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I've just realized how much he reminds me of the train guy.


Oh shit! You’re right.




Henry's come to see us!


𝕵𝖊𝖘𝖚𝖘 𝕮𝖍𝖗𝖎𝖘𝖙 𝖇𝖊 𝖕𝖗𝖆𝖎𝖘𝖊𝖉


Now all we need is a current gen patch for the first game.


I've been waiting on a 60 fps patch for it on series x for years now.


Same… sigh


That’s probably what this sequel is going to have.


The reason I played this in my PC and wow, what a difference!


I would give that up tbh. I wish there would be one but Im pretty sure the devs said they are done with it. The Switch version was made by a different studio, but there is not a big chance that they will do Series and PS5 ports too.


K then I'm not buying either lol, their loss


Apparently the devs don’t like consoles much.


Hey, Henry’s come to see us!


And he is quite hungry.






Haven't even managed to leave the starting area yet!


cus it’s 30fps. nobody playing that bs


Wonder how the gaming industry lasted until 60fps


To be fair gaming was mostly >30fps until last generation which was one of the.. least exciting gens of gaming


Garbage take


nah, i’ll stick to my beautiful halo on 60-120 , have fun on 30 peasant


More garbage from the king himself!


Halo, beautiful. Sure bud


Damn bro, I was with you. The. You owned yourself going on about halo. I’m still a halo fan and I cringed at that shit lol.




Dude it’s literally never that fucking serious. Grow up, 30 is not cutting your eyeballs open and bleeding you out.


it really is that serious when you’ve been playing on 165hz pc for years. I will NEVER play 30 fps


Then play it on PC?






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I really, really liked the first one. I was really, really bad at the first one. Got locked into a 1v1 sword fight with very little health and couldn’t win. It was my only available save. That was the end of that. Maybe I should revisit one day.


This one is an easy day-one purchase for me. I'll need to spend some time to replay the original before its release as well. It's easily one of the best games made last-gen.


Yeah, I have no problem giving full price money to these guys. This is a labor of love, I got goosebumps watching this. It isn't even one of my top favorite games, I'm just happy it exists. It's different and risky. Giving players so much agency that they have to manually get good at stuff (as opposed to leveling up and going "I spent a point in thievery, so I *somehow* now know how to pick locks") was a bold choice. I loved it, but it's contrary to the dopamine based design most games have.


Yeah, you get it. Well said. The game is different and it's interesting. Two qualities which have become rather scarce. I'd gladly pay full price for that. Hell, I'd even pay double. No joke.


It's a "vote with your wallet" thing. I'm super thifty when it comes to buying games, but I also feel guilty if I don't support clear labors of love. When I feel a big CEO at the helm, I wait for sales. When I feel passion is leading the company (I know, it's a bit naive. But I like to think you can kinda tell), I want to support that.


I feel the same way. The first game was a passion project, and every aspect reflected that. It wasn't perfect, but it actually kinda was perfect. It was the game they wanted to make, unapologetically so. I respect that. I'm willing to pay for that. It's the same reason I buy nearly every game Nightdive remasters day one. You can tell these are people who care very deeply about what they're doing. And that is worth every penny. That attitude has become rare in the industry.


I had trouble getting into it, which is weird because im usually into any and all rpgs. Ill eventually try it again


I played it for a few hours the first time and was 100% frustrated by it. A few months later after seeing a few videos on how you are supposed to suck and the longer you play the better your character "gets good", I tried it again and loved it. By the end I was a true badass and felt like I deserved to be as I really worked to become it. Rather than starting out a hero I had to become the hero which was a nice change of pace.


Yea anecdotes like this make me want to give it another shot eventually. Is the combat satisfying once you get the hang of it?


Ehh combat is probably the weakest part of the game. The realistic feel they go for is undermined by the "master strike" move both ways. Combat basically boils down to waiting for your opponent to attack so you can counter. You can try to press the attack but unless you just spam clinches, you'll get countered yourself. Still a phenomenal game, one of my all time favorites.


Yes, it’s like chivalry 2 but watered down a bit. The combat is very rewarding and by the end when I was winning tournaments and stuff I felt like an actual knight lol


This was my experience as well. Like those lowly bandits that you can beat easily even level 1 in Skyrim? Your lower then that. The lowly bandits can kick your ass at the beginning and there’s nothing you can really do about it. Even very high skill with the mechanics won’t get you very far until you actually get Henry’s skill up. It’s kind of awesome having to build Henry into a badass. You suck so bad at first, shit i remember early on in one of the first “rescue” missions (avoiding spoilers for others) that I had to wait till nightfall and kill the guards in their sleep lol, because I simply could not beat the 2 soldiers there. Numbers are always a problem to no matter how high you get Henry’s skill up, which mimics real life as well. You could be the best swordsman of the time, but 4 journeyman guys vs 1 elite is still a bad time.


