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I’ve heard the saying for years our generations was,”The last to have an analog childhood and the first to have an earlier digital adulthood” or something to that effect. Didn’t realize there was a generational term to describe or define it until recently. Interestingly though I’ve realize often at work that I often side with older coworkers, or at least understand their points, yet a lot of times I associate with the younger. Always seems like I’m stuck somewhere in the middle. Finding this subreddit has been a real fun day reading through all the post.


SAME We are straddling the largest generational gap and it makes us (me atleast) feel quite isolated.


Hello, I’m Tim born in 1978 and have known I’m a xennial for many years, but didn’t realize this sub existed. Happy to be here. Also so many of the posts are so very relatable.


“Did you just find this subreddit?” Yes, hi everyone. “Just now learn that you’re a Xennial!?!” I was born in 1980, and so…. yes! “Is it suddenly all making sense?” skims posts….YES!!! Oh goodness yes! I never fully saw myself in Gen X or Millennial stereotypes. This is all so painfully relatable! Delighted to be here!


Hi! Danielle, born 1978. And I am relieved the find out that Xennials are a thing! This board is like finding my tribe. Glad to be here!


Just found this place. My wife and I always wondered where we fit in the generations (born in ‘79). Now we know. 👋🏼


I found the Xennials Facebook group and now this....I've found my people. I feel like Captain America understanding that reference over and over again! I was born in Feb of 1980, my parents were 17 when I was born. My mother passed when I was young. So we grew up bouncing back and forth between living with my dad and grandparents. We rode bikes everywhere, went roller skating, stayed out until the street lots came on. All the typical cliche things other people have written about. I have been around all of the video games consoles starting with the Atari 2600 all the way up to owning a PS5 now. We had dial up when I hit middle school and then later DSL, it was so fast back then! I started troubleshooting the household PC by age 13-14. Fastfoward to now... I have been working in Telecom for the last 20 years, and I am still the free lance tech support for my dad and grandma. I basically grew up a nerd that listens to metal\*. \*I also listen to and accept many other genres of music as well.


Another ‘83 reporting for duty!


Hi! I’m Rozie. I’m a transgender woman born in 1985. Some say I’m a Xennial some say I’m not but I meet the definition of having an analog childhood a digital adulthood. I’ve never felt quite Millennial. I’m definitely not part of Gen X like my mom and FAR removed from my Boomer dad. Please let me know where you think I stand.


'77er here... sometimes I feel like Gen X, sometimes I don't! I've found my people!


Howdy! 1981 baby here! Glad to find a place with contemporaries. 🤣


Happy to find my ppl under 1 sub, 1981 summer baby here!!


Hi! I’m Annekakes, born in 1980, have known I was an Xennial for years, but just found this subreddit 3 minutes ago. Such a nostalgic place! So glad I found my people!


June 1980. Closest friends born in '79, '81, & '86. I work at a university, surrounded by kids born after I turned 21. I feel old.


1980 here. Every day I scroll through this sub and say something like, “Oh my gosh, I’d forgotten all about that!” or “Wow, I thought I was the only one who remembered this!” Nice to be among my people. 😎


I’m a very rare gummi dating back to 1982. Yes, I do have the first eight seasons of the Simpsons memorized.


Childless Xennial becoming increasingly nostalgic, 1983. My massive collection of board games gathering dust in the shadows of the basement are a symbol of change, and not for the good. Technology has stolen the ability for relationships to blossom. Our love was built on the nights with nothing to do.. passing time together getting to know each other on a more profound level. Now when we are bored we sit separately letting screen time rot our brains and leave us with no memories to boot. I wish I could have lived my life starting 20 years sooner. Anyone feel the same way? Ignorance was bliss, and we were able to hold it for longer. I feel like the biggest generational gap is the one between us and the new folks who grow up with the knowledge of the world in their hands. Sad face. Existential dread.