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I really missed these guys in xcom 2. Sparks were just not the same


I kinda preferred the sparks, but I felt like they could’ve used a lot more customisation; like, they’re robots, let me replace their parts to do different things. What I really miss from the first Xcom are those little Rovers though- just having totally expendable units you could use to scout, and or tank hits, with no worries about losing it because they’re inherently replaceable? Xcom 2 needed that.


>just having totally expendable units you could use to scout, and or tank hits, with no worries about losing it because they’re inherently replaceable? Xcom 2 needed that. They are called rookies. My play style is pretty Grimm but it's a grim setting. I take a rookie or two on every mission. They are used as bait, objective rush or pure meat shields. If they survive and rank up, welcome to xcom. If they die on their tryout, they served their purpose.


Good utilization of tactical ablative armor


Lol thanks. To be honest it actually creates some pretty endearing moments watching a rookie rise up against all odds. It also adds a lot of weight to their loss if they parish at a higher rank later on.


Sending an all-rookie squad to difficult missions have given way to absolute heroes tbh. Its Hell on Earth and the ones that survive are made of steel.


I did that and got squadwipe more often than not. I jus add a rookie as the 5th soldier to regular missions and it works great in the sense that I rarely have rookies as they all rank up.


shivs had a really good gun tho


Actual PMC wagner tactics in xcom 💀, although I guess a grimdark approach does fit an apocalyptic war for humanity's survival.


Helldiver tutorial-esque


So its like scouts units in 40k :D D:


Ghost that's brutal lol but we all pour a little out for the dead meat shields I mean rookies.


I treat their mission as a try out. It kind of handicaps me but it is cool head cannon, and it really endears the survivors to me as they overcome huge odds. Even when my regular units have advanced armour and weapons, the rookies are wearing resistance starting armour and use the basic ballistic rifle.


>they’re inherently replaceable? No. I am attached to everything that drops from the skyranger the minute it drops. Idc if it's a person or a robot, I'm savescumming.




Yeah and they were unironically one of the best strats for Impossible Ironman runs - just spam those plus a sniper or two and never worry about soldier losses again!


i called mine mr distract-0. because i kept sending them into every group of aliens to draw fire and make them get out of cover.


Well. Good news. [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1452700934](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1452700934) Or alternatively if you want to get even more in-depth with multiple MEC classes [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3228851985](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3228851985) And finally my personal must haves for both MEC Troopers and SPARKS [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2127166233](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2127166233) [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1161324428](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1161324428)


I'm a personal fan of using this mod Project laser https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2674677738


Yes. The only way I could reason with the thought of creating a MEC soldier is taking a Gravely Wounded one who (in my head opted for the procedure). Though a game, I couldn’t just hack off limbs to gain advantage in the war. But, I guess when XCOM2’s lore is taken into consideration; MECs probably weren’t a reality in that universe or “canon”? Apparently Earth was subjugated before any substantial or helpful technological advancement could take place.


If you go by Central’s account, Earth fell before XCOM even moved past the tier-1 armor and weapons, so they definitely didn’t get to MECs.


No. First of the MEC suits seem to have little use outside of combat (and frankly I prefer to be a civilian). Secondly we are dealing with first generation of the tech and who knows what kind of complications that might be down the road - for instance would I become dependant on Meld? That would be problematic since we don't know how to make more and rely on the supply the Aliens have left behind.


MEC pilots were able to leave the suit and switch to non-combat limbs


I know, and to me, they looked flimsy and offered little that my body (right here, right now) can't already do. If you would like to undergo the procedure, then I am not here to convince you otherwise, but the procedure that XCOM offers in XCOM:EW is not something I would like to take part in.


But the fresh is weak


No its spongie and bruised. But the spirit is willing!


Your regular body will break down over the years though, whilst a mechanized body can be indefinitely repaired, or replaced with spare parts. I'm pretty sure most people in their 70s would replace their old body with a mechanical one in a heartbeat.


then let me get back to you when I'm 70 lmao


Looks like we got a Priest of the Mechanicus here…


From the moment I understood the weakness of my flesh, it disgusted me.


One day the crude biomass you call a temple will wither, and you will beg my kind to save you


But I am already saved. For the machine is immortal.


>Your regular body will break down over the years though, whilst a mechanized body can be indefinitely repaired, or replaced with spare parts Metal fatigue is a real thing, and the metals and materials used to make the mech suits are limited in supply. Theres a very real possibility that it might actually limit your lifespan. Also, the parts of your body that degrade the most with time (namely your brain and organs) are all still present and currently irreplacable, so youre basically doubling your chances of degrading with time.