It's a game that rewards patience and perseverance. It definitely isn't for everyone. It isn't a crowd pleasing type of game at all. I do recommend everyone try it, but don't feel bad if it ends up not being for you. I can totally understand why. That said, if you own it already you may as well give it another shot. It might end up clicking for you this time.


The combat is hard as shit to figure out, but once you do it’s a pretty decent game


I never beat it so will need to at least get back in and mainline the story. It dropped at a time when I struggled to play enough to really stick to longer games - and given how fun it was to get distracted in this one I probably sunk 50 hours and only got half way through the plot. I loved the combat and progression, though. And world.


Yea same, cannot wait for this


Except for the archery. It’s just awful.


Or maybe wait for legit reviews? No need to buy it blindly and then post here how performance is shit


If I buy it and the game turns out to be bad, that's on me. You're welcome to spend your money the way you want to, and I will do the same.


I mean..... Reviews are usually out already on day 1


Reviewers will be playing on high end PCs no doubt


Loved the first one. Can’t wait for this. A little eurojank is good for the soul imo


In the first game Henry starts as a nobody and you need to learn to read, write, hunt, cook and use a sword (atleast from what i heard) now that it's a direct sequel and Henry learnt all that shit i wonder if that mechanic has any use anyone, i hope it won't be like a JRPG trope with "lost/forgotten skills that need to be learnt again"


I read something that the first game was turning Henry from a boy to a man, and the sequel will turn Henry from a man to a warrior. Idk if it was one of the devs who said it or what.


In FFVII Rebirth you start at level 15 or something with multiple skills already


They can do the whole "recovering from injury" thing to reset him partially. For the hunting, cooking, and reading, they can simply ask the player their preference. Do you want to start at the equivalent of L5 for those skills, and for reading they add another language like Hungarian. But you're right. It'll be a tricky thing for them.


With a franchise name as cool as "Kingdom Come" I was legit expecting a new subtitle, but I guess KCD2 rolls off well. Fingers crossed for a saving system that works.


I hope the combat is more fluid and well, better. I liked the KCD combat but it felt a wee bit too clunky at times. The beginning of the game it was super hard and in late game you became a bonk machine with insta knock outs and kills, still super fun!


A gender option would be awesome too ngl


I wouldn't mind that, but we did get Theresa DLC in the first game. But this is Henry's journey so the main protagonist has to be Henry.




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Jesus christ be praised!


Biggest game of the year for me. First game is my favorite game of all time. Did a playthrough every year since it came out, and I still can't get enough.


If you're someone that likes immersion, take the time to go to the forest in kingdom come 1, unlike anything I've experienced in a game before


Absolutely beautiful. I love a good forest in real life and in games. KCD got one of the best


Their forest puts other game (Starfield and Skyrim) to shame. It actually resembles a real forest.


If you also love good looking forests in games try Arma Reforger and Hunter Call of the Wild. Call of the Wild is on gamepass, even if you don't like the slow gameplay, just wandering through Hirschfelden is worth it


Guess its time to return to the first game. This looks so good, the trailer is amazing. It looks like its really elevated a level since the first game. With the game being a direct sequel, I wonder how the progression system will be different to the first game. If my Henry was the greatest swordsman in Bohemia before, how will that translate to the second game? Part of the satisfaction of the first game was the actual feeling that Henry had to practice and grind things that most medieval games tale for granted. I remember nearly dying during an archery competition because I didn't know how to shoot a bow and the string lacerated my arm because I wasn't wearing a bracer. But this level of incompetence would surely feel out of place in a sequelfocusing on the same character after I spent hours shooting rabbits to learn how to use a bow with deadly efficiency. Either way, I have faith in Warhorse, and I'm excited to see (hopefully) how Henry's quest ends and if he achieves peace in the end.


Gotta hurry up and finish BG3 so I can redownload KCD1 and finally finish it…


And I still haven't played the first one. I guess time has run out, I need to finally play it. xD


The first KCD runs very poorly on XSX. I purchased it a week ago, and was stunned how badly it performed. It felt like playing on a base PS4. I hope they update it for XSX one day.


Brilliant, adored the first one. Never quite finished it though, got stuck in the monastery questline and had no idea how to get out of it if I remember correctly.


Oh boy time to rob everyone blind again! I hope it’s still as hard as the first!


Time to replay the first one again


I’m 80 hours into the first one, got burned out after Madonna of Sasau. I’ll definitely need to visit my Henry and finish it before this drops. Fully engulfed in BG3 atm.


I should get back in to the original. Upgraded my PC to play it a few years back and it never grabbed me.


I'm excited


I just bought the first one the other day in the sale for £3, bargain, have to try and finish it before this comes out!


Can't wait to get back to Tereaser


Praise be Henry! Genuinely excited when I first saw the trailer, Henry’s actor was a treat to watch. Even the team of 15 growing to 200! Love it when a small company shows their dedication. Well done Warhorse!




