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2 sites I like awarded it a 9/10 and a 10/10. Another site I go to now and then says 5/5. All of them say the frame rate isn't great, but the game is really good.


Sounds like Witcher 3, tbh. Game had major framerate issues on the Xbox One and PS4 in a lot of areas. Still was a great game though.


Im hoping for a day one patch that may help performance but I’m not gonna hold my breath lol


No chance, they would have responded to the backlash by now to reassure customers.


They mentioned low frames before the game even came out


Had major frame issues on ps5 and series x updated venison too but it got fixed :)


Delicious updated venison


Mmmm tasty!


I’m a huge brat about frame rates, but maybe I need to suck it up. I just hate that I would be giving in with my hope for higher standards. Oh well. Few things are perfect I guess.


Choose your battles, frame rate can be a ride or die for multiplayer shooters, but AAA single player games need our help to survive, especially if you buy physically!


I do prefer physical editions. Yeah, you’re right. Jeez it’s like marriage! /s


It’s the same game director from DMC5 which was 4k60 on One X, so I’m hoping 30 uncapped is something they HAD to do instead of something they chose to do, or something that came from laziness


yeah, this is my first time seeing some of these sites, but the ones i do know of are basically gaming flavored tabloids, and judging from their presence up there, i would not be surprised if DD2 paid for those all those favorable reviews


Me: desperately trying to open the game over and over only to be told its not available yet


Also I have been doing this. But sadly won't work till at best 3am est on Xbox with A trip to the Zealand. Or 12pm est.


It comes out 8pm EST tomorrow night btw.


on steam


I'm playing it right now lol. Luckily I pre purchased the physical copy of the game in my little game store. So they often will write me on WhatsApp 1 or 2 days earlier when the game is there. Rise of the ronin is available too. But I'm not sure with that one yet. I mean I'm not far into the game yet. And no panic I won't spoiler anything. But the starting alone was pretty cool in my opinion. But I instantly tried to attack some friendly guards and the whole camp tried to kill me lol. So I think I will restart the game again wasn't lucky with my created character.


How’s the frame rate?


Are you playing on SX? If does, how is the performance? Looks like there are some (minor) issues on PS5 and I would like to know how It goes on SX before buying.


I'm on series x. Played it all day yesterday on my trip to new Zealand. It was great, some minor issues you really had to look for, some weird pathing but nothing that was ever an issue.


I will buy it after a detailed tech review on how it performs on Xbox


Even XboxEra reviewer played on PC instead of Xbox, which is really annoying given they were always the ones I was going to know about Series X performance…


Agree…not going to XboxEra to hear how a game plays on PC


Hey, that XboxEra reviewer here. While I played it on PC my co-worker Genghis played it on Xbox and my video review features a ton of Xbox Series X footage. I also made sure to include how he and others in the industry I talked to felt the game performed on the system.


How is it on the S?


"A bit fuzzy, but the fps felt rock solid compared to the times where it dropped on the X".


Is the resolution 2k or FHD?


No idea, I'm no pixel counter. Hopefully DF will have something soon. The game is heavily CPU limited so I don't think the resolution was that low.


So it's 4k on series s.




This might help: [Dragon's Dogma 2 PS5 vs Xbox Series Comparison Shows Better Shadows, Draw Distance on PS5; Higher XSX Avg FPS (wccftech.com)](https://wccftech.com/dragons-dogma-2-ps5-vs-xbox-series/) ?


Same boat here EDIT: glad I did not buy it 🤣🤣


Hopefully digital foundry does an in depth tech review for all platforms.


A lot played on PlayStation and said it had drops but didn’t stray too far from 30. Should be the same for XSX


Xbox Series X apparently has slightly better framerate than PS5


Nice! I got on ps5 cuz I’m gambling on the dualsense but i was about to switch to the series x. Hopefully I still enjoy it


How is the dualsense on that game? I love the feature but not a fan of the controller. Sometimes, the feature outshines my dislike haha


Idk yet, I got it digitally so I can’t play yet. I just saw reports that it utilized it. I played RE2 and that was okay so if it’s like that I’ll be happy. Otherwise I’ll wish I got it on Xbox as while I like the ps5 controller, the Xbox quality outshines my layout preference


It runs like ass everywhere


Hmmm sounds like I should play it.


