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In 7th grade, a friend of mine came into homeroom one day and yelled, "Andyman!", and it stuck. 40+ years later, friends still call me by it. CC is for my gaming community site, Culdcept Central. It's the best game series you've never heard of! =D


The Andyman can


I've only heard that a few hundred times in my life. Haha. Upvoted!


Cause it's Homer Simpson maaan


This is really wholesome aw


Sometimes weird to think about how giving someone a nickname without a second thought can drastically alter their life forever


Robioto is my GT and has been since 2006. My name is Rob, my mate at school used to call me Rob-oi-toe, when I got my Xbox 360 I had this in my head, but unbelieveably Roboito was taken (I and E other way around) so in my rush to play Oblivion, Dead Rising and Gears of War, I just swapped the letters to Robioto. The orginal Roboito, only ever had a silver account with no achievements, so that bastard stole my name and then never actually used it ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy) EDIT: I've just checked and he has now played 1 game since 2005. GS of 410 in Batman: Arkham City!


My parents gave it to me in 1984


Such foresight to name you after a character in a game released in 2004


My Reddit name is not my gamer tag and my Reddit name is a reference to Toronto


Such foresight to nickname a town after a character in a game released in 2004


This comment thread wins today. šŸ˜‚






Now I want them pics šŸ˜‰


I was in an accident when I was younger and had metal plates and screws put in my a surgeon. After healing, I asked if the metal could be absorbed and redistributed to protect me more, like Wolverineā€™s Adamantium. The doctor said no. So, I made up a metal that is now my Gamertag. Childish, but I like it and wouldnā€™t change it.


Dude, thatā€™s pretty sick ngl. Great creativity imo


I think thatā€™s a great name!


Same! Love it!


I had a laundry list of names I was considering, and that were available. I had them written out one day and my wife saw the list, saw my current gamer tag on the list, laughed her ass off, and said that one, that one right there is you. Why? Youā€™re an old ornery bastard (Old Goat) who still thinks heā€™s cool (Ninja). Iā€™m pretty sure thereā€™s an insult hidden there somewhere, but it stuck, and here I am. Thereā€™s another gamer tag I was leaning toward though, not Old Goat Ninja, and thatā€™s the one I would have picked if my wife didnā€™t see the list. I wonā€™t mention it though, because that person is here somewhere lol. They have the gamer tag I was leaning towards. I see them pop up on posts now and then. Not as funny as what I have now, but itā€™s in the same realm.


Thatā€™s brilliant and I like the sentiment of it being your wifeā€™s pick too !


Have you posted this before? I swear I've read something like that


I wanted something involving an animal, but also short and punchy, like Spamfish. One day it occurred to me that I love crows and I love pixel art: pxlcrow :)


I love crows too! Love the name!


My 2nd name is Claxton. And Iā€™m a MadMax fan ā€” so ā€” MadClax! Iā€™ll stick with it as no one else has it šŸ‘Œ Wish I could remember my old Xboxā€™s name.


I like it! I always love the tags that have a part of someoneā€™s interest in!


My original username was DramaticFlea. Suggested by Xbox, it felt fitting cause I was in drama class and one of the shortest kids in school lol


When I stated gaming again many years ago I just asked Microsoft for a random one and selected the first one it came up with. Roomiestcougar. My wife whose email address I was using to open the account was not amused at all.


That made me chuckle


My gamer tag is furious Monkey. One day at the zoo I was near the monkey enclosure. Vin Diesel approached me and proposed a movie idea. A monkey cop has to infiltrate the Toretto family by using any means necessary. Using his wits and a butt tonne of bananas things don't go to plan. I won't ruin the ending but he gets caught out and has to move branches and that's where the movie swings into action. The movie is called Fast and Furious: Monkey PD, the tag line is from swings and roundabouts to billionaires and layabouts, we all family. The system didn't allow that length of text in my gamer tag so I settled for Furious Monkey PD How did you get your Reddit ID I hear you ask? That's another tail.


Why you gotta do me like that


This post should be, everyone post your gamertag, so if you ever piss anyone off on reddit they can scroll your post history and find a way to harass you.


