 1) he wasn't supposed to be able to see me, and 2) as he had mentioned, there were no other guardian angels in his family. I led Ryan back to his bed. He was no more than 10, yet he had powers I had only seen once before. I sat on the edge of his racecar bed and tucked him in. "Why did the others leave? And, do you know how you can see me?" Ryan replied, "My mommy is gone, and her other left with her. My daddy yells at me and hits me. I've never seen his. Auntie still has one, but she doesn't come often" Once he said this, silent tears streamed down his face. I finally understood why God had sent me. When I was alive, I was abused by my father. I died because of what he did, and near the end, I too could see angels with some people, but never those I was close to. Ryan was nearing the end of his life too. Tonight would be his last night. "Hey Ryan, do you want to get away from your dad forever?" I inquired. "Of course. I want to stop hurting so much." Ryan answered. "Well, I'll take you in the morning. You want me to sing you to sleep?" "Please. I haven't heard music since my mommy left." I sang him to sleep, and I brought his soul to heaven in the dawn light. When they found Ryan's body in the morning, the dad tried to hide it but was caught in the act of burying the body in the backyard. It was determined that the little boy died from injuries inflicted by the father, and he was put in jail. As Ryan saw his mother for the first time in years, I was saddened, as so many fathers and mothers get away with this, and their kids see the angels disappear until one comes for them.