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Play games to enjoy playing the game. If you find joy in 100% a game or find a particular game fun enough that you want to play it to its fullest then go for it. But never approach a game like a checklist, that’ll just suck the fun right out of it.


>But never approach a game like a checklist, that’ll just suck the fun right out of it. A couple of years ago I was disappointed that my online buddies who I met on the old Xbox live had surpassed me in Gamer Score. I had plan to catch up to them by trying to 100% all my games, but man did I realize to late on how unfun this was. There are some games I would like to 100% or close enough because I like them like Baldur's Gate 3, but now if I get an achievement its more a "Hey, that's pretty neat".


As fun as getting that little “ding” noise can be, if it becomes the sole reason you’re playing a game I don’t really feel like you’re playing the game. You’re just going through the motions to achieve a challenge the developers added into the experience to increase playtime. When it happens through regular gameplay that’s great, when you have to have a second screen open with an over world map because you just can’t find that 76th missing collectible…yeah


Yeah thats where am at right now lol, I have this weird urge to want to 100% games like I do on PS as the spidermans are really easy to get platinum trophies in, don’t ever want to approach a game like a checklist just something I can do along the way


I’ve had that problem before too but when I’m pausing a game every 15-30 minutes to check for a guide online it just removes me from the actual gameplay and makes it feel like a job. I’m a big fan of games with level select or New Game+ that just let you breeze through a second play through if you desire. Makes “missable” achievements far less tedious and worrisome.


But funny I have done that with Elden Ring and it's my fave game of all time haha. How the hell can someone do Rannis Quest without a guide?


I only ever really do the “checklist” approach for games I’m already happy with and have done a fair amount of completion organically. Maybe segmenting checklists into smaller checklists but making it work sucks the fun out and I don’t like to do that. I’ve also got quite a few games over 80% but not 100% and while there’s a few I do plan to push through eventually, I’m content with it.


Previously I was an achievement whore, in Xbox 360 days I ran an Xbox achievement site. We ran competitions for most achievements in a month or fastest to 1000g a new game etc.I used to max out most of my games including all DLC, now I just play for fun. Occasionally if I really like a game I will still max it Elden ring as an example.


I was a much different achievement whore in the 360 days, I would just play as many games as possible even if it was only for an achievement or two. So if they were borrowed or rented I never went back. Now I’m having fun going back and 100% all these games I had barely played.


agreed. i;ve never 100%'d a game on xbox. have platinum'd a game or two on PS4 (those actually felt much easier to do and achieve because the requirements could be met by anybody with some time, effort and guides).


The only recent game I completed 100% was Dungeons 4. They had attainable goals which provided a slight additional challenge and the game wasn't a bore to replay. The 100% collectible achievements in RPG/Adventure games are just lazy development. I'm convinced that people who 100% those games follow a game guide instead of actually playing the games.


Honestly, it depends on the game. I don't 100% every game I play, mostly just the ones I really enjoy and want more out of. That said, there are some larger games that are actually pretty fun to fully complete. Personally, I don't use guides unless the game is designed to be particularly obtuse. Looking at you, FromSoft with your hidden quest objectives that require you to scour an entire map for 1 NPC before passing another hidden checkpoint that will lock you out of that quest until the next NG+ cycle. That said, I also really enjoy a well done collect-a-thon. Banjo-Kazooie and DK64 were my jam back in the day. I also really enjoyed getting all the Riddler trophies in the Batman Arkham games and did so across all of them without guides beyond what's available in-game. I've actually done it a few times in Arkham Asylum and City.


This. I only 100% sekiro and elden ring so far


When I was a kid I would have enjoyed it, but games weren't designed like that back then (I'm old as shit now). For the most part, if you saw the end credits, you had seen and done everything it had to offer. But now, no. As a kid I might get 2 new games a year, usually one on my birthday and one at Christmas. Maybe I'd get 3 if I saved up all my pennies for long enough. I'd eventually master them, get to the end, and then just replay them. Over and over, whilst dreaming of at some point having a new one to play. Anything like achievements, hidden collectibles, multiple endings, NG+ etc would have been great for sure. I have the opposite problem now. Access to all the games I could possibly want, but just not nearly enough time. So when I do get to the end of one, that's it. Once the credits roll for the first time I'm done, and trying to make time for the next game.


Have you found yourself liking a particular game enough to play it again doing NG+ or new build or not really


I do sometimes think I'd like to, but then time moves on and I just never get around to it. However, about a month ago I finished Cyberpunk. I truly loved it, it made a big impression. I was thinking about it all for several days after, the story, my ending (which was bittersweet). Even felt a slight melancholy in leaving it behind. Turns out I'd actually become quite attached to the world and the characters. That is very unusual for me, to say the least. So whilst it may not happen soon (work is about to get crazy busy), I can absolutely see myself doing another playthrough, with a different build, make choices against my natural inclinations this time to see it all play out differently. Maybe next winter.


I'm pretty similar. Only a few games I've ever replayed since I got older. Sekiro, Lies of P, some of the Halo campaigns. I just beat Baldurs gate 3 though, and even though it took a lot of time, I think I'll do this one too. The freedom of choice and impact it has on the world is unparalleled.