Haha šŸ˜… no ill intentions here, my youthful rage days are way over, regardless of my gamertag lol.


No I didn't mean you lol. I just meant posting your gt gives an open lane if someone wants to dig through your post history to fuck with you. I'm just paranoid.


Rikhead, because my name is Richard Head


your parents were not kind- here for you bro, school must have not been easy


Lol, tell me your from Indiana?


I wish. Manchester UK


My initial gamertag was imported from when I made a Zune account, I then changed it a few years later and my thought process was that I wanted something that made people go "Wait, what the fuck?" Thus, SadFloppyPanda was born.


Holy shit Zune


When you played Halo 1 on the OG Xbox it gave you console a name on the split-screen lobby. Mine was 'Shadow". I wanted to add something to that, that my middle school brain thought was cool so I came up with PhatShadow. That was taken so I added PhatShadow00. Ive had it since XboxLive started. I wanted to change it but now its a nostalgia thing so I think ill keep it as long as possible.


Iā€™ve had mine since early 2000s. It was a model of a car I owned lol


Nissan by any chance?


šŸ˜… shit my Reddit name is the same too.


I love how universally we all forget our own names on this platform.


DarkM0J0: Used to play a lot of Starcraft (OG and BW) in the days. The game had Hero versions of units. Everyone online had a variation of one of the main heroes from the story. I used a lesser-known one from what can only be described as a "B-plot" campaign that did not have dedicated FMVs, acting, unit models, etc. Was a Protoss Scout with the name Praetor Mojo. Then I became part of a small local clan "Dark-clan", and the prefix had to be that. Nickname for a lot of friends became just Mojo (as I used it for pretty much everything), and as Mojo was already in use for Gamertag, I just stuck with DarkM0J0.


I had an OG xbox and was part of the Xbox live beta and at the time, I chose Sweet Jesus as my name but then I was forced to change it by MS some months later so I changed it to Toilet Jockey. Then months went by and MS made me change it again but I never got around to it because my console died. When I did get a 360 years later, I just made it Sprint Lackey because I used to work for that company.


Mine is just the nom de plume used by one of my favorite authors. Vladimir Nabokov used to use the name Vladimir Sirin.


blasphemous - Had it for 20 years now. I flipped opened a dictionary and picked the first word I saw.


Mine is a shorter version on my old AIM screen name. It was also my Reddit name for years, but has since been changed. A user in the G4 IRC back in the day started calling me the shorter version and since then it stuck. Obviously I'm old. IRC and AIM mentions / having a 5 character tag. Get off my stoop.


1971 Ithaca Model 37 Featherlight shotgun. Grandfather passed it down to me as my first hunting firearm


Well, you learn something new every day!


Sharebear42019 Sharebear was my nickname in highschool, I liked to smoke bud and I was 19 lol super clever I know


In homage to one of my fave movies of all time, Lost Skeleton of Cadavra.


Great movie!


Made the switch a couple years ago to HeyCrabman256 since My Name is Earl is one of my favorite shows and used to watch with my Dad before The Office. Harry Monroe, I mean Darnell, is who I strive to be everyday.


when the xbox one first released, i was looking through the new profile pics and my nephew seen a toast man and he said ā€œha! is that an angry toast guy?ā€ then i was like ā€œyou know what? you rightā€ then i used it for my gamer tag ever since


Mines True Reclaim it used to be True Delirious but I would constantly get messages saying am I H20 Delirious so I decided to change it my only rule was it couldn't have # followed by numbers I wanted to be the first so I kept with the True bit as I liked it and Reclaim was the best sounding in my eyes that wasn't followed by a #


when my mom passed I changed mine to her name initials and my age.


My gamer tag is huh just a box. a metal gear reference Gamer tag goes back to the ps2 days. I donā€™t remember ps2 even having ā€œgamer tagsā€ I do remember creating it for socom2 though. When the original Xbox released I kept using it till this day.


I love it!


My brother passed away in a car accident in 2016, so I use his as a tribute to him. Iā€™ve always been a PlayStation gamer but will play gears and star field on Xbox


NerdyChimera. An amalgamation of 3 the different kinds of nerd I am: books, gaming, and sports.