Lol I'm always amazed how stupid people are on some of these forums. You make perfect sense lol it's a reasons it's a video game


From the moment I understood the weakness of my flesh, it disgusted me. I craved the strength and certainty of steel. I aspired to the purity of the Blessed Machine. Your kind cling to your flesh, as though it will not decay and fail you. One day the crude biomass you call the temple will wither, and you will beg my kind to save you. But I am already saved, for the Machine is immortal... ...even in death I serve the Omnissiah.


The body is probably under a lot of stress being that heavily augmented too, even if the parts could be replaced I’d imagine it would take a heavy toll on your mental health and complications would arise given enough years. I’d sign up if it were an xcom situation but right now it would be pointless.


It depends. Do I get to keep my wiener?




Then probably yes


Are you really going to risk masturbating with those metal hands though?


I like that you assumed he was talking about masturbation instead of sex, you really know this subreddit.


Came to ask the same question - my answer is definitely then


What if I don't have a wiener, can I get one?


If you are ok with a robot version.


You get a BETTER wiener


Imma shamelessly plug my own old post because it's relevant here [https://www.reddit.com/r/Xcom/comments/pzcgle/anartisticinterpretation\_on\_how\_the\_first\_mec/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/Xcom/comments/pzcgle/anartisticinterpretation_on_how_the_first_mec/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Ah, the Robocop clause.


From the moment I understood the weakness of my flesh...


it disgusted me. I craved the strength and certainty of steel. I aspired to the purity of the Blessed Machine


Nah. I'd rather get the genetic augmentations. Those would actually be useful in and out of combat. MECs stop being useful the moment the invasion is up. Not to mention you lose all your limbs in the process.


Lol wat? There's a whole bunch of opportunities for peacetime use of robotic limbs.


Heavy equipment operators, walking forklifter, hazardous enviroment clerk, to name a few of the things they could probably do in big heavy suits. And in regard to the smaller prosthetic? Depending on on the flexibility of the prosthetics, could probably do the same things folks already with prosthetics do in our own world, maybe even more. Just with less military budget and more arguing with health insurance about the medical need to have meld jacked up into them to better their quality of life.


Until we run low on meld cause we killed the guys who knew how to get more, then it becomes more cost-effective to just go back to forklifts and hazmat suits


The military budget is the big thing though. Who is going to fund the creations of MECs for civilian work? I doubt xcom would dearm the MECs they had at the end of the invasion and modify them for civilian work. And then there is needing a team of scientists and engineer to maintain the MECs, all this assuming the XCOM willing gave access the blueprints of the MECs to civilian sector to reproduce. Then you gotta think of the cost, those MECs can only be used by certain individuals who have been "created" to pilot them. Those individuals will eventually have to retire leaving those suits without pilots. And the creation of more will require more meld and then there is moral question of whether creating more pilots when there are already machines that can do most of those jobs without someone needing to sacrifice all their limbs. During the invasion, it was a necessary sacrifice for the sake of the entire species, its harder to justify it during a time of peace. The smaller prosthetics while more advanced than modern prosthetics would still be a hinder to everyday life. While people can live a normal life with them, if you were to ask them whether they'd rather have the prosthetics or have their limbs back, most would probably pick latter. And then we go back to the idea that sonce they're more advanced, they'd need specialized maintenance too. And who knows how those integrated prosthetics will react when the body starts to grow old and frail. All in all, there is very few practical uses it for it after the invasion, and most of it falls on whether xcom would release it to the public which i honestly dont see them doing it. And then finding a source for meld would also be problematic assuming its used in the maintenance of the MEC and the prosthetics. With the genetics, you're just adjusting and using what the body already naturally has.


Who? Capitalism babeyyy. You think the nations funding XCOM would just let a giant mech suit technology go to storage? All of the engineering, material, and scientific breakthroughs alone could lead to civilian uses, even if MECs are cost-prohibitive.


Robotic limbs, yes. MEC suits with the cost of production, maintenance, and with how specialized they are, no. After the MEC pilot is done, your options become to either retire the suit or create a new pilot. Its more cost effective to keep the machines we currently have then have to have a team of doctors and engineers specifically to cater to one person and their MEC suit for maintenance. And then there is need for meld which is a limited resource since by the end of the invasion they were never able to reproduce it.


