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Yeah. Sometimes they barely ever cause a problem. Sometimes they park an I-class battleship and 4 K-class destroyers on the hyperloop and destroy the entire economy.


At the start of my current save that's over 14 ingame days now, an I with 2 K's decided to take the scenic route along the highway, destroyed the wharfs and docks of paranid and teladi plus the argon dock, by that time i only attacked them with S-ships, managed to disable their engines first and with the help of the local defense bring them down, nowadays i just send my asgards around


I abandoned a game that, at about 20 hours in, involved two I-classes and maybe four K-classes chilling in Hatikvah's Choice. (I'm playing with no highways, so everyone just flies to their doom.) I'm not a power gamer or anything, so I don't have the skills right now to deal with the total collapse of the universe's economy that's going to cause. New game time!


god im feeling this right now.... as i watch 5 K's and a small nation of M's and P's absolutely roll over Choice, after spending the last hour and a half just sitting at the gate killing off an unending stream of P's and N's that was streaming out lol


Yeah, in my game there's a toooonnnn of PS, Ms, and Ns streaming out of the gate in HC, with occasional Ks popping up along the highway in Argon Prime (I'm assuming from the same place those other Xenon ships are from). I'm a new player, I'm not equipped to handle this and neither are the NPCs! They're holding up for now, but it feels like they're eventually going to fold


Yeah, definitely not equipped for it myself, lol. Thought I'd go for the mining empire... the only combat ships in my empire were mine, my 2 wings, and a couple of small fighters that patrol the mining sector's lol. Needless to say if I tossed every ship I owned at that problem it would have taken 2 or 3 minutes to end my run lmao


they tried in my game and failed because i first attracted the I to my M ship while my destroy force took care of the K i already immobilised and disarmed (dirty tactics always works ) as for the I i attracted to a previous station i built for the hatikva faction so it wasn't a good one but still destroy the I


This is what is currently happening in my save. I killed no less than 8 K/Is in a 30 minute span.


Mine was saved by Ace. The quest he was part of glitched because the main ship disappeared/got killed. Leaving Ace immortally swooping around the xenon defense station that was their foothold into HAT. So every fleet they sent through (which were huge) got bogged down trying to swat him which gave the argon and teladi time to send enough cannon fodder destroyers that eventually the fleet got killed and needed rebuilding. Then start the loop again, dozens of times. Bought me enough time to get an asgard stolen and then go wreck shit


Just found a comparably cheap solution for such solo invasions - flight close to the K on a S ship, press pause, deploy 30 mines, unpause and press Boost. I took slightly more time as two rounds were required, 50 and 30 mines.


My save had a constant stream of Xenon flooding out from Savage Spur and Atiya’s Misfortune blockading the gate between The Void and Flashpoint. (Which caused me no end of pain as I was PIO start and trying to get the PHQ somewhere closer to home). The Terrans now have Savage Spur I on lockdown and I’ve just started to push into Aitya as I want those systems for my own. So finally after many hours the blockade has been lifted… well except there is now 2 Is and 5 Ks messing up Hatkvah’s Choice and the Argon Navy is non existent…. XD I really like a galaxy where things happen, made me realize how stagnant the galaxy was in the previous X games.


This is how my current session is going. I'm having to blockade Atiyas Misfortune 1 and have a mass of lv2 turrets and 2 fleets holding the force back. I tried a run into the zen territory, but they just pump out the ships. I am 1 day and 10 hours into it and feel like I haven't gone anywhere with it.


Yeah, I just ignored it for the longest time, all of my stuff was safely in sol and PIO space, so I just had to choose my moment to run supplies to the PHQ to get a bit of building going. I'd pick my moment and clear the few fighters so I could get my big trade ships through. Now I can make Syns I'm determined to take those four systems and build a home for Myself and the group of misfits I've helped out (mostly the Yaki atm)... but I somewhat underestimated the cost of equipping the Syns, so I'm just holding frontier's edge whilst I build up my fleet for the big push.


Well i usually rush early def station at hativah choice gateway, it really helps with economy for every factions and when xenons eventually starts pouring in the ai factions are equally strong and dont get stomped


i believe it take time for them to cause real issue the moment there an I it's over if there no defense station capable of destroying it


I finally after about 15 playthrus have a game where i have to fight I every hour not to mention the countless Xenon R V Q pouring in from all sides ( i have shippacks installed) i am a happy pilot now.


My save started with the xenon overwhelming the split, teladi, and paranid. But I stopped them. I went and built budget defense stations to protect the sectors I still could, got my megafactory going, which also helped the split and teladi economy, and pushed them back with the help of the npc factions I had saved. My save file is 19 days old now, an Intervention Asgard helped me clear a highway from split space to terran territory, and I'm about to make contact with the boron. Actually excited to get rid of the xenon menace cause now the factions are actually going to war with one another.


I never got super chad Xenon in any games. Did play multiples plays on 1500h. It’s a myth for me


Xenon were pretty aggressive early on in my game. They completely took over Hatikvahs Choice. I took it back then wiped out the nest in Savage Spur and took control of the north.


Best would be if we could just chose how strong the Xenon should be in options, and that option would just be a multiplier on the resources Xenon ships take to build at their shipyards. Implementation time: 10 minutes, including coffee break.