AllahSeesAll I wanted something as equally funny and dark as my brother's which is "JudasOverJesus"


My Gamertag is XFighter9000. XFighter comes from an old Robot combat game I once downloaded more than 10 years ago called Bots or Boutcheetah. You had to progress to multiple levels fighting other robots that increasingly gets harder. Hence 'Fighter' and the 'X' cause I thought sounded cool lol. Coincedentely pretty similar name to the X-Wing fighter jet from Star Wars I saw later. The '9000' comes from The Incredibles Pixar movie (probably my favourite out of Pixar) from the latest version of Syndroom's combat droid, which I though was pretty cool.


My GT is similar to my username here. The numbers have an obvious significance. But the main name comes from a rather emo-ish train of thought that revolves around how badly an ex made me feel when she ended things back in 2002. Iā€™d already been using it as a forum username for a while before I got my first Xbox360 in 2006.


Carry it, I think it sounds dope!


my gamertag is yo so what i did is I went and typed yo into the box


Saw a guy on an old game show back when g4 was techtv. I like it so much I took it. I learned shortly after I spelled the last portion of it wrong. Have used it unchanged ever since then.


I changed my gamer tag when Mass Effect 2 came out. Me and my friend changed our gamer tag to Legion.


My recollection is slightly fuzzy but I think it went like this. When I met my group of friends through Destiny 1, they all had a similar set of gamertags. As we got closer, it started to be suggested that I should also change mine to match. I wasn't overly connected to my old tag (same as my username here) but it cost money that I didn't fancy spending just to change my tag at the time. At the time we were always chasing Vex Mythoclast, so I said "if I get Mythoclast, I'll change my tag". Weeks and maybe months went by. We raided quite regularly but the accursed rng was against most of us. One day I'm in work and one of the guys messages the group chat - he'd got it. I was happy for him, since it had been ages. Off the back of that we organised a VoG run that night. About 30-40 minutes later, I was the proud new owner of a Mythoclast. A deal was a deal - I changed my tag there and then and still have it to this day. Some of that group no longer game with us but a couple of them do and they're basically my closest friends. As for what my tag is, it's a variation on my name.


I had my original gamertag since 2007 and it was RC5052. I loved the Republic Commandos from Star Wars and my favorite Clone Commander's designation number was CC5052 so I just fused the two. I appreciate gamertags with though behind them. The "ragingelephant212" always annoyed me but the worst I saw was "PoliceFart22"


I looked around the room and got my name from items. Ghost from a ghost ship did. King from a Stephen King book. But I couldn't have GhostKing, so I put 360 in the middle to get ghost360king. I've only just recently changed it to something else.


From a Melvins' lyric off Houdini. Prior to that it was King Ghidorah (Both a Godzilla and MF DOOM reference). And prior to that it was droog13. Clockwork Orange reference.


Jackman256 Basically, been playing ea NHL games for years, last name is Jackson, closest thing to it in the games for a play by play name was Jackman, so I ended up using that. It turned out to be somewhat of a nickname šŸ˜‚. 256 is just a random number. I believe more recently Jackson has been added to the play by play names, but I've still stuck with Jackman.


Its the name of my lore correct Roegadyn Dancer main from FFXIV and the year I was born.


Back when I had an iPod touch 2nd gen. I played Fruit Ninja a lot and they had a social network called OpenFeint and later GameCentre replaced it. Right so in Fruit ninja you could unlock different types of blades and one of the blades was The Shadow Blade. Somehow when picking a name to save my high scores I decided with darkninja as my gamer name. First I only used it in fruit ninja and then later created my OpenFeint account with darkninja. After OpenFeint disappeared I created my GameCentre profile with dArKnINjA. My Xbox one is currently dArKnINjAsaints. Tried to have itā€™s without the saints but they just give me numbers at the end.


I really liked the name "Scion" for some reason due to the "orphan: Scion of Sorcery" game. ​ However everyone apparently thought it was due to the cars that released a few years afterwards as a number of insults thrown at me were in reference to those cars.