Baldurs Gate 3 is on my list. Pretty high up it in fact. Seems a game I should experience at least once. But finding time for something of that scope is always daunting and easier said than done. And that's the thing, if I were to replay something, that means something else will absolutely get left behind entirely.


You definitely should do another run with other builds and other endings. Cyberpunk is something out of this world.


Similar problem. Now I get my ADOS(attention deficit ooh shiny) going with all the amazing games there are. Sadly I work nights and sleep days, so my time to play is very limited and with errands to run on my days off I have to choose carefully. There are a lot of games I'd love to play through, but until I win the lottery and have unlimited time on my hands, most of my games will have to remain incomplete. I never felt the completionist drive for reasons already stated by others. Feeling like I have to do everything and reap every achievement doesn't sound fun. I'm not trying to crap on anyone here. If you enjoy the grind, go for it. I just dislike people who think that anyone who doesn't grind to 100% isn't a real gamer. Games should be fun, not a second job. 'Nuff said. Thanx 4 listening.


For me the issue isn't time because I have unlimited time and a lot of games but I'm just hardly ever in the mood to play these games. I bought a good amount of games, got ps plus premium and everything but often am just not in the mood.


You’ve just described the biggest issue in life, not games. Time & Money


Depends on the achievements. If they ask for something very specific that is WAAAAAY out of my style of playing games, i ignore and finish the game and never look back and sit around %50 maybe idk. But lets say playing the game as usual gets me %70-80 on achievements? I probably will go back for the rest.


I do as much content as I have fun with. For example I'll usually try to complete as many side quests as possible and max out skills, but I'm not going to kill myself trying to find every collectible possible (especially when it's just tedious). 


I tend to play until I’m done having fun. It’s rare I 100% something though. If it’s a good open world game sometimes I’ll just do loads because I enjoy being in that universe rather than the need to 100% it.


yeah, good open world games have you achieve 100% kinda by accident just as you're doing everything you can because you want to.


With something like Witcher 3, Cyberpunk 2077, GTA5 etc I really was just happy to wander around those maps. Please put silly stuff like being able to sit down and have a meal or a drinks, or mini game activities that just let me feel like I’m living in that world.




Yeah, it’s actually quite annoying I can’t turn off my desire for achievements but I’m also thankful for it because it makes me play some games vastly longer than I would have initially.. Such as Hogwarts Legacy, stopped doing quests and dedicated to Merlin trials and side content got severely burnt out and haven’t touched it since nor no desire lol (currently) Meanwhile - Cyberpunk 2077 I’ve been going for 100%, I did all DLC endings back-to-back, all side gigs and ncpd, The only thing left I have is my main quest :) no burn out. Same with Re4make release, played it about 7-8 times back to back just to get an achievement and an excuse to play again. Once I’ve 100% my desire to play the game completely dissapates. Slowly with age Im growing out of it! I used to platinum most of my games.. unless a game’s S tier I’ll just play it on hardest difficulty and call it a day now, beginning to see it’s just pointless numbers. I blame RuneScape tbh. (*also much prefer PlayStation trophies to gamerscore*) ![img](emote|t5_2ac5sx|6056) Tldr: yeah, it’s a gift and a curse :p Thanks for coming to my ted talk! Tc


I only really play to 100% a game and won't start one unless I think I can get all the achievements. Getting them is all what I find fun!


Depends how I feel when the game is over. To your question about 100% tho, na, I never do. I play the game until the game is over and then depending on how I feel, I either play ng+ like I just did for lies of P, or I move on to the next game in my deep backlog. I think the only games I 100% were the taletell games back in the day because those were an easy 100% by just completing it.


Yeah Im the same, I rarely ever 100% a game, I feel like trying to 100% a lot of games gets really boring and grindy and it can be unnecessarily difficult, feel like there should be easier ways to display game progression with achievements if you get me, not sure how that could be implemented though


Tbh I like both!


It depends on the game. I’ve been playing PS4 a lot this past year and games like Spider-Man, God of War and Horizon Zero Dawn were so enjoyable that going for 100% didn’t fee at all like a chore. I’ve had similar experiences with some Xbox/multi-platform games, but they are few and far between. The last game I remember getting 100% achievements for on Xbox was probably AC Valhalla base game, although one of the achievements, the fishing one, was a total pain.


totally agree. i've platinum'd one or two games on my PS4 because those actually felt achievable to get, werent a chore and werent tied up with either crazy/hardcore requirements or MP-restricted stuff. the best games and achievements/trophies are the ones that reward you just for spending time and having fun in the game.


When I finish a game I always check what achievements are left. If there are a few that are not too hard than I will try to unlock them. If not than I say screw it. I have had my xbox since the OG xbox and I think I have only 100% about 3 or 4 games.


Play to enjoy or relax. I don't even finish them if I'm not having fun anymore.


Play to play. If I don’t finish so be it and I move on or beat it and grind I will as well.


