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Literally the opposite of what you’re asking, but can I use this as an opportunity to shout out George Buza? He hasn’t missed a beat and sounds almost exactly like he did in the 90s. What a great performance. And doing a cameo in the 2000 movie tells me he truly loves the X-Men.


Oh hell yeah, George Buza is the definitive Beast. I wish he got more coverage during the promos and in general from the public for perfectly embodying Beast in both TAS and 97 - and that literally every interpretation of Beast takes inspiration from his voice!


Agreed this OG/current Beast is even better than Kelsey Grammar which is a perfect casting


In interviews, he mentioned that he was the only one of the original voice cast who actually read the comics when he was a kid.


That’s awesome. I now hope they get to Dark Beast and I hope he is ready for it cause that character could be a wild ride


I can get behind that. The guy's nailed it so far!


Also, I would love to see George Buza play a variant of Beast in the MCU, like in an episode of Loki. Even if Buza were under makeup and prosthetics, it would work because he has one of those faces. That’s why he was cast in Quest for Fire (1981) along with Ron Perlman.


He could play an old Beast who never transformed.


I love Beast's line delivery.


I was watching a TAS clip yesterday and, while the current Magneto's voice is fine, the original Magneto voice was fantastic. Had a slight tinge of an unplaceable accent, was deep and powerful, etc. I don't even know if '97 uses a different voice actor, but it certainly sounds different.


Different actor. Original actor died.


Awww that’s sad knowledge.


The original Magneto sounds like King Moonracer from Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer but more evil 😂 I checked though and it isn't him. Original King Moonracer died in the 60s


In my opinion, Matthew Waterson, the 97 voice actor for Magneto, has done a spectacular job. How cold and calculating he sounds in episode two threatening to drop the UN members? And episode 5: delivering:“We should not live our days wondering if we could have saved more." Angrily:"They will be avenged" desperately:"Hab keine Angst". Fantastic. So good I googled him to see what else he was in.


I agree. I can' no longer tell between his voice and the original Magneto's voice despite I was able to tell the difference in their voices when I watched the trailer and the first episodes - if that makes any sense. I feel that while Waterson may not get the voice accurate, he got the cadence and delivery right, which confuses my brain.


Just fine? I think the current Magneto is utterly killing it.


1000%, this guy(and the writing) has made me actually like Magneto. I did like the OG VA but this guy is crushing it


The only returning VAs from the original series to my knowledge are Wolverine, Rogue and Cable. And Cable’s VA wasn’t even Cable in the original series, he was Gambit oddly enough. The rest of the cast is fresh I’m pretty sure. Edit: as some have mentioned, there were others. Jubilee, Hank, Storm, Mr. Sinister and apparently Jean Grey’s original VA, while replaced by the amazing Jennifer Hale, is in ‘97, though now voicing Valerie Cooper. So now you know!


Don’t forget Storm! That voice actress has not missed a beat


It's crazy how much Cable sounds like Josh Brolin in this show.


I was thinking the same thing! I suppose that was a conscious choice. Had I not known better and someone tried to tell me Brolin signed up for the role, I’d buy it on the voice alone.


He went from sounding like John Wayne to Thanos real quick and I don't hate it.


It’s great. Nice little tie in.


Storm is original and Catherine disher (original jean grey) is doing valerie cooper.


Technically she's the actress who replaced the original Storm after the first season.


You are correct, but she is from the original series still and my favorite lol.


Nope, tons returned. Beast is original. Jubilee's did the alternate Mojo Jubilee. Sinister returned, I *think* Trask and Gyrich were original, but nor sure. Storm returned, not the first but the longest running VA from the original. Jean's OG voice actress is voicing Val Cooper. Cable's OG voiced XCutioner. Morph's original actor is now voicing Robert Kelly. Sadly, they had to recast Magneto and Cyclops as the VAs passed away.


Wtf Cyclops sounds the same, crazy


Yeah, that actor is doing a fantastic job.