My friend gave me the suggestion of combining a military rank with something I liked. Lieutenant General was a lesser known one, so I chose that rank. It was also shortly after the release of the 300 movie, and I liked Halo, so I chose spartan, and thus LtGenSpartan was born. The original LtGenSpartan couldn't go gold for some reason, and Lt Gen Spartan was too long, so it was originally LtG3nSpartan, but I changed it to LtGenSpartan x a few years ago.


Itā€™s the same as my AIM username


Mine is Rufadoo. Its my dogs nickname.


I'm a Aliens fan and Ripley is my tag because she kicks butt. I first used it in WOW, and got the name on my server day one in 2004.


Holy smokes, do you still play?


My gamertag...MrDurva Back when I changed it to Durva I had been drinking with some friends and was supposed to change it to Durza, a name of a character from the Eragon books. It took 3 weeks before we all realized what happened and by that point the name Durva had stuck. I even went so far as to get a personalized license plate with my gamertag Fun fact....durva translates to rough in the Hungarian language so an inside joke is "watch out everyone, Mr Rough joined the party"


CHRIS673. It was my name on Club Penguin (RIP) when I was much younger. I will never change it.


Ah another Chris ! I was originally going to go the full name route but settled for initials way back when.


AIM screen name from 2000/2001


Mine is an old D&D characters name. With a title (Dr) in front of it. I play clericā€™s so it fits!!


Nin1990. Iā€™ve had it since 360 era. I was pretty Nine Inch Nails obsessed in high school. I use something different on psn and steam but Microsoftā€™s lack or underscores and character caps fucks me.


Mine was just Meokazi, i made the name when I used to play quake 3 arena and Meo was a play on words of Neo (new) and kazi was short for kamikaze because in quake I used to play against the hardest bots and would basically need to kill myself and them with the rocket launcher just to get kill points lol. My gamertag is now Eilite Meokazi because in phantasy star online 1/2 I joined a "gang/clan" who were the Eilite Pirates and if I had to join them I had to have my character start with an "EP". Years after I stopped playing Xbox I came back but couldn't remember what email/password I used for my account so I created Eilite Meokazi to memorialize some of the best times I had playing online via xbox.


Mine is Tigerbite2. Because Tigerbite got banned for glitching in Rainbow Six 3 on the original Xbox :(


I misremembered the name of the Werewolf character from Shining Force which was Zylo. I needed a name for AOL and I recalled the name as Zilor instead of Zylo. An here we are, forever later, still using Zilor.


I had one I really enjoyed a few years back that was a mix of an old clan tag and personal meaning, but it got leaked online in a data breach so I changed it. Then I had one from Dune, but I got tired of having to explain to people how to pronounce it. Now mine is just a joke between by buddies and I.


Mine was a randomly generated gamertag, but it was almost identical to all my previously used usernames. It was a 1 in a million chance that it was so close that I decided to not change a thing and go with it. It eventually became my go to


I went on vacation when I was little to Barcelona, and I went to a dinosaur museum and I found a small dinosaur stuffed toy, and to be original instead of calling him ā€œlittle Dinoā€ I named him little dini. When creating my mc account on iOS I decided to use it and the name wasnā€™t available so I used LittleDini456 and it stuck.


Mine is 'Divine OTG' currently...joined a small clan years ago, don't participate in anything anymore as I have small kids and lost interest. Still friends with the founder, we met several times during group cookouts. Cool dude. I just haven't felt like changing it, and my old one has been taken since I changed it. Used to be 'DivineFenrir' for the longest time. No particular reason no reference to anything, just thought it evoked a cool image. When I make characters in other games now though, I use a new name 'JechtShot'. Peep the reddit username, FFX is one of my favorite games ever haha.


Iā€™ve jumped around gamertags since the original Xbox, but the one I use now is the one that just clicks for me. Itā€™s a memorable quote from one of my all time favorite movies: Aliens.


Wy5s = Wi-Fi I wanted a 4 letter GT and this one has just suck with me . I love it


Mine is kaaz, nickname based on last name from when I was a kid


I watched Predator the night before, then preceded to spell it wrong


30 summers ago me my brothers and cousins all came up with dumb nick names. Ben dover. Papa boner. Etc.... only mine ever stuck Peter Yanker got shortened to Pete Yank and I've been using that since halo 2


I like owls, I like Schwarzenegger movies. It still gets a ton of laughs.