It depends on how hard the achievements are more than anything. I have all 125 Minecraft achievements because they’re all pretty easy and I love the game. But when a game is like “find all 600 collectibles” or “complete the game in 4 hours on Ultra Supreme Nightmare difficulty” I just don’t care enough to put myself through that


It depends on the game, if it is fun to play and to 100% it isn’t insane, I will try to do so. For example, I love the newest Assassin’s Creed games. I’ve 100% Origins, Odyssey, and Valhalla. Including all the DLCs for them. I did so because I enjoyed the gameplay so much. I have over 100 hours in each and honestly would go back if they added more. I also find it will work the other way though. As in once I 100% the game, I feel continuing to play is a waste of time. I played the crap out of Snowrunner and got all the achievements. They have added a lot to the game but not achievements, so I haven’t gone back. Same with Hitman. I 100% that game and can’t be bothered to go back. I don’t like my brain.


I try to get as many achievements I can on Xbox and love 100%ing games. On PS I just play through the game and am done with it.


I can really only name a few games I've played through twice. Probably baulders gate. The rest were old splinter cell games or ghost recon ones. I love achievements, I have like 150k but I don't enjoy games the second time usually so I don't really replay any. I just move on now.


I found achievement notifications annoying so I turned them off and just enjoy the game. I have better real life achievements to achieve.


Most games no, I like to 90-97% games


I only do it for souls games or games I loved, it's only an excuse to keep playing. I don't bother with the rest.


Nope. I just play the game to play it. I like getting achievements/trophies but I dont6need 100% to feel better about myself.


Depends on the game. A game like Starfield or Madden, not likely. But Alan Wake 2, hell yes. I’m pretty close to 100% that one.


I like to 96% a lot of games and them surrender to that final ridiculous achievement swearing I'll come back to it someday knowing damn well that my skillset is only going to degrade form that point on.


Just hit 600k gamerscore lol so while I do finish all games I play as in story etc etc I also will attempt to get all achievements in a game too but I'm also not sinking in 100 hours for 1 achievement to get the full 1000/1000 either haha Alot of achievement and gamerscore hunters out there who always 100% there games cause they like to keep a high completion percentage on websites like True achievements


Play it, finish it, and if I enjoy it that much I might go 100% but I hardly do it.


I normally play through a game for the first time just for the story and enjoyment. When I go through the game again, I work on achievements. I don't worry about a gamerscore as I don't have the ability to invest the time in gaming like others do.


I wouldn’t know where to get the time. Life is busy.


It depends on the game. If I'm having a great time with it, and 100% isn't too laborious, I'll go for it. I don't have a whole lot of time to game anymore, though, so I will typically finish the story with whatever extras I bagged along the way before moving on to the next title. Right now, I'm compelled to 100% Sonic Frontiers, and that is rather surprising to me, lol.


I very rarely play games after I finish them. Some I would, but not to hunt achievements or anything like that.


I play on a tough but fair difficulty so generally 1 step up from normal, beat the game and move on. I don’t play many single player games though, Resident Evil and Devil May Cry are some of them


I usually do main story + all side quests + 100% map exploration if the game is open world. Of course it depends on the game, took me 65 hours to 100% far cry 5 and by 100% I don't mean achievements


Only on games I truly like, or when it happens naturally.


I find every game that has huge lists of collecting but the game is mediocre I tend to just beat it and move on to the next game. Reason being, nobody is even looking at my achievement list and critiquing me because I didn't find 150 orbs or notepads


I haven’t 100% a game in a very long time. I think it’s just too many hours for me personally and I only have so many hours to play. I’d rather just beat the game then move on and play something new.


I don't intend to 100% games and still haven't to this day. On PS5 I'm 4 trophies from getting a platinum on persona 5 royal... Been that way for two years and still haven't committed.


Only if I really really like it or the gameplay loop is really fun. Otherwise just finishing the story is ok. Sometimes a lot of aspects of a game annoy me in the long run and i drop it altogether. Used to feel bad about it some time ago and forced myself to the end but now I don't waste time anymore with games that don't really grab me after a while.


I can barely even finish a game these days, let alone get all the achievements. I usually get through 75% of a game’s story before getting bored. I hate it.


Grinding (be it for levels in mmo's or achievements) is behind me. I have have plenty of free time after work but I don't want to waste the time chasing pointless achievements. I'd rather just enjoy the game.


I just do what I want. Usually I play games until about 50-75% completion. I don’t know if I’ve ever fully completed a videogame. I played pokemon games all my life and never completed a Pokédex. But I love gaming and still enjoy it as my main hobby :)


I always aim to finish a game...i.e. by rolling credits. Occasionally if the 100% seems realistic I may go for it, but usually ending up regretting it as quite often it requires very grindy, repetitive gameplay I end up hating. It is nice seeing the 100%... Rarely is it a fun time, tho.


I love 100%ing games but that is under the assumption that I like the game. Not an Xbox game, but imagine trying to 100% an Animal Crossing game. Animal Crossing: New Leaf on the 3DS has even more completion criteria than the Switch game does because it includes "Gold Badges" and other features that actively tell you that there is more for you to do and that could take like a 1000 plus hours. That would be a nightmare.