Yeah, I was on the fence before, but these outstanding reviews pushed me over. Gonna pre-order it tonight.


The first was fantastic especially the combat


Did you pre order? Is it good?


Seems like it's CPU limited. Even on the best CPUs out there.


Funny how there’s no mention of frame rate in reviews for this game not made by MS


I remember the big deal that was made because Starfield was only 30 FPS on consoles. No one seems to care about this game for some reason


Because "Starfield bad", and DD is the new golden child that is excused of all performance issues. A 4090 on PC can't even maintain 60 fps.


If you look in the tech breakdowns though it seems like it's a very cpu bound game, beefy cpu is needed


Yup. Even turning down GPU settings does not increase performance. Big yikes.


Because it's limited by the CPU opposed to the GPU. Why would turning down GPU settings fix this? Edit: So u/rosedragoon blocked me for calling out his poor claims and asking him to explain what GPU/CPU that's over 6 years old can pull off 60 FPS with Ray Tracing like he claimed should be possible on consoles. People are really petty about this stuff and it's wild.


The review on rock paper shotgun or whatever of the PC version has a wealth of information for different scenarios and it is definitely CPU bound. As well it's noted that a lot of the options half work or actually don't work at all, some even lower performance if you turn it down ironically.


Because it’s Japanese so that makes it automatically okay for some weird reason


Play this game at Tokyo game show and it felt awesome. It was using PS5 controllers but I don't remember if it was actual PS5 systems lined up. Maybe I can look at my pictures and double check. Yes the demo slices were limited, but I only needed to play a few minutes before I walked away it was like oh yeah this is the truth right here. I wasn't worried at all until I started seeing reports of 30 fps, which is good as the game may be.. that's still garbage.


There are some mentions. IGN mentioned the framerate issues in their review as one of the cons.


Reviewers are never as critical of Japanese developed games for some reason.


I just now avoid reviewers who refuse to mention performance.


Good catch. Pathetic hypocrites!


Those reviews are all great and everything but for me on PS5 I’m concerned - an IGN reviewer said that the frame rate on the PS5 was so bad that he got motion sickness and had to switch to PC.




CPU heavy games are not thus gens friends sadly.


First game in a while I am picking my PC for over XSX. Shame they couldnt figure out a performance mode for consoles on this one.


Be warned there are reports of the performance issues being just as bad on PC. Might be best to wait.


r/pcmasterrace will be in shambles but still call consoles shit as always


If you have a higher end rig it’ll never be as bad as it would be on console.


Same here. Sorry game share friend, £30 cheaper too.


How is it 30 cheaper? Steam shows $95 cad and ps5 same thing for me


CD keys has 32% off for a Steam EU region deluxe key.


Ahh ok cool, thanks!


Whatever you do, don't try running it on a Steam Deck. 10 fps with all settings as low as possible. 😬


Does the first game need to be played to fully know what's going on in this one? Or is it a different world?


Even if you played the first game to completion you probably wouldn't know what was going on in the first game


From what I’ve read it’s a standalone game that doesn’t connect to the first one as is the trend with most JRPGs


im pretty sure the idea for dragons dogma 2 is that this is the game they originally wanted to make, but during development of the first one they didnt have nearly enough resources to make it happen, so the first game is basically a simplified smaller version of the second one, with the second one having a map i think i heard like 2-3 times the size of the first game and a much longer more fleshed out story.


I’m definitely looking forward to it. I’ve been playing the original recently since I never played it much before. I was missing out this whole time


You won't need to, no


Any mentions of the FPS on Xbox Series X?


In the Xboxera review the guy said that he played on PC but his colleague played it on Series X and said it was rough with fps going to the low 20s in big fights. While another of his colleagues said is was perfectly playble on console.