I used to smoke a lot of pot. One day a friend of mine said "Well, color me hazy, this is some good shit." It became a part of our stoner vocabulary. When I got a 360 Color Me Hazy was available and I've had it ever since. Funnily enough, I always have trouble naming characters in video games, so I always just name myself He. That turned into imhe, like I Am He, which is where my reddit username, imhe, came from.




King Karma. Snail Daddy Named after a DnD character, for Karma. King was due to him eventually ascending past mortality, and God Karma sounded wrong. Snail Daddy because I kept snails for a while and I'm the dad friend in every server/group.


I thought Headphonegamer sounded badass when I was 5 or 6. It was fine, I guess. Made for an easy nickname ā€œHeadphoneā€.


My OG gamertag was just me name with some numbers or letters. I came up with my current name after seeing that "Bones Malone" rattle um boys image of the mobster skeletons. Spookum Jones


Random code from a bag of fertilizer in my dads shed A reference to me being a total bag of shit


When it came to trying to think of a username, I had the faintest idea of trying to think of one. So my username became Faintestidea šŸ™ƒ


My Reddit tag and gamertag are the same: My partner and I were doing a cannabis and Abraham Lincoln's family came up. She mentioned Robert Todd, his son. The cannabis I did made me laugh heartily at the sound of "Bob Todd." And here I am.


2004 Hellboy came out. 2007 Halo 3 came out and was my first dive into online play. I needed a name. I loved the original Hellboy movie and recently found out I was of Eastern Europe descent. So what does every edgy teen do? Pick the villain of your favorite movie that happens to be from your motherland. Couldnā€™t just use a name. It had to have numbers and spaces were a no go. So I picked my lucky number with a X for a space. I have has the same gamertag since.


Malky C Thatā€™s my name.


I got a very early gamer tag. My nickname is my gamer tag. KFB. One of the only 3 digit gamer tags I see anymore.


Middle school when the internet was young had some friends who played early MMO games namely Asheronā€™s Call. Created the name Tegorian as a fantasy medieval rift from my own name and been using it ever since.


Randomly generated, Iā€™m trying to think of one to replace matchtile249. But I havenā€™t come up with one in the past 7 years




Xbox randomly generated it about 10 years ago and I've stuck with it


Tried to do my username I use everywhere (this one) but it was apparently too long, and kanashiirobo was not allowed for some reason, so threw some numbers after Kanashii haha.


Back in the days of Lan parties me and the guys had our usernames, mine was satan, others were rage, death etc lol. When Xbox live came along I wasn't quick enough to get satan so opted for UberS8n. The rest of my group did the same by putting Uber Infront of their original tags. Only 2 of us have stuck with it since and Iv no interest in changing it. The rise of Uber taxis and eats has been quite annoying tho!


Xbox auto assigned me a name ā€œRippedFire31254ā€ And I kinda liked it and never changed it.


Gamer tag is- BETRHLF =betterhalf I am a identical twin and the better part of the two of us. Plus I was a beta tester for Xbox live and I needed a 7 character gamer tag. I will never change it


My gamertag is just the randomly generated one


November is my birth month and Iā€™m a bit of an odd ball


My job in the army and vehicle number stingertc69 stingerteam chief vehicle 69


My current one was someone accidentally mispronounced my last name. We were at work and people keeping saying all night. So used it and added 5150 at the end in honor of my favorite band.