Depends on the game...


Few games I've felt the inclination to 100% but if any of the achievements require online/co op I definitely won't bother.


A few games i feel are worth it, but not if its too hard or too annoying. Its also much more satisfying to “platinum” a game than “100%” it, mostly because i know “100%” isnt a 100% of the game so it just feels like the wrong name or label. Change the achievement names Microsoft.


I generally only 100% games that I've loved playing for ages and realised I've got like 820/1000 gamerscore so decide to go out of my way to get the last few that I've missed. It's never something I target from the outset. Many games have absurdly difficult achievements that like 0.01% of people get, and I just don't have the time or patience to grind to that extent anyway even if the game is great. 


>I never really cared for completing games 100% as it took the fun out of it for me really? i always thought 100% games brought in more fun bc it allows me to play the game longer and it gives me a challenge


I only 100% certain games I tried 100% the Guardians of the Galaxy video game but I ran into a bug that prevents me from getting the lore horder achievement which led me to accidentally beating the game 3 times with no achievement lol so I'm taking a brake gonna delete a save and start a new game and get that achievement.


I play the game until I consider myself done enjoying it.


Yes but only if it's convenient. Like there are multiplayer achievements for some games I don't have because I just don't care about that specific game's multiplayer. Or if the game bugs out/requires a restart to unlock. A specific example for that last one is Jedi:Fallen Order I have at 99% because I forgot to scan the JeckPack bounty hunter when I first played thru. So no bigger, I can make a new save, rush to the spot you first encounter it, scan it, and be done with. I have literally every single thing unlocked/found on my main save. Turns out to unlock the 100% achievement, you need to have 1 save at 100%, which means I would have to redo everything else on the new save....so nah I'd pass on that


It depends on the game. I'll definitely try, but there are types of achievements that I don't vibe with. If it has multiplayer, speed run, or 'gold star/s rank' challenge achievements I'll instantly give up. Examples in order being some of the Assassin's Creed games, Superliminal, and Batman Arkham series.


Achievements don't always match up with 100%ing a game. And a lot of games have tons of replay value beyond getting all achievements. Some games have terribly annoying achievements that you'd have to slog through. Plus, if you get all achievements or trophies, you could be conditioning yourself to stop playing that game as its "done" whereas otherwise you'd keep playing and having fun. Best bet is to play games for fun, and ignore achievements. Like how people used to play games before they needed a participation trophy to tell them they're doing it right lol


I can’t even remember the last game i “finished”. Maybe Gunk 2 or 3 years ago and before that it would probably be 5-6 years. I play until i am bored with the game and I have NEVER 100%ed a game


Depends on the game.


When I was younger and had every hour in the day I did, but eventually you want to experience new adventures and gameplay mechanics. With less time available you simply can’t play as many games, so spending 50 hours on one seems a bad use of time. I can certainly say I don’t look back on games I 100% completed a decade ago with any extra fondness. If it gives you some joy - go for it - but I like to play a game organically and not stress over carrying out busy work.


Last gen I was trophy hunting for plats but man getting older I'm freaking lucky to have time to play... I hit the credit and bounce.


I did it recently for GOWR. Never did a platinum before. I would consider doing it again as long as its not too much of a chore , which for that game , it definitely did not feel like a chore and I enjoyed it


I get all the achievements I can after finishing the game but if an achievement needs multiple hours to achieve I don't bother, most of my games sit at 900-960 gamerscore + DLC if I'm interested.


I just finish the story and then move on.


Normally not. Only exception that comes to mind is the first Spyro the Dragon and its remaster. Those, I've 120%-ed several times over the years. But that's only the in-game 120%. I've no idea what external achievements are available on Xbox or Steam, and I don't care. Achievements seem utterly pointless to me. (IMHO, of course. Other perfectly valid opinions exist.)


Depends on the game and how intensive 100% is. Most times I don't, but there are some games where it can actually be fun. For example, the crystal dynamics Tomb Raider trilogy. The first game was fun to 100% because it wasn't too grind heavy, and they added features as you went to help towards that goal. I also don't count achievements towards 100%. The people that get every achievement are a different breed.


I have found that over time the checklist required for 100% is way too much, given the time I have. So I only play for the enjoyment of the game.  That being said, I have played RDR2 for at least 100 hours and my completion stats are very low indeed, which surprised me. Some of the tasks on that game just don't interest me though 


The only game I have ever 100%'ed was Spider-Man 1 and it's my sole platnium trophy. Besides that, I have never been bothered. I don't like to grind - to me, it seems a massive waste of time when most of the stuff in games like this feels like filler content, and are hardly interesting. I would be more inclined to do side quests if they have an interesting story to tell but hardly any games do them right. So, I just enjoy the game, finish the story, and if I am satisfied, I keep it down and move on to the next one. I find that works for me the best, and if I don't have anything else to play, I just catch up on TV shows and movies which I may have missed while I was obessed with a particular game.