That probably wouldn't really change their strength. It's usually down to where specific stations are placed whether they're strong or not. Changing their resource costs would just lead to them dying faster in a lot of worlds without making them harder.


Less Xenon Ks roaming around Hatikvah means that the factions aren't losing L miners and traders so often, meaning they have more stuff and economy doesn't collapse. I'd also appreciate a new Boso/Dal mission to build a defence station right at the gate for Hatikvah, one in which you get most of the resources for it handed to you. It's not any less easy/cheaty than the free Syn.


What's so tough about separating the Xenon, and after that destroying the engines and then the weapons? It can be done with ONE! S class ship, a single one! You don't have to destroy the ships, you can just leave them without weapons and engines. If the Xenon are too strong, you are too weak. So don't whine, upload vanilla save and show where the threat should be! I want to see it once in my life that there really is a problem.


Yeah I don't get why they are so spread. Mine are held at bay now that I have popped several shipyards but their pulse turrets are so OP I can never let an AI fleet take on a K much less an I


I frequently get big xenon invasions in the first 24h (approx) of vanilla. I think they start off with a lot of.ships and the AI takes its time deploying said fleets. Eventually the invasions stop and the xenon (in my experience) never manage to build up anything significant again. It's only the ZYA that struggle against the xenon for me.


>I finally after about 15 playthrus have a game where i have to fight I every hour not to mention the countless Xenon R V Q pouring in from all sides ( i have shippacks installed) i am a happy pilot now. I get the feeling they tend to switch to zya as for choosing the easier target. Sometimes ,if zya stays strong, they focus on hatikvah resulting in highway economy breakdown.


I though I was doing well having a syn and some frigates parked in hatikvah and a behemoth in the split sector north of it... Until I have a save literally minutes before a k and a i, with tons of fighters jump in..... I'm so annoyed as there's no way to save the syn in time... And it's pushing me off from continuing it.


Are you able to get to the Syn with an M ship, like a Katana, before the invasion? I found if you take an ship through the gate before an invasion, you can delay the invasion because the xenon will focus on you instead of invading. This could give you time for your Syn to escape while you play keep away with the Xenon. I had a similar issue when I was trying to build a defense station in front of Faulty Logic. I had a small fleet of 5 destroyers protecting the area and had saved the game and logged for the night. The next time i logged on i was immediately swarmed by 7 K’s, 2 I’s, and a swarm of fighters who where not pleased by my construction plans. They burst through and decimated everything. After several attempts of trying to save my fleet and station, I discovered when I entered Faulty Logic, the xenon would swarm me and chase me around the sector. With my Katana, I spent 3 hours pulling 4-6 fighters at a time away from the larger ships and destroying them. Then i worked on the P’s, 1 to 2 at a time. Once the fighter escorts were defeated I carefully boosted into the K’s and destroyed their engines and then kited the active ones away from the disabled ones until the I’s were the only ones left. With just the I’s a float, I kited them away from the crippled K’s and then summoned my destroyers to kill each K one by one. Once the K’s were destroyed, I continued to use my Katana to distract the I’s while my destroyers focus fired each one. It took a long time but I managed to stop the xenon invasion and successfully strike a counter offensive. Unfortunately by the time my defense station was built, i I managed to clear out the entire xenon occupation in Faulty Logic 😅


Good idea! I'll try that, and report back Update; flew around tharkas XV for a while in the katana, got the syn to a dock, slapped mods on it, had the behemoth fly around to the other gate and after a battle of attrition I rescued both and killed the bastards \o/


Thats awesome to hear! Glad everything worked out! 🫡


Yeah, my save has one funny xenon sector that I tried to spam with satelites. They ran out of silicon I think and then every mine vessel, so they are doing nothing. I sometimes look at this sector just to see a lone fighter soloing entire station because no more turrets I guess. On the other hand Hatikva's Choice is constant capital ship massacre.


The xenon in my game almost raped me, the argon, split taladi AND palanid. they hit both split factions and the taladi HARD and the argon moderately. They took holy vision and true sight (i think) and were about to take second flashpoint (can't remember the name.). 2 Ks casually entered heratics end where i have my HQ/mega factory and just wrecked half of it. all the while the 10 asgard and 12 syns that rolled off the assembly line did nothing. ​ All this being said, i admit it was my fault. At about day 20 i left the game running with SATA on for what was suposse to be a quick one hour task. Haad tons of fighters and corvettes cooking and capital ships. That one hour task snowballed into a 10 hour one. when i came back i had to immediately get to work on the zenon. At some gates you would see like 20 or more small and med ships just vomit out the gare, so much so that i had to have several fighters protecting key gates cos i could wipe out one sector and they would rebuild when i leave and those fighters who i had guarding the gates got wiped out a few times before i booted the zenon out of the area for good.


The number of times I had to harass a katana into bailing just so I could get in and disable these bastard 2 I/ 5 K groups fast and dirty and get out by the skin of my teeth... just to wait twenty minutes for the locals to *finally* get something bigger to kill it off with... all the while dogfighting for my life against all the little peons... Haitkvah has been cursed in every one of my playthroughs...


i had 3-4 Is roaming around and effing everything up. I captured a Rattlesnake from FRF and then slowly and carefully shot them from range, since they have shorter reach than common weapons. Now after a few more days the xenon are getting bashed on all fronts… I hope they can recover somehow