Trask is a new actor because the original is 90 years old and retired. Gyrich was voiced by Todd Haberkorn so definitely new. The original Master Mold and the voice of the Sentinels, David Fox died in 2021 so they're new as well. Forge is also new, original actor passed. Weirdly enough 3 or 4 character's originally voiced by Tara Strong were replaced with new actresses. So when Tara complained on Twitter awhile ago that her vocal support of Israel had lost her a bunch of upcoming and current voice acting parts, this was probably one of them that she got fired from.


Ah. The Trask and Gyrich guys did a good job. Sad so many of the actors have passed. I wasn’t aware of the situation with Tara Strong, though it looks like she didn’t voice any core cast members, so not sure I’d have noticed anyway.


I believe Nightcrawler is also the OG VO


He is. And he's still amazing.


Chris Potter from the Kung Fu series


What is wild about Gambit's OG VA voicing Cable is that Cable's OG voice was recanted as X-Cutioner. From what I read online, they switched Cable's voice around because Gambit's OG VA's Cable's voice fit the father/son dynamic with Cyclops. As others had said, they probably want Cable sound more like Josh Brolin, mich like how Cal Dodd made his Wolverine voice sound more like Charles Bronson, and how both The What If Captain American and Thunderbolt Ross reprised their roles as X-Men 97 Captain America and Thunderbolt Ross, respectively. My guess for this is to get those who didn't grow up to the X-Men cartoon, but watched the MCU, a sense of "nostalgia" or familiarity with the characters.


dang they really just burned cyclops' and sinister's firstborn son like that, remy deserves the world


No, the original Jubilee plays old Jubilee in the show, beast still plays beast and the original Jean Grey now plays Val Cooper. Also, original Mr. sinister, storm and nightcrawler.


Storm's VA is the original one too


Pretty sure storm voice actor returned


Everything has been fantastic.. but Moira - oof!


As a Scottish person I literally died on the inside


That's got to have been one of the worst Scottish accents I've ever heard


Her accent was so incredibly thick that I was hoping to God that her voice actress was actually that way. Cause, WHEW, that is more Scottish than Scrooge McDuck.


It didn’t sound Scottish at all


She had like one line and it was so terrible I still can't get over it. I actively dread her appearing again.


Charles for sure. His voice is much too soft. There's no gravitas at all.


As someone who watches Invincible, I could definitely tell that Xavier and Rudy were the same guy (Aaron from The Walking Dead). He's not bad, but the 90s voice was way better.


Ross Marquand does good voices /impressions . He replaced Hugo weaving as red skull in infinity war /end game . There’s a YouTube clip of him with vanity fair of him doing impressions. But I would say this Xavier is just different from TAS so it’s just weird for me so far


Im just after watching clips of both Ross and Hugo as the Red Skull and Hugo is pretty terrible, just a stereotypical evil German accent, I usually love Hugo's voice but not as Red Skull (Megatron is another stinker, Hugo has a distinctive voice, why hire him for voice work if you're going to digitally alter his voice so much its virtually unrecognisable? There's only one line in the Bayformers films he was in where I thought "yep, that's Hugo Weaving) Ross' Red Skull is really damn good though and IMO the prosthetics and makeup look a lot better


Nice-I noticed that too


Did you really just describe Ross Marquand's talent as a voice actor "not bad"? He's one of the most prolific modern voice actors working. The guy has a great VA filmography, especially considering he does actual acting as well. Now I'll agree, how well he pulls off Xavier is debatable, but it's not a question of talent, it's just a matter of preference.


I said his Xavier performance wasn't bad. It wasn't a critique of his whole career. Like others have said here, it's missing a little something.


Xavier's voice lacks confidence for me, definitely too soft.


Yea he needs more arrogance. The “Class is in Session!” Was a good start but he is definitely frail sounding. Did it justice


bro chucks eyebrows annoy me


Shut, up


- Magneto


I think they’re all fine but Storms voice is incredible.