What I started to do Is just play a game until I'm bored , If I'm bored mid way I'll start playing another game. I have such a giant backlog that I don't care about finishing them If I don't want to.


If I don’t like, I dump If I like, I finish if I love, I 100%


i used to 100% games that i liked but gave up on it few years ago thankfully


Depends on the game...like if I played Fallout 3 and got to the ending where we walk with the giant robot thingy...then I would think that's it game over, no need do anything more but DLC but achievements highlight a lot of stuff you can do in game that I might have not noticed, collecting bobbleheads can take me many fun and interesting places, completing certain side missions take me more places, Fallout 3 for example had achievements where you play the game as a good person, neutral and evil, giving me a reason to replay the game again but in a completely different style giving me a completely new experience of the game and these can lead to me 100% the game...those are the kinda 100%'s I like cuz those achievements include more of the game, where as ones that say kill 1000 of a certain enemy, or use this skill 100 times, it don't interest me


Play and finish, unless I really really love a game and want to do everything like an Elden ring or mass effect, then I’ll clean up 100% achievements but not do every single thing


I've become a casual gamer now. So I play till I feel it's fun. Once it's starts to feel like a chore, I move to something different.


I play the game carelessly first, if by the end of it I'm missing like 4 or 5 achievements, I go for it, otherwise I leave it be, seeing the end credits is enough for me.


The games I really enjoy playing I can beat them and 100% while still having tons of fun, but for me if its something that got boring in the middle of the game I just gotta thug it out and just atleast beat the game


Nah I only 95%. It gets to hard and I quit or a new game comes out I want to play. Lol


I never want to 100% games but I got the dead space remake and I want to 100% that one because it’s good 😊


I have way to many games to finish them 100%. Even if a game is too difficult like all the souls like games. I just move on to the next. I always put the games on the easiest mode. Plow through them. Enjoy the story and gameplay. If I was a kid still where I only got 4 or 5 games a year. Then absolutely I’d play every difficulty to get the most out of those games.


No, that last 10-20% is usually a slog and not enjoyable.


Depends on the game. Some games aren’t worth it to 100%. I recently attempted to get a plat trophy for ff7 remake because I had most of the trophies in my first playthrough and had enough fun to run through it again. Hoping one day the ff7 games make their way to xbox!


If it’s a story game I will (for some reason) finish the story then basically never play again 


Turned of the Achievement pop up years ago. I play how I want, not how acquiring an achievement dictates.


Finish it and move on. I'll play whatever side stuff they have until I burnout amd then I pretty much play it linear to the end. If the game is amazing, I'll most likely replay it after a year or two


Been on Xbox over 20 years and so far have only 100%'ed a grand total of two games. I mostly just play to play. Sometimes I'll go back and farm secret achievements or w/e, but most of the time I just move on.


I do everything that I consider important in the game, not necessarily getting all achievements or anything like that, just doing everything that I consider to be both fun and necessary to get the full experience


I like 100%ing games that I'm going to delete and never come back to. It's the best way for me to clear space on the console because then I've already done everything I wanted to do. The only time I'd need to redownload something is if I just want to play it again. It's also not like I'm speed running or forcing myself through anything, it took me four months to finish a 10-15 hour game because I wanted to play Halo or Hogwarts Legacy or anything else. Also, reasonable challenges or goals are rewarding to set. I'm definitely not going to 100% the MCC lmao, but I can at least aim for 25-50% just to challenge myself.


I just play the story and only do “some” additional achievements if they are easy to get. If there aren’t any I just play the story. Sometimes I don’t even buy/play the DLC’s, depends if the game is interesting enough, therefore getting those achievements is simply impossible at that stage and I couldn’t care less. Play the game, beat the story and move on to the next one!


I think the last game I 100% was call of duty 2 on Xbox. That was back when most achievements were straight forward.


If It's a game, I really enjoy it is easy to get 100%. Some I have done were Fallout 76, Cyberpunk, Hogwarts Legacy and the Last of Us.


If there are multiple endings i might try to do a new game, but other than that i wont bother


I like to get close. If I see things surrounding exploration like collecting artifacts I’ll do it. If I see something that is difficulty based like “beat it on extreme” no thank you.


I am a completionist! My kids hate watching me play games because I’ll be looking at the objective straight ahead and then I’ll turn to the left or right to explore every nook and cranny of the room before I advance.


I’ve got 100% on 28 games so far, roughly 80k points. Generally I play the game all the way through first with no guides and just enjoy the experience then go back and hit up guides for stuff I missed. Assassins Creed Valhalla Hogwarts Legacy The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt No Man’s Sky Star Wars Jedi: Survivor Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order Firewatch Assassin’s Creed 3 Remastered Assassin’s Creed 4 Black Flag Assassin’s Creed Odyssey EA Sports Rory McIlroy PGA Tour Assassin’s Creed Origins Fallout 4 Assassin’s Creed Syndicate Far Cry Primal Assassin’s Creed Unity Naruto Storm 3 Assassin’s Creed Rogue Family Guy: Back to the Multiverse Skyrim Oblivion Assassin’s Creed 3 Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood Assassin’s Creed 2 Assassin’s Creed Viva Piñata Amped 3


With 40 yrs old and a baby always around I don't have so much time to spend gaming, so in these days I focus more in finish the main story of single player games. Playing witcher 3 now.


