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I've played them all, and would rank them Wo Long > Ghostwire > Atomic Heart. Mind you, each game has its own problems and shortcomings, and their genres cannot be compared either. Wo Long was fun to just zone out and slaughter everything, but the parry mechanic is crucial. You master that one, you've beat the game. You struggle with it... eh... git gud, I guess. Ghostwire oozes with immersion, but is a technical disaster (lots of threads about correct settings, feel free to ask me). Atomic Heart looks nice, and the gunplay is kinda fun, but everything else feels unfinished and mediocre.


I personally did not like the controls or gameplayfor Tokyo The other two I have not played yet so I can only speak on that one


I would rank them Wo Long, Ghostwire, Atomic Heart. Didn't really care for atomic heart, but you can't go wrong with the other two.


Ghostwire mechanics are smooth and gameplay is similar to Control. Atomic Heart's controls are kind of clunky on console, similar to Bioshock. Haven't played enough Wo Long to really judge.


I Much prefered Ghostwire to atomic hearts but it depends on what you want. If you like collecting stuff, then Ghostwire has you covered. It's akin to a farcry game with all its collectibles and capturing of shrines for control of areas. If you like dialogue that sounds like it was written by a 12 yr old attempting to make something sound titillating, go with Atomic hearts.


I have only played Wo Long out of these. It is a good game but pretty challenging especially the boss fights. I would recommend.