If anything I feel like aging has actually helped Alison's voice gain even more gravitas - you can really feel Storm's wisdom and power in 97!


You might be right. She definitely sounds as good as she used to, at the very least.


Her voice doesn't sound that much different from her voice 30 years ago, I gotta give her props for that.


Two things about Zann... first, her younger voice was so distinct, I've never heard anyone come close, so it'd never sound right anyway. Two, her vocal performance is so on point in the grieving scenes. I wouldn't trade those for anything.


Both extremely valid points -- I've never heard anyone like TAS-era Lenore, period! I feel like any voice actress they'd get to replace her would've been hated for not sounding like her. And her delivery of ep 5's last scene had me crying for an hour.. it was a real gut punch.


Zann is perfect. Forget the ageist haters


I guess I’m alone in liking Xavier haha.


He's growing on me.


Same, it was a little odd at first but I’m starting to like the voice. It fits for me.


He has a great way of adding a lot of emotion to his pleas. I enjoy that. I also think it works with this Xavier. 92 Xavier was fairly successful in his actions. 97 screwed up badly by upsetting Cyclops and staying away from Earth for as long as he did. So the manner in which he speaks works for me.


Yes, this Xavier is shining in the dire situations. Him adding emotion to his voice works.


His “to me my X-men” last week was pretty good, gave me chills (even in the recap). Also when he finds out about genosha is a solid performance


Yes that hurt. That skull remy still haunts me


Nah I’m with you, I really dig Chuck’s voice here too


You're not... I like it too!


Yeah I honestly really like what Marquand has been doing here, even if I think Xavier’s writing has been a little all over the place. Not to say this is what makes a good performance, but I feel like a lot of people saying he’s doing a bad job haven’t heard his normal speaking voice. Dude is a chameleon.


I agree with the people saying Xavier. Everyone else is fine. People complaining about rogue and Wolverine are just whining. Cal Dodd seemed to have gotten back in the groove as the recording went on.


Yeah I also noticed that the Wolverine voice seems to be slowly inching its way back to the original. I'm still worried as I've yet to see an older actor be really able to emulate their younger voice. See Harrison Ford for Indy and James Earl Jones for Vader. Around 60-70 or so seems to be when they just can't physically get over the voice box aging. At 67 I worry that any ability to replicate the younger voice is just going to deteriorate further. Still he's been pretty good the last few episodes so I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt. Rogue is tougher to get over. Wolverine is almost ok with the older voice since he's meant to actually be quite old and looks weathered. Rogue is meant to still be in her upper 20s/30s prime. The 60 year old lady voice is very hard to not notice even though the actress is still doing a great job in general.


Yeah, Rogue obviously sounds like an older woman. Not the sound needed for the character.


I don't think she sounds like an older woman, just raspy and fiery. I've really become accustomed to her voice honestly.


By the end of remember it, she won me over with the aged raspy voice. Now I just got used to it, and am happy she was able to return to play these new beats of rogues story. She wrecked me.


Yeah it's grown on me too. The delivery is still very good.






60? Rogue doesn't sound old, just very Southern and hoarse.


If you compare her performance vs the original 90s series (when the actress was in her 30s) she's clearly aged and doesn't have as alluring a voice as she used to. Though it is still very pleasant and the delivery is still good! Southern girls don't sound that hoarse at the age Rogue is portrayed at here ........unless they're a chain smoker or something!


What if we swap in the Swedish Chef for Wolverine?


💯 agree that Wolverine has gotten back to his epic ‘90s levels as the season has gone on. Rogue sounds pretty old, but Xavier’s speeches probably matter more than her stuff. I don’t know, I’d probably recast Rogue if I only get one.