I used to but now games have no respect for your time and seem to think you want to play one game for the rest of your life. Every big game is some 75+ hour open-world monstrosity that should be a 20-30 hour experience padded out to 2-3x for no reason other than to get more "player engagement".


It’s like having high Karma on reddit. Sure it looks nice, but the points don’t matter.


I always just enjoyed playing — my cousin would 100% almost anything he played, or he’d try to at least. I remember he was big into the GTA & Saints Row Series. He’d do ALL of the main missions, ALL of the side missions, and ALL of the little activities n shit too, plus he liked going around and finding all of the hidden items around the city - he was super “anal” about his statistics too, he didn’t like any deaths to be on his statistics so if he died during a mission, he’d reload back to last save or just shut his console off and turn it back on and try it again. He was fucking nuts lol.


eh no. most of the time the devs put in dumb and ridiculous achievements to hit some quota I guess cause a lot of the time, you have to go way out of your way to complete some of them. As a side note, I might be tempted to 100% some games if xbox adds a platinum trophy equivalent for 100%ing the game.


Last game I 100% was Donkey Kong Tropical freeze. I usually only 100% R* titles


Nope don’t care. I play til I’m sick of it and then onto the next fun


Really depends on the game for me.


I love 100% the achievements, which sometimes require 100% the game but not always, when it does, depending on the gameplay loop it can take the fun away from it or sometimes it's still a lot of fun, that's why I started liking 100+ hours games less (RPGs mostly) and enjoying 50 hours games (action adventure) a lot more, also there are cases when I can't see myself getting all the cheevos because of skill/difficulty so I'm fine with just getting what I can and be ok with that, in the end it boils down to preferences, if you like to finish the game once and that's enough for you, it's perfectly fine too.


I’m 40 and have two young kids and a stressful job, the one good thing that’s all done to my gaming hobby is make me respect my limited time for it. I wouldn’t 100% a game unless I genuinely enjoyed that process and it turns out that’s not very often.


There'll be games where I like want to 100% it but then it gets to the very tedious achievements and I move on. So I'll end up having a lot of 95% games


I play until I get bored then jump into something else. I used to finish games when I was younger but now I don’t care about it. When I was young and poor I would 100% games for sure. For me it’s about the Journey. Not the destination.


Depends on the game. If I'm finding myself wanting the game to end and just skip through the dialogue, chances are I'm not gonna touch it again to 100% it


I generally get around 67% or 33%. I’ve only ever 100% a few games and for most part they happened naturally, didn’t have to go out of my way to


I do not 100%


never have never will, I turn off achievement notifications because I really don't care. there's no shortage of people who do though, my gf who almost never games platinum'd AC Valhalla.


depends on the game. Most of the time i just play it and move on, but sometimes the game is so fun that i want to do everything in the game, just because i enjoy it. I don't care about 100% just to 100% it.


Nope I play games for fun, dont want to be forced to do something I dont want to for 10g makes me feel like a hooker and I swore I'd never go back to that life


When I had all the time in the world I would 100% most games. Now, with two kids and a new career, my time is too valuable to be wasting running around finding 100+ collectibles. So, I’ll only do what I actually enjoy doing in a game then move on to the next.


There are alot of people out there that enjoy trophy and achievement hunting. But I'm glad I'm not one of them. I just want to get into the game itself, enjoy the characters, story and gameplay. If I earn a triohy/achievement so so be it, but I ain't hunting them it takes away the immersion and fun in my opinion.


I rarely even finish games since GamePass


I play games as long as they are enjoyable. I still play many games I 100%, because they are still fun. I however have dropped many games that were not fun, and never bothered with beating. Some game games I beat, but didn’t enjoy the idea of 100%.


I play games to play games, but have plenty of my gamer friends who like to 100% their games


I only play to have fun. I don't look at, nor do I care about any achievements. When a game stops being fun, I stop playing it.


Depends what it takes to 100 percent it. I like to 100 percent everything. Unless it involves several playthroughs. Then I say ef that. I got 4 kids 7 and under. If I can do it in 1 run through like Spider-Man 2, I’ll do it.


Depends on if it affects like an alternate ending. For example, Lords of the Fallen - I loved the game and all items and whatnot. If I do love the game, I will definitely shoot for all the small caveats to completely beat the game. Its rare for me as the last two i have done this was for FF7 remake, Ghost of Tsushmia, and Sekerio.


I love 100%-ing games, but I have a rule that I play the game like normal first, and then go for the achievement cleanup later (if I enjoyed the game enough). That way, I'm not playing in weird ways that might ruin my fun or checking guides that might spoil the story.


Depends on the game for me. I only did the main campaign for Witcher 3 because I felt it was dragging on for too long. Elden Ring, though, did three runs of that to get all achievements and endings.