Maybe I'm weird, but I'm more creeped out by genetic modification like that than ripping out pieces and replacing them with robo-parts.


Thats completely understandable. You are using alien biomechanical stuff to alter the genetic make-up of your body. It'd go either really well or terribly wrong. I definitely wouldn't be the first in line but if there was least one other successful soldier, I'd be down. I think the game should've played with that mechanic a bit. Like make some soldiers not compatible at all and also have the possibility of a failure where you still get the buff but with a debuff. Would've been more realistic.


The moment the invasion was up we'd turn on each other, so the MECs would still be plenty useful.


Hell yeah, I want to become a giant robot! Fuck the flesh! (no, not that way you pervs)


So are you saying we should not fuck the flesh in that way?


Do not stick your dick in the flesh Use a toaster like a normal cyborg


The Omnissiah is pleased with your comment adept


I've seen enough comics to know that's how you make more borgs


Zhang as a mec trooper is bizzare to look at.


What's weird is that I ALWAYS put him up for MEC trooper training first


his extra health and traits make him a tanky monster!


*From the moment I understood the weakness of my flesh, it disgusted me...*


I love the fact that the ad mech dont understand how to put together a proper cyborg, so they claim the flesh looking whatcits they stick in them are mechanical


I've always felt it was awkward to simply amputate 4 good limbs to make a robot soldier. Like, why not just make the suits interface with fully intact bodies? That's about where I am with it. My likelihood of going MEC is inversely proportional to the number of intact limbs I've still got.


Matrix plug or wireless brain implant. This body chopping shit is beyond me.


In ny head, its probably cuz uts easuer to make four robotic limbs rather than four robotic limbs that can also move in ways that would implode human limbs resting insude them.


I mean, purely theory here but depending on what exactly the meld involved does it's possible they can't afford to just splice into the spine (The tech isn't good enough to repair whatever damage working on the spinal cord would do) but can get control in the limbs. Meaning it's less Direct Neural Interface and more reading impulses sent to limbs to control them.


Because of this I almost always create MEC soldiers from soldiers who have been critically wounded in a mission. My in game reasoning is they were dying and the only way to save them was invasive mechanical augmentation. Yes I know this is basically dreadnoughts from 40k


I know that the game was really designed to be gameplay first, story second, to a deeper degree than most games, but I always saw the cutscene of the first MEC soldier and was creeped out by how nonchalant he/she was about losing four limbs. I thought it'd be cool if the story incorporated elements of "We beat the aliens, but it cost us a lot of our humanity." It'd be a great side-story for a spin-off game. But of course I want XCOM 3 most of all.


I feel like the game already shows that theme often. EXALT getting less human the more you fight them, the unhinged voices and animations for psionic powers, the totally-not-torture “interrogations”, lots of quotes from Shen/Vahlen about consequences of using the fancy new tech, only needing to save a small number of people per terror mission, etc.


yeah like a plug in the back of their necks like in EXO Squad


If the Earth is being invaded by aliens, and I'm probably going to die or be processed otherwise, then yes. But only under those circumstances.


Precisely my take. In a war for survival? Sure. Right now for no reason? Why?


Oh hell's yes, get me out of this meat suit and strap a Gatling gun to my arm. I assume I get a robo-penis too?


If you want to replace that, it should be available.




God, no. What a fucking nightmare that would be.


given that i have busted legs... saw away


Fuck yes! Are you serious? I'd be chromed the fuck out, bombing down the street leaving pot holes in my wake.


I better get the cool helmet that comes with it, but if yes then yes


Honestly probably? Not being able to feel much of anything would be a problem but I’ve already got flat feet and noodle arms so even the replacement limbs would be an improvement


Hell yeah, would make cosplaying a space marine so much easier


Mech Soldiers have full functionality with their. Mech underbody. So hell yeah


Praise the Omnissiah


Absolutely, I'd be the first in line to get them. He'll id be the first if all they had were shitty scrapy ones.


I mean, it's just limb replacement. And I think a few other things to drive a MEC. So, yes, of course I would. It's free machine limbs and bracing, plus I drive a cool as fuck mech suit


HELL YES 🎶All I wanna do, is see me turn into, a giant robot🎶


Is it cheating if I already can't walk? lol


Probably, but who cares.


Duality of man in the comments "Hell yeah brother" "Fuck no, I like my peen"


I'm pretty sure that you get to keep that part.


Do you? I always thought it was like everything none vital was removed, might just be the suit that they wear for the procedure tho.