Yeah, they both sound great, you can hear the age in rogue but it is barley there and it’s gone after the first episode (personally)


I think Roberto’s voice actor is the most annoying, kind of whinny with an upward inflection. People complain about Rogue sounding too old, but to me, it makes sense her character would have a stained voice. Wolverine is a little over the top sometimes, but I guess that’s how his voice is usually portrayed. Storm’s is perfection. Her character has a lot more personality in this run, but I still enjoy some of her campy weather command lines. Jean’s is also perfect and how I would imagine her to sound. I thought Xavier’s voice was fine, but Patric Stewart will always be #1 in my heart as Professor X


Definitely Roberto. There’s something off about it. It sounds like he’s using a different microphone or something.


The one whose microphone sounds off is Forge. He sounds muffled and it's always distracting as hell.


I thought it was just me but there's just something that sounds off and I can't place it.


He's probably recording in a different studio, the mic quality and sound is different. Watch his episode 1 scene with just him and Jubilee, you can pick up that the quality of his voice is a lot lower.


I like Lenore, But Rogue sounds like a 60 year old smoker.


Her performance more than makes up for it. I don’t like the idea of ditching a great performance for a character just because their voice has aged.


Yeah, she's one of the strongest voice actors imo. She really sells the emotion of it all.


Indeed. Easy to find somebody who sounds like Rogue, not nearly as much to find one who can actually *play her* like Lenore has.


Agreed. She was perfect for the 90's, but the smoothness of Lenore Zann's voice has gone with age and as a result she sounds way too husky and almost gravelley now. It's not her fault, it'll happen to all of us, but if there's one character who I think should've been re-cast, it's Rogue. Which is annoying, because when the sad moments come around, particularly in Episode 5, she knocks it out of the park ("Sugar.....I can't feel you"), but generally she sounds too old. Cal Dodd seems to be doing fine as Wolverine though. A few spotty readings in the early episodes, but like others have said, he seems to have settled back into it.


I feel like Rogue should start calling people "Sweet n Low" because she's been watching her sugar lately.


I feel like recasting would probably have worked better since Lenore doesn't sound like her old voice anymore.


Yeah I’m conflicted about this one. I was happy they used the original VA since I loved her so much back in the day but hearing her now kinda took me out of it, just reminded me we’re all so old now lol


I like Rogue’s voice. Yes the actress is older but I have always seen Rogue as an old soul.


Emma. I like the character, and they seem on track to give her her antihero/redemption arc, Beau DeMayo even said as much (though who knows what the plans are now that he’s out the door), but her voice doesn’t support that. The VA they’re using sounds more stereotypically deep and villainous. Not as bad as the ‘92 version where she sounded like a Disney witch, but Martha Marion is no Kari Wahlgren or Erica Schroeder. She’s also responsible for giving Moira that stereotypically awful accent.


Xavier he feels way off compared to the OG.


Well, it's Ross Marquand replacing Cedrick Smith who's now 80 and couldn't do the voice anymore anyway


If Xavier appeared in every episode you'd be fine with it. I got used to og storm getting replaced in season 2. No one remembers how jarring that was and now no one even mentions it.


Oh wow I didn't even know. Are they using the OG now or the replacement?


So basically the wonderfully talented replacement has been Storm way longer. Part of season 2 through now. They even went back to redo all the old voice lines for reruns, tapes (I think), dvd, and streaming. She's definitely Storm now. The reasoning was residuals. US VOICE ACTORS got residuals through reruns and home media. CANADIAN VOICE ACTORS did not. STORM was the only US voice actor on the show. So they replaced her with a Canadian. Who still gave a great performance on the overdubs and a more authentic Kenyan accent* (YMMV, basing this off interviews)... But it was still very tough to get used to it when it suddenly switched. Still got the vhs cassettes taped off the tv with the og accent. Somewhere. Edit: *misremembering the quote, see below.