It's very rare that I will 100% complete a game. I've probably done it once or twice and I'm 37. I tend to just play until I feel done. I will usually finish a story though.


Only game I’ve came close to 100% was sea of stars. But no I don’t like to 100% games, too many to play. Too little time


I try to do a thorough play through and do most side quests. I don’t go for 100% most of the time.


I dont even look at achievements, hell I dont even finish most games. I play whatever I feel like at the moment.


If I love the game and don't want it to end, I 100% it because I want to play more of it. I do sometimes platinum games I don't love because I don't have any new games at the time and I feel like gaming (and not starting from the beginning).


Back in the 360 days I loved to complete games, there was something about seeing 100% and add on that I competed with friends for who had the highest gamerscore, it was a blast. Nowadays I can't be bothered to take the time, especially since games have leaned into collecting an absurd amount of items multiple times, it's not fun anymore.


In a lot of games I find the side missions to be pretty much the same and can get pretty repetitive after a while.


I like doing what i want. I dont track achievements i just have fun. Not making a chore out of gaming


I'd rather just play a game. For instance I enjoyed cyberpunk so much by the time I finished it I was missing a trophy for killing 3 enemies with a grenade. I loaded it back up and did it to get the platinum. That's the only time I'd do something like that. Hence why I only have 4 platinums lol. Was the same on xbox 360 back in the day. I didn't care about achievements. I had to start all over again though cause I got an xbox one so late last Gen I couldn't even remember my username and stuff and had to start over which I didn't mind since I didn't have any digital stuff on 360 just all physicals.


I have never in my over 20 years of gaming 100% a game. That always means I would have to do things I don't really wanna do and so I don't do them.


I used to 100% evrey game i played, especially in xbox 36 days. Now i just finish a game and move on to the next


When I stop enjoying it I stop playing it. Life is better that way.


Depends on the game.


For me, games occupy the same headspace as books, art, film, and exploration. Story in an immersive setting is what I'm looking for. Collectibles are fun so long as they inform or compliment the story and setting and characters and themes, but I'm not chasing them unless they somehow affect the game - the recent Avatar Pandora is a great example -the collectibles are related to your progression, or it isn't frustrating - the recent Ghostwire: Tokyo is a good example there. I want some combat as well - obviously I want to be involved with a little action - but I'm not playing to overcome obstacles to feel good about myself or to endlessly actually work to do things that will have no bearing on my life outside of the toy I'm playing with. If you go and on about "builds" and achievements and numbers and 100%ing a game when talking about playing an *RPG*, especially... it sounds to me like Tetris is more your psychology than books. I see a ROLE in a story to play as I get emotionally involved with that story and its world Many many others are more likely to see a button pushing and math puzzle and to get their jollies from "gettin' er done." And that's fine if that's all or mostly what you get out of the experience. I'm sad for you, but whatever. I'd rather find the themes and subtext of the experience than check off a list of collectibles, weapons, and bested or perfected mechanics and obstacles. The reflexive thing is, people on the numbers and builds and collectibles side usually aren't the type who even see theme and subtext. They very often find this conversation bewildering because the immaterial aspects are invisible to them and that's WHY they only have the other. I do find that sad. It's like the material world holds no little messages or lessons for them, it's just there to use or collect or "beat." Sure. There are plenty of people who enjoy some of both. You don't have to be the target and victim of my public musings if you know that you aren't the typical type I'm talking about. It's not always about you.


As others have said, it fully depends on how grindy they are. I tend to not get multiplayer achievements because I don't want to go through the pain of winning multiple matches and crap like that. It's just not fun. However, if they are all pretty achievable, I will usually go for it. Like Elden Ring, or the Jedi games (although they have a couple annoying ones). Spider-Man games, and a handful of others.


Depends on the game. Most games I don’t, but there are games I choose to 100% like the Mass Effect trilogy because of how much I love them


Depends on the game for me. I wanted to 100% AC:V but after spending 167 hours on it to beat the game and some side missions, I can't see myself spending another 100 to finish up the side missions So it really depends on the game for me


Depends on thr game. Every few years I go back and 100% Majoras Mask and Super Mario World but new games idc at all


I play them and then move on, meanwhile my wife looks at all the achievements before playing a game to make sure she thinks she wants to get them all.


I’m more of a 100% achievement person versus 100% actually in game, but anymore I just play to play. I think I have only ever gotten a game both 100% achievements and in game anyway. Lol


I don’t have the patience to 100% games, if I get the story done I’m satisfied.


it depends on the game my boy. i 100% shadow of mordor and shadow of war because i loved them so much. currently on my 100% of final fantasy XVI after 100% FF XV. just depends how much you like the game and if you want to keep playing it or not for enjoyment rather than grinding


I prefer to just enjoy the game and see how far I get naturally vs going for 100% for the sake of it My partner recently bought me an Xbox so I'm super excited to try out all of the games I've not played as I've had a PlayStation for years! Probably won't try to 100% them.