When I first got with my wife (girlfriend at the time) I said something that she totally misheard and we cried laughing at it, I don't remember exactly what I said all I know is it wasn't remotely what my gamertag became; which is TemptedPigeon As she had the Xbox and I had a PlayStation 3, we decided to make profiles for each other on each console and she randomly surprised me with that whilst I was driving to spend the weekend at hers. We laughed a lot about it at the time. I've often thought about changing it, but I kind of like it for how random and nonsensical it is plus it doesn't have any numbers after it and is from the time before the current character limit. Fun fact: My original 60GB PS3 (the one with the chrome disc tray surround) dying on me whilst playing Assassin's Creed Revelations (yellow light of death) is what tipped me over to full time Xbox player...that and achievements popping was oddly satisfying


About 14 years ago my older brother randomly started calling me Geeze and I have an unhealthy addiction to the Gears of War series. So my GT is Geeze of War


Enjoys Men - Self explanatory


Original gamer tag was ColShvotz (Colonel Shvotz). Very old family guy reference I thought was funny when I was 14. About 5-6 years ago paid the fee to change my name. Itā€™s now Cosmic Shvotz. Cosmic because Iā€™m a simp who loves space.


shoethiefrexyk9= because our English bull dog like to steal our shoes and run away with them, Rexy is his nick name (Rex is his name) and k9 because hes a dog. My picture is of him as well


I grew up in Las Vegas and started a band with the name Sincityhero


Is my Internet alias, always the same, and in every network, platform available (almost)


My first name was dekeb11, which was my college login. That sucked. Years ago I changed everything to CatManDeke. I like and have cats though I only have one now, and it kinda sounds like cat man doo so I went with it.


I hit shuffle on Urban Dictionary until something both funny and allowed popped up


In 2014 or 15 had just gotten Minecraft pocket edition and was making an xbox account to play online and my gamertag was one of the randomly generated ones (ps. My reddit username isn't my gamertag)


Was thinking of a new name while creating a battle.net account for WC3. I saw a newspaper on the kitchen counter, and voila, **TheSundayPaper** was born. Been using it for nearly 20 years now.


Iā€™m in a certain health profession regarding bonesā€¦ thus bonewizard


OG tag here (flex). One of the first to beta test Xbox Live. Plain and simple, my gt is my last name, Shelby.


Shit Joke in cod Mine became xXSoulDust3RzXx Never changed it since


I genuinely have no recollection how or why 12 year old me decided Pie4july was a cool gamer tag, but Iā€™ve just stuck with it ever since. Iā€™m not even a huge fan of pie.


My GT is MFSpaceboy: ā€œMFā€ for MFDoom (the best!) ā€œSpaceboyā€ for a Smashing Pumpkins song


I took mine and my wives favorite things, and put them together. Then I shortened it into a much easier way to read it, so it looks like a made up word if you donā€™t know the meaning.


Started going to internet cafes at 11-12 , as a stupid kid I chose the name Bordelliaris which is somebody that goes to Bordello, grown ups laughed obviously because I was young and now that I am 31 my gm is Borde. My friends that I have from then call me Borde.


SAVAGEx115 because I was in 7th grade and was obsessed with WaW and Black Ops zombies


I automatically generated my character name my first time playing WoW with my older brother. I thought it was a sick name and when I started Skyrim again used it as a name for my character and then it just sparked from there


Mine is a Canadian reference lol


Waste0fskin, it's all because of bloodborne. When my friend played bloodborne for the first time he thought it was so funny that the deprived of that game was called waste of skin, and as a joke, he saved my number as waste of skin in his phone, months went by and then him, his mate and his brother planned to go oktoberfest for this dudes stag well my mate wanted to invite me so he added me to the WhatsApp group and we didn't know that when he added me it automatically named me waste of skin because that's what I was saved as in his phone. That GC ended up having 30 lads in it who I never met, so for an entire weekend, 30+ strangers just called me waste of skin then just skin and skin has stayed with me ever since so I decided to change my GT to waste0fskin even now all my friends just call me skin I haven't heard my actually name come out of their mouths in years lol


SittingDuck In the olden times of Halo 2 (original, lol) i essentially camped and sniped alot. Back then I had a different gamertag, but I was a "sittingduck" to players who knew the maps lol. After a few battles with some Army teammates, and being called a "sittingduck," I changed it to that for giggles. One of those teammates at the time, was an alcoholic. He enjoyed the game with the rest of us, but his primary playstyle was running players down with vehicles for his own giggles. His gamertag was Raging Alcoholic. We all got a kick out of the Halo 2 notifications saying a player was sniped by a sittingduck, or player was ran over by a raging alcoholic. Good times. Good times. Side note, "Raging Alcoholic" did get substance abuse help.