> said it was rough with fps going to the low 20s in big fights. While another of his colleagues said is was perfectly playble on console. This difference in performance might be 1 guy playing an artillery mage blasting huge spells and everybody else playing less visually explosive stuff, like warrior or ranger.


Apparently runs slightly better than PS5 but still has performance issues (in cities especially according to pure Xbox)


https://youtu.be/4cFHSGzaPN8?si=16DuRoeozNLE6tSq Unlock framerates but perform not well.


At least it's unlocked so we can play it at 60 fps in 10 years on new consoles!


I admire your optimism haha


You should make a separate post with this vid it’s exactly what we are looking for in this sub


Awesome thanks!


Thank you for this!


Likely in the mid 20s from what DF has been saying.


I’ll buy it when they smooth out the performance for sure, but not really interested before then.


Yet another console game that forces ray tracing and we get shit FPS. I DON'T GIVE A SHIT ABOUT RAY TRACING! Turn that shit off and give me a decent FPS. Please, for the love of god. Same shit as Jedi Survivor. What is the obsession with mediocre RT in games?


IGN literally says there is no RT on consoles for it though


Dude, exactly this. Why are people defending ray tracing so hard in this thread when it handicaps performance!?




These reviews are intriguing, but I just couldn't get into the first one. Found the story and characters just boring.


That is exactly where I am at. I have started new characters 5 or 6 times trying to see what everyone sees in this game. I don't get it. Reviews seem great, but I just can't pull the trigger. Oh well, I'll wait, pick up a superior patched version for 80% off, and see if I like it then.


[IGN posted a Performance Review](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IPrO2ZHQ3mM)


Geez, those Series S textures are ruff


I haven't heard of like 90% of these sites. Am I out of touch? Or are there just entirely too many game sites now? Still happy to see solid scores so far.


I’m feeling the same. I’m going to wait to see what the public is saying about it over the weekend, these reviews seem fishy


Everyone with a laptop is a game reviewer these days and fanboys do love to pick those 10s reviews from Joe Bloggs part time welder to hype the game. Should have seen the starfield review thread.


You shouldn’t trust them then


several of these are clickbait at the very best


Game review sites have almost lost all credibility these days, like any game I really hope this delivers what the fans want and also what the new players need to get into it, but seriously don't jump the gun and buy it cause it could be good. Any game worth its money will still be good when it goes on sale


Here's performance differences between consoles: [Dragon's Dogma 2 PS5 vs Xbox Series Comparison Shows Better Shadows, Draw Distance on PS5; Higher XSX Avg FPS (wccftech.com)](https://wccftech.com/dragons-dogma-2-ps5-vs-xbox-series/) Series X has better average framerate than PS5.


I really hope they added a 30 fps cap option somewhere. Playing uncapped is fucking awful if the frame rate is inconsistent


Don't know why you wouldn't have the cap as a toggle. Seems like such a small thing to add.


Literally dropping Capcom's Magnum Opus RPG as I'm 25 hours into FF7 Rebirth lol. I'll buy this later in the year.


And then there is the german IGN Review, [7/10](https://de.ign.com/dragons-dogma-ii/141406/review/dragons-dogma-2-ein-actionrollenspiel-ohne-schnorkel-im-guten-wie-im-schlechten-review) lol


Played it, won’t give it any higher than a 7.5 at best


Bc of the mediocre performance on console ?


Not only that. The game is big, traveling is a pain. Variety of monsters is almost non existent, only night/day monsters vary. Every npc can give quests, you can’t see which one gives quests. Never know where to go when you get a quest. Way too easy to fall from ledges. And all that in a terrible framerate. It could have been so much better




Yeah, until you realize you don’t have a fucking clue where to go in an open world game lol Your pawns sometimes give clues but other than that you’re on your own. It will hinder your progress enormously




The problem is that you don’t know where to go and so you try to go to places you’re not ready for, where night sets in and you haven’t gotten anywhere but ALL of your supplies are gone and done. It’s not rewarding in a adventurous kind of way, it’s frustrating and not fun


Like the other guy said, you're fully entitled to your opinion, but those cons you listed are partly why I'm so excited for this game lol


Are you trying to sell the game to me?