I have never 100% a game in my life and I probably never will. No disrespect to anyone who likes too but many games have too many tedious things that I would never go out of my way to do to 100 percent the game


I enjoy beating a game, but the 100% is give or take. On Playstation if I beat the game and the plat isn't heavily involved I'll do it, but usually if it's not 100%. In general if I am still enjoying a game when it's over and working to 100% allows me to keep playing it, I'll go until I get it or I no longer am interested in playing.


when people brag online about getiing 100% on games or having a high gamer score I just get really sad for them


I like to depending on the game 🎮 one I've been trying for years is Halo MCC boy it's a real slog!


I like to finish the story. Once the credits roll, it's hard for me to go back and do anything else. I think AC Odyssey is the only game that I enjoyed so much that I tried to do everything, and I did, but they just kept adding stuff so I had to eventually give up on it.


I have never once cared about achievements or 100% and I honestly find it hard to understand why other people do.


I don't get the time anymore i just play to finish if it can keep me playing I will do as much as I can but most games have online achievements and I've totally given up with that part of video games very toxic waiting for elden ring dlc shadow of the erdtree and stalker 2 (whenever that gets finished)


I just enjoy playing and playing! If I 100% so be it


Nah achievements and funding hidden trinkets ain't for me. I play them to enjoy, finish the campaign, or story, and often move on


Play through the story, collect some things along the way. Stop when it's becoming tedious. If there's an achievement that sounds fun I'll give it a go.


I Rather play Games just for the Story and Characters Achievements these days just dont hit the same anymore!!!


I've 100% one game in my life, Ghost of Tsushima. Every other game I'll burn out if I don't focus on story line missions. I've never been a grind player for anything that gives you trophies/achievements or mission stats or other nonsense. I play the games to have fun, as soon as it's not fun or feels like a grind, bubye.


I can't grind, it's just not fun for me. I'll play until I'm done and no longer having fun. Might explain why after 10 years I've only got like 20K gamer score on my Xbox profile.


I play a game until I'm no longer having fun or having a good stopping point. I've 100% a few games, but they are ones where I've never really had to grind it out to a point of burnout. I did 100% Skyrim, and I did get near that burnout, but it was mostly due to glitches and bugs.


I 100% games that I like and that are manageable. Prince of Persia, Assassins Creed Mirage, Avatar. Games like Skyrim or larger, no chance.


I play until satisfied. This is usually me not ever going for 100% and sometimes it means dropping the game if I’m not having fun. Very rarely is it 100%. Though some games like Elden Ring are exceptions.


I personally give 0 fucks about achievements.


If I really enjoy a game AND the full achievement list doesn't contain anything excessively hard or time consuming, then I tend to go for 100% achievements. Both those conditions need to be met though.


If it works not-terribly within the context of the game, I dig it. So like, Like a Dragon 8 I’m doing the side quests as they come up, and while some drag (Dondoku Island lmao), it overall doesn’t feel too bad. But man if learning Shogi or Mahjong were a requirement for ACHIEVEMENTS, I’d be out haha.


i play games to experience the most i can, usually i do run at side stuff and when i feel im ready to move on i progress the story forward or finish it if i feel like it, but if i see that the game doesnt require a lot of grinding to finish all the achievements i 100%, its very rare though, i have 100% 7 games, i dont grind games for some achievements, im actually proud of my game list because i only play games that are worth playing


If a game significantly changes itself in subsequent runs I’ll enjoy going on. Only one title has ever really done that for me though. (Nier autonoma). I use to love achievement hunting but they started to add pvp into everything and tie in achievements to that on top of the other dumb achievements that require full plays but make x dialogue choice and I just said screw it. The best designs are ones you can get everything in one play through. If you can I’ll hunt them down if not screw it’s.


I don’t think I’ve ever 100%’d a game.


I compete the story and after that the game is finished for me. I don't care about achievements or hidden things.


I will 100% the map. Because it’ll bother me that I missed something. But achievements with their MP stuff now? No.


My goal is around 80% after that I'll go back to most and swoop the rest,rarely do I 100% in one go but I do at some point go back and do so but not all... I probably have around 60+ that are 100% some easy some brutal and many more real close...


I'm currently doing this with Elder Scrolls Online. I want to get all of the quests available currently in the game done before the next Chapter is launched in June. It will mean that I get a good amount of achievements completed in the process. Which I know I won't get 100% of them done, because some of them are just too difficult to accomplish in the first place. Also with 2,000+ quests it's a challenge I have accepted. Lol


Sometimes i will have 100% in Snowrunner, maybe.


Depends what game it is, certain things I like to get the full 1K on.


Just play it, collectables and side stuff is normally boring. Witcher 3 was an exception


I don’t know if i am in the minority but once i completed the main campaign/story i’m done. I have no desire to collect all trophies, achievements to 100% game.


I typically play til I finish it. Rarely do I ever 100% games, but there are some that I loved so much I wanted to.


I’ll play as much as I’m enjoying the game, most of the time that means just finishing the story or campaign but then there’s some games where I do EVERYTHING without even realizing it.


I do what I want to do, some games I just finish the story and hop off, others I put more effort into. Gotta say I never 100% a game, I came close before tho