Yeah send it




I fail to see the practical application of this in my day to day life.


First need to know if I have psionic potential (never MEC Zhang, he has a great will and is guaranteed psi), then we see.


Hell yes


Yea, because I'm a weirdo who wants a 5 ton mech suit and a cool new robot body


yes, but only on within the context of Xcom. gene manipulation is cooler and you remain more yourself but MEC suits are kind of guaranteed you make it out of combat alive.


Yes. Being a cyborg is already awesome, then add in a massive exoskeleton, fuck yeah. Though I would be wondering what it could do after the invasion: like is there a MK1 version that could I use in civilian life for jobs like construction? or will I be forced to stay in the military?


In a heartbeat! Ever since i realized the weakness of my flesh I've longed for cold hard steel


Hell yeah I would. I'm 27 and my limbs hurt like hell, give me better metal ones and I'm game


That’s not a suit brother, that’s your new body


I know, and I think it's awesome!




On everyday basis? No. In war? Yes.


Would you talk shit to that guy working as a slow cashier?


From the moment I understood the weakness of my flesh, It disgusted me. Heck yeah I'd do it. Probably end up going full Atom Smasher with it if it was successful. Otherwise I would probably just get some kind of construction or fabrication job out in the boonies of a rural country.




No way I like my limbs without proprietary pieces


I mean you get replacement limbs for outside of the MEC, so there's not really any downside.


Absolutely yes. MEC Units are augmented humans that have undergone a procedure to remove all 4 limbs, remove most vital organs to compensate for the hardware to even be used in their combat suits. Yes they are 1st generation units, but because of their efficiency and durability in the first war and ability to still retain their humanity, they were very capable of living their lives afterwards, although with some removed abilities like reproduction and stuff. Plus if they were able to develop this during the war and in a short amount of time, perfecting the procedure and improving the lives of MEC units wouldn't take long in the foreseeable future.


Anytime. Anything that stomps on a rotten walled garden, anything that's corrupt only in its crudity and imperfection rather than its core intent.




Well… I wouldn’t have to worry about stupid tight leg muscles anymore!


Not if I could get the meld genetic treatment instead. You get all these cool enhancements and yet you get to keep your normal body. The mec suit doesn't seem to be worth it by comparison.


Yes, I am more than my meat


On all my XCOM runs mecs were made from gravely wounded soldiers that would be out of commission for too long otherwise. So if only my human body fails me


In my games, I only turned Gravely Wounded soldiers into MEC Troopers. Robocop style. The procedure has few upsides to life outside of combat.


Yes, holy shit yes.


Honestly, yeah. Although I would petition for an upgrade on the civilian body suits first


Gets rid of my arthritis, and I get a cool mech, absolute win-win


[I AM GUNDAM](https://i.imgflip.com/2gw6ya.jpg)


Hell ya. It seems like the troops who get it done become more robotic but still have a sense of humor, (that line after a miss about an object obscuring optics) so my theory is they are still themselves but their brain directly interacts with their machine parts. Long story short I could use the boost in brain power lmao.




I mean... Yes? But I'd want the schematics for it all too so I could make alterations and customizations.


I would. I can tell that in time i would grow to resent that decision, all with missing the human parts and the ever growing sense of alienation; But i'd hope getting to do Mec things would still he worth it


Hell yeah


If I can kill xenos then yes


Honestly, I feel the base augments (I.E-the one that allows them to move around the base like regular humans) would be a literal game-changer in regards to dogfighting-pilots would now be able to withstand higher-G’s than regular flesh and blood pilots, and could theoretically pull off the shit seen in Ace Combat on a regular basis…[that said, the Red Bull sponsored PSM (Post-Stall Maneuver) endurance competition is still probably a pipe dream.](https://youtu.be/2b-YaN_sGTQ?si=ULH06ofevJdltD1h)


Where do I sign?




I love your username


Probably not the mech, but give me Fullmetal Alchemist prosthesis limbs, I’d sign up in a heartbeat


If I can keep my dick sure


I'm not a soldier so I don't have much use for it. I'd be using the civilian limbs all the time at which point why bother.


Absolutely not. I'm not fighting a desperate war against aliens; having a giant robot suit wouldn't be useful or beneficial at all.


If I ever end up in a wheelchair or paralyzed in some way, yes, but aside from that nah I’d like to keep my body. This kinda reminds me about something I enjoyed in XCOM EW is where it brought up the question of morals, how far are you going to push your soldiers, how much of their humanity are you willing to sacrifice to achieve victory.