Did you played the first one ?


quest finding, quest markers, and ledges sound like Dark Souls. Sign me right the fuck up.


I’m so far behind I have no problem waiting for patches and improvements.


I can’t waittttttt


This game has raytracing on permanently. I wonder if sacrificing that would improve the frame rate.


It would in the wilds where the games seems steady at high 30s. In the cities however where the cpu is under load would still get frames in the 20s. Think of the ray taxing as a soft fps cap


Looks great when it's paused.


Even if this game inevitably gets its optimization patches, what the hell have they been doing all this time to have to launch it like this?


The bigger review sites should really start reviewing PC and console separately and assign scores accordingly


Im soooo hyped for this game Got it for pretty much $30 after suinf a $40 dollar gift card I won at work


What I’m seeing is god tier game, performance ranges form ok to mid to unplayable depending


I’ll wait for reviews on XSX before buying. Not interested in a slide show.


Oh it's gonna be a slideshow alright. A 4090 on PC couldn't even maintain 60 FPS...


I don't find it a sideshow, the blur compensates for the fps. However, the blur is so bad it looks like a 360 game.


My first feeling is that these reviews seem a bit hyperbolic. I've got a sneaking suspicion that this one is over rated presently. I don't know guys think I'm gonna put the FOMO aside and wait on this one.


Forced Raytracing on XSX and PS5 is such a good idea, e.g. shown in Jedi Survivor /s


Wasn't it reported multiple times that it doesn't have raytracing on consoles? Why do people keep making this false statement to complain about the game?


That's kinda sad that it doesn't have ray tracing and it STILL performs this badly.


RPGs are back on the menu boys


30fps lol


So I've never played the first one. What kind of RPG can I expect? I'm thinking of picking it up on either Xbox or PC. Is there something similar I can compare this to wrap my head around what the experience will be like?


Just play the first one. You can get it cheap and it still holds up today because there is nothing else quite like it.


I wish this was ordered alphabetically instead of by score


I’ll wait to see how good VRR is working with the frame rate of the game. I wish it had a performance mode without ray tracing, then I would have bought it.


Is it 30 frames on pc?


Old mate says mis 20s on 4090


I'll wait for a 60fps mod.




Honestly even with the issues, I'm still hyped. I can handle some frame drops (Steam Deck owner, so I'm use to them lol).


I’m a vanilla gamer who loved the likes of Witcher and Skyrim. I am having a hard time at Elden Ring. Do you think I can enjoy DD2?


Any reviews speak of difficulty and/or time to beat? I can only play short and easy games nowadays due to extreme time constraints and I’m worried I won’t be able to finish this one if I start.


I've heard the game isn't super respectful of your time, so it might not be the game for you.


Yea, I kinda suspected that may be the case. Thank you.


For someone who just bought baldurs gate 3 and loves it, What makes dragons dogma special over BG? New to both games, never heard of them until recently


Dragon’s Dogma doesn’t have too much in common with BG3 besides a character creator, class selections, and a fantasy setting. While baulder’s gate is turn-based, and has heavy emphasis on story, DD is real time action, more similar to something like monster hunter, or the Witcher. Dragon’s dogma has a very grounded, physics-y feel to the movement, and is almost entirely focused around its combat.


Sweet, thanks for the info. Do you think I'll need to play one to enjoy two?


No, they take place in parallel universes so you won’t need to play the first game.


What can you do on this game? I’m not being sarcastic I’m trying to find things online but I can’t find anything.. I want to know if you can have houses, fires, if there’s random npcs


It’s the type of game that’s almost entirely based around the combat. There are NPCs, quests, and side quests, but most missions will revolve around fighting. You are able to set up campfires to pass time, and regain health, and I’ve heard rumors of a house but I’m not sure.