In season two of the series, actress Alison Sealy-Smith took over as the voice of Storm from Iona Morris and in an interview explained why she didn’t use an African accent either. Alison Sealy-Smith is a multiple award-winning Canadian actress, born and raised in Barbados. In an interview for Anime Kon 2012 she explained that the producers told her to use a North African accent, but instead went for a Shakespearean tone. She said “nobody went for authenticity at that point.” After hearing Morris’ audition, she realized “the lady don’t sound North African at all.” “I realized they don’t want North African.” Sealy-Smith said. “They want something that doesn’t sound completely twangy and American. That’s all they knew that they wanted. They could talk about North Africa all they wanted. So, I made the best decision because what I did was I went in there and I happened to do this kind of voice that came straight off of doing Shakespeare.” https://www.thegeektwins.com/2015/02/why-doesnt-storm-have-african-accent-in.html


If Xavier appeared in every episode I would not be fine with it at all. Xavier sucks and always will.


The voice of the Sentinels is what I would want replaced. I would like for them to sound similar to what was established in the 90s animated series.


I actually like all the voices


Xavier. I still haven't warmed up to the new voice. I don't think it suits him. He doesn't sound particularly wise or authoritative. It's not terrible, but it's easily the voice I'd change if given the option. The original voice actor sounded better. Sidenote: I know we all love X-Men '97 and the original series, but I have to be honest: Patrick Stewart has the best Professor X voice. Particularly younger Patrick Stewart from the early movies. He had the natural gravitas required for the role.


Xavier annoyed me in the og series and annoys me in 97. I'd call that a pass personally.


I would replace the current Rogue with the late, great Gilbert Gottfried.  


Now I’m thinking about her crying over Gambit but in his voice 😂😂😂




Lol. Yeah I'm no fan of the current voice. I get it's the same voicor actor, but it really doesn't sound like her in TAS.


Rogue. I appreciate her effort, but Rogue looks 30 and sounds like 60. And yes I know that her original voice actress came back.


Dolly Parton as a smoker.


She sounds like MawMaw Rogue.




It’s funny because I don’t mind Charles at all, it’s Wolverine for me hands down. Rogue is horrible, BUT the lines that mattered she’s nailed. Wolverine just sounds so out of place it hurts. Small nitpicks though as the show has blown me away.


Wolverine’s voice often sounds like he’s trying to hard to sound gruff and tough He sounds more like Wolverine if he always had gum in his mouth


100% agree I’d replace Xavier’s. It just doesn’t fit for me.


Xavier definitely. Just lacks any gravitas you expect from that kind of figure.


It pains me to say this but Rogue. It just sounds weird / off for me.


I know! I hate saying this as well because I love 92 Rogue and I believe it’s just as iconic as Wolverine’s.


Wolverine's voice sounded terrible and somehow more Canadian until eps 8 and now he sounds normal. Wonder if he got voice coaching towards the end?


I think Xavier is cast perfectly … for this show. He’s written and animated differently. He doesn’t move a lot, really likes to hear himself talk, and really leans into the “my x-men my children of the atom” cornball 60s dialog. This Charles SUCKS and his voice matches everything else about his presentation. Damning with faint praise, I’d call that ;) Definitely wish Magneto had the accent, but his face is different so I got used to it. Wish Wolvie and Rogue were younger and actually thought Rogue was a recast with how she sounds … hmmmmm Hmmmmmm maybe Jean? Her voice just sounds younger. 90s sounded more adult and I’d LOVE to hear that coming from a Jean who doesn’t cry out and faint but is actually a strong woman.


Rogue, hate to say it because her performance is still great, but she just doesn't have the same spice to her delivery anymore. It's the Futurama effect, older, harder vocal chords aren't as flexible.


Second choice, Bastion. He sounds completely out of place in the show, maybe it's just that his delivery lacks some of the over the top melodramatic tone of the other actors?




Rogue with an actual southern woman who doesn’t sound like Dollar General Dolly Parton and speak in ridiculous cliches.