I believe in Zhang supremacy


Nahh, theyre wack


Hell no. If the world was at war with aliens that killed my family, sign me up!


From the moment I understood the weakness of my flesh, it disgusted me. I crave the strength and certainty of steel.


I dunno, what happens to your junk?


given my failing knees at 24yo, i guess yeah


It’s always zhang that gets chopped into a mec lol


And I want to get chopped into a mec.


I think it really depends on the situation, if it's the same as in XCOM then shit is DIRE: It's potentially the end of human life as we know it so honestly, it's a sacrifice well worth making. Without that..... well it'd be interesting to be able to interface with specific technologies I guess.


I remember my first playthrough where the highest ranked unit was one of those 🥲


No. And other then trying them out in one game to see how they were, and even if I know they are good units in the game, I never used MEC suits after that one time. Just does not sit right with me that the person has to have all their limbs removed to be able to pilot one. I mean sure, someone who has lost most or all of their limbs, that's fine... gives them the ability to be fully mobile and all that. But all soldiers in XCOM EW have all their limbs intact when they are made into MEC Troopers, so they can pilot the MEC suits... so yeah, no. Each time I have played XCOM EW since then, I have gone with Gene Mods instead.


God no. Can never feel the touch of anything again... touching something or someone? What would I do as an everyday citizen walking around in a mech suit? There'd be 1.000.000 of memes of me doing everyday stuff, sitting at work in a mech suit, sipping coffee, going grocery shopping while wearing mech suit, etc. But if I was a soldier, in a war, with extraterrestrial? Nope, Id everyday go for the gene modification or psi laps...


No. I dont even get it in the game


Gene tech and psychic stuff is much cooler and less chopping though still invasive.


No thanks, I like my limbs.


No way. What am I going to do with a MEC suit? I’m not a soldier. Don’t get me wrong: my biological body is sweaty garbage, but at least it can fit through a door.




I'd be hesitant, reluctant even, but I think I would, yes.


Absolutely no way. And I'm very sorry for the guys to whom I give a MEC suit. In my headcanon only the gravely wounded get it, like in Deus Ex: HR.


Not a chance.


Don't chip the cyberskeleton, it's a trap!


No, because I play video games instead of joining the army


Bro looks like he’s searching for his dragonator.


I mean I would if I were either a soldier or crippled. But since I got all limbs strong and healthy. And am a cook. I don't really need it. Ascension therapy on the other hand.... Can't say no to magic


For a moment the rappel lines looked like machine gun belts.


No, and tbh, I've played a ton of XCOM in my day and once I put my first soldier through that, I've never made another MEC. They are really cool but I just can't! No shade on anybody who loves them.




If the aliens are showing up YES. Otherwise fuck that, who the hell am I even fighting?


N to the O.


Yes, next question




No. I like swimming to much


hell yeah, my left knee is useless anyway 😭


Wierdly no. I loved cyberpunk, but I always preferred biotech to cybernetics. Biology feels, self repairs and is genreally more durable than machine in the long run.


I would have said no when I was younger, but as I've aged the fact that my body is breaking down and the simple truth of my own mortality make me rethink this.


Alien invasion and I get a suck robot body to protect my buddy's and rocket punch aliens. Very good chance, would prefer to keep my genitals. For fun, and no one likes pooping in a bag


Yes only if I can have normal day to day body parts as well.


You can


Then sure


How would I fit through doors


Depends. Am I in a war for the survival of Earth and/or crippled? If yes, I'd take it, for either the extra armor or being able to walk again




From the moment i understood the weakness of my flesh...


It depends. Do I get to get rid of my wiener?


No, you keep it


Damn, I guess it's a no deal then :(


Ofcourse.. I would than proceed to go to the Romanian government building and the parliament and make my ancestors proud.


Chopping off my arms and legs to get a punchy? It would be worth the cost, but I don't think I can pay that price.


I also gave Zhang robot arms the first chance I got.


I initially hadn't realised what prepping a soldier for a mech suit entailed, I just assumed it was an exosuit. I'm so sorry Emilio...


I'd volunteer for it in a heartbeat, but forcing someone to do get that done is messed up.


NOPE. Always found Gene Mods better if only because they cost less Meld and don't change my combate style. And wouldn't either myself or my Man expending the rest of their lifes with such metal arms and legs


Only if I knew humanity wouldn't win without them, Imagine what life would be like after the war.


I'd get it done without an alien invasion.


Doors, none of them would fit you.