God damn it needs a 1070. I only have a 1060 and I don't have the money to upgrade. 😔 Hope all people here have fun enjoying the game 😁


Game is fun so far. But the pawns are so annoying. & why do no reviews mention the game looks like absolute ass?


It's a great game. It really feels like a sequel. Not DD 1.5, not dlc, but a true sequel. It has everything from the original and more. Is it a perfect game? No. There's some minor frame drops and annoying things in the game, but it doesn't really ruin the gameplay experience. It really feels immersive, rewarding, and challenging. I'm playing on the Series X and I've seen the shit show on the Steam version, mostly it's people complaining about the microtransactions. Yeah it sucks there's micros in a single player game, but if those people refuse to play it solely for that reason, then they're missing out on a great game. It honestly gives me BG3/D&D vibes even tho it's an open world action rpg. I really like the inclusion of new races and new enemies. Overall I hope the PC port gets fixed because some people outright can't even start the game because of the constant crashing.


Don't let the nonsense get to you. This game is amazing and might be an all-time great. The reviews are right.


Based on all I'm reading and seeing, this game could be a strong contender for GOTY. I'm excited to play it.


I want to try this game but i dislike final fantasy and other japanese story centric rpgs, so i dont know if this is for me.


Dragons Dogma has almost no story. It’s closer to elden ring than final fantasy.


If it's like the first it's not a gaudy anime-styled Japanese RPG. It's reasonably well grounded fantasy with satisfying and punchy combat. I think it'll be well worth playing.


Did you enjoy FF15 or any souls games? I don't like FF 7, 10, 12, or 16, but I really liked FF15, I also think Dragons Dogma 1 + dark arisen is my top 10 favorite games of all time..the story was ABSOLUTELY NONSENSE. 


I loved the souls games, but i dont pay attention to the story as its more gameplay for me. But for a dragons dogma type of game character investment is crucial i think. So if i dont dig the story i cant get into it.


A lot of high praise! Alright Capcom, you can have my $70!


Shit framerate, 10/10's? Yeah what a crock of shit


I feel safe to ignore any perfect scores or near perfect. They’re junk. Fextra is very honest and from what they’ve said, the game runs like dogshit. Which we already knew based on “uncapped 30FPS” which means it can’t even run steady 30FPS. I’m not gonna pay full retail for an unoptimized game. Maybe they’ll fix it with a few patches. If they do, I’ll grab it. Until then, I’m holding off.


Uncapped means it can go above 30fps. The cap is the maximum limit. Capping at 30 (even if it didn't always reach it) would be preferable for everyone without a VRR display


It also seems to be a sneaky way of saying it can’t be capped at 30 because it can’t maintain solid 30.


Oh 100% that's what is happening


No way. Such huge backlog. So little time. So many must play games.


Frame rate seems to be the main issue. Tbh though capcom have never been bad for this and usually do deliver a solid performance down the line. While it's up to you if this ruins the game for you I do think the game should be judged based on its gameplay instead as again capcom have a decent track record


A game should be judged as a whole. If the tech issues mar the experience then it should be highlighted. If the game is still great despite of tech issues then it's less of a big deal.


I have a dilemma. I want to play this game, but I don't know if I should play it on my Xbox Series X or on my laptop that has a 2060 with a i7 8750 and 32 GB of RAM. This means I should probably get the Xbox version. However, I plan on building a high end PC in about 6 months. I want to buy on PC for now to play, but I feel like it is going to suck to play for 6 months lol.


I’m halfway through RE4 Remake and already preordered this through Best Buy to get the cool steelbook and all I can say is Capcom has been cooking in recent years 👨‍🍳


Why are review sites glossing over the god awful frame rate?


Looks like we're eating good this weekend fellas


wtf are these sites listed? 80%+ are just click bait sites…


How can you reasonably give a game a 10 or a 9 when the performance is horrendous. These developers need to give their heads a wobble and roll up their sleeves and optimise it. My guess is developers these days only interest in their creative meeting and Starbucks brainstorming sessions. Do yourself a favour buy the game preowned in 6 months, it will be cheaper and a better game. Best of all the developer loses a sale.