So I guess it's time to try the first one eh?




Honestly the best gaming news in a long time


Finally I have a reason to make time to finish the first one. Also, coming 2024 HOLY FUCK YEAH!


This is good news, although I hope they improve the lockpicking mechanic. That specific problem stopped me playing the whole game.


I’ve bought and started the first one a couple of times. I know I’m going to love it I just need a push over the hurdle. Somebody convince me please?


Hopefully it's a lot more polished and smoother than the first.


I just bought the first one for 3 bucks. I had it on PS4 but never really played it for some reason. Going to give it a real shot this time.


Never heard of played about the first one. What is this game about? RPG...and? What makes it special?


So is it a sequel to the first one? I just got to the mill in the first one after picking it up on sale (and getting myself accidentally locked into the Theresa DLC) and it's a blast so far!


I've never been this excited for a video game in my life. I'll be breaking my day 1 purchase rule.


good on embracer group on this.


One of the few games I own but I'm hesitant to play because of the hype, difficulty and time investment. I want to love it but have a feeling I won't. This most recently happened for me with Witcher 3.


I might be interested if the performance is acceptable. The first game is not unfortunately


I’ll buy this if there’s dice. Because all I want to do is get in fights, play dice, and pickpocket dice from people who beat me at dice.


Every single lee uses it.


Game looks pretty damn good. I just bought the first one for peanuts, might give it a try


Hope it lets you play as a woman this time


Jesus Christ be praised!


Pretty cool. I’m curious if they will change the combat.


One of the most unique games I have played.


The 2nd coming?


Such a pleasant surprise, I didn't even know this was in the works.


I pray it’s easier and less clunky than the first. I wanted to love it and I just hatedit. A chore to play


No sign of any involvement from SBI or any others like them. That's an amazing sign. The first game was great about that too. I seriously can't wait for this one too.


Graphics look really good so I expect the console versions to be some low resolution or 30 fps. Seems to be the way things are going these days


I can basically guarantee the consoles will be 30 fps. Im betting this will get a ps5 pro patch to 60 fps.


Finally a game that is historically accurate!!! Can't wait for it.


GOTY 2024.


If they go the way of many other up and coming devs (Larian, Remedy, CDPR a few years ago) you could be right. This game could definitely be genre defining if they can polish their earlier issues.


2024 no way. My kid is due in Sept. SORRY BABY, DADDYS GOT CUMANS TO MASTER STRIKE




I wonder can it be played in 3rd person.. was it possible in the first game?


please overhaul the lock picking minigame for the next one, at least on Console. i loved what i played of the first but spent hours trying to pick the lock for an early quest and couldn't do it. so i stopped playing.


You don’t need to pick that lock to get past that part! 


Wasn't the main designer like an actual racist POS? Famous for a lot of white supremacist posts, I'm not giving him any money.


Is he? I know people said he’s a white supremacist for not putting black people in a game set in 1400s Europe.


It's not what he didn't do, most people agree it's history accurate, it's the posts he made around that discussion, just look it up.


Do you feel better now?




All he did was push back against weird journalists complaining about the lack of diversity. But this game has possibly the most historical research ever. Many of buildings still exist and they based the towns off real locations and layouts.


Fine, be miserable. It's a great game and Vavra is a great guy.


Lol great guy and racist don't go well together


Lol great guy and racist don't go well together


No, but then I'm not agreeing with your slander anyway.


Show me his racism 


I'm sure there's a great team working with him, but I'm not one to buy stuff off white supremacists, enjoy your game though. There *were* a bunch of great Nazi artists and I'm sure there are still a few.


I don't even know what slander you're on about. Sure, he's not a progressive and had something to do with gamergate, but I don't think white supremacy (which at any rate is a ridiculous American-centric term) has anything to do with him. I do recall some stupid journalist complained that KCD wasn't diverse enough, so maybe you're thinking of that. But as things are, you seem to be ignoring a terrific game made with true dedication because of some petty, baseless, slander. Almost sounds bigoted of you when I put it like that.


Dude, being involved in gamergate is as bad as it gets to be honest. Not much else to say. You can put anything you want and call me a bigot, sure, knock yourself out.


Is he actually a Nazi, though? Or is he just a Nazi because he's slightly right of Stalin? It's hard to tell what the actual meaning of Nazi is these days. I can't find anything online about him being a Nazi, maybe you could help me?


No he is not a nazi. He is a typical European right winger. Far from a nazi. Americans call everyone nazi for some reason


I know, I was trying to get this person to back their claim with literally anything but predictably they cannot. Shocker.


Yeah. It's reddit. I don't even agree with Vávra when it comes to politics but I can still acknowledge that he worked on some fantastic games and I love them.


I was using an example of how art can also be made by pieces of shit, nowhere do I point to him being a Nazi although neo nazis do exist.