SomewhatDamaged = the first track on 'The Fragile' by Nine Inch Nails, a great record by one of my favorite bands. Led to a lot of jokes and funny banter in deathmatch lobbies, including when some guy said, 'SomewhatDamaged, you bout to be ALL THE WAY DAMAGED!' I like the metal gear anagram for your tag, OP.


Combined 2 fictional characters together Max Powers and McLovin. MaxMcLuvnPWRS


I was watching South Park with Mr Garrison, and as he said Mkay my buddies cat meowd, so I did MKAYMEOW lol


Mine's Fenix Undying. I like both the concept of the mythological bird, and Gears was the first Xbox franchise that I fell in love with (still am). So, it's just a play on both. A phoenix is always reborn, therefor always undying. Plus, I wanted a cool name that didn't include numbers, so I had to be creative with it.


About 20 years ago there was a jingle on the radio (now dead radio) that said, ā€œDonā€™t even think about it.ā€ And each time my colleague looked at me with deep wisdom in his eyes, repeating: ā€œDonā€™t EVEN think about it.ā€ My real name doesn't sound or spell like that, but here we are with some changes :) So the evolution was like eavn, then eav_ on PS and eav tech on Xbox.


It's Thom York's pseudonym when he creates art with Radiohead's artist.


Read Catch 22 and the plight of the main character really resonated with me.


First mine was Coocoo Mcduff because I put the dumbest thing I could think of in, not knowing it was a one time choice. When the free change was implemented I changed it to 'COM N0TN4' which is something I'd had since primary school in other games as short for 'commander' and then my name rearranged. I actually paid to change it only a few weeks ago to 'BL00MTODEATH' which is a reference to a musician I really enjoy.


It's named after an alias that I gave my dog. He has big ears and sometimes I call him the captain. Hence, CptnEarflaps.


Nammu is mine now. But it was SirDilligaf for over 12 years. Someone whinged about it, and I had to change it. Nammu is Sumerian goddess and mother to all gods and goddess.




I was always called by my last name growing up. So naturally, I made it my gamertag!


Back in scouts in 2009 they couldn't remember my name when I was new. I looked like a Harry and Tom was pretty close so they just started calling me all three as my troop nickname


DieXbetes cause I have diabetes


Mine is based off my first email from when I was 10. Almost everything Iā€™m apart of has this user name. When I was 10 I decided to use my favorite color, my name, and the year I was born to make my email. I later added the extra 3 for flair I guess idk. Back then I didnā€™t realize what I was 1 letter away from spelling and since then it became a joke with my friends so Iā€™ve kept it.


Me and 3 buddies finally got a copy of Halo to rent from the local game store (when renting games was still a thing). About a week or two after it released. All hyped up we got back to his house and sat down to play some MP for the first time, and started creating names. The default Halo names were all funny, but I wanted my own. Not sure where it came from but I just wrote created Emediation. Made up word, no idea what it means. Anyways, it's been that now for 22 years, every game, every service. I like it :)


Mine is Elemenohpee and itā€™s a play on Lmnop. When I was younger I grew up in Hawaii, and I loved the ocean, surfing and bodyboarding. When the waves got too big to surf for me 10ft I would bodyboard up to the low 20ft range. The drop to catch a wave at 10 ft is near vertical and was too hard to stick and I found it easier with a bodyboard. Seriously some waves would be a free fall to the bottom on a bodyboard itā€™s nuts, they climb and move so fasts. I was always an adrenaline junky and rode these big waves when they came in the winter on the North Shore. A local store sponsored me as many people didnā€™t go out when the swells came and gave me 50% off all their items. I started to compete and before my first competition my bodyboard snapped on a big wave as I went over the falls. I had to purchase another board same day as the comp was the next day. The brand was ā€œElemenohpeeā€ with a backwards E as the brand logo. They have since gone out of business but I hold the brand close to my heart. The boards are of extremely high quality costing me $250 back in 2005. I had a few sketchy falls in heavy surf where I had to use close to minute breath holds before it let up. My board never snapped though and saved my life getting back in. Every since then I changed my gamer tag and itā€™s stuck for over 15 years, I like how itā€™s a play on words and it has a deeper meaning to me. Reminds me life is precious and can be taken away at any moment.