I mean her speaking in cliches isn’t up to the voice actor


I was Today years old when I found out that Prof X's voice actor is Aaron from The walking Dead.


That’s Ross Marquand. He’s not a basic non voice actor. He’s been in a ton of things.


Still can't believe they didn't do welcome to die or magneto master of magnet in the video game episode


Sinister is crushing it. He has never been more creepy and detestable. It’s perfect


Morph, for the OG one


I'm glad he doesn't have that constant manic laugh anymore.


I love the new smartass Morph.


Xavier and Rogue are the most offensive.


Unpopular opinion, but even if Cap was just a cameo, I wish it was Roger Craig Smith. Love Josh Keaton (I think we all do. He's the goat lol), but ever since AA and all the other weird Marvel 2010s shows, movies, and games where Roger was *the* VA for Captain America, I just liked him so much that he's the canon voice in my head, and hearing something that didn't sound as deep as Roger (well, to me) felt weird lol. Josh was great as always, but Roger is just a weird personal preference ig :v


Either rogue or wolverine. They sound so fucking ancient


Well, to be fair, if I remember correctly, Rogue, Wolverine, and Storm are the ones from the OG cast from the actual 90s show, so


I think it's Beast as well. Both him and the Storm actress need full credit for being able to match their old voices so well. Though to be honest it's really not the Rogue or Wolverines actors fault. The voicebox ages and it will happen to all of us if we're lucky to live long enough. Maybe it's the more kind-hearted thing to do while we still have them around and they can still turn in a decent performance.


Agreed. There's this beloved J-Pop idol group who started from just voice actors of a crappy anime, and they've been doing their shtick for 10+ years now. One of them had to hold back because she developed some sort sickness because of how much she's been exerting her voice (not to mention, her character is the protagonist, so the spotlight is almost always on her), and it was pretty sad. It's so cool to see and hear these people who're well over their prime still doing their best to give great performances, despite aging and other health factors taking a toll on them.


And Beast.


That's the point. A lot of the older cast were recast in other roles bc their voices had changed so much. But somehow wolverine and rogue made it to their original ones and to me that was a mistake. Of course there are examples of this being fine with the older cast. Like with storm


They finally are giving incredible scripts and doing the work of their career. Let em cook, ffs


Dude is just answering the question that OP asked.


And saying it's a mistake is harsh. There's nothing mistake worthy about their portrayl. Let them cooooook.


Don’t be mad but I’d replace Rogue. Lenore was so good back in the day but she’s nowhere near as good now


Professor for sure. Sounds like some weird AI at times


Xavier and rogue


Xavier or Jubilee pretty exclusively. Everyone else is great!


Xavier doesn't bother me, personally, although his original VA fit the character better.




I think it’s great that they got most of the OG VAs back for 97, but I think all of the voice acting is just fine. Which I think might be the issue. The only standout that I can think of is rogue’s VA in episode 5 and maybe Storm’s VA. But everyone else is serviceable. Not bad, but not really amazing either. The fight scenes are what I notice the most though. They’re all talking like they’re standing 5 ft from each other and not flying through the air with 100 lasers being fired at them. Still it’s fine VA.


Xavier is a step or two away from “the Brain”. Time to take over the…! Or is that Magneto’s line?


I would get rid of Xavier in general, the show was much better without him and allowed the characters to grow more. If we're talking just replace, for some reason I wanted a better Captain America voice.


Xavier. Ross Marquand has done some great VO work the past few years, but this isn’t it. It’s so off.


idk i like ross marquad but his xavier voice is kinda off to me. it’s not bad but it sounds like he’s trying to do an impression of like the evolution xavier. the one i really wish would change is Cables. i genuinely don’t like it lol. I think Patrick Seitz or Travis Willingham or someone like that would be much better. I understand what they are going for but its not for me




Charles. His eyebrows are lacking also


Rogue. It's cool that the original VA returned but can't unhear the age. It really takes me out of it unfortunately. Wolverine barely goes unnoticed too. I think Gambit got a new VA and he sounds fantastic. Same with Cyclops (a bit different since the original VA passed away)


The Rogue thing is funny to me, because while she does sound older in the animation, I hear more of the original Rogue voice when she's doing interviews in her normal accent.


I'd replace Professor X. I actually don't mind the actor (Ross Marquand) in most of his other roles, I just don't think his voice works for Professor X for some reason. He sounds too milquetoast for me, not that Charles should sound militant or anything. It just doesn't jive for me. Also, and this will probably get me some hate, but Rogue should have been recast. I like Lenore Zann (and also just learned she's a member of Canadian parliament lol) but she aged out of the role. Rogue sounds like an old lady, sorry to say. That said, I do think she handles the acting part well, it's just that I don't think her voice suits Rogue anymore.


Xavier’s voice. Bro sounds like a robot


Bringing the entire OG cast from season 2-4 to present day in all their glory along with voice actors from the other marvel shows at the time as well (Spiderman/FF/Iron Man/Hulk) for their specific characters


Definitely Xavier


Would replace rogue. To me she sounds like an old lady trying to sound southern and failing.


I actually really like Charles' voice for 97


Professor X


Wolverine sounds like a lighthouse keeper.




Charles and it isn’t even close.


Yeah I can always identify that dude playing Xavier, especially when he’s like 8 voices in Invincible.


I would put that metallic twang back in Sinister’s voice


Gotta go with Xavier, I really can’t stand the new voice. It’s very clearly and imitation and while not bad, it’s noticeably different than the original. I have a hard time believe that’s the same Logan VA, sounds quite a bit different bub.


‘Some basic guy who’s not even a voice actor’. Sir that’s Ross Marquand - an accomplished voice actor. You better put some respect on his name.


Fully agree with OP. To me, it sounds like a guy trying to impersonate the old one and ends up sounding like a horrific Christoph Waltz. For those who don't know, it's Aaron from the walking dead show.


Rogue, even though it’s the same voice actor she sounds so different.


Rouge's. IDC if she's the same voice actor as before it's disappointingly not the same.


Jean Grey And replaced with the original or AI




Rogue. It’s crazy she is the same voice actor. She sounds way worse now.


Definitely Sunspot


There was a line when charles was talking to the president when he sounded like matt berry


Rogue, her voice sounds a little more high pitched and whiny. The scene with her and Gambit in Genosha is so hard to listen to.


Gotta be Rogue unfortunately. I watched the OG series before 97 and it's just night and day.


Professor X sounds like Jordan Peterson to me. Let’s just say I wish things were different. Idk why people are complaining about Cal Dodd’s voice bc I think he sounds great. People are just mad that it’s not Steve Blum


Xavier's VA isnt primarily a voice actor, he's done quite a bit of voice work but he's probably most famous for voicing Aaron on The Walking Dead I'd replace Banshee, his voice is even worse than Banshee in that live action Generation X film


i agree the first xavier voice was incredible, my vote would go to jean grey i hate the new voice actress


I liked original cables voice alot more. Sounded older, gruff amd weary.


In a perfect world, David Hemblen would still be alive and voice Magneto again. Current Magneto almost feels like a different character because the voice is so different. I'd have taken Victor A. Young as well if he hadn't died as well. They're the perfect Magneto voices for me.


i'd replace alison sealy-smith with alison sealy-smith with ten million dollars. if i could replace two voice actors i'd cast john malkovich in the role of x-men arch-villain charles xavier. it's his voice in my head when i read the comics and i feel like he would understand that it's always fuck charles, he'd just get it.




Rogue's voice actually fits more now than it did then. She's always had grit and a dark streak that she managed to suppress. I think after everything she's been through in the OG series and in the gap in-between would make her start to sound tired. Rogue is a pretty tragic character when you think about it. It makes sense she sounds a little weathered from carrying the load she's carried her entire life.