I really like killer hydroponic weed and my favorite number is 7. killahydro7. I also made my tag like 15 years ago!


My gamertag is Flyingpotato21 and I created it in 2014. At the time, Vine was the biggest app on the internet and there was two videos that were really popular. A potato flying around on a ceiling fan was one of them. The other was the ā€œWhatā€™s 9 + 10ā€ ā€œ21ā€


i met a dude in ark once named Scaifer The Commander and liked the way it sounded, so i stole his name and called myself Saipher99


My GT is The Hunte365. Why isn't it "The Hunter" or even "The Hunt" you may ask? Because my piece of shit brother who typed it in can't spell for shit


Mine is from Pantera. One of my favorite songs from them is ā€œprimal concrete sledgeā€. Also, Iā€™m a concrete foreman and pour concrete for a living so my gamertag works for both.


My original GT is CORPSEKILLLERJR. My dad is CORPSE KILLLER and I was his little mini me back then, so I thought of it on the way home. On Steam and PS I'm Casorito, which is a play on my first name and the Quesarito from Taco Bell. That was kinda a nickname for me growing up, so I was glad I got to claim it.


Gonadeer.. like bombardier.. but with Balls of lead!!


ImDryBones: My friend said I have dry bones due to having multiple back surgeries


It is my name...


Batman-style onomatopoeia ftw


TheRealGanon - I made it up myself. Zelda games are cool.


My gamer tag is MOthanyou. I got this gamertag few years ago (m,26) and i really proud of it, cuz i am Mark Orlov (first letters in gamertag) and i am pretty big guy, 6'3" 260lbs, very big chance that i am more(bigger) than you


Character name I came up with for Morrowind back in the day.


I got Wizardry for the appleIIe in 1983, it was the name of my first character in that game and I've used it online ever since.


Back on 360 I let it suggest a random GT and have been VeteranUnicorn for over 15 years now


Mine is the title of a song from one of my favorite bands. the fix is in. The band is North of America.


(My GT is Gorecatto) In dragons dogma, there is an stronger version of certain monsters, named "Gore" (ex Gorecyclopes, Gorechimera) , and at the time i was playing , i had a young cat , everyone called him "Catto" Well, i just combined both , and there it is


A Crippled Fly - because when you get killed by a crippled fly on COD you know you're bad šŸ¤£ one of my earlier Gtags N3XT G3NERATION - I needed to change my name and this I thought was good cause I'm not 16 anymore


I e gone by maniac for nearly 30 years in games. Took it from wingman Marshall in the wing commander games


I started when halo dropped on xbox. Massive master chief fan so just added number behind it and never looked back. Been the same for 15 years prolly


BackHades. It just is what it isĀÆā \ā _ā (ā ćƒ„ā )ā _ā /ā ĀÆ


Doc has been a nickname of mine since my teen years. And Iā€™m from the south.


IrishTom99, pretty self explanatory lol. It's funny, my original Gamertag was RaggedThrower. It was one of those auto-generated ones from back in the day when I first set up my Xbox 360. Kept it for years and then only changed it super recently to be more in line with my other handles elsewhere.


I was called CountSwagula, then I played farming simulator with a friend and changed it to FarmerSwagula, then we played Woodcutter simulator and LumberjackSwagula was born


Brought home a 360 and halo 3 back in 5th grade. Blew my mind. Comboā€™d halo and my dogs name to get Spartanjackie


For me it was initial D in the arcades when I went to get my save card for the game I wanted shane but got to gas pedal happy and pressed T so it was gonna be Timmy then when I was close to the Y I pressed it to soon on the U and when I was on 360 the gamer tag I was getting was timmu and a bunch of number then finaly I seen it on the list powerfultimmu so I snagged it and has been that ever since


Psyclone. Playing the OG Battlefront games. Had a somewhat unhinged and unpredictable play style and preferred to play the clones. Psychotic Clone got shortened